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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Firstly I became aware some time ago that we finaly had some new music. I noted I liked some of the new stuff a little better than the other new stuff; But that ain't the problem. 


    Firstly, the music doesn't feel relevant to what I'm doing.  It isn't exciting when I'm doing exciting things. It doesn't bring atmosphere, suspense or quiet when nothing's happening. 


    I'm not expecting some kind of ultra dynamic music (though for a game that requires you to play the same mission over and over again; That should surely be a top goal for the sound folk) but could we at least have a good distinction between battle and not battle? 


    Good example of music in a game; Deus ex. Slow, artsy,suspenseful, atmospheric when you're not doing anything. Then explosive when the enemy see you. As an added bonus , unlike warframe, the music was closely themed to the environment; Oriental instruments and paterns apeared alongside the techno when you were in hong-kong. Now warframe has the issue where there's only excitement if appropriately high levels appear in appropriately high numbers (never) but it's clearly something warframe needs to try and surpass. 



    Possible (different) ideas. 

    1-  If an enemy were to attack at 7 seconds in of "slow music track" then "combat music track" will begin to play at 7 seconds in. The two tracks are both made so that they can seamlessly change to the other and back again whenever appropriate. (you could also use more than just "slow" and "combat". You could have even more grand music for heavy combat, or even more suspensful music for when the game is momentarily allowing you rest)

    2- The music is recorded in lots of seperate layers. More layers are used when the gameplay is asking for it. 

    3- The music is recorded in lots of short bits. The game chooses what bit to play next based on gameplay. 

    4- A combination of the above. 

  2. If we could hold 1,2,3,4 down for a stronger,longer,bigger or alternative Ability, we'd have a gameplay improvement. A lot more active skill in play. Be it judging the perfect distance for an icewave to hit, Putting enough in a fireball to be perfectly effective and energy efficient, Dashing the right distance, having a vortex last the ideal amount of time. 


    If we had enemies who had abilities to cancel abilities, we'd have a little more active skill in play. If we had enemies who had abilities to heal, buff or resurrect allies, Eximus units would actually change gameplay in an actually interesting way. 



    Oh, and if abilities would change depending on where they were; That'd be great too. Even if it were for game ballance.

    Ellements/abilities causing special effects on some enemies. Like Lightning detonating scorches. Hydroid's water making enemies more vulnerable to shock and cold. Mag's magnetic abilities causing grineer to have painful spasms from their armour magnetizing to itself.  telleport causing shield lancers to drop shields.   


    Abilities changing depending on what surface they're used on. Some abilities gaining huge range/duration if they're used on the right surface. Gasses (like the stuff coming from vents/pipes in grineer ships) Boost the effects of some abilities. 


    Defence objectives fling certain abilities away from themselves, change them, or change the AI to deal with them. meaning no more "Vortex makes infested defence completely trivial" as vortex is either bounced several metres away from the pod, or changed so that it pushes rather than pulls and therefore slightly slows enemies moving towards the pod. Snowglobe on the pod would encourage enemies to get in closer, but the snowglobe would be stronger. Fireblast would go from circular in area of effect to donut on an artifact so that fireblast can remain strong whilst not OP in defence. 

  3. You wouldn't do it for the guns. As for the abilities... They're strapped to something that can provide them with more power, meaning the ability power/range can increase. 


    Cloaking? Sure

    vaporize? Sure

    Vacume? Sure

    Scanner? Absolutely. 

    Crowd dispersal? Ok

    Fatal attraction... would probably need a rework. 

  4. Better? Yes. Solved? No. you could still just throw a vortex infront of a cryopod and watch the infested fall in. 


    From a design standpoint, that vortex would be a far more interesting tool if you couldn't do that and instead had to block chosen entryways or likely enemy paths, blocking a percentage of the enemy who come from a certain direction for example. A proper trap from a defensive frame. 

  5. Defence 2 is bad because everyone will just focus on defending 1 objective and ignore other ones unless you give better reward. 

    Defence 3 is pretty much mobile defence

    Defence 4 is more like tower defence but with players being towers and will end up as hallway hero

    MD1 and MD2 are the same things almsot

    MD3 is in game, MD4 is just endless version

    MD5 is once again Hallway hero

    Interception 2 makes no sense what so ever.

    Interction 3 is easier than the one in current state

    Sabotage 2 is more of an endless type

    Sabotage 3....how do you imagine it? 1player fixing 3 defending him?

    Capture 2 is endless version of capture.

    I dont knwo what was your point along in this thread.

    -Unlikely, though a better reward for keeping more alive is likely. 

    - you read that wrong

    -Not really. So long as you don't put it on a map with one hallway. 

    - MD2 would take place in a far smaller arena, and would let you leave on waves. 

    - What's the problem with having an endless version. Get currency for how far you get, not how much health you have at the end. That tiny difference could provide a lot of changes. 

    - MD5 would, however, be a dynamic hallway hero with a very wide hallway. 

    - Quite simple really. Interception with less or more than four points. 

    - Interception 3? Fast paced gameplay, but not necessarily easier, just quicker. With resets telling you to do it again on harder. It'd be like reverse endless defence. 

    - It doesn't have to be an endless gamemode. It could simply be rushes for a high score. 

    - I know right? Wouldn't it be great. Fast paced capture. Capture extreme. 



  6. But the two factions are hostile and on the other ends of the spectrum. You can join three non-opposing factions at a time, chances are you'll join one of the two. 


    Still calling it; Red veil are opposed to the arbiters because the red veil want that "cleansing fire" to rid the system of corruption and restore the orokin empire. Also leader looks like stakler-chan. 

  7. Made a pretty decent thread on making prime weapons equal. No matter how you look at it; Braton Prime needs a buff. It's actualy not an easy weapon to get. I've personaly got enough (vastly superior) boltor prime parts to build over three copies, yet I haven't found a single one of two braton parts for several updates now. 


    If you're going to buff the braton, I'd say you need to

    A: make it objectively better than both braton and braton vandal. 

    B: Have it equal to all other prime weapons, which might require some tweaks on their part too. 


    Impact damage from 1.3 to 8

    Reload time at 2.0 or less. 

    Accuracy increased to 40

    Inherent V polarity. 


    At the least. 

  8. Defence: defend single regenerating artifact. 

    MD: defend points strewn randomly across a regular level. Exit

    Interception: Domination with four points. 

    Sabotage: smash target, exit. 

    Capture: claim two targets, Exit. 



    Now, That's getting a little boring for me. (700 hours in) Thing is It wouldn't be hard to make more under the same labels. Infact some of these simple things would be very fun to play. 



    Defence1: Defend single regenerating artifact

    Defence2: Defend multiple artifacts that respawn (loss when they're all gone at once) (could instead be Interception)

    Defence3: Defend single artifact with a survival timer rather than a wave counter. 

    Defence4: Defend Exit/entrance. Mission has lives and lives are lost when too many enemies get past the border. 

    Defence6: Defend interception capture points which are initialy tenno, but can't be retaken. (might be interception)


    MobileDefence1: Defend random points on a level, exit. 

    MobileDefence2: Defend randomly chosen part of the arena, alternating points on some waves. 

    MobileDefence3: Hijack. 

    MobileDefence4: Repeated Hijacks.

    MobileDefence5: Reverse Hijacks. Player must stop enemy from escorting item to the end. 


    Interception1: Domination with four points. 

    Interception2:Domination with a variable of points. 1,2,3,5

    Interception3: Capture domination. All points are initialy enemy controlled. Tenno win if they can take them all. 


    Sabotage1: Sabotage targets, Exit

    Sabotage2: Sabotage as many targets within a time limit as possible. 

    Sabotage4: Rebuild. The enemy sabatage targets, you must repair them. 


    Capture1: capture two targets, Exit. 

    Capture2: Capture as many targets as you can within a time limit. 



    Now, Some of those would be fun as hell. A few of them could be done quite easily. 

  9. Those buffs are so small that there's no point. Maybe if they were to match "the most popular arcane helmet" they'd be fine... but then nobody would use the alts (except for mag, because Cyclops-beetle face) 



    Currently using


    Rhino: A Vanguard. It's the best, but it also looks pretty cool. 


    Nyx: P Default. I don't think it looks the best, but S Default doesn't fit the colour scheme and there's no good reason to build the other helmets. 


    Mag: Coil is useful but looks arse.  Regular looks fantastic but is useless. Very split. 


    Ember; All helmets are cool. Except backdraft. 


    Frost: S regular or the brain-fan. 


    Loki: The problem I have with this one is that the neck is made so that everything but the prime helmet looks bad where the helmet and body connect at the back. (the prime helmet hides that part with gold)  All of the helmets look great, just not on that neck. 

  10. SO... are these guys wearing warframes or not? I still can't tell if they're supposed to be tenno or lower-guardian like stalker-chan, (which reminds me; if these guys are lower guardian rather than tenno, it'd make more sense for stalker to use their lower bodies rather than excalibur's ) 


    Could we therefore have the Arbiter/Veil frame, (even if they're just excalibur skins,They'd fit,  though I'd prefer they weren't). (you could get one frame by getting to a certain level of a syndicate, then later on in that syndicate have a quest to steal the enemy frame) 



    Also; Replace eximus squads with arbiter/veil assassin? 

  11. So, What? When were the corrupted released? Before my time certainly and I think I've been here a while. The Tower tileset is pretty, It's cool. The extremely high ceiling isn't used well and the trees would probably be better off if they added a spash of colour to a place that's slightly too conservative with colour. But the real problem is that the enemy is more boring than a long game of Cricket. Not to say that grunt design is a strength of DE.. But the corrupted is really poor. 



    The concept is cool. Very simple, but cool. "every enemy in the game, regardless of faction, hypnotized to only be against you. From that alone we should have the most varied array of enemies and therefore most unpredictable and interesting gameplay combinations. We don't. We've got an infested ancient, two grunts, a heavy gunner, that moa who gets in close and those shield guys. 


    But the solution isn't even a difficult thing to do. You grab a character, copy him into the corrupted faction,  make him white. put him on the spawnlists. It's almost literally that simple. Should take under ten minutes for each character.  




    We've been waiting for some kind of change since... Well I wasn't there for it's release, but the fact that the enemy hasn't been changed since then is just... silly. Players spend hours and hours playing the void for the prime parts they want,  the void should warrant some attention. 

  12. Well, Not strictly one ability, but it goes without saying that you can make some missions completely easymode with a single ability. Be it Vortex, Snowglobe or a less common area protection/damage spell; There's too many situations you can fix with "put this ability on the cryopod/reactor/artifact/whatever and watch as the enemies are incapable of damaging it. ODD is pretty much ruined by Vortex, because there isn't a party about that doesn't play ODD without a vaubun using vortex on the pod to prevent all infested from hurting the pod. 



    Not saying that these abilities should change. More that the maps should change. Maybe if the artifact could be damaged by player abilities (to an extent), or pushed abilities away from itself, we could get some genuine interest in playing a defensive frame. 

  13. It took me over 20 runs but under 25. I believe it was the helmet that I couldn't get. 


    I'm still considering that DE created an RNG that isn't so much "random number generator" but rather SNG, or "spiteful number generator" in which you get the item that the majority of the group want least. 

  14. We've got all these cool designs... and yet paint of pure or even translucent light just doesn't seem to work with the warframe, especialy when you're nearly black with the darkness you're in with an eyesore glowing target on you. 



    Also; show me what the sigil will actually look like when I'm putting it on. Stop showing it over items that it will be under. Turn the lights off so that we can see it's glow (if it does). 

  15. Weapons currently aren't balanced in a satisfying way. There are many weapons that require tons of resources, hours of research or grind and so on and so forth that just happen to not be good at all. On the otherhand there's some easy to obtain weapons that just outclass everything around them, discouraging players from branching out to try different things. 


    Something like: 1,2,3

    3.5 All prime weapons are equal to each other in strength. Dragon weapons are about here (because dragon weapons are the tenno's attempts to surpass their former masters. Arbiter of hexis stuff right there. Stalker/lower guardian items stay at this level too)  


    3 Wraith and vandal weapons are between tenno and prime weapons. 


    2 All tenno weapons, except those with prefixes like dragon or wraith, are equal to eachother. This makes sense because as each tenno is an elite warrior, each tenno weapon would therefore be suited for an elite warrior. 


    1 Outdated weapons such as the braton, burston, strun and so on are roughly equal terms. 


    1,2,3 Grineer/Corpus/Infested weapons are spread throughout the tiers. This is because these factions have both elite units as well as massed produced masses who require cheap weapons.  




    - That issue of two weapons being equally as difficult to obtain, but one is far more powerful or weaker. Example; Braton and boltor prime. 

    - That issue of two weapons being the same in power, but one is far more difficult to obtain. Example; Lex and vasto

    - That issue of an entire class of weapons not matching up to it's piers. Example; Scythes. 

    - Story consistency. 


    Mk-1 weapons.


    So it struck me as extremely odd that we now start in a grineer controlled place with human and tenno weapons laid out on tables. Slightly better than waking up with a corpus weapon and two outdated tenno weapons from the orokin era. But anyhow; this selection of weapons doesn't feel appropriate. instead: 


    Machete, furax, Stripped down amphis. 

    Single viper. ?kraken/lato equivalent? A single pouch of grineer throwing impact-knives (which can be upgraded to a full pouch later on) 

    Burston, Grakata,  ?slash bow? 


    You could do that entirely with grineer weapons, or you could add dead human corpses to the  mission and give them a variety of old weapons. 



  16. The first paris only suffered from looking plastic. Otherwise it looked great. Moving on to paris prime: 



    The biggest problem is that it's too wide. It looks more like a narrow shield than a fat bow. 

    - It's widness causes it to clip into the backs of the tenno holstering it. 

    -It's widness causes it to clip into arms. 

    - The weapon looks incredibly unwieldy. Very front heavy, too large, blocking the tenno field of vision. 


    Gold. The gold shaders need an improvement. 


    If you literally just crushed the model along one axis to make it slimmer it'd look leaps and bounds better. 

  17. If you wish to explore logic in names, one persistent theory is that Humans were Sentients, the Orokin Cold Gold Emperors, machine overlords. Sentients as opposed to non-sentients.

    But I see where you are going with this, and I guess we soon will find out.

    Very interesting. I can see this suported by the fact that orokin defences use soldiers not their own. However the orokin soldiers at the time were human (unless corrupted give reports). Not to say that humans can't have an AI government. 

  18. Defend regenerating item against enemies as they get higher levels on an unchanging arena. 



    Now that's simple; but it's also got a ton of flaws. 



    - Needed abilities. Needed frames. ODD is "throw a vortex onto the cryopod and watch the game play itself" TD is very much "sit in the snowglobe" for at least the later levels. There's nothing to encourage other types of play or discourage that type of play. ODD is the most mindless thing ever thanks to vortex. 


    - The spawn's don't change. Even the Most basic dedicated-to-defence games have a kind of order to the spawns. Warframe could do something like "shield lancers first, troopers/lancers/ napalms second, seekers and elite lancers spawning last" then perhaps have another wave do "Rollers first, bombadiers and butchers second, heavy gunners and heavy melee last" you could do "all suicide butcher waves" or "wave with jackals as heavy units" just for fun. 


    - The spawn locations don't change (with the exception of some extremely minor stuff on ceres). You're doing the same thing. You could have had some grand "they're coming from the north" type thing. Hell you could have some kind of crazy Orcs must die thing where all the enemies come concentrated from one or two locations that change each round (wouldn't work with the boltor prime, but that needs to be fixed and we all know it) If the player knew where the enemy was coming from they could then fight the enemy near the gates rather than always at the end. The small location movement would add a good deal of play value. 


    -AABC reward rotations are criminal and you know it. 


    The actual map just doesn't change enough.  Nevermind spawns; The most we get to variety is the silly little moving cryopods for ceres. Yet we're playing the same thing for over 20 waves sometimes. We could have more. Examples

    Rocks/trees/crates changing places/sizes at the start of each game so the map feels new/fresh. 

    Parts of the map get damaged by players/enemies. Destroyed scaffolding, ruptured pipes and containers, 

    Ship debris/asteroids fall from the sky and alter the map. 

    Natural hazards cause map changes. 

    The giant mech you just killed's corpse didn't disintegrate and it's parts became one with the map. 

    Interior lighting changes. lighting on the inside of a ship may get turned off or go into alarm mode. 

    time of day changes, or the sun isn't visible. Perhaps an eclipse occurs with an asteroid. 

    The weather changes.

    Automated defences can be hacked at access panels by enemies/players as part of map control


    Only one mode of defence. We could instead have


    - Don't let enemies into an area.

    - Don't let enemies carry your stuff back to their target. 

    -Don't let enemies destroy/capture all your points

    - The defence point alternates each wave. 

  19. Warframe has a couple of quests, a few bits of lore attached to items and the occasional event. 



    There's nothing that feels personaly crafted by the player. Update 15 could have done that. We could have made our own stories with the new factions. We could have had intrigue. We could have had missions feel bigger than random dungeons we're spawned in with archwing. We could have had a major stalker overhaul. 


    Examples of what we're missing out on;


    - Player generated storylines from syndicates. Incentives for betrayal, incentives for loyalty. Differences in dialogue for each player as they rise through the ranks, rise through the ranks by playing another faction. Different dialogue for players who've split from their first faction or only support one faction. Different missions too; A steadfast player would get the missions that only the most trusted would obtain. A traitor or flighty player would get the missions that are difficult and less vital to the cause because they're more expendable. The stalker for each faction would speak to a traitor differently than to a regular enemy. Maybe you could be a mercenary character that never sticks to any faction, undertaking the quests of whoever offers the best rewards. The mercenary getting reputation amoungst all the factions in such a way that they can unlock the missions for high pay without any faction specific rewards. 



    When I first read the red veil description I thought them against corrupt individuals in political power and the damage they do lower down the tree. With them being the enemy of the arbiters and the fact that their leader looks like the stalker I then began to consider that the "corruption" is really the mistreatment of orokin artifacts and cultural separation from orokin ways. 

    - Lower guardians versus lower guardians. The remains of the non-tenno orokin military split between Old ways and the new. I'm thinking lower guardians because the figureheads for these factions both appear to wear an outifit mixed of both human suit and tenno warframe. One side believing the tenno can be forgiven and another believing the tenno right. Prime versus dragon if you will. 

    - (there's a lower guardian model in that case. Stalker gets a visual change so he isn't excalibro with a different helmet) 


    There's so much story in that one conflict. You could learn what happened at the end of the old war from two highly subjective factions (so it'd still be mysterious) DE could also explore other important ideological issues through syndicate conflict like progress/environmentalism with Suda/loka or socialism/capitalism with meridian/perrin. 

  20. Ah, Dspite; Differences between my thread and yours. 


    The fluff is different. I have a story and you have an aplogy. Other than that; It seems like you're asking for slight visual changes and then new abilities to be distributed amongst the crowd. I'm asking for more units (not brand new guys. current stuff mixed around) that replace eachother depending on the level. 


    For example on the easy mission you have six grunts (butchers with guns) and two lancers. For the medium mission you have four grunts and four lancers. For the hardest mission you have three elite grunts, three lancers and two elite lancers. Nothing entirely as simplistic as that, but you'd get a huge gameplay difference from fighting small, weak grineer to fighting mostly large tough guys. 

  21. This ain't a thread about archwing. This is about how I've noticed that archwing has experimented with the numbers in the mods. In some cases it's because it reminds me of the early days where I didn't have the required mods and needed them. In others it's because the two do something very differently like, for example, Rubedo barrel and serration. 



    Firstly; Mods just shouldn't have ten levels. Maybe I'm a little biased because I've really only bothered with ranks up to 8; But ten level mods are just... It's a chore to get the credits and cores for such a huge ranking. It's a pain to need six different versions of the same mod at different ranks. In the case of bleeding edge (ten ranks for 110% crit damage) It just seems damn silly (you could totally do five ranks for 110% crit damage.Standard gameplay (SG's) organ shatter does 90% for only 5 ranks) It simply isn't a fun or worthwhile game mechanic to have ten-rank mods. 



    Elemental mods. I was thinking "why're we using gas damage in the vacuum of space?" Did the primarily metal enemies start leaking poisonus gas that nobody's gonna breath in whenever status pops up? Then it was clear to me; I'm only using these elemental mods because they offer pure damage boosts. This is especially true in AW where elements offer so much and have little other mods to compete with for a slot. Of course this isn't a thread about AW specifically; This problem exists in SG where bonus damage comes well before status effects (it just seems like less of a problem because there's far more mods to compete with) 

    It just seems like, if you call them "elements" they should be more about the status effect, not damage. Damage for specific types of enemies should be in mods like "alloy-piercing" or "Ferite crack" or "shield breaker" or something to that effect (also up for a "down with the heavies" and "kill them flying buggers" mods) I mean chances are when you're playing serious void a good few teammates will favour corrosive (electricity+cold) because of the damage it does; Lowering someone's armour is a lot less interesting than watching them shocked by electricity or partially freeze (or get agonizingly burned by corrosive acid, which doesn't seem to happen). The status effects and specific damage bonuses just seem like they shouldn't be clumped together. 


    Raw damage mods: 

    Ten levels is bad, five levels is good. 

    220% is too much +165% damage is too much,+120% and +60% damage... Don't really work with the current scaling system (moar helth'n stuf) (insert anyone's great argument about a better scalling system here) The +60% is only working with the scaling system due to the big elemental mods. But, The smallness of the 60% mods means that it gives you a big edge without making you the uber-man in lower down games whilst leaving most of the damage increases feel like they're from player choice. If moding wasn't all about more damage and the gameplay more involving... I'l just leave that one there. 


    Multishot. Look at the AW mod Dual rounds  for a moment: that low chance of multishot justifies the "free bullet", as opposed to the SG mods that just... make it seem like you owe the shot more ammo. 


    Moddified munitions increases status chance by 60% at max level. Warframe weapon mods that increase only status chance cap out at 15% on max level.  This is still really silly. 


    Health and damage. For the Odanata, the 30% extra shields/health you get is just too small. But that's because your base shields are based on your frames shields, which is using crazy +440% mods of sheer crazyness. They're both bad. AW mods at max level don't feel like they're giving enough. SG mods give you so much that you're invincible if you don't take them off for a low teir game. (bloody stupid ten level mods) (a 220% boost would be very reasonable starting point actual. Cutting off those extra five ranks would do the game well) 


    Last thing;


    - I don't have the elytron, but I've noticed all archwing mods say "odonata". Which leads me to suspect that those mods have different values when put on different frames. I don't know or care if that's true or not; but it seems like something that could happen with standard gameplay: a weapon mod gives different stats when used with a different weapon, Or a mod can be used with both primary and secondary guns. 



  22. You have a lot to say about what is wrong and even give a reason in a couple of cases.

    However, you're not offering any suggestions on how to fix these things.

    Its easy to say, "Fix Rng because grind is bad" but really all that is is whining.

    You mention weapon and enemy scaling as a problem.

    Sure you could remove all the direct damage mods and have lancers be the same gimpy weaklings throughout the entire game, but how does that increase build variety?

    If I didn't need serration, I wouldn't use that extra slot for something like eagle eye or ammo drum, I'd stick another elemental in.

    The mod system is all about beefing up your damage. Its why enemies scale up, so that when you run a high level mission you don't have to waste your time ripping up tissue paper

    I could go on and on, but I won't.

    You won't, because you can't. This whole argument you got here is based on little individual things without seeing them all as a whole. 


    1: didn't say "remove direct damage mods" 

    2: There's a link to the thread on how lancers can remain tough if a light enemy replaced them for low levels. 

    3: If players aren't almost forced to min-max because of the crazy level scalling, variety increases.

    4: did you miss the part about about a rework of elements?

    5: and it's rather uninteresting that way, isn't it?  

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