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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Will Update the list as I find more/Players report. I'd appreciate the addition of any info players could offer (or any reportings of any missing information. I, like most people, am not so far into a syndicate). 


    -Pay to join a syndicate. Don't get access to anything they can sell. The feeling of getting into a syndicate is not immediate. 


    - Edit: can't use two sigils at once, even if from same faction. Thanks Chroia  

    -Sigils are very, very slow at giving you affinity. Too slow, even moreso for a high ranking player who has most everything else. 

    -Sigil XP earnings are positively effected if you play the game only leveling one weapon. Encouraging players to play in a different but ultimately less interesting way. 

    -Sigils come in many excellent designs but there's no way to have them purely cosmetic. Meaning you can't show off your fantastic 30,000 point sigil whilst trying to level a new faction, or an enemy faction should you turn traitor. 

    -Sigils are limited to only chest and back. Some sigils worsen the look of frames because they ruin symmetry, the design underneath, or can't be made small enough. Furthermore the chest/back is often covered up by other cosmetic items. 

    - There's no "apply to all warframes" when changing sigils. 

    - There's no "don't glow" or "transparency options" for sigils. 



    - Missions don't come soon enough. If a player wants to join a group it shouldn't be "slap this on your breasts and do what you always do" but rather "Do a job for me" You could even have some fun little Redeption/betrayal arcs when you leave a faction for one you were fighting against (lots and lots of suicide missions. It's cool. If you get high enough in a faction to want to switch then you should be pretty tough.)

    - An increase in missions would be great. If you make it so that they get fabulously hard at high syndicate ranks then you should have it that newbie players can't grind to the top. 

    - No syndicate infighting. It's New loka versus the corpus or Cephalon Suda versus the corpus. It's never directly Suda V Loka. You could probably make some good little reskinned and hybridized factions out of these syndicates. 

    - The above would make some excellent invasions

    - The above would make for some excellent temporary PvP scenarios. 


    Death squads all hypothetical or researched since I've yet to meet someone hated enough to be hunted

    -So if you've upset Suda, but all your teammates are Suda/Suda friendly, do the Suda deathsquads attack them? (they would at the least endanger the mission by taking a teammate down)

    - New loka, big fan of a pure humanity, use infested. Bit concerned about their definitions of "pure". 

    - Kinda weak selection of units to send at you,right? I mean I wasn't expecting new stalker types but... Corrupted lancers? (Note; You could use altered versions of current stalkers/bosses. Perrin harvester. Suda corrupted G3-ish guys. Stalker/tenno like arbiter of hexis... Not saying they're the way things should go. But they're certainly options.  ) 


    -Spending your points on either rank up or items is at the moment... questionable in that points are too slowly accumulated. 

    - surplus points wasted? 

  2. If anyone would of complained by now it would have been me, since I whinge everytime DE does...

    You do, But not in the way you'd like to think. 


    But, awaiting the dragons that end the world, I agree with you.Though I'm 40cm away from a 17 inch laptop though. Anyhow; The lines glowing to show you your connected is a huge buff. I agree with the "maybe a little more contrast" thing. On the whole It's bigger, It feels more connected to the game and I see it as a small, perhaps unnecessarily, upgrade. I don't bother with ciphers. 



    Thread should be in UI. 

  3. Sigils offer pretty much nothing. 


    Solution; Constant personal alerts. From the moment you join a faction; you should have to do a Joining mission. If you're betraying a faction and joining one that hates you then you should have to do an incredibly hard set of suicidal missions to prove your loyalty. 


    There should always be an option for a faction mission. 


    But wait you cry; that'd mean any player would be able to quickly climb the ranks. 

    False. By making missions for high level players bombasticly hard; you'd ensure that only the most elite and dedicated players can reach the top. (as opposed to players who've just been playing with a sigil for a looooooooooooonnnnnng time) you could also make it so that higher level missions are more offensive to opposing factions. 


    The result; A more active syndicate system. No longer "play with this stamped to your boobs" but rather "Take this place for us, sabotage our enemies, Ensure our resources are delivered to us..." 


    Go far enough and we could have some direct confrontations in alerts between hostile factions. A chance of fighting a hostile syndicate directly rather than through corpus of grineer.  a small chance for Invasions. A small chance for PVP alerts. 

  4. I thought it was better than the old one. The lines glow to tell you you're doing it right. DE did something well. 


    - it doesn't take up most of the screen and I have no trouble focusing on it. 


    - The game is primarily a PC game ported to consoles. 

  5. It is required because the enemies don't just get side-grades. They get straight up buffs to damage, health, shields, armor, etc.

    They don't just get buffed in reload speed or fire rate.

    Tenno are simply going to have to do the same. Hence why we have mods like Resirection, Vatility, Serration, etc.

    The Idea is to lessen the extremeness of the former so we less need the latter. 

  6. Ah, I thought I was being not-so demanding with the whole "some possible sollutions" thing.


    Lots of users have different opinions on feedback though. Some will prefer you to only state what you don't like and not give solutions. Some will want to focus on the solutions you have as a "this is a problem" would be meaningless to them.  

  7. hmm

    i just played a 50 minutes t1 survival and got 500 points


    Ah, about nine more hours of constant work and you'l have your first rank. 


    I struggle to keep awake in games that long. The same thing over and over again with no variation. Mind sharing what ranks your equipment was? 

  8. So, It's unreasonable to expect any sufficient progress from wearing sigils. You want 5000 and they give you next to nothing. (why do they even give you anything at all I must ask. Why can't they just be cosmetic?) 


    So I'm under the assumption that we need syndicate missions. 


    They've yet to appear. Why? 

  9. words.

    Absolutely none of this is relevant. You upset because I refered to you as a devils advocate? I mean, rather than give some new information on why these mods should stay exactly the same, or reasons why they shouldn't changed, you've instead chosen to give another lecture on your opinions concerning feedback. Sunshine I've seen them before. You're kinda making the opposing side look weaker because you don't tackle the subject directly. You think of new scenarios that don't need to exist. Or issues that could be fixed with something stated. 

  10. Played a huge long game of t4 void. tens of thousands when it came to XP. 



    Got about 200 syndicate points. Get 5000 for the first rank. This is silly. Most games aren't t4 void and I get next to nothing for them. for me 35 has been the highest amount for a non-infinite gamemode with high levels. Edit: another time I did 25 waves of t3 and got 350 points) 



    So, It's unreasonable to expect any sufficient progress from wearing sigils. You want 5000 and they give you next to nothing. (why do they even give you anything at all I must ask. Why can't they just be cosmetic?) 


    So, On further inspection.... There's no way I can buy anything from my syndicate at this rate. Most of the items are about 20k so there's no way I'm getting anything at this rate. Unless syndicate alerts offer big rewards or start popping up all the time... This ain't working for me. 

  11. I honestly don't see any point to this topic at all i am a noobie.  only been here a lil less than 2 weeks and already i have mastered the mods, most of mine are max, and most frames are maxed, 



    1: Ok. 

    2:People more often resort to that when they want to wish that they misunderstood such a "noobie" argument. 


    Would you prefer to fire 540 rounds at an ancient only to be slapped like a .....moving on... Or when you enter the room a shroud of death and destruction befall at your feet???? I prefer the latter...


    I'd prefer a balanced game where neither happen. 

  12. Ok. Imagine playing warframe with me, but I've got a new weapon. The weapon has tons of ammo and rapid fire. When I fire, all life on the screen dies except the players and their companions. Naturally the interaction needed by the players is considerably lessened. 


    Do you imagine me to be fun to play with?  



    and that's why we need ballance even in a PVE game.  because that's essentially what it's like to be playing with someone OP. 

  13. So I look through all the faction awards (sigils especialy)  and I notice a few things;


    Some of them are seriously cool. 

    I'm going to betray this faction when I get all of it's stuff, but I still want to wear these cool symbols I spent thousands on. They show that I've gotten far into a syndicate


    Some frames have little chest space (nyx prime) a back that's ugly or hidden behind a syndanna and perhaps in some cases the sigil just isn't good with symmetry and can't be made small enough to appear as a badge. I was also very disappointed that I couldn't give my tenno a slag-tag. 0/10 DE. Shame on you. 


    So. Alternate places to be would include


    On the helmet. 

    On the shoulder

    On a badge





    Of course. I'm sure DE would be perfectly capable of limiting the customization of a sigil on each part so that players use them tastefully (no giant glowing symbols covering the entire head) 


    Other Ideas; 



    Badges. To be able to use the sigils you've purchased on a badge. 


    Sugutra. To be able to use the sigils you've purchased on a special sugutra. (preferably an energy sugutra) 

    Syndanna. To be able to use the sigils you've used on a special syndanna (preferably one transparent and made of energy) The sigil isn't a decal but rather a skin. Just the standard faction logos could work if every sigil proves too difficult. 


    Faction helmets. 


  14. I agree... Completely rework the entire game structure.. The mods are op so take them away... On second thought the guns could hurt people so let's remove those... Oh and we don't want anyone to cut themselves so cut all the blades, clubs, staffs, whips... From the game... Now change the title of the game too because warframe sounds mean and violent... How about rainbow debates... We can sit at multicolored tables and talk about our issues with the grineer and corpus like good little balls of light...oh I missed taking the frames out too because they were only designed for violence.

    Can I report posts for being... without quality? A small group of people against any change are giving reasonable arguments against the idea and you're... discrediting them with this sillyness.  Are you secretly supporting me with some kind of ironic devil's advocate type thing like Dspite or something? (that guy always agrees with me). I feel like I could make one of those videos with the narration and the word-art out of this post. 

  15. They are fine as they are! You're not forced to use them!

    But you're so heavily encouraged to use them that it's not a small deal to just decide not to use them. 


    Your teammates become far more powerful than you. 

    You can't play lategame content like the void without them. 

    New, harder content like t4 is added because players are so OP that they ask for more challenge. 

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