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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Just covering this one, it's all RNG. It can take <10 runs, it can take three runs(Stupidly lucky. I, for once, fell into this category).

    It's all random.

    You have no proof that it's weighted away from something, aside from stories.

    No, It's genuinely weighted away from something. Were it not, it'd be unusual for people to exceed five or six runs to get a frame. 


    It's extreme in the void, as someone pointed out earlier:


    Boar part, boar part, boar part, boar part, boar part, boar part, boar part, boarpart, boa part, boar part. (from cap 1 or 2, I believe. I've personally done this myself) 

  2. I would love this... I suspect a lot of people are running around doing very well with unusual builds and "band aid" mods while the forums tell everyone to stack power stats and and tank mods. It'd be nice to see people learn by example instead of learning by theorycraft.

    A lot of people? Define a lot? Several hundred... out of several thousand? 


    But there must be an option to not allow other players see it, for those that would like some privacy.

    Whats this? His serration isn't maxed? LOL NOOOOOOOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. well. I say this. don't like the way the game is, don't play it. here's my explanations.


    Buying gear over and over again, like scanners. 

       -they already fixed this in a recent update. you can now buy muiltiple packs and not have to worry about mouse button mashing in the market.


    Plat prices and discounts that make no sense. 

       - They make perfect sense. you're litterally paying less than 5c for 1plat. the discounts let you pay less.


    Kubrow upkeep.

      - This is something I already justified.  I shall paste it:

    DE Made it perfectly clear in devstreams months before the update and posts about the kubrows that THEY WILL DIE.


    Ask yourself these questions.


    Why does DE have you "feed" the kubrow? Why did DE make it to where it loses trust in you after it dies in a mission? Why did DE make it to where you kill wild kubrow and take their eggs? Why did DE make it to where kubrows can die a permanent death without "feeding" it?


    Simple. They wanted it to be as realistic as possible and give us responsibility. What's the classic phrase a mother uses after "Can I keep it"? "You're taking care of it. you're responsible for it". As Edard Stark on GoT (game of thrones) said on the first episode "You'll train them yourselves, you'll feed it yourselves, and if they die you will bury them yourselves."


    Let's be honest here and go down the list of facts about canines (which essentially kubrows are)


    "Feeding" and "Shots"

          -your pet isn't going to live very long or be very healthy without nourishment and vet care. DE gave us the mercy to do both in one sitting.



         - If YOU take your dog for a walk and every time that dog manages to hurt itself when you take it for a stroll (or a pull whichever your dog prefers) it will fear going out and then it will become aggressive when you near it with a leash or something it associates with the outside world. In a Kubrow's case, a warframe.


    Killing the aggressive wild animals and taking their young.

        - It's a proven fact that Wolves are the ancestors of the domestic dog, however the tame family member we know and love didn't come around by sitting around a campfire with ancient humans, telling stories, sharing food and becoming buddies. No. In reality wolf packs would hang around humans and eat the left overs (there were other and bigger predators out there at the time) and eventually earned their trust. Unfortunately Humans would kill the aggressive wolves and puppies and keep the more docile ones, bred them when they were old enough, and repeat the process. This is a process in practice with the Domesticated Kubrow. Something DE obviously researched.


    Permadeath when left alone for too long.

        - you don't expect to buy a puppy from a breeder (spend plat on 2 imprints) to get the perfect dog, wait for it to mature, then leave for a month or two on vacation without leaving food or water for him and expect to walk through the door to find him happy and healthy. In reality he'd be dead from dehydration in a few short and painful days.


    Face it. If YOU want a pet in anything (game, irl, virtual, on a casual game on your tablet or phone, etc) you better be prepared to face consequences of leaving them unattended. Even virtual pets on an android or iOS phone have penalties for not taking care of them. If you payed money or not it's your fault because you didn't know how to take care of it. you shouldn't have to be told how to take care of a pet and you shouldn't have to be spoon fed information like a 3 year old child with a first goldfish (and let's face it, you're not 3 years old and by now I hope you know how to take care of a dog). You should do research before you're out pointing fingers.


    DE warned all of us. You just didn't bother looking on the forums for the information and it's your fault for doing so. Don't blame DE for your own error


    As a side note you should always have a very closely trusted friend with your email and password to a game that requires your attention and have them trained to do things such as alerts you need or shove your kubrow into stasis for you if it's an emergency (ie; in the hospital or you forgot to put your kubrow into stasis while you're away from home without net, etc) just like you would have a friend looking after your animals irl in such cases. Warframe at this point is more than just a game anymore. Sometimes it's a fantasy taking the place of a second life with friends, family and such other things. However if you're on other games yourself and you're fully capable of logging in yourself, that's your own fault.


    I know it's a long and harsh post and I'm sorry, but these are the facts. DE did their research for you and gave you a ball of fluff (among other awesome stuff) and you should thank them for doing it by listening to what they have to say about how to do certain things and researching the information itself. They work their asses off every day to keep this game free to play and it's unappreciative immature people like you that gives people bad first impressions of a game the community works so hard to keep afloat. I'm not saying this game and company has nothing wrong with them, I'm simply (and bluntly) putting forth the logic you fail to see.


    DE is not a company that sugarcoats consequences. If it's your fault, you get the full blame. If you don't like that, then don't take part in the tidbits of the game that requires your attention.

    Farming resources to create consumable one-use keys\

      - so if you make a turkey sandwich it should be around forever after you finish eating it?


    Ability augments that should pretty much be Innate. 

      - the reason for this is to add more flare and personal taste to your warframe and build.


    Rare mods on rare enemies.

      - So we should automatically be getting something like gleaming talon handed to us from grineer lancers on murcury?


    The majority of ten rank mods (especialy the rare/rare+ ones. Hyperion thrusters? Y'know warframe sprint speed isn't so much of a big deal. Why should archwing be so stupid about it? ) 

      - the reason hyperion thrusters is a 10 rank mod is because it would be more useful for things like interception. You don't have to take 50 years getting from point B to point D just for B to get taken again.


    Extremely biased part drop tables.

      - At least everything is labeled under a certain mob and not like destiny where it's all one big loot table for everything to drop everything. it's sectioned off under multiples.



     - see above


    High level of rarity in items that you need in bulk/that decay, (cells, argon) 

     - oh that stack of turkey sandwich meat isn't aloud to decay in your fridge? also I have 27 argon crystals and counting and other people have even more so that argument is invalid.


    Crazy imballance of resources. Control modules being rare in the solar system and incredibly common in the void, Neural sensors being only available on jupiter, Some common resources 

     -It's not imbalanced. obviously some resources in parts of the known world are going to be impossible to get in other parts of the world. common logic dude come on.


    Powerful mods that are essentially better versions of under-powered and completely unused mods. 

      -They did this for a reason. To let newer players not have everything spoon fed to them at once but allow them to still build on it


    High prices for S#&$ weapons/ S#&$ weapons for high prices. 

       - There is not 1 weapon in this game that you HAVE to buy with platinum


    God-tier weapons that are head,shoulders and waist above similarly difficult/expensive to obtain items.

      - everything is on personal taste. EI you might think ember prime is S#&$ BUT I build mine to 1 shot a max vital, redirection and ironskin rhino with a single fireball


    Prime trader waiting times

     - this allows people time to build up the items and sell them for ducats and prevents the hubs from getting crowded all the time.


    Hydroid's appearance. 

     -you have no reason to complain about it. it's personal taste.


    The trading and recruiting channel.

      -Would you rather the hubs and region chats be filled to the point the chats are nigh impossible to read?


    Classes of weapons being worse than others in general (snipers, scythes)

      -They are working on this


    Solar rail tax-freedom. (100% tax!!!) 

      -Only thing I agree with on this post


    Most of the knockdown mechanic. 

      -If you have a problem with it, equip handspring.


    apologies for the long reply.

    What a fine example of faulty counter-argument. 


    Gear: Gear as a mechanic just seems... Like an ill thought out bonus. They're expensive to build (unless you get a good bulk pack) and nobody uses them. Perhaps if they were made more interesting and... you only had to build them once, with refils each mission, you'd be good. What's the point in buying hundreds of disposable cameras if you can just get one good one? 


    Plat prices: They don't make sense. 

    They're expensive (at least to people in my situation or worse) I can get several meals for the price of 75 plat. Then on somedays the game goes "have the same amount of plat for 1/4th the price. Crazy S#&amp;&#036;. Obviously I'm going to hold out for at least a 50% discount. 



    Maybe I should rebuild a sentinel from a re-purchased blueprint everyime it's destroyed. 


    Turkey sandwhich? Keys. What the hell? 

    If I have a key for my door, should I rebuild it every time i enter my room? 

    Resources different in different parts in the world? Sure. but the solar map/void takes it to extremes, and the placing is illogical anyways. 


    More powerful mods being more powerful than unusable crap teir mods for a reason... Spoon fed? I don't think spoon fed is the word. "here's eight dozen crap mods that you're better off not using, if you want that effect in a practical manner; wait for an event". Seriously? you're ok with that>? 


    Wasn't talking about plat prices. Look at supra. A *@##&#036; to make. Total crap. 


    Boltor prime /argument. 


    Prevents the hubs from being crowded all the times? How? If anything it makes the hubs extra-crowded on some days and emptier on others. Better a constant trickle than a bucket drop. 


    Make an alternative to the trading/recruiting channel?> 


    Are they working on weapon classes being equal? One wouldn't think it'd take this long. 


    Knockdown: Handspring's a bandaid

  4. There's a lot of warframe that isn't designed to be enjoyed. They're more obstacle than challenge. DE, could you please work on/Remove such features.  


    Thinks like:


    Buying gear over and over again, like scanners. Imagine buying hundreds of disposable cameras when you could get a reusable camera. For the most part players ignore gear. Some of the bulk-produced stuff (Team health, energy,ammo) is worth building for really difficult missions, but most games go gearless because it's bother for little worth. 

    Plat prices and discounts that make no sense. Hey, remember how you just bought all that plat? Now it's 1/4th the price, sucker!!!.  Nah really, because of the discounts most players hold off on buying plat unless they've got a good enough discount. 


    Kubrow upkeep. There's nothing fun about it. It's just a pain. (sentinels 4 lyfe).  We don't need realism. If you want realism; We might as well have you need to rebuild the sentinel every time it dies. 

    Farming resources to create consumable one-use keys (The Hek boss is magnificent. Why hide him? Mesa? Cruel!) 


    Ability augments that should pretty much be Innate. Not saying all of them, but some of them should be. Like Frost's lasting slow augment for his ice wave attack; Should be a part of him. 


    Rare mods on rare enemies. Especially on stances for weapons that don't have a lot of other stances. 

    The majority of ten rank mods (especialy the rare/rare+ ones. Hyperion thrusters? Y'know warframe sprint speed isn't so much of a big deal. Why should archwing be so stupid about it? ) 


    Extremely biased part drop tables. We'll give you ten chassis, five helmets and maybe then will we consider giving you a systems. 


    AABC rotations. That part you want? HA. You can only get it every 20 minutes. Enjoy your loooooong game. (and the key is expensive, so you should be trying 40 or even 60 in the highly likely event you fail 20) 


    High level of rarity in items that you need in bulk/that decay, (cells, argon) Crazy imbalance of resources. Control modules being rare in the solar system and incredibly common in the void, Neural sensors being only available on jupiter, Some common resources being inexhaustible. I've got tons of items in which I need tons of cells for, and yet there's no fun way for me to work for that amount. It isn't even a "Realistic" imbalance of resources; Four resources to a planet. Grineer, with armour of alloy and ferrite, only drop alloy and ferrite on certain planets. Not saying that it should be "realistic" but it should certainly be better distributed.  


    Powerful mods that are essentially better versions of under-powered and completely unused mods. Just improve the unused mod, don't create another,better version to further invalidate it. 


    High prices for S#&$ weapons/ S#&$ weapons for high prices. Look at the supra. So much to build, so little to play with. 


    God-tier weapons that are head,shoulders and waist above similarly difficult/expensive to obtain items. (boltor prime)


    Prime trader waiting times. Cycling around the solar system isn't too bad, but being gone like that? Nah. Just a simple cycle between stations would give us more than enough of waiting-for-the-inventory-we-want. 


    Hydroid's appearance. 

    That one was really just a bit of snark. I'd go as far to say that hydroid clashes with the designs of his predecessors, and the framey jones theme is certainly overdone.  


    The trading and recruiting channel. (waiting, looking at the text scroll by for a good opportunity isn't the most fun thing someone can do in warframe) Why can't we have something better? Auction? Host Browser? Marketplace? 


    Classes of weapons being worse than others in general (snipers, scythes)


    Solar rail tax-freedom. (100% tax!!!) 


    Most of the knockdown mechanic. Jump over a grineer stomp? Tough, you're down. Got hit for minimal damage? Tough, you're down. Wait a few seconds. Went through corpus laser doors? Don't take damage; Faceplant! Corpus slapstick technology! 

    Laser/energy doors. Who enjoys being knocked down by an energy door. Who sees the point in it? 


    Edit: Stamina. I don't see the point to it. It's a nuisance and offers nothing to the game. The most it does is stop a player from catching up to her/his faster allies. It's a factor in melee; But it does nothing there either. Thanks for the reminder, repligion! 

  5. Is it a terrible weapon? Is it really? Maybe it's just a weapon for low level players? Do we argue that the cronus is a terrible weapon? I can't remember going to any difficulty in crafting it. 


    A buff? Maybe. A buff that big? no. 


    Swords and shields are cool. I wouldn't mind seeing another sword and shield weapon that does a damage type other than heat. 

  6. I'm really not happy with them continually adding new mods when they can't keep control of the mods they've already got. I'd rather see things that never get used made useful than see the next shiniest copy of mods that I already use with higher point costs and fusion investments.


    This is just dumb. I really want the modding system to be a flexible (which it is) and intuitive (which it isn't) system for customization (rather than self-buffing) that allows for drastically different but viable builds.  

    I think A large portion of the community (and the people who tried warframe but didn't get into it enough to become a part) Know and want that. It's so glaringly obvious that... DE ignore it. Then again every time I make a thread of ballancing mods so that they're more about customisation than doing damage, I get hate from people who can't understand that DE could balance enemies accordingly so that they don't need to do 6126161 damage per shot on t4 survival.  



    I'm supremely disappointed that the Void Trader is showing up just offering odds and ends instead of allowing us to exchange greater numbers of prime parts for prime parts we've been grinding for but can't seem to find. They could have used this guy as a major way of reducing complaints about RNG for non-monetized content (stuff that's already past prime access, mods, etc.) but they totally flubbed it. At the very least they could have stuck to a wider variety of trader-specific cosmetics. 

    (to the part of the post after I put my little bit in. How do you split quotes on these forums?)

    You could do this in tons of ways that don't break how we're supposed to go into the endgame for prime content.  

    - Release new Prime content/corrupt mods (Soma, Nova) by adding it to the trader. You still need to get spare parts to sell, and you can't just skip content.  

    - Stop biasing the RNG so heavily that people ask for part-part trade because they've only got a 1% chance of getting that item every 20 mins of survival. 


  7. I got two drastically different stories when I saw Prime continuity and Ravager. 


    Ravager: Simple. 

    The original (rare) mod doesn't do much (In regards to the wider backround of mods) So rather than buff the mod (or nerf the objectively better-in-most-cases), you made a bigger version of it. 



    The original rare mod was fair, and the prime mod isn't so much more powerful that it causes too much issue. It seems reasonable, and reduces my concerns that there'l be a 15/20 rank legendary serration round the corner


    But they both have this problem; 

    They're just as good as the rare mod for the first five ranks, only more expensive. Those first five ranks are redundant. 

    - Why not just make a five rank mod that starts as the other ends? 

    - Or, would you really want ranking the mod up to be stupid-expensive, Have the trader Give players the ten rank mod already at rank 5. 
    - Or you could make a 5 rank mod that goes up in a cost of 2 per rank, and give it bigger numbers per level than the regular counterpart. 

  8. I don't have the detron, I have the BP and the barrel. I'd need...

    - To encounter the harvester. Unlikely. 

    - To kill the harvester, because he didn't get me at a bad time, Unlikely

    - To get the parts I want. Unlikely. 

    - To farm ten cells. A pain in the arse. 


    To get the mara detron: 

    Get a little bit more credits 

    Get a little bit more prime parts. 

    (so basicaly; Speedrun t2 cap a few times. 


    Mara is significantly easier. 

  9. OP is totally right. There's a few augments that should remain augments, but for the most part: These should be default and integrated with the frame. 



    Perhaps you can use the augments to increase the stats. But to create them? No, they should already be there. 

  10. Sanity was never a strongpoint. 

    On the plus side, they're probably worth a billion plat fully ranked. That's probably the only way to justify it. 



    How much harder is it to rank one up, in comparison to a rare mod?


    You're going to need billions of credits and frames with many forma. 



    (that shotgun mod probably isn't worth it at all) 

  11. Legendary mods- Brutal. 

    How much harder is it to rank these mods up in comparison to legendary mods? You get them unranked. But looking at the stats... 

    - Ten rank mods are awful things. 

    - The crit damage of the shotgun seems... Average. Maybe it's just that the original shotgun mod was weak. Why not just make the original mod better? Or ballance rifles to shotguns. Shotguns don't do 10 rank mods, but rifles do. Does this mean that when you want to double the rifle mods; We'l be having 15 or 20 rank mods? 


    Eos prime chest piece. 

    Surprisingly looks awesome. 

    To all people who want to know: It Isn't gold. That shine you see is a combination of your accessory's primary colour and it's energy colour. 


    New detron. 

    Stat wise isn't to different from the original detron. But somehow I feel that it doesn't belong.

    -Has nothing to do with prime or the void. The trader said something like "see darvo instead". The detron seems more like darvo's thing. 

    -Has little difference in stats

    -The original detron is a very rare weapon anyway. I've only seen the harvester three or four times and I still don't have all the parts. 



    I'm assuming the trader will cycle what he has to offer each time he appears. Will update thread on whenever he next appears. 

  12. Im well over a 100 hours into the game so far and thats with working and being a dad taking primary focus... where do i be deemed as having put too many into the game because im not bored and going anywhere yet. Lets be honest - look at the new Infested Mobs! Do we really think in the face of that on the back of Drahk Masters for Grineer with leaked new mobs for Corpus all being added that Corrupted wont get some real development next year once the main three are finished with, especially if we see even more new Corpus additions which the Corrupted are more or less completely based off (just ancients are non-corpus based that i can think of).

    It'd take less than a week of working hours for a single developer to port all existing units into the corrupted faction. 


    They've yet to take that week. 

  13. I wanna wear my Syndicate sigils without it affecting my Rank, 



    For instance The perrin sequence has some really awesome sigil designs; but I'm not always gonna be in the perrin sequence. Even if later on I start working for steel meridian, I'd like to wear the perrin sigils I unlocked. 


    Purely cosmetic sigils. 

  14. Yes they are trying, but lore wise only Sentients are able to do something as good as Orokin, or even better


    "The tenno will surpass their former masters" 




    Dragon Nikana (and I hope there's more dragon items) 

    Stalker's gear. 


    Orokin inventions have been equaled/Improved on by Tenno,Corpus and a post-empire stalker. 

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