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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. So, I think It'd be pretty cool if archwing enemies attacked you without the archwing as minibosses/Heavies/infantry. 



    Jetpack crewmen (or are they techs?) as simple additions to the crewmen. 


    Dregs Would be an equivelent to a heavy osprey. Floating weapon-platforms. There to support the ground troops.


    Dargyns would harass the player. Think of how hek comes into a mission, fights, runs away, appears later in the mission. They'd come in as groups. 



    I'm unsure if the osprey in AW missions are going to be replaced with actual frigates/corvettes/carriers (ships) But, if they aren't, they could be put into common missions like their grineer counterparts. Actually If they were made into ships they could still be put into normal missions as minibosses. Raptor could join them. 

  2. Mod creativity?


    - Fun stuff like "richocete rounds" or "slow" or "reduce accuracy" or "extra damage to heavy enemies" or "hard to block" or "knock enemies away" 

    - Updated elements system. With elements being more than "slap as many on as you can" or "choose the best damage type for the enemy you're fighting" 

    - More control on clip size/ reload. 

    - different kinds of +damage/Multishot mods with each having penalties/being weaker due to dual stats. 



    Also, Not a huge issue but event mods should be out by now, at least for tethra and BG

  3. So warframe at the moment is, in some regions of the world, pretty dead. In others the population has diminished. What's really happening is that we get a big boost for every update. Then after people have got the new-thing they stop playing because it doesn't "feel" like there's anything left for them to do. DE seem to know this, judging by the last two updates; Dogs and wings, in which we got gimicks to take us in for a few hours. The gameplay is clearly secondary to the rewards; and that cuts out a lot of players. 



    *****- The mod system revolves around min-maxing damage. Offers very little in term of creativity.


    *****- The variety of gameplay enemy variation brings is very little. Enemy variety should bring a lot to the table. It doesn't. 


    ***** Level scalling. Linked very closely to the min-maxing problem. You've got situations where it's impossible to kill a grunt, and you've got situations where it's impossible for the entire might of the grineer military to scratch you. 


    **** The enemies don't change in appearance or type, only in level, on harder missions. 



    **** Things that encourage teamwork, such as friendship doors, or annoying nuisances; There's little positive things that encourage teamwork. 


    **** Weapon ballance. Requires a single number cruncher to fix. Hasn't. This isn't a "mk-1 bo should be just as good as potatoed Bo prime." but rather "I spent just as much on X as I did on Y, but X is objectively worse"  


    *** Parkour. 

    *** Melee

    *** Gear. Somewhat a teamwork issue. The vast majority of players don't bother with gear at all because it's so out of the way. Yet with some work it could fantastically Increase the depth and combinations of strategies that players could pull. 

    *** Defence missions. Repetitive unchanging single tile; Yet this is a gamemode with more time played on it than almost everything else. 

    *** syndicates.  Darling, syndicates could be the coolest story in the game. But they're not. They're currently a hopeless grind. We could have invasions, wars, Dynamic PVP alerts, Individual player stories with redemption,betrayal and failure , new stalkers. New factions and their soldiers to fight Etc. 

    *** Low/alternate gravity gameplay. Think fighting a ship when suddenly gravity in an area goes entirely. Not just "low" but "no". 

    *** RNG should be a little more player friendly. I'd gladly have prime items not be available in void for the first month of prime access if it meant the drop rates would be fair afterwards. 


    *** The redistribution of resources. Some stuff drops too much in too many places. Others drop rarely in few places. Currently the best place to get cells is to kill the same boss repeatedly. That's not fun. On the other hand contol modules are extremely difficult to get, unless you're a void player where they're a bad joke. Oxium should drop from a few more enemies. What am I ever to use all these nanospores on? 


    *** Making the player ship actually convenient. 


    **/** New weapons. I think new weapons need to be added with enemies in mind. Enemies need to use this stuff. Part of the problem with enemies isn't that they need fantastic animations and new models; For the most part we could get an excellent array of enemies by just using current enemies with more engaging weapons (dodge, man). If it's for enemies; four stars. If it's just for players; little importance





    * new frames. New frames should be secondary to the hundred other issues there are. We've got enough frames for the moment.  Divide that team up and put them to use where needed. 

    * swimming. This is planed? Do we need it? Should certainly be secondary to parkour improvements and low/alt gravity .

  4. syndicate levels as far as i see them is somethign you have run in the background while you go off and do the stuff you wnat and every so often you get the option to rank up in it i never thought of it as a huge grind for a day cause i dont want content i can just finish in a day, i want something to look foward to down the line rather than either " yay did 3 story missiosn in an hour now i gotta wait till next major update for more" or "yay i got the new frame and all the new weapons after paying for it.... how come i dont get anything for my effort doing these new missions?" 




    As opposed to the much needed foreground game mechanics?


    Son, Are you forgetting that there's missions in which you actively play purely for syndicate points? 

  5. Grinding 5000 points without quests was a pain in the arse; and I could only do it with some speed because of one weapon void defences. 


    Now, that's tedius for me, and I am, as of this post, 666 hours in and mastery rank 14. Imagine what it's like for someone at rank 3 who can't just storm the void. 


    So I get to the part where I can buy the second rank. I buy it. Woo! I can get quests now. I've got three quests to do.. and they offer me nothing. I mean now I've got twenty thousand-something points to earn. But the highest quest available that day offered me a little over 500. Sure it's more time efficient per mission than waves upon waves of defence; But it's still... Yeah. Playing 40 tiny missions for the next rank is dumb. 


    And this is but the first of ranks. 


    Everything that can be gained with syndicates seem to be far more effort than what they're worth. 



    - Too long to get to the stage where missions occur, extremely so for rank 3. 

    - Sigils look cool, but why are they a gameplay feature when they offer almost nothing? 

    - Too many tiny weakling missions that don't go anywhere. Not enough of those tiny weakling missions either. 

    - Even If I'm a crazy no-lifer with every frame and maxed mods; This doesn't reward me for being powerful or skilled or clever or having put time into other areas of the game. It rewards me for being crazy patient. 

    - Mods and suff are way too expensive for what they do, Imagine grinding fifty games for an item you can only use on one or two items. 

    - "sacrifice". Sigh. It's a game. Where's the fun in that. There isn't. Is there some deep meaning behind loosing your items that somehow makes the rest of syndicates better or challenging? No. There isn't. 

    backround Endgame mechanics? What are you even trying to defend? Firstly this endgame it's "from the very begining of the middle game all throughout your life" Rather like Wrinkles and grey hair. For a playerbase  Secondly warframe doesn't need a "backround game"? Where is the fun in that? Whatabout veterans that are already at the high mastery ranks after the long game and are having a long game thrown over them as they level up? There is none; and this isn't even a backround thing. There are alerts for you to do; That Ain't backround gameplay. 

  6. It's not a patch until Innocent_Flower makes a topic complaining about how it's not good enough.

    Is it ever? 


    Thing is, I do not want to continue flying sometimes, and just stop after switching off the thrusters, rather than having to whiz around without the thrusters active. 


    And you do realise space physics is going to be quite frustrating on some players too?


    For one, just to turn, you need to angle the thrusters to the desired direction (or simply put: Vector manipulation) to do that. And with inertia and such increasing with speed (alright, maybe at relativistic speeds) and mass, that means we have more 'sticker' controls while turning, then we would continue to accelerate, which means even more 'stickier' turning controls to represent increasing inertia etc..


    So, actual space physics is pretty complicated to code (and probably would be unappreciated with the general playerbase). 

    -Amended that. 

    - Angling the thrusters... Not that level of realism. 


    Considering some players are already confused by Archwing movement, I think that would needlessly complicate things.

    Make the UI better. But seriously archwing's currently pretty simple. 

  7. 1- Option to wear Syndicate sigils purely cosmetically, No gains or losses for syndicates and no "only wear one syndicate sigil" 


    2- The option to not have the syndicate glow like energy. A simple checkbox. 


    3- A wider range of size. on many a frame minimum sigil size is still to big. 


    4 More X/Y axis control


    6- The option to have sigils not apply to some of your warframe colours (for example goes over primary and secondary, invisible when over 3 and 4. You could make some cool patterns with this one) Probably difficult to do; But it'd be awesome. 


    7 Sigil badge. 


    8: Helmet sigil. 


    9- Flip sigil. 


    10 Side sigils. Arm, thigh, hip. Under the armpit. 


    11 Primary weapon sigil. 


    12: Sigil avatar. 

  8. In space: 


    You wouldn't slow down if you stop using your thrusters. You'd be able to move in the direction you want, stop thrusting, rotate any way you like without changing direction. It'd allow players to focus on their aim when moving really fast. It'd also allow for players to charge in one direction, then steer around incoming missiles/obstacles whilst continuing forward. Players could have a button that toggles an auto-break that reverts gameplay to what it is now. 


    There's no gravity, so your orientation should  change with movement. It'd be cool as S#&$, but it'd be confusing. But if you made some great UI, you'd be less confused, but it'd still be cool. Could have a self-righting option. 


    Moving asteroids. They don't all have to move. But it'd spice the maps up a bit. Moving ships would just be... I need more trousers. 


    Infantry; IN SPACE. Seriously though; One jump in space and you can fly forever. Think fighting through asteroids covered in Grineer spider droids of death, or infested monsters. Jumping from asteroid to asteroid. 


    Ripline in space, or just a long rope to hold onto. 

  9. This has happened twice to me now. For some reason a mod is near the border. I get to the mod, I get told I will be forced to extract If I don't go back. I go back. I get extracted.Seven waves of interception down the drain. 



    Is that rea/ly neccessary? Couldn't you just turn me around; And if it is neccessary could I at least keep the things I've won that game



    Edit: game extracted me during a fight/extract  situation. I was right next to an interception zone. 

  10. Ok, The only good way to get XP for archwing is interception. Them exterminates and sabotages just don't cut it. 


    Now, I'm told the Uranus Interception is the way to get the second archwing's parts. 

    I can't do that mission. It's too hard. My teammates can't handle it either. 


    Other than in the quests; The only archwing interception mission is a low level thing on earth. (also; It's a *@##$ to find the neccessary mods. ) 

  11. OK, now, I'm sure a rift in space will appear and swallow the universe because I agree with a post from Innocent_Flowers, but we do technically need something to differentiate frames more while in the AW.


    I disagree with active abilities, like he suggests, but something passive that has at the very least to do with a class of frame, like "Stealth", "Caster", "Tank", in the sense that it amplifies the higher innate traits would be nice. If we got higher Energy bonuses for the casters, they would be the ones using more powers, melees for the tanks etc. Right now, any player that just has a small number of frames and say, all casters because he enjoys playing that, will be at a penalty compared to other choices.


    Might not be a massive one, but it's still annoying, if you say have a Loki, a Nova and a Vauban, and not say a maxed Valkyr. All the frames that have cool abilities, do not translate well, if at all, over to AW, unless I'm missing something.


    Tank/caster/stealth bonuses would be interesting (I'd assume it'd be Durability bonus, power bonus and speed bonus)... But I think I'd rather have different Archwings for that, Or different mod builds. You're right; Caster frames with cool abilities are often the weakest. I'm interested in why you'd disagree with active abilities. It'd be a lot of work, and some of them would need to be changed for archwing, but I think it'd add a lot to active archwing gameplay. 



    zephyr master race 1110 shields 1110 health

    I think not; No armour. 

  12. Let's be honest; Why dodge-roll when you can Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide. No reason! (excluding seeker mines and hobbled keys) Even when you're in the archwing rolling does very little for you. 



    Rolling does little for you. You don't move that far and it's not that fast. Unlike sliding you can't shoot whilst doing it. 


    And yet, dodging in other games is such a great mechanic. You can use it to skillfully avoid powerful but rather telegraphed attacks. 


    Simplethings first, slightly more difficult things second. 


    - Slightly faster roll speeds

    - Slightly longer distance. 

    - Increases the damage of the first melee strike from a dodgeroll. 


    - Reloading isn't stopped by rolling. 


    -Heavier frames can knock over lighter enemies by rolling into them. 

    - More enemies with powerful, telegraphed attacks that are easy to avoid. 

    - A mod lets the player shoot/reload whilst rolling. 

  13. My proposition is to overload the ability buttons.


    Press button = Archwing ability

    Hold button = Warframe ability


    This way we can mashup both skill sets and would have a reason to use the squisier frames. 


    BUT the Archwings should also have their own durability, which would simply be added to the Warframe's. 

    That's a pretty solid suggestion actually, so long as some abilities are modified for space use. ( I kinda needed a way to justify Vaub having three abilities anyways. Electric mines, vortex and a bastille (possibly a bastille that causes enemies to loose control rather than float immobile) 



    Edit: You could alternatively swap ability sets with R

  14. As a newbie I have to rely on mods such as Serration and Hornet Strike to keep my damage on par with the places I need to go to gather materials for... whatever that can get me out of the newbie zone.


    I'd be devastated if these type of mods get nerfed. I've spent quite a bit for these just to get me to hit hard enough to survive, and without it there's no way in the nine hells I'm going to get the blueprints I need to progress onward.

    Play a game of void. All those hard times finding credits in the solar system become meaningless. Even tier one (pretty easy) gives you over 10k per mission.


    (also, You can get good gear without moving beyond the first three planets) 

  15. So I've noted that archwings borrow from your warframe's health,shields and armour. 


    So you should play a tanky frame. Rhino, Saryn, frost (probably not valkyr, though I've yet to try) 


    As far as I'm aware there's no reason why you should pick a different frame. Could we Fix this? Could we perhaps give each frame an ability they can use with archwing  Or else modifiers for an ability? With 1-4 taken, players could perchance use R (as there is no reload with at least the default gun) or hold F (since there's only two weapons) 





    - Miasma (but bigger, cause space. Also doesn't cause you to slow down, so you can chase whilst you're gassy and poison) 

    - Venom (but enemies explosion is big, because space

    Passive: automatically Leave behind Molts for missiles. 



    - Speed

    - Volt shields. 

    Passive: releases chain lightning when hit. 



    - teleport 

    - For a limited time every time you score a melee hit a hologram will spawn by another enemy for an attack. 

    Passive; Increased melee distance and damage 



    - Invisibility

    - Switch teleport. Any missiles locked onto you will hit who you switch with. 

    Passive: Chance of disarming enemies hurt. 



    - Chaos

    - absorb

    Passive: Random enemies are mind controlled. 



    -Hall of mirror clones. You should probably have less than you would on foot, and most would be off/behind screen.  Feel like you're in control of a tiny squadron formation. 

    - Laser light show 

    Passive: That In darkness/light ability



    - Snowball. Like avalanch, but moving with you for a few seconds. 

    - Snowglobe, the kind that follows you. 

    Passive; Near enemies are slowed. 



    - Sun. Create a fire sphere that causes damage to those who enter

    - World on fire. 

    Passive: All enemies near you take extra fire damage. 



    That kinda thing.

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