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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Im playing Warframe for 2 years and i have ~1000h in game. And I think quest for Prime is terrible idea unless it will be mastery locked on MR 10 or 12. Grinding is horrible too not because its hard but because everyone can obtain Prime parts, new Primes should be mastery locked at MR 12. Or Primes should be PA only. Its just lore braking, how often do you see Rhino? And how often you see Rhino Prime? When you joining the public game sometimes your team looks like that:


    Rhino Prime | Boltor Prime

    Rhino Prime | Boltor Prime

    Rhino Prime | Boltor Prime

    And You


    Primes are lost warriors, relics of DEAD empire. So why Primes are seen more often then regular ones? Because they are shiny and easy to get. I think Orokins was just copying Bp's into infinity because of... because of... because of reasons ofc.


    Normal Frames are on the edge of extinction, every one using shiny ones

    You disagree with me, but to some extent I agree with you.


    The dead empire? Ah, but isn't EVERYONE; grineer,corpus and tenno, trying to reclaim orokin artifacts? The whole "you're only seeing Rhino and boltor primes" is also biased in that you, as a late-game player, are fighting alongside other late-game players. 


    As for primes...


    I'd say that Trading prime parts should be a MR9+ experience. 

    Prime quests should also be a MR9+ experience, and you should have had the original frame at some point too. 

  2. No thanks, the place would be flooded with Nova Primes and its already bad enough in that regards. I actually LIKE the fact prime frames = grind incentives for different voids, alongside the weapons which come hand in hand with them. They also keep the trade flowing as there is always demand for primes, if accessed via a quest they could be a bit TOO accessible to everyone which they should never be as well they are the elite version of favoured warframes.

    -Too accessible? At least the term "could" was used. 


    - When you've put far too many hours in the game, come back and tell me how you like grind. 


    - Should you really be putting incentive into playing the void over and over again when the corrupted are a faction so undeveloped that they feel like they're alpha placeholders. 

  3. And your suggestions are to make weapons weaker, nowhere are you suggesting to make enemies scale better to compensate. Our weapons get weaker, meanwhile enemies stay the same and are now much harder to kill.

    Did I not? 


    Ah, Would have thought people would have assumed enemies would have to scale differently. 

  4. Maybe it's just that I've been playing too much t4 rather than t3 lately, but I'm finding that when you I get to around 40 mins of survival


    - I can still kill everything with a few shots. 

    - Trash mobs can insta-kill me. 


    The same thing happens with nightmare mode and the ends of the solar system. 

    This ain't to say that Health and shield mods need to be buffed. They clearly don't. They're pretty ridiculous actually. You get like 440% increases for a miniscule conclave rating and not too much polarity cost. But look at powers too: damage powers from casters are pretty much useless at high levels. 


    But weapons? Should they really go where frames can't take you? Probably not. Frames are the lesser of the two evils. 

    - Even though you're increasing your hitpoints to crazy levels, you're likely using five or six mods to change the way your powers work . Weapons on the otherhand: you're pretty much using every slot to increase your damage somehow. Part of that is because to have weapons work, you're going to need damage or else you'l be doing 4's against enemies with thousands. 



    -You simply shouldn't be in a situation where you can't possibly kill a common opponent because of how weak your gun is

    - weapon mods shouldn't be just for adding more damage as players are currently conditioned to believe. 



    Really: nerf the damage mods: 


    Seration/hornet strike

    A: Weaken it's damage

    B: Make go up in 2's rather than 1's in terms of polarity as you rank 
    AB2: Have the mod as it is till rank 5, where it's effectiveness lessens (it does less damage per level or costs go up faster)

    C: Five rank system. Get rid of it's top 10 ranks. Give players the option to upgrade it to a dual-stat version of serration /hornet strike of the player's choice on rank 5. 

    D:  might be fine as it is, so long as The other changes listed below are used. 


    Heavy cal

    a: Can't use at the same time as serration. An alternative with slightly higher damage, but with even more recoil.

    B: Can be used as the same time as serration, but the accuracy penalty is larger and the damage increase smaller. 


    Elemental/physical mods. 

    No more Half-effective melee mods or cheaper-than-everything-else-for-the-same-damage. Then again we've got some strange ones like "cold damage and clip size" and "damage and fire damage" and "shock and channeling efficiency."

    - Convert damage. Both with elements and physical damage mods.

    - Normal elemental/phyiscal damage mods convert up to 90%

    - The normal status chance mod needs a buff. Because of this, the dual stat-elemental mods should be changed

    - The event mods (+status chance elements, 120% phyiscal damage) should be changed into either:

    A: mods that ADD (rather than convert) up to 30% damage, but only one can be used.

    B: Waste some damage for status chance in conversion

    C: Ensure status chance will be from one element and not another. 

    D: Offer different visual effects to the weapon/alter the status effect of that element.
    E: Not form combination elements (so Fire and toxin will be separate and not form gas)  



    Multishot mods. Devide into the following

    1- Split a single bullet into many, less powerful pellets

    2- Fire multiple bullets at once, or in burst fire, consuming more ammo. 

    3- Group pellets together. Slug rounds for shotguns, 



    You could add a lot interest into modding if

    Guns were by default less accurate, and accuracy/falloff improving mods existed

    Reloading became by default slightly longer. It'd add some extra skill in the game should reloads become more penalizing. 

    More special mods. Like +status with chaneling, +slow with a shot. +ragdol. +element on ground slam, +Damage to heavy units




    Lots of effort right? Well: It'd solve a good lot of balance issues, so It'd be worth it. 

  5. One small problem: 


    Prime Access sales would most likely suffer quite a small bit from your suggestion. 

    Prime access also comes with


    -Too much plat. 

    -A potatoed frame

    -potato'd prime weapons. Also a huge part of why people would want to buy prime access.

    -Exclusive prime accessories 

    Some other bonus like an extractor or something. 

    - Ridiculously long boosters. 




    Make the quest really hard and both mastery locked and requiring the original nova to have  been used. 

    Also. The effectiveness of the trading channels in getting DE plat is incredibly overstated. 

  6. So you want timewall instead of grindwall, interesting choice.

    The frustration of getting mirage and limbo was less murderous than getting loki. 


    Not gonna happen, it's a prime, and all prime items can be only obtained from towers.

    * so far. 

    Also, some of the parts are in OD. So like... why would you take that stance?

  7. The void is oversaturated with Biased RNG drops (and an underdeveloped faction that needs a little attention, because they're so uninteresting despite them being fought so much) 


    -I don't wanna have to grind t5 survival at 40 mins for 40 times to get a helmet. I did it for ember, I did it for whino, I did it for loki. (frost and mag weren't too difficult at the time) 

    -I'm a student. I'm poor. My money that isn't for fees or accomadation goes to noodles, £1.50 pizzas and an unusual amount of chocolate milk. Granted I can buy some plat when it's 50% off or more, but there's no chance of me getting a prime access in the near future. We're not all students but I'd wager a good portion of players are in places where prime access is fool's talk. 

    - Using the trade channel is genuinely soul rendering. 


    If you can do it like frost or mag back in the day (remember when you could get all of mag from a single long game of survival?) Then It'd be fine, but seeing as how the void has only gotten worse; We know that's unlikely to happen.


    So, Unless the drop tables are going to be fixed (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) The best thing for us would be a quest. No Hydroid nav points, No mesa horror story. A quest. 


    Something like

    -Lotus has found interesting chatter by intercepting corpus/grineer radio. Players must do an interception mission. 

    -C/G believe they have found the location of a long lost orokin warframe facility. They'l be creating a portal on a planet to that place in the void

    - Players go to that place, Fighting through g/c, entering their portal. They must find the warframe. They're too late. It's been taken away for research

    -Players must steal information from the area around the portal on the location of the facility. However to do so they must Fly to it in archwings OR Hijack a ship with the help of someone they just did a mission for. (or Hijack a ship with the help of archwings) The stolen ship will allow them to get close to the facility. 

    Players must Exterminate,sabotage and find the captive frame in the facility. Get a part 

    - Players must defend the warframe storage. Get a part. 

    - Players must Take the cryopod along a Hijack path out of the facility. Get A part. 



    You can make it insanely difficult and make each mission long with multiple objectives; Doing the same mission again and again feels fair if it's because you're failing. Doing the mission again and again and getting the wrong reward feels more like the game is failing you than you it. 



    Other than crazy difficulty, DE could encourage prime access by:

    Releasing the quest a little while after prime access is available. Players who buy PA immediatly get content that won't be available to others for a week or two. Temporary exclusivity!

    Limit the quest only to those who are MR9+ and have at some point had the Regular frame

    Limit trading of prime parts to those of MR9+ only.  

    The usual: exclusive goodies, too much plat, boosters, weapons, potato'd goods

  8. Most eximus are disliked for their bullS#&$ abilities. 

    Ah Something somewhere is draining me/slowing me
    What did I do to get completely drained?

    What the hell is this fire explosion

    ugh what's with this knockdown ETC


    Or they just have useless abilities, like a lot more health, a shield that lasts seconds. 


    After a while, you can almost understand their sillyness. You can't get it right of course: That piece of cover between you and a wave of fire may or may not protect you. But at least you can guess what it is that's giving you a glowing ring around your feet. 


    Then came these nullifier guys. 
    After a couple seconds shooting at the first one's shield I clearly knew I had to get in that shield to kill him and that was that. Maybe because I'd delt with snowglobes before, but it was simple, my only confusion was that his shield wasn't so useless that it could be taken in a second of fire. Plus the guy didn't have anything additional like a slow or extra health which made him better than his artic counterpart. Another nice thing: The nullifiers were there in good numbers. They were common or they didn't happen; Unlike the artic counterpart who might apear once every few missions. He was a regular guy in the gameplay rather than a feature so uncommon and broken it felt like a bug. I mean he even had a cool backpack that explained why he was different (as opposed to a different paint) 

    DE should move away from jacking random soldiers up with a random (and inconsistent) set of abilities and move towards making better- ballanced guys who're going to integrate with the normal game.  



    Grineer soldier with snowglobe. You could probably do that now. Perhaps reskin the power core from excavation to use as a shield emitter. 
    Special Seekers with mines that provide Debuffs whilst they're attached. The infested who carry the leeches could also work this way. 

    Osprey that target players with debuffs/drains by energy link (like the shield osprey) or Buff allies with an energy link.  
    Infested runners with explosions that cause debuff/drain. 

  9. Where do they keep those rods? 


    But really. Couldn't they use fists? Could you make disarm only jam weapons so they have something to hit you with? Could you give them some more visually appropriate weapons like concealable knives/ small tasers? Perhaps some characters might even (visually) carry Larger secondary weapons like the sheev or a viper? (it'd look cool at the least) 

  10. What? What kind of suggestions are they? 



    If you don't have valkyr I would recomend

    Going to thermisto, killing alad V a few times and getting valkyr


    Weapon? Stick to a single weapon with high puncture. Latron. 


    Seriously tho this is probably the least grindy tactical alert I've ever faced in my 14 mastery ranks of being a grind-machine. The first game gave me 88 points. 

  11. So I found myself today comparing my primes to their regular counterparts. 


    They're the same, but with extras slapped on/replaced. It's very obvious: If you're on a slow-ish laptop like mine you can see that prime to regular transitions are far easier because they share so much content. 


    Loki Prime is Loki with a badge,Chunky items over his legs and fins on his elbows.

    Nyx prime is Nyx with an extra prime spine and front of the torso piece.

    Ember prime is ember but with a different cage over her legs.

    Rhino has different shoulders,gold things near his hips and an item on his back. 

    Frost is just a reskin.

    Excalibur... I couldn't compare em.  




    What I'm proposing is simple: You know how Accessories has it's own thing since the release of the first armours? Do the same with prime parts. 


    Example: Loki Prime has the options too... 

    Not wear the badge. 

    Not wear one or both of the leg things.

    Not wear the elbow-fins

    Not wear the Gold item that sits on the back of his head. Currently this is tied to your helmet. Due to the skin: if you use an alt helmet you get a bad view of the unflattering joining of body and head. But if you were to wear that gold item whilst wearing an alternate helmet you'd still look alright. 


    With rhino you'd have stuff like
    Not have gold ironskin 
    Not have the rotating prime thing on the back (I don't know why you wouldn't, but it could be an option) 
    Not have left/right gold things at the top of the legs. 

    Left and right prime shoulders. 

    Possibly have The golden prime Eye seperate from the helmet, so that you can attach it to all alt helmets and look more primey

    For ember

    Use the Prime/Regular/Immortal Leg armour. 


    Not have prime-spine

    Not have Front-torso prime parts. You could probably split it into three or have it as one (gold outermost part, layer at waist, layer at chest) (I mostly Don't like the underlayer. The gold bit is fine. 


    I'd also love them all to have the option to turn the gold into silver/bronze,


    You can already swap the helmets and Wear Grineer/Infested cosmetics. (you can also attach Glowing pictures and colour everything lime-green and pink) This would in no way ruin the "holiness of primes" any further. 


    But even the Boltor Prime starts to have trouble around 20:01 in Void Survival, so I'm not going to say no to potentially more powerful guns that will keep me alive. ;D (One of these days I will exceed my personal best!)

    That's more the fault of survival than it is weapons. 


    (also, Boltor prime can take you past 45 on t4. It's only that your frame is super fragile at the time that stops me from going further)

  13. You play the game, you pick stuff up on the way and eventually realise "I got enough stuff to build that" 


    Well, that's one way to do it. But come lategame It's going to be:


    I need cells

    I Need forma, which can be built from cells

    I need argon

    I need sensors. 


    Today I Wanted argon. 40 waves of T3D.

    1 argon. 

    I've got a list of things to make


    Forma for sacrifice

    Catalyst for sacrifice

    forma for glaxion, the entire mutalist series, synapse (2), djinn, Venka (does the redeemer need a forma too?) 
    Cells and neural sensors for those formas. 
    Ten cells for braton
    Another for buston (should I?) 

     (2x2+1) for bolto, magnus and vasto (10x2+1 for broncos)
    Should I somehow aquire Scindo or hikou I'l need another 8/15 cells. Probably won't with that RNG.


    Shouldn't there be some super hard mission somewhere with a good drop rate, for those who want vast quantities of these items because they've got primes to build or clantech to create. Even If it's one mission on the end of a planet nobody plays, with mandatory nightmare mode and The corrupted in an asteroid (Least developed combo ever) shouldn't we get something to make up for we need in the late game? Invasions got somewaht better with later planets offering double resources (should do something like that for 5 mission invasions and nomal resources) but there's nothing when it comes to cells, argon or sensors. 


    There's no good way for a late game player to actively try to get the resources that they need for late-game prime/clan tech/silly syndicate sacrifices. You could kill Ruk over and over again: but he's unreliable and it isn't great for immersion. you could wait for another st.Patricks day... Best not. Not asking for a place where Cells become Control modules (probably wouldn't be a terrible level of rarity for argon) But something would be an improvement. 

  14. So an invasion for one of those awful salad nav co-ordinates (may I remind DE that the overwhelming majority of the community thinks they're awful and borderline abusive to players and should undoubtedly be cut from the game. Just let us perma-unlock Alad after the quest has been complete) 


    Anyhow. By submitting myself to this awful part of the game I found myself playing the grineer asteroid MD three times in a row. It really highlighted the flaws you've got. 


    For every single time I played this: All three points are on a single tile. 


    Defend A for three minutes. 

    Defend B for three minutes. 


    Actualy: It's not B. It's A2. It's the exact same thing but flipped. 

    Now defend the additional objective: the cryopod, which we throw in EVERY SINGLE TIME. 


    Ignore the fact that I'm a hardy person that can stomach this three times in a row; Even doing it once is an unpleasant experience. 


    - Run through enemies for a couple minutes

    - Defend point for three minutes. At no point does defending feel like it's changing. It doesn't get harder or easier. It doesn't change the variety of enemies as you defend. 

    - Defend point for three minutes. At no point does defending feel like it's changing. It doesn't get harder or easier. It doesn't change the variety of enemies as you defend. 


    Then you've got the middle item. Sigh


    Now that's also to do with the map design (and enemy design)

    - Infested are continuously bottlenecked. Not only does this make them trivial, with the new particle effects you shooting blindly (because of how dense the particles are) and still manage to win (because of how dense the infested are) 
    - You can only attack the consoles from one side. Not terrible with grineer as they have a variety of ranges: but Infested need to get in close. It becomes very easy to kill them as they all line up for one place. 
    - There's absolutely no benefit to playing two identical sides. You might as well make the first one longer. 
    - More of a mission problem than a map problem: But MD's should be shorter if they're part of an invasion. That cryopod is just additional nonsense. 

    - Infested have difficulty moving around several obstacles in the central room with the cryopod. 



    Beyond improving that single MD tile: having a different MD tile would work wonders.

  15. - Don't reward stealth or wall running in mission types. Cause that usualy suggests players will be punished for not using stealth: And with four player co-op stealth is generally pretty hard to do.  (also it's the future and they all probably have advanced technology to detect tenno in their ships and bases


    Staged boss fights? I Think they should put more effort into working on the Common enemy rather than a new, one mission (likely hidden behind grind) 


    x2 rooms for existing tilesets? Oh yes. But I also think they could explore methods to make the same rooms different (different lighting, randomized props) 


    Sure, But that'd take only minutes of dev time. 


    Nah, I hate characters. 




    ON TOPIC: 


    Did anyone try that nav mission that was on an hour ago? 


    Mobile defence is an awful gamemode for invasions, especialy on the grineer asteroid tileset WHERE IT'S ALWAYS THE SAME @(*()$ TILE



  16. Nah man, Technical defenition means nothing when something doesn't fit within it. In Halo It generaly takes longer to kill a hunter pair than it is to kill Guilty spark/regret (depending on difficulty) In halo: A scarab is a boss. There's a long sequence of things you need to do to kill it. Normal brutes are heavy units: so A brute chieftan is a heavy above a heavy- A miniboss. The hammer and the hunter have

    -Weakspots/Invulnerability at some times/places

    - Hard hitting but With clear warning before each attack. 


    I'm not advocating Glowing points that are the only parts that can take damage: because they clearly don't work for Hek,Vor,Lephantis or krill. But  Hunters/Chief with hammer is precisely what we need in terms of difficulty: More difficulty than a heavy, but It takes less than two minutes to kill one. 


    Half-life also does pretty damn well with the antlion guard, The helicopters, the striders and the gunships. (though having to use a special weapon  might not work in warframe)  

  17. Unless you're including scarabs, I can't think of one instance in the Halo saga that had a 'mini boss'...and I've played through all of them numerous times.


    Brute chieftains. 

    Arguably Gold elites. 

    Arguably vehicles when you weren't in one. 

    Guilty spark/regret/Tartarus. They were very short fights even if they were unique. 


    I just really liked the design of hammer Chiefs and Hunters. They were great. 

  18. To Kevin bloody willson's Ho Ho F***ing Ho


    Yo ho

    Watch the ballance go

    Trinity's gone to the pit

    We tried farming stances for claws

    We've had enough

    we quit

    Cause we do all the grinding work

    While there's new mods for the kubrow

    we asked for a balance pass

    No, no, Ruk-ing no. 


    Might add the rest later

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