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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Today I 


    Ran mesa five times. Helmet,chasis,helmet, chasis, helmet, helmet (and that's just from today)


    Ran T1 capture a few times. Boar part, boar part, boar part, boar part, boar part, boar part. 



    I think this is detrimental to the enjoyment of the game, really.  remember my days of farming for loki. For the bo. The handle was extremely difficult whilst the ornaments were silly easy. The helmet was damn stupid to get because it only appeared on rotation c. another part was very difficult to find, but the rest was easy enough to draw you in to thinking you could get it. When nyx came around I didn't even bother: I made the plat from selling items and bought the set from HELL (the trading channel) When I ran hydroid, which took over 20 runs, It felt like the game was actively trying to give me the parts I'd already got.


    But like: why is it so skewed? I know that DE likely never test their droptables (or try the market) because they have access to everything 


    But like: were you really intent on encouraging players to buy with real money, aren't there better methods that would keep players happier whilst still maintaining about as much/more profit? 



    - Keeping new content locked from the dojo/market/droptables for a week or two and having it only available through plat purchases? That way

    - Guys who "want it now" (within the first week of release) will be more encouraged to buy it with plat, as they can't get invested in a grind. 

    - The more casual purchasers, when they get the ability to farm/build the item, don't get upset over unfair droptables, meaning they don't think farming is futile and give up on the game. 




    Completely fair drop tables, but Drop tables cycle. you've got a drop table for mondays, a drop table for tuesdays.. 

    So long as everything's available every day (because there might be someone out there that can only play warframe on tuesdays or something) This way:

    Drops are fair, But research is very advantageous. Players who feel it's too much will buy the item, but dedicated grinders will be able to more easily obtain their parts. (and, let's face it, there are guys who enjoy a good grind and wouldn't buy the thing if it had a 90% discount) 
    (doesn't have to be day-by day. Could be 48 hours, or a week. The wiki/fansite guys will probably create a better way to track droptables.) 




    Drop tables are very favourable, there's just a limit to how many of a type of items someone can get in one day. 



    I kinda like the first one the best, but anything's better than what we have now. 

  2. Want an Impact weapon? 

    Use a hammer

    Or fists

    Or the bo. 


    Not a terrible, terrible list. Then you've got puncture: 



    You can count the kestrel and the... throwing-impact hammer that costs too-much oxium if you want. But we're talking melee here. 



    You see, you don't even need to make new weapon classes for this. 


    Sword/Machete/dual swords: Club, Hammer, Iceaxe. Spiked mace. : 

    Nikana: Pole/Curved club/Tetsubo/ Spiked tetsubo/ Club or sword with spikes on one side. Zabimaru?

    Hammer/Axe- Merger? Spike hammers/axes? 

    Scythe: Hammer with long head. Spike on a stick. (hate Looks rather-puncture actualy) 
    Whip: Morning star/flail (The atterax looks like an excellent example of such weaponry) 

    Polarm/Stave (merge them!) Spear, or put spiked-club type heads on the end. 

    daggers: bring back ether daggers, add Impact daggers (think Stakes) 

    Tonfa: a normal tonfa. A different blade design for punture. 




    Because some weapon classes are really cool, but they don't exactly work on a certain faction well because puncture is awful on shields or impact is awful on armour. Yet in real life you can have kuckle weapons that are designed to puncture or rope/chain weapons that cause an impact. So: rather than create... Nunchucks or something silly like that: why not use what you've got to flesh out the weapon classes we have,coming with new stances for weapons we already have (as opposed to that one new weapon that's the only one of it's kind)


    (javalins,rapiers and grineer-lawnmowers are still on the cards though, right?)

  3. Move weapon damage onto weapon level instead of serration. Give heavy caliber a larger accuracy debuff. Make elemental mods convert damage instead of add it. Make enemies scale via unit composition as well as stat increases.

    Those are just a few of the ways one could go about solving the issue of progression.

    The problem is nowhere near as serious as you're making it out to be.

    terrible idea, good idea, great idea, I didn't explicitly say that stat increases should be removed entirely. Though I'l go back to elaborate on that. 


    The problem IS as serious as I make it out to be. 

  4. Leveling up in warframe is literally bad for the game. 



    Gives sense of progression. 


    Does it? Does it really?

    Tier one survival: you fight lancers,crewmen,ancients,heavy gunners, fusion moa, attack osprey, shield-floats and those weak little turrets. 

    Tier three survival: You fight lancers, crewmen, ancients, heavy gunners, fusion moa, attack osprey, shield-floats and those weak little turrets. 


    The start of the game

    Do 30 damage against enemies with 300 health. 

    The end of the game

    Do 3000 damage against enemies with 30000 health. 





    The game is only "balanced" for low level play. Once you start getting to the extremes with numbers, everything's out of whack. Damage abilities become useless, Frames give out way before weapons leading to instant-death from trash mobs in the extreme late game. Personal note: Best mission I had on warframe? The intro mission where you wake up. Everything's perfectly balanced for you. 


    Players need to self regulate. If they want a good, somewhat challenging game for a low level planet;They need to go into their loadout and nerf themselves if their gear is too strong. 


    Playing with other people suffers. A first time player picks a boss, he gets paired with veteran speedrunners here for the resources. They have uber gear so they can kill the boss before he does damage, or even arrive. 


    Customisation. We got some cool new projectile flight speed mods.They'd be super good to... What? They don't increase my DPS so that I can play late-midgame? Forget em! +damage,+multishot +elemental damage +crit damage is the only way to go. 


    Endless missions, man, You go "I wanna fight till 40" So you gear up for 40 mins. Naturally you're so powerful that everything up to 35 is too easy and you end up bored for it. Then at 42 everything's too hard and making it to 45 is a matter of running away from anything with hitscan. Out of those 45 minutes you've got about seven that I'd consider enjoyable. ODD ends up being "constant vortex on the pod or we loose instantly" past a certain wave. 



    This isn't saying that I don't like progression in a game. Warframe could do with some Genuine progression. But DE have to put in mind that:

    The game isn't linear. Players might be fighting on pluto, see a good reward on venus, play venus. That advancement of theirs should bring them power, but that power shouldn't be instant-kills on bosses with an SMG and a warframe with over Five times the hitpoints. 


    Difficulty has to be genuine. It's a shooter, not a board-game. It can't be "that same lancer you fought on mercury but now with 10 times the stats"  But rather "here's a mission with 40% more napalms, 100% more helions, 50% of the lancers are elite and you might find that Grineer jackals are a common heavy enemy" Or perhaps "Lancers throw more grenades and behave in a more deadly manner" 


    You've got to move mods away from DPS.  Look at the archwing mods: 120% Toxic damage in space . It's ridiculous. Get less crazy with the huge numbers. Not to say that you should entirely remove Damage-per-shot increasing mods but if everyone's not using most of the mods available in favour of having all eight mods on a weapon singly targeted at increasing the damage a single shot can do then you're doing it wrong

  5. Kubrows are rediculous. 


    The first one is in perma-stasis. I'm not defrosting it. 

    The second one died.

    I've got an egg on display. I'm not hatching it. 


    They're insanely expensive. Maintaining them is nothing but tedius. 


    Sentinels don't have this bullS#&$.

    Sentinels 4 lyfe. 

  6. People who whine about Boltor must all be noobs who don't play surv t4 beyond wave 30... seriously. And people are &!$$ed off because Boltor Prime can be used by low rank players? Frack, how are people even supposed to level up and progress in this game if they can't even have decent weapons to start with?

    You must be new here. Could I just point out some of the flaws in your argument? 



    You're not a noob if you don't bother with 30 MINUTES of T4

    Maxed Boltor prime makes the first 40 minss of t4 survival boringly easy. 40-45 mins are alright. Past that everything's still easy to kill: it's just that you're too fragile.  

    Difficulty in this game is (well, new infested do help) almost entirely down to numbers. Saturn isn't harder than mercury: It just requires higher numbers. T1 isn't harder than t3: It's just down to numbers. If it werent for overpowered stuff like the boltor prime: T4 wouldn't be a thing: T1,2 and 3 might have gotten more attention though. 


    "How are people supposed to progress if they've got objectively the best weapons from the start. Each new item they receive is therefore a downgrade and a regression rather than progression. 

  7. Thinking of good experiences from other games such as Half Life or Halo: Warframe could really use an enemy that's somewhere between Heavies and a boss. I don't mean Lynx or Void-Vor who apears in a mission one time with mesages. I don't mean stalkers. I mean Guys who are big enough to feel like they're equal the average tenno yet small enough to not have a name and appear a few times in a single mission. Think commissioned Officers, Large War machines and overgrown infested. 


    I'm thinking that DE could randomize their weapons/powers from pre-set lists. 

    Example for corpus: 

    Primary weapon: Dera-style gun/ Supra style gun/ Railgun/ Anti-Moa gun/Fusion Moa style gun/Raptor gun. 
    Movement ability: Leap/Dash/Strafe
    Secondary Weapon: Glaxion/Missiles/Penta

    Defensive Ability: Snowglobe/shieldboost/nulifier/Heal.

    Optional Ability: Shockwave stomp/Blast stomp/Elemental stomp/Elemental Wave
    Optional Ability: Deploy osprey/Deploy Mines/Deploy turrets



    Corpus then randomly put those abilities into one: 

    - Unspecified jackal model

    - Unspecified Hyena model
    - Unspecified Raptor 
    - Unspecified Riot-shield Moa





     Grineer Jackal  (the grineer, after all, do buy from the corpus, and jackals are seen in grineer ships) It might be good to change some things to better reflect the grineer. Be It different colours, Changing some items around (Ignis rather than glaxion, Napalm rather than anti-moa gun, Sawblades, Scorpion grapples..So on and so forth) 

    Dargyns (Think of the way Floaty-hek worked)


    Grineer Casting Officer: Marelok/Stug/grinlok/acrid/gremlins/DualVipers.


    Grenades/orbitalStrikes/swarm missiles/Tesla


    Grineer Melee Officer: Manticore/Brokk



    Shockwave/Elemental wave/Charge. 


    Grineer Supporting Officer: Hek/Gorgon/Ogris/Vulkar/Shield+Kraken



     Elemental Damage Buff/ArmourBuff/SpeedBuff. 

    Casting officer: Eviscerator model
    Melee Officer: Bombardier model.
    Supporting Officer: Bombardier, Heavy female or oversized medium unit. 
    They all wear commander hats. 



    Juggernaut (Who's coming) 
    Mutalists of larger Machines. 
    Grander versions of anything really. Grab anything infested. Make him bigger. Give it random selection from a few sets of abilities. I mean look at phorid; He's just a big charger with missiles

    Corrupted: Everythng previously mentioned. Except Dargyns. You wouldn't put them in a void tower, even if the ceiling is that high



    All the art assets are currently there. It'd just take a good bit of messing around with the code. 

  8. It doesn't help the game that enemy variety is always so random. 


    Lancer,bombaider,balistae,scorpion,trooper, lancer, Drahk master. 




    Now, the best rated shooters tend to group guys together. "here's a ton of antlions, Now a ton of soldiers, now a ton of slow zombies. Let's interupt those zombies with a group of fast zombies. Yeah" or "here's a room with loads of invisible guys with swords. Have fun!" and my favourite "you cleared the room? Here's their mini-boss of a leader!



    Seriously. If we had something like 


    Corpus Stealth team: Entirely invisible squad
    Moa hunting team: Shockwave moa, Railgun moa 

    Sniper team: Sniper crewmen, Mine osprey. 



    Grineer Standard Team: Lancers, Seekers. Trooper, random heavy unit. 

    Grineer Melee team: Butchers, Flameblades/powerfists.

    Grineer Assault team: Shield lancers, Elite lancers, troopers

    Grineer extermination team: Scorpions complimenting scorches and napalms. 

    Grineer defense team: Shield lancers, Lancers and bombardiers/heavy gunners. 

    Grineer Helions: Missile helion, Shock trooper Helion. melee helion, Heavy Helion. (Under the assumption that by "Helion" is for the jetpack, not the missiles) 
    Grineer hunting team: Sniper, roller. 

    Grineer Light infantry: Light Lancer (butcher with gun) lancers, Random medium unit. 


    I kinda like infested as a non-stop hectic mess. But even still: You can have some organisation to better the chaos. For example: you could seperate Runners (that explode) from Leapers and chargers. If you did that: Runners would be more distinguishable from the other units. You could therefore make them more notably different in terms of gameplay by giving them more powerful, more telegraphed explosions. 


    Last and sadly least: the corrupted. 

    Use the teams of the other groups: Charger/Leaper teams. 


    You could also have pure teams in the game just for S#&$s and giggles. 

    "entire army is napalms" team

    "Entire army is Rollers" team

    "Entire Army is tar moa and those little leach things" Team.
    "Entire enemy is eximus" (Make the eximus fun before you actually do that, please) 


    It should also be considered that squads have Minibosses as their leaders. Or: In the case of large open maps: sometimes have a flying unit who assists in fights before trying to flee after damage. 


    - Unspecified jackal model

    - Unspecified Hyena model
    - Unspecified boss-Osprey. 
    - Unspecified Super-Moa



     Grineer Jackal  (the grineer, after all, do buy from the corpus, and jackals are seen in grineer ships) 




    Grineer Casting Officer: Marelok/Stug/grinlok/acrid/gremlins/DualVipers. Telleport/Jetpack/dash. Grenades/orbitalStrikes/swarm missiles/Tesla

    Grineer Melee Officer: Manticore/Brokk  Ironskin/Invisibility/Speed  Leap/ashTeleport Shockwave/Elemental wave/Charge. 

    Grineer Supporting Officer: Hek/Gorgon/Ogris/Vulkar/Shield+Kraken Clone/SoTD/Heal  Seekers/Grenades/tesla/Drahks  ElementalDamageBuff/ArmourBuff/SpeedBuff. 


    Casting officer: Eviscerator model
    Melee Officer: Bombardier model.
    Supporting Officer: Bombardier, Heavy female or oversized medium unit. 
    They all wear commander hats. 



    Mutalists of larger Machines. 
    Grander versions of anything really. Grab anything infested. Make him bigger. Give it random selection from a few sets of abilities. I mean look at phorid; He's just a big charger with missiles

    Corrupted: Everythng previously mentioned. Except Dargyns. You wouldn't put them in a void tower, even if the ceiling is that high


    Seriously though: It'd improve level design and replayability a thousandfold to have characters complimenting eachother and making each encounter feel different and fresh. 

  9. Even with a five rank system and mod branches you'd still get the feeling that you're getting something out of ranking mods up. You'd probably get more; You get to make intellegent choices and customisation choice. "Do I want the redirection that gives a 3.5% chance of ignoring damage per rank; or the redirection that changes my shields to resist impact more and puncture less?" 


    That'd probably help trading.



    Seriously. It doesn't matter that I personaly can't be bothered to fully rank a 10 mod. You're clutching at straws even trying to bring that up. There's dozens of more important reasons for wanting rid of the 10 rank system. Go tackle those instead. I was thinking that I'd get a biased response based on the fact that forums are for the most invested players and invested players generaly have and want to protect their best stuff... but some of you guys take the cake. You gain nothing from holding onto this awful status quo and nor does anyone else. 

  10. When you take Useless, and multiply it by 4, you only get "Situational" at best.



    When you get "useless because the numbers are too low for it's cost" and then remove the low numbers problem, you have a decently functioning mod. What they've done is kept one mod completely useless and released a valid version of it. 

  11. Okay so this is going to blow your mind, but theres this thing called progression, where stuff gets BETTER.


    Thats totaly mindblowing right, that a mod thats meh could get a upgraded version.

    That puncture mod is four times better. It's not an upgraded version: it's a superior alternative. 


    Couldn't you ask the same for why they invented 'damaged' mods?

    If you could upgrade damaged mods into regular mods: we'd be ok. 


    But yeah: you certainly could. 

  12. Your ideas are pretty ok. But theres one glaring flaw, and that is if you reduce the power of the mods, youd have to rebalance the entirety of the tiers. SInce a ton of items require you getting 30+ mins into tier 1 2 3 and 4 in various missions, the lessened mod power could make it that much harder, and that would have a unwanted effect of making stuff more expensive due to its diffaculty to obtain.


    Its litteraly less work for de to just ignore your sugestion and release new mods.

    I'm actually very comfortable with the idea of DE rebalancing the tiers. 


    Thay're paid to work. That shouldn't be a problem. They could do a huge kubrow project but they can't do this? Nonsense!

  13. If we went for logic. 


    Phobos wouldn't be playable

    Sedna/Eris wouldn't be playable. 

    Jupiter wouldn't be playable. But some of its moons would certainly be playable.

    Saturn might actualy be alright with the floating gas stations currently on jupiter. Also: Titan would work


    Uranus/neptune would probably be alright. 

    Venus would probably be alright


    Then again: most of these I'd labeled as "alright" would only work if you had heavily insulated settlements. Some of the places used at the moment are so small that you wouldn't even put ships around them. Still: most planets could support several of the tilesets we have now (admittedly with some reskins)

  14. (I actualy spammed a few threads on sigils a while ago. So I'l consolidate it all into one (hopefully) megathread)


    1: Sigils VS Cosmetics when placing a sigil, they are visible on top of things like prime parts, cosmetics and so on. When the sigil is placed it is put underneath the prime/cosmetic additions. Patch that.  


    2: Sigil sizes and possitioning. Sometimes I just wanna put it neatly on my chest like a badge or something. But the min size is too big. Sometimes I wanna wear the sigil over my shoulder, on my lower back, or doubled to form symetry


    3: Sigils and event badges (the picture ones) should be interchangable. You can hardly see what's on an event badge. They're too small and are all white. Perhaps Event badges should also have some control over colour/size. Or, perhaps we should have the option to put smaller sigils/event icons on the arms in the same way that sigils are put over chests/backs. 


    4:Rendering: Sigils fade when they're too far on your warframe's side. Also: that the player is illuminated when a sigil is placed does not help in viewing sigils. 


    5: sigils and syndicates. 

    A: should that extra percentage from a higher ranked sigil apply to every sindicate it affects? (like if I were to have a 10% new loka syndicate; Should cephalon suda hate me 10% more, should the perin sequence give me bonus affinity? 

    B: Should we have the option to turn off the syndicate affecting power of the sigil? That way we can wear a sigil as a trophy/cosmetic even if we're no longer aligned with that syndicate? 


    6: Regular paint. 

    Sigils are sometimes too bold. You're dark in the shadows: It's bright and angry. I think we need the option to have it not glow, so that it complements rather than contrasts against the warframe it's placed on. 

    7: Kubrow sigils

    Under the assumption that we get non-glowing sigils, could we not apply sigils to our kubrows? 



    I would greatly appreciate any additional feedback/wishes/supporting pictures regarding sigils. 

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