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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. The community at large has been asking for a fully developed and fully viable stealth system for a very long time. If DE does it, they'll do it and you will either enjoy it or you won't. If you won't enjoy it, don't play those missions. It's not like you'll come down with a terrible affliction if DE actually does stealth and does it right.

    No, and your way of viewing it is somewhat harmful. A small group on the forums have been asking for stealth. That small group isn't exactly Representative of the wider population. They saw the word "ninja" and started thinking that the game should change because of a wide-encompassing adjective. (if you get down to arguing symantics; you've lost. It's only be tedious to argue the use of 'ninja') 


    I wouldn't come down with an affliction; But DE would be Ill-spending resources. Something they could spend on making something we already have better. On the list of big things I'd want DE to do, stealth would be eleventh on the shortlist (and by short list- I mean big things that group together loads of little things. on an actual list of every small detail I'd put stealth missions at well beyond 400. Improving detection is good enough for me) . Most players would rather good enemies or better parkour or more interesting mission variations or perhaps something to do with mods and scalling..


    Granted; I'd have stealth before kubrows and archwing as it is currently; and it's a sad day that they went wrong with that.  But... Full on stealth missions with stealth mechanics: It's never going to work. It's a four player game. Also Abilities like invisibility and silence. Let's not forget that you can rush past everything you can sneak past. Also it's a four player game. It's a four player game. I don't want to be locked out of a door or unrewarded because my teammate buggered my stealth up. I don't want to be on a team where everyone wants to do it super-slow and sneaky. It's a loose-loose situation. 


  2. I got a link leading to http://askagamedev.tumblr.com/post/76972636953/game-development-myths-players-want-smart somwhere along this thread



    Now, That doesn't really apply to warframe. It's all a matter of health VS damage. Intellegent flanking would be terrifying in a realistic game where a few bullets will kill you... But we have Redirection and Vitality. If so few bullets ever kill you then you're not using modules in the cold and mathmatical way they were intended. 


    Seriously though; The new infested enemies are delightful. They put some level of player skill into warframe (don't walk into the swarm, get out of the goo, roll of the small guys, Kill this guy before he grapples, run away from these characters) . The corpus and grineer really need some enemy improvements to create that kinda thing. I vote for powerful, tellegraphed attacks with enemy-created terrain hazards. 

  3. Don't ask for stealth. 


    Improvements to the way enemies detect players and communicate to each-other? Sure. Might even help team-work if you wanna do some Army of two type thing.


    Having it thrust upon you like a rifle and getting told to navigate it's no-man's land? No thanks. The most I'd like to see from stealth is that you can sneak past a super-tough enemy so that you don't need to expend a lot of ammo, or that you can use it as an alternative to alarm-powered-forced-runs to an objective. No special stealth rewards or stealth-only sections, please. 

  4. DE has stated before in an interview that Oberon was one of the frames that least sold because of how easy he was to get, so they learned their lesson and made subsequent frames harder to get in order to increase their profit. 

    There's no problem with making frames harder to get. There's a problem with making frames grindier to get. Getting the nav points isn't fun- It's inconvenient at best and boring to most.  

  5. All prime weapons should be equal. They're all equally hard to obtain (or should all be equally hard to obtain) 


    (also, all tenno weapons should be the same, except maybe the ones with prefixes like dragon or dex. Elite weapons for elite warriors. Grineer and corpus can vary with their tech since they're so varied in quality themselves) 



    Seriously. Braton prime should be brought up so that it's as good as the paris prime. If there ever were to be a soma prime then that soma prime should be as good as the bratonP. The boltor prime should be as good as the braton too; It should have higher damage, but only enough to offset it's projectile delay and other features (RoF,Ammo amount, ragdoll). Sure the original braton is far weaker than the boltor and soma; but the original braton's an old corpus weapon whilst the soma and boltor are tenno.  (original soma needs a nerf) 


    The paris prime should be the benchmark of "prime". The perfect example of a weapon made prime (except it's ugly) It handles better. It's easier to use. No one stat has been improved but rather all stats have been collectively bettered. It's not so good that it's completely overpowered. We should get to the point where it isn't just the boltor and paris that make up the overwhelming majority of primaries (latronP isn't extinct itself) They should all be equal and choosing a prime weapon should be down to preference rather than stats because they should all be equal. The braton, as a jack-of-all-trades weapon, equally deserves to be in the center of prime balance. 

  6. Yea, spoken like a player that has ALREADY played a ton of content.


    If you are a NEW player, you have no frames, which means that you are running all sorts of missions, which means Frames like Ash are a LOT harder to get to then Mesa, as you won't have to unlock the entire Solar System to get her.


    System working fine.


    System working fine for reasonable people.

    Mesa quest isn't so low level. Besides; A new player likely wouldn't do invasions for rewards that only go towards a single item. Frames like ash being hard to get for new players might be a problem, but it really has no relation with mesa. If you're a new player: get one of the accessible frames. If the frame is locked behind a grindwall too big, regardless if it's ash, mesa or mag; it should be fixed. 

  7. - The flames on the characters in the rift are very obstructive. They make it downright difficult to see the character, any character closely behind them and can also be confused as the products of other abilities (shadows of the dead) It's clear that you need a different effect for this. My suggestion: 

    Add transparancy to everyone not on your plane. If you're normal and a character is banished; he'l be transparent like a ghost. If you're banished then every other normal character will be transparent. Incredibly functional; Those you can't shoot will have a visual indicator telling you that you can't shoot them. Plus you can see through characters to target characters you can shoot. 


    - Give allies the power to return from banishment by 1,2,3,4. Make up some rule about how other warframes can't use their abilities in the void, so that the attempt of using their abilities causes them to come back to the normal world. 


    Allow the player to walk through characters if they're not on the same plane, but have doors ignore a character in the rift. 


    - Energy. Make it so that by using one ability of limbo's the other abilities become temporarily cheaper and faster. Currently you can't use one straight after the other; making limbo clunky. 



    The ultimate. Make it so that players can shoot into the cataclysm, removing most of the inconvenience of that ability


    Ability 3 is redundant. Replace? .



    The limbo screen effect. It currently is neither visually appealing nor positively affecting gameplay. Possible solutions include

    - Colouring everything to limbo's energy colour. 

    - Invert the colour of textures (white snow becomes black, green leaves go purple) whilst keeping lighting the same.(probably quite hard, but could be really cool) 

    - Invert the amount of light everything gets.Dark corners illuminated, well lit areas go dark. Orange light becomes blue (probably very hard, but very cool)


    Distort sounds like an instrument's amplifier.


    Deafen the sounds of everything not on your plane, but keep everything on the same plane normal. 

  8. I think I get what you are saying, no one is happy about having to wait for those nav coordinate missions, but really hard missions for whom?


    One player's fun/challenging is another's frustration/impossibility mission.   Depending on point of view, gear, skills, tolerance of Mutalist tactics*, or whatever.


    [Edit]  *Just thinking of that recent Mutalist Survival mission that some enjoyed (me) and others acted like it was the end of the world or impossible.

    That's the thing. Say.. If you really wanted Hydroid to be available to only the most invested players you'd make the mission difficult. If there was a mission for excalibur the mission would be lower in level, but perhaps have some elements to spice it up. 

  9. Hydroid Nav coordinates was BS 


    Building the mirage quest itself with vault runs was uneccessary. The wait between missions whilst the parts were built was uneccessary, Limbo was slightly better though there is something far worse than the three of these combined.


    Mesa: You do a huge quest, only to find that you need to do 3x3 invasion missions that pop up at random times. Then you need to keyshare. YOU SHOULD NEVER NEED TO KEYSHARE especially considering how tedious it is to get those keys. The recruiting channel is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. 



    If you want to make these frames hard to get; Give them really hard missions : hectic spawns, multiple objectives, minibosses, bosses, Timers, high scores, mutators, alternate max playercounts, conclave limits, ... Don't leave it to grind and wait. Leave it to skill-based success and failure. 


    Best way: A series of missions, with some pre-set parts,  with unique lotus lines, and frame parts given out on the way.

    Pre-requisites can be other missions or frames; Mesa's mission to be only accessible after valkyr for example.) 

    (prime frames can have longer,more numerous and very difficult missions. ) 


    Seriously. If you make something stupidly tedius just to get players to buy something with plat;you're going to loose players. Just focus on giving us an enjoyable experience without us feeling like we're working. 


    (just to seem more impartial; I have all the frames but mesa, who I'm missing a systems for) 

  10. 1- I disagree with you on randomly allocating elemental damages to weapons. 


    2- You're also missing out the part about Event mods being horribly, horribly, criminaly and unreasonably unballanced. Like seriously the new puncture ones are pretty much what the default puncture ones should have been. 


    3- Enemies could really use a pass too. 


    4- Weapons that are overpowered in comparison to their equaly difficult to obtain piers (boltor prime) 

  11. If only they looked at the OP weapons (boltorP) too. Other Inadequate prime weapons include: Reaper. (I don't like ankyros but others say otherwise. Fang seems a little left behind too) 

  12. I'm not saying the infested are perfect. There's half a hundred changes to make for that. But I will commend them for adding real skill into the game. 


    "jump out of the puddle, roll off the swarm, roll of the little things, kill this before, don't walk into that, avoid this..."


    The corpus, grineer and especially the corrupted don't have that.  The most you've got is seeker mines (optional) and oxium osprey (optional) it's essentialy just "shoot them before they do too much damage. Run away for your shield recharge. Use abilities when appropriate" and success is entirely on your health and damage. 


    We need more real stuff. Like: 


    Grenades are more visible, have a clear detonation patern and do more damage because they're now more dodgeable. Nades that hit the player directly can be rolled off. 


    Napalm's weapon/certain grenades have minimal blast damage, but creates hazards for the player to jump out of. 


    Seekers are slightly more common, throw down more mines and the mines are more deadly. 


    Railgun moa/snipers project where they're going to shoot and are more deadly for it. 


    Gorgon and supra are far more damaging, but neither is hitscan. Run warframe, run! 


    Melee enemies get variety. Butchers are fast. Powerfists have large projected attacks and cause knockdown. I'm still pushing on the hammer Idea (a grineer heavy melee/fleshpound equivalent) 


    Eximus that effect the player in a negative way (like leech eximus) show energy connections between themselves and what they drain (kind of like how shield osprey show who they're charging) That way it feels like an actual gameplay mechanic rather than a cheap penalty. 


    Just stuff to get us dodging and rolling and jumping and running against the grineer and corpus (and corrupted. Why do you always forget the corrupted. I'm pretty sure that guy promised that the new infested enemies would come to the corrupted; didn't he!) 

  13. Now now, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    DE looks at what the community says, and makes changes based on the community's reaction to updates. There will more than likely be a change coming soon

    That's false. Examples:


    Prime RNG

    T4 survival rather than more gamemodes


    weak status chance mods

    Event mods making other mods redundant

    Boltor prime

    Braton prime

    No changes to parkour

    No changes to base enemies. 

    Level scalling 

    non-optional mods like serration and hornet strike


    it's less than 40% of the time that DE listens to the comunity. We've also got that problem where the community itself is wrong and DE listens (T4) (and by community I mean those who use the forums; A minority of the population and s misrepresentation) 

  14. You complete the quest. You don't get the frame. 


    You can either: 


    A: Do three different invasions, meaning nine exterminations that you often don't have access to.  Begin a keysharing campaign in recruiting and hope that you get all parts in under four goes, or that members won't leave without sharing. 


    b: Do an invasion (three identical missions) . Give your nav to someone. Let him build the nav. wait an hour. Hope he was sincere in that you'l be in that game you contributed to. Repeat X number of times. 



    - arguably worse than waiting 12 hours between missions so that items can be built.  

    -Objectively worse than killing the same boss a few times on the solar map. 

  15. Boiler

    -All fine. 


    The moa that quakes. 

    Somewhat more annoying than the standard corpus shockwave moa. You've used a pale orange to show the attack. Would have been sensible if not for the infested making the rest of the game pale orange. Go for something that shows in that orange. pink maybe, or blue. Lime green perhaps. 


    The moa that slows. 

    Quite a prick actualy. The slow area appears too quickly. The slow is very strong. It literally sucks. In some way it should be changed so that one of those issues doesn't apear. The slow being that strong wouldn't be an issue if it was easier to avoid. The area apearing to quickly wouldn't be an issue if the slow wasn't so strong or happened to be something entirely different (no sprint zone, must-slide zone. Can get out easily by rolling, enemy gets buffed damage if entered-zone)  


    The blinding; I hate this, and I've yet to discover if it's rolling that gets me out of it. Still; It isn't a fun game mechanic in a place where there are hundreds of guys on screen. 


    The little bastards; Rolling gets these off. However there's little to tell you that rolling geets these off. You hear a sound; But the leech-prick is barely visible and possibly not visible at all. You can't work off audio cues alone. The leech needs to become more visible when he's attached to you. 

  16. If you exclude bug fixes and the occasional menu tweak you'l find the majority of warframe updates to be about the metagame. Here are some new items for you to earn. Here's a new grind, here's a new enemy that you'l see on a single mission. Here's a new weapon that you will use a fraction of the time. 


    There's a lot of avoiding the universal stuff.  Seriously. There are tiny things that could make a good amount of change. 


    Here's an additional/updated move for parkour. (Sideways movement from a ledge) 

    Here's an additional melee function. (jump whilst attacking, leading to a rising attack or. use pistol with 'e' when one handed melee weapon is equiped) 

    Here's a small update to common enemy no.6 to make him more unique. (Butchers can now attempt to dodge/ These infested can now parkour ) 

    Here's a new enemy, made from assets we use elsewhere (Heavy Grineer with a hammer. Think a bombadier trying to be lech krill or Here's that guy from archwing trying to harrass you in the normal game.) 

    Here's a new mechanic for AI or a group of AI. (Npc's are only aware of the players seen, not all the players when they've all been set to alert) 

    Here's an update of how AI spawn. (Grineer spawn in formation bravo) 

    Here's a tweak on how a common mission type works. (Rescue isn't always just one hostage) 



    You don't have to make huge sweeping-all-encompasing updates on each. No need for 2.0's or 3.0's for everything. Just simple 1.1's and 1.2's would suffice. Bring on the decimals. 

  17. I don't think stealth 2.0 would need to be made. 


    Stealth improvements? Would be good. My main problem is that, once an enemy is set to alert mode, they know where every tenno is. It'd be great to fix that, and it would improve the way players could attack ai-set formations, but it's not entirely necessary. 

  18. So there's not much issue with the way that AI spawn infront of the player rather than behind in a linear game, and the "have a break" moments are usually ok. My issues with the current director are: 



    1- All enemies all the time, There's no.. combos of enemies. There's never points where all the enemies that spawn in a group are one or two types; changing the gameplay up. Instead we get a continuous and seemingly random stream of whatever that planet offers. 


    Combo examples

    - Shield lancers and medium troops who will use them as cover. 

    - Napalms and melee units who can take advantage of the flames. 

    - All runners. The infested that blow themselves up. That way you can transform the runner from useless fodder to easily visible group-kamikaze's. . 

    -Scorches and scorpions. 

    - Snipers and shock moa. shock to flush you out/keep you focused on the near fir the sniper

    - Teams of invisible enemies. Stealth squads. 

    - Varied types of helions. with different powers, so you get the fun of fighting jetpacks without the unfun or knockdown spam, 


    Having groups of the same enemy really worked well in other games like Half life or Halo; You're fighting the same faction; But the gameplay mechanics are well segregated so that there's more variety and each character feels more unique.



    2:The possition they start in. It's always so disorganized. Organise it for fun: There's a ton of problems and fixes I have here. 


    -Have the enemy ready for the players when the alarm's on. Combat formation bravo! Put up some additional barricades or defences!


    - On a defence-type mission all enemies come from all doors from start to finish. Spice it up!. Have something like "all enemies come from doors 3,4,5 and 7. Ah! Now spawn them all from 1,3,6 and 8!! Encouraging players to fight in different areas. 





  19. Just a thought; Why do the grineer have tables with foreign weapons on them spread about in a forest? An outdated corpus braton, some nerfed tenno weapons. It just doesn't seem like a logical choice of weaponry. Having sub-par tenno weapons doesn't really fit with the idea that tenno weapons are those for elite warriors. 


    I think It'd make a lot more sense if all the weapons were either 

    A: Grineer

    B: found on the corpses of humans, and were human weapons or outdated weapons from factions (braton,burston,strun)  


    Rather than the skana we could have a machete. Rather than an Mk-1 furis we could have a single viper.  


    Instead of a mk-1 kunai, we could have a set of human throwing knives, or half a set of grineer throwing knives (for impact) Whilst instead of the paris we could have.. A lower teir version of the dread made by humans/grineer, or some other charged projectile weapon (pneumatic spike gun?) 


    Anyhow. Grineer and old weapons don't need to be great. Many of them like the machete are downright starter grade anyway. It's a grineer part of the jungle. It'd make sense for grineer weapons to be found, but it'd also make some sense for rebel groups to to be found. but weapons from various backrounds all put on tables together for convenient use? Please!. At least give us something feasible like a grineer weapon rack or a group of dead soldiers. 

  20. I'd really like to see, at the least, non-prime versions of the exclusives (that includes that one prime sugutra with the same name as a regular sugutra. That stuff's way too different to be considered the same thing) 



    The "only with bought plat rather than traded plat is completely" is completely without merit. You could easily set the prices of these prime items anywhere between fifty plat and two thousand plat. Have you seen the trading channel? It's hell. I'd rather have a week of work than an hour of that.  There are usualy four items per exclusives pack, so each item would be between 5 and 15 dollars of plat (we all know you only buy plat at 50% off or more) 


    The whole "well we supported DE" is too redundant. Buying plat is supporting DE. Trading plat is supporting other people buying plat and therefore supporting DE. 

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