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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower



    If they spent money to play a glass cannon, you can't nerf it.  If they spent money to play a tank, you can't nerf it.  If they spent money to play a ninja, you can't nerf it.  If they spent money to play a slow game, you can't nerf it.  If they spent money to play a fast game, you can't nerf it.  Whatever experience they paid for, they deserve to have it respected, not destroyed.  And if two experiences can't coincide in time and space then they both need their separate sandboxes, whether it's a different game or a different mission, or whatever the mechanism.  That is what is important, treating people with respect, not meaningless extra credits slogans like power creep and balance.  DE could disrespect us, but then they reap what they sow, sooner or later.

    I find It kinda disrespectful that they don't take the time to care for their game and buff/nerf what they've already released. The beta agreement says they can change anything they want. Any inconvenience they make to individuals in the short term should in the long term make the game better for everyone. It's a worthwhile trade.

  2. Why are you guys bringing up business plans? Do elaborate how the current broken system makes money? 


    I mean; Yeah, there's that guy who'l pay 200 plat for a maxed one; But there's also that guy who'll make 200 plat so that he doesn't need to buy it himself. 


    If you make the game better; More people will play. If you make the game more accessible; More people will play. SImples. 


    Warframe, at least going by the stats that were released at some point by DE (players signed up, frames built, weapons built etc) has a pretty low retention rate. Sure there are some people who play to unlock new stuff (They're pretty well represented on these forums, but I certainly wouldn't say the forum userbase is representative of the actual playerbase) But the majority of players get sick of it, be it before or after they've unlocked any/everything. 



    Please, well done for your emotive language and original lexical choices, But it'd help if you stuck to ideas relevant, or didn't ignore previous counterarguments. 




    Then DE will have to buff the players back up to where they were before the suggested changes because people enjoy playing powerful characters.  People enjoy wrecking hordes of mooks and Warframe has found success with this

    That's a sweeping generalization. 




    What is more, people are free to implement the OP themselves.

    Yeah, but that's kinda like giving soldiers the choice of taking a gun into battle or not. The game's set up so that in some places you can't win without "the gun". What's more is that because more players are OP, DE are coming up with new scenarios that need the player to be even more powerful. 


    As for the rest of what you wrote; I either addressed it earlier or you didn't make enough sense for me to formulate a reply (or there's already a great counterargument somewhere on the thread that you've ignored. That tends to happen in these kinds of threads). 

  3. I'm almost certain that for achwing missions the players, their enemies, and a few props are shrunken. 


    I'm guessing that Originaly, the parts that make up the corpus trench run was made for average sized players on foot. They would have been added to the corpus ship tileset. Suddenly they want to use it for achwing. It's too small. You can't fly around in those narrow corridoors. You can't move so freely in such a small space. So they Shrink the player. 



    It's pretty obvious with the corpus. You've got doors that are too big. Large but weak sources of light illuminating large areas. The Occasional item that just looks just like it did in the main game. The Indoor sections that you can fly through being overly spacious. 


    It's a little less obvious with the grineer asteroids. (daym those rocks Look low in quality, Like Upscaled rocks from somewhere else) I suppose on the whole it's just easier to make everything smaller. It's clear why you'd want to shrink everything; Easier on the computer, But, seriously, It's very obvious that the corpus trenchrun has the player shrunken (or everything else was massively upscaled) To me, I think it could be interesting to have the trenchrun tiles  put into the corpus ship tileset (the regular one) (at original size) and then throw a "no gravity mode" on that's somewhere between archwing and regular gameplay. 

  4. I found Mirage's quest to be fantastic in terms of canonical implications, but hey, to each his own.

    I was kinda thinking; 


    It doesn't make sense to give tenno individuality. Look at Excalibro. There are hundreds of them. They're unnamed tenno in warframes. Then you look at valkyr, who was tortured and experimented on... and every single valkyr in the solar system was tortured and experimented on in the same way. 


    The use of greek mythology for riddles seemed pretentious. Using riddles  in the first place seemed Illogical, Oh and having riddles on the final product but not the blueprint seemed a passing strange. 


    The "fighting sentient ships" thing was cool, but for me it realy doesn't overshadow the other shortcomings. 

  5. So uh... 


    First off, Kudos for not using bullS#&$ riddles, fantastical lotus monologues and the idea that the frame is a specific individual with a personality/user. Because that story for mirage was very questionable and arguably hole-ridden. Other than the cliche lines of "these co-ordinates don't make sense!", so far Limbo's story is pretty solid. (Helmet's building now. Will certainly call anything out of order should they pop up for the chassis/systems) 


    However, The mechanics did not improve. 

    You've still gotta do that farm for pre-requisites. 

    But most agonizingly; 

    You've gotta wait 12 hours for something to build. 



    Why is waiting in real time part of a quest? 

  6. The art In that level is terrifying. It's much like the tiles were made for normal sized people, DE couldn't fit wings into the hallways and so the corpus and tenno were shrunk to tiny proportions for their freedom of movement. 


    The wide pipeline hallways (especialy the long rooms with the pipes) Look like they should be for single people. 

    The lighting is off. 

    The doors are too big. Yes I've considered the possibility that they're for vehicles; But they're just too big. 

    Osprey look like they're the same size as they've always been, yet they're bigger than us. 

    Things that are small on regular-gameplay corpus ship are huge on the trench run. 

  7. Personally i always wanted something like passive serration/hornet strike, basically instead installing those mods, weapon would be gaining damage by level-up, that way you can easier level up weapons (even solo), and also newbies aren't restricted to farming like mad or trading for those mods... (I will start on my PS4 as a newbie and i'm curious how i end up after my long break).

    That always seemed like a a way to bugger up conclave ratings. (though I don't pvp) Whilst also still having the problem of not being able to use weapons at high/low levels (Having less control over it). Mods are the way to do it; Mods just need to be better. 

  8. Archwing is currently a disappointing minigame that's pretty detached from the main game. I'm sure DE will make the wing game better but as it stands; You can completely ignore it. Why have DE spent so many resources on an experimental minigame we can ignore?


    Well, We can salvage it. I kinda hope this was DE's plan from the beginning and they've only separated it so much from the main game because of how alpha it is. 


    Archwing uses in normal missions; 

    - Fighting past defences to board a ship at the start of a mission. 

    - Fighting past defences to leave a ship at the end of a mission. 

    - Moving from one asteroid to another, possibly carrying data

    - Moving from one ship to another, Possibly during an invasion. 

    - Moving across the surface of a low gravity planet to get from one base to another. In this, you could have ground troops. 


    To do such a thing, We'd probably need to ensure that everyone has an archwing. (or maybe a dargyn, those things are cool) As such, there is still the archwing mission. Possible changes include

    Everyone gets a basic archwing, the archwing mission is merely to get a more powerful archwing. 


    The archwing is a very early quest  that the player gets upon finishing vor's prize. The archwing is very quick to build. 



    When appropriate, use wing enemies on foot sections and foot enemies on wing sections. Be it A large flying mini-boss sent down to harass the on-foot tenno or a ship's hangar of enemies that you, winged, might want to clear before landing. Maybe some soldiers and tanks/guns in the wastelands between bases. Maybe those trenchruns might have a lot of infantry on the floor. Maybe you're that infantry on the floor during someone else's trenchrun? Maybe half your team is in space, trying to shoot down the corpus dropships that come for you. 

  9. Friggates, carriers... They're the names of ship classes. 



    When I first read that the corpus had these, I thought we could use the archwings to fight small corpus ships between 15 and 40 meters (maybe bigger for some types) Instead I was greated by an osprey three times the size of me. 



    Well, A huge osprey's good and all; But that's the kinda thing you want in normal gameplay. They don't belong in space. They're slow. 



    If we could have ships covered in turrets or drone fighters (they have to look fightery) instead then we'd be rocking. 

  10. Firstly I grow tired of having to filter out the majority of your posts because it's not on topic.  

    Yes, lets remove Serration and Hornet Strike totally from the game. Every gun drops to a lower DPS level. Everyone plays as per usual, planet nodes just take longer and maybe 2 hours Survivals and Defense are no longer possible, and instead people run them for 1 hour only.


    Brilliant. You have just shifted the entire game from one level to another and nothing changes. It would be identical to DE just upping HP on every mob in the game, just done from one angle instead of another.


    You do not offer a single interesting mechanics change. You just point out that in your opinion, the game is broken. A game may I add, where the whole point is to jump in, and in short 5-10 minute missions, just kill stuff for a laugh and get some loot.

    Secondly you're going with the most extreme example of "delete them" and ignoring the others. Even so your arguments are still pretty illogical. Responses to your argument. 


    - Actually, without instant kills an infinite shields, playstyle would change  somewhat. 

    - Wouldn't some planet nodes be shorter? 

    - Most players can't even manage one hour, let alone two, in the current gameplay. That's because of the awful scaling. Take tower 4 survival for example. You've got 35 minutes of the game being too easy. Five minutes of the game being just right, then after 40 it's too hard and everyone flees. In those 45 minutes only five are fun. 


    - Not really,The game does change quite a bit. In all but one possible solution the player needs to spend less time faffing about with builds, and in that one that doesn't stop that the builds become deeper/more interesting. 

  11. Ah, you're trying to imply that this suggestion is a self-interest one? 


    Well, It would benefit me, but that's mostly because It benefits the game. At the moment I've got no interest in syndicates because their leveling is just so... poor and they offer no new gameplay. 



    Alerts, Invasions, Pvp, super crazy endgame missions of great difficulty. (perhaps later some lore and new factions to fight/announcers to hear) 

  12. More accessible? Well. It'd mean that players would get "stuck" with the rank that they can play at. With the highest ranking missions requiring either fantastic teamwork or forcing the player to work alone/with a smaller team (for reasons) The highest ranking missions could also come with special events/mutators like Only being allowed certain conclave, having to use a weapon given to you, have to be completely stealthy, contains an archwing segment, you must defend a fragile...  


    There's plenty of ways to ensure that players can't just boom through syndicates like they're paper. Plus I'm sure the "suicide" missions could give an interesting endgame gameplay. 

  13. Syndicates are supposed to be endgame. At mastery rank 14 I should be powering through that stuff... Only I'm not. It's not an "endgame" it's a "small metagame feature that you passively work towards by putting a sticker on your breast for some slow XP"


    So one solution I saw several times was "have more expensive sigils get the player more points". I looked at that and thought "that shouldn't be". Why? Because; A it's still a passive thing and B: I kinda want to wear those sigils because they look nice and show what I've done. I want to wear them neutrally and in multiple areas without the game telling me I can only wear one, loosing and gaining faction points for that is just an inconvenience.


    So I'm thinking the best way for everybody to do factions is to give them a constant stream of alerts, with each tier giving different alerts with a different amount of points and having different difficulties. The highest ranks requiring Incredible gear and good skill.  


    5: Suicidal 

    4: Nightmarish. 

    3: Hard void tower difficulty

    2: Ends of the solar system difficulty. 

    1: Middle rings of the solar system difficulty

    0: Noob difficulty. (skip if you came from -1) 

    -1: Hard void tower difficulty

    -2: suicidal. 


    (the factions that Dislike you will want you dead and send you on hard missions. That way If you Die they win but If you Win they still win. From a gameplay standpoint it makes it so that only the highest level of player who has everything can successfully betray a faction)


    As well as constant Alerts. Sydicates could also have

    -Their own invasions. 

    -Their own PVP conflicts. 

  14. - If it were up to you we'd literally never get any new things. Not really. A couple of balance passes at first. Then  Improvements to current systems (scaling, mods,elements,RNG). After that focus would be on Enemy improvements and additions. Parkour improvements. Better missions. More gamemodes. Power customisation, Probably a "zero G" mode at one point. 


    - Free Odonata would've been nice, tbh, but it's not hard or expensive to make, anyways. read on intergration. 

    -- And we did get 2 arch-guns, 2 arch-melees and 2 archwings. all of which are a pain to make. Farming for parts for regular weapons? Really? Probably would have gone for 


    - Integration is hard and takes time. They already said they want to do it. They mentioned in the stream that while they were working on J3 Archwing came along so they got really interested in the idea of integrating it into the mission. But this takes time, and it's much better if you have the pure system working properly before introducing hybrid missings. Fair point. However, archwing would be better intergrated if everyone had one. everyone


    - Those huge ships you see /are/ transports. I was thinking more gunship/dropship type things.Small ships.  You know; Small enough for an archwing to take down. 


    - Just strafe, it works. should it? Why shouldn't dodge work? 


    - Trench run is a deliberate homage to Star Wars and it works awesomely. Fix your taste. Star wars is awesome, but dumb. Also Star Wars' trench run had the advantage of being fast. 


    - I s'pose I have to agree wrt mods.

  15. this is a stupid post. archwing just came out and you expect it to be perfect from the start..

    What? Where the hell did I say that? WHERE THE HELL DID I SAY THAT? 


    I thought it uneccessary and a drain of resources, and it's questionable to pick archwing over more player-wanted things (movement 2.0, better leveling, better weapons, better enemies...)  


    Obviously I didn't expect it perfect. But Admittedly I expected it to be better than what it is now. I expected a bug filled mess with a few little mechanics that need to be worked on. I didn't expect it to be this bad. I thought it'd be a part of missions; Not seperate with it's own few missions. 

  16. Feedback, even negative, is valuable. 


    It's clear that you're not satisfied with the latest content, but you need to say more than "I don't like it" if you want it to be made better.


    Ah, I was under the train of thought that said "This is bad because it doesn't do X" would mean that I'm suggesting that "This would be better if it did X, please do X, DE" 



    But I think the main thing to do would be to put archwing into normal gameplay. 


    - Scrap the archwing mission (or replace that archwing with a better one) and have it so that all players get immediate access to archwings. 


    - Rather than have standalone archwing missions. Have archwing segments. Including, but not limited to: 

    Using the archwing to get onto the ship/installation  you have a mission on.

    Using the archwing to escape a ship/installation. 

    Moving from ship to ship or asteroid to asteroid. 

    Moving between bases on low gravity moons. 

  17. - I was kinda hoping that everything'd get fixed and changed. That's kinda why I wrote the thread. Still; Some stuff is unlikely to be fixed (surreal corpus "trench" sections, first arcwing likely won't be given to all for free even though it'd expand the options that archwing can offer.) 

    - Putting tons of developer resources into a split off segment of the game doesn't seem like a great idea.

  18. Hello again, Innocent_Flower.  I see you haven't changed.  I also see your concerns, and recognize most of them as valid.


    So let me ask you one question:  How would you make it better?


    It's very easy to bash something.  It's quite a bit harder to try to improve it.

    What I would have done, were I supreme commander of DE? 



    - Wouldn't have made archwing so soon in development. Would have focused on basic gameplay mechanics first (interesting enemies, good scalling, ballance, interesting weapons, movement improvements). Failing that; 


    - Everyone gets the most basic arcwing free. Though If I had an option I would've also added other items for tenno to use (perhaps those flying dargyn) 


    - Archwing enemies would appear in standard gameplay when appropriate. Regular enemies would apear in archwing gameplay when appropriate. 


    - arcwing (dargyn) sections are only parts of missions. Think "we need to board this ship, let's fight some enemies to get past it". or "We need to leave this ship and get to X for extraction" or "we need to move from asteroid A to Asteroid B" 


    - Small ships in space. Fighters, troop transports, resource transports. 


    - dodging is bigger. Vehicles are faster when traveling longer distances. 


    - No corpus ship trench runs. 


    - Mods are more common. 



    Probably would be better. 

  19. So I was skeptical about archwing when it was first shown. I thought "this is something really flashy that will draw the masses in, but ultimately is a distraction from the main game." I kinda thought It'd be too soon to try and attract the masses. You do that when every aspect of gameplay is polished or at least decent, not before.  


    So, I was  right. It's a poorly added flashey-thing that gives nothing to the base game.


    -The binary nature. It's an archwing mission or a foot mission and there's no synergy between them. There's few arcwing missions and so you're not given many ways to level your stuff for the more difficult archwing missions. 

    - Having to build your first archwing has something to do with how disconnected they are. Archwing just can't be mixed with normal gameplay because not everybody has an archwing. 

    - Art went surreal. Grey space, bizarre grineer mining items on asteroids. The weird dimensions of everything encountered in the corpus trench-runs.  

    - The enemies.  Bigger osprey named like ships. No chance of fighting arcwing enemies on foot, or vice versa. 

    -The gameplay

    -- Dodging doesn't do. Admittedly I'm used to sliding; But the barrel roll here has very little function. 

    -- Long periods of moving forward in a straight line. 

    -- Melee has become a clunky "dash and whack" thing. 



    The big blow is that It's obvious that DE have put a fair bit of effort into coding/modeling and animating all this; Effort they could have spent making the main game better. There's tons of new enemies (and every faction needs those almost desperately) New weapon mechanics, A quest, new mods (we could've had the current ones balanced) There's one or two achwing tilesets... and that effort could have been used to improve/add too current tilesets.





  20. I'm sure there will be faction missions later on. I'm honestly vastly impressed that they managed to get so much content in with Syndicates already, like animated models and voiced lines. No need to complain about not having 6 new factions of units yet.


    I do agree that the rate of gaining favor is way too slow, and spending favor is all-around feel-bad-ness. It also messes up the zero-sum balance of favor among factions, which I strongly dislike. I don't mind not getting immediate benefits, but I wish that I'd at least get something in the first few hours of fighting for them.


    I assumed favor was based on total mission Affinity, but you claim that focusing one weapon increases the favor gain. Can you confirm this? Do you have numbers available or is it really obvious from testing? I haven't noticed such a thing.


    Hypothetical questions and speculation don't add up to "doing them badly". I'm not impressed with your post title, because you haven't actually said anything that bad about them that can't be addressed with balancing. You don't even know half of the things in your post are true; you're just guessing.


    EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I would rather my sigils didn't have such intense color as well.


    - The "use one weapon" thing was from other people's testing. Somehow it makes a better spread of affinity for syndicates. 

    - Only a few items up there I'm not certain about.

    - Fixed Title, sorry 'bout that. 

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