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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Dual stat mods would probably make more mods neccessary. You might want an anti-recoil mod to deal with the extra recoil- You could have a more powerful gorgon with mighty kick or a mighty gorgon with a slower rate of fire. You could have an extremely inaccurate gorgon that could still be very effective at short ranges and against crowds. 


    With the +damage+recoil mod You might be fine with the extra recoil. You might take steps to counter it. I don't see how it could make other mods obsolete. 



    People would equip more damage, even if it wasn't neccessary. Maybe increasing your rate of fire rather than damage per bullet is a better path to a better DPS... But it'd also be more ammo inefficient and some weapons just can't deal with that. 

  2. An Idea. 


    All Orokin weapons are equaly good. All tenno weapons are equaly good (in general, they can be better than eachother for different enemies, but overall should be pretty similar  (the exceptions like dex or dragon will be better). Items common to tenno that aren't tenno can be left out. Grineer and corpus items are free to be all over the place... But there is no "cheap mass production" for tenno. 


    The standard braton is an outdated corpus weapon. The burston.. It's not tenno. 


    Anyhow. If DE can ballance orokin weapons against themselves; They're doing well. If they can do tenno weapons too then they're pretty much there when it comes to great weapon balance. 


    "If you think a weapon is too powerful; don't use it" is never a valid excuse. It doesn't stop your teammates from being significantly more powerful than you (The boltor prime is incredibly popular for the void) But it also encourages things like T4 void (which never would have happened had we not the imbalance to ask for it) 

  3. Let me expand on my ideas for the grineer a bit, though don't let this poor post worsen your thoughts on the OP if it's terrible. 



    Enemies like lancers, seekers, hellions are medium units. Bombadiers/napalms/heavy gunners are heavy units. Light units are butchers, snipers, powerfists, scorpions. 


    In this, We're expanding the types of light unit just a little. 


    The main light infantry guys will be Butcher models with grakata/hinds. You can see butchers with bratons in 

    and we've still got "lancers" in the void (butchers with dera) so it's not like they weren't ever considered for this roll. 


    That on it's own should be an easy to make addition to the grineer forces. 


    Extra light elite grineer (the ones that still apear on hard)


    *Butcher models with rocket launcher.You could use an ogris but I'm thinking a more powerful one shot RPG, (partialy because I want a one-shot RPG). 

    Homing RPG grineer. Easy to kill. Once killed the rocket looses it's target. The rocket is slow, undogable but easy to shoot down. An interesting game mechanic

    *Butcher/female grenadiers. Throw lots of grenades.

    Cannon grineer. Easy to kill guys who point a laser at the player. The player then needs to kill/seek cover as the laser is part of a portable cannon with a slow charge (think spartan laser but grineer) 

    Stug user. Maybe with a jetpack. 

    Explosive dart gun user. A dart is fired. After a few seconds it explodes. 

    Those are mostly fun little ideas that don't all need to be implemented. Anyhow the main theme behind the elite light units is that they're easy to kill and hold powerful weapons that the player can take steps to avoid (skill based gameplay. Wooooo!!!) 


  4. I'm not a brilliant man, but I think I have a reasonable resolution to threads like this.


    I believe a precedent should be made in regards to what a Prime item should be compared to its non-prime counterpart.  All prime items should be adjusted to match this precedent, at which point any arguements on the matter become moot and the focus can go back to being hyped about whats new and exciting.

    You shouldn't better all prime parts by a certain number. 


    For instance; Tenno craftsmanship is superior to mass produced corpus crap. If there was a tenno version of the braton; It'd be better. It'd be unfair to have paris prime 50% stronger than a tenno weapon whilst braton prime is 50% stronger than a corpus weapon. 


    Orokin weapons should be balanced to be equal to eachother. (imo, the Paris prime is the best example of a prime weapon. Latron's pretty spot on too) 

  5. I didn't expect one. 



    Joking, Joking. Promise (?) 


    But Really. I spend too much time looking at my mod menu. Buffing,nerfing. redirection and vitality are almost as bad as serration and hornet strike.  I just feel myself falling asleep when I play a long game with easy enemies. Oh I remember Trying to get loki. T4 survival. 35 minutes of mind-numbingly easy. 5 minutes of respectable difficulty. Post 40 hell. Repeat again and again. All down to having all-powerful mods with an all powerful weapon in an all-awful scaling system with all-awful RNG. 

  6. Are you serious ?


    Serration is the best mod in the game !! its the first mod I focused on maxing, it helps you kill stuff faster because thats the ONLY thing you do in this game GO FAST AND KILL STUFF.


    Serration FTW.


    Now can you explain why you don't like it ? With all your posts I see I have a feeling WF might not be the game for you...

    I don't think I need to give an intelligent reply to that. 



    The reason I like serration/hornet strike/point blank/pressure point?

    Because it is a form of progression.

    I can easily see my weapon get more powerful as I spend time and effort in this game maxing out serration.

    As I've said its boring to play a game and go:

    "It doesn't matter whether I play in the newbie area or the end game, it'll still take 7 shots to kill this enemy...."

    And that's what a flat progression invariably is.

    You never feel stronger in those systems and its quite boring

    And besides, just removing that mod wont solve your issues of "No build variety!!!!"

    Because what about multishot?

    What about elements? Afterall, these are just as 'required' in any build as serration and are always the same against a singular faction.

    And what about fire rate mods? Because if you remove the direct damage mods this one is the next boost for burst damage output and very few guns dont benefit from it.  What will you do when this becomes the next 'required' mod?



    Isn't it also boring to go into the level 7 area and instakill everything with your fully automatic weapon? I find earth unplayable without nerfing myself to S#&$. 


    Elements, mulstishot and firerate mods can get their own ballancing at around the same time. #



    Could I also add that there is a solution up their to just make more types of serration/hornet strike. One that keeps modding interesting whilst keeping progression the way it currently is. 

  7. Lancer level 8. Lancer level 36. 



    So the thing is; The lancer looks tough. This isn't an argument exclusively about the lancer. But I'l use him because I like him. If you fight a lancer on earth- He's too easy. It takes a bullet for a mid-ranking player to kill one. The same mid ranking player fights a lancer on ceres and he'l expend many bullets trying to get through that thick armour. The grakata will leap from something less harmful than a blade of grass to something that rivals the deathstar. 


    But when you get the necessary mods to deal with this lancer; Do you actually feel like you've progressed?  You're now even with the same guy who you dominate on earth. It's the same guy. 


    Yes. You can feel you've progressed by going back to earth, doing too much damage and taking far less- but now that's become boring. They're no challenge. Now go back to ceres, play survival till everything outlevels you and you'l realise how weak you are. How fake this leveling system is. You both easily defeat and get crushed by identical characters. There's no progression because the gameplay hasn't changed between Earth-Lancer and Ceres lancer. The weapon is the same. The appearance, minus the paint, is the same. The tactics are the same. The abilities are the same. The only difference is numbers. 


    So instead could we do something like this? 



    Easy missions for grineer use more light soldiers. Light melee. Light infantry (rather than lancers you have new units which are essentially butchers with guns) medium units like Lancers themselves are uncommon and tough. Corpus use many men and few/lesser robotics. Infested are more sparse and weaklings are common. 
    Grineer Medium missions use both medium and light infantry. (lancers are common. Light infantry still exist) Corpus use more/better robotics and few men. Infested are at eris levels. 
    Hard only keeps the light infantry with powerful weaponry. Otherwise medium infantry (and elite infantry) make up the bulk of enemies. Corpus use better and larger robots like jackals and Hyena almost commonly. Infested are larger, altered from being longer infested. 
  8. Mods that triple your damage. Unless you're playing on a very low level game and don't want to make it too easy; You're going to equip these mods on any weapon that can take them. 


    They're overpowered and add nothing to customisation or the game. Seriously. In what way do they make the game better? Do they make you more powerful? I suppose; But you're just getting more powerful to deal with lancers who have higher numbers. There's no meaningful progression with your tripple damage. It's just taking up a mod slot. As a bonus, even if you've got some great build that doesn't use these mods.. your teammates will have a better build because they do use them. 

     They will likely out-compete you. 

    In the long run. They're bad for the game. Some possible solutions; 


    - weaken them to the point that they're optional. They still have ten levels. But you don't need them if you want to play a high level game . You'd also be fine with having a max level mod on a low-tier game. You could up your firerate or increase specific types of damage instead. (rework level scalling) 


    - Replace with cores and credits. You'd get a lot.  Rework level scalling. 


    - Split the mod into several other dual stat serrations/hornet strikes. +damage -clipsize, +damage -accuracy, +damage +recoil, +damage -reload speed. That way you've still got the mods- there's just some level of originality in choosing what one you like best. 


    And buff the mods that need buffing maybe? Y'know. +puncture or +status chance. maybe add stuff for specific enemies. 


    Some things that need to happen anyway

    Fix of level scalling (i got a pretty good thread on it here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/328207-so-theres-a-big-guy-in-big-armour-and-hes-pathetic-here-and-godly-there/

    Rebalancing/rework of some other mods.Would fix any concerns that other mods would become "essential" in replacement. 

  9. Right. 


    1- Everyone who goes on a void mission uses their key. Not just the host. Everyone. 


    2- There are no MD/def/survival etc keys. You've just got tier 1/2/3 and you can use one of those keys for any mission of that tier that you want. 


    3- 1/2/3 keys are found respectively on easy/medium/hard missions. 


    No more needing to wait in recruiting for someone to host the right mission. The void can function as a planet that automatically finds players to play with.


    *cue applause* 

  10. so you just want an OP weapon with just one potato ? go marelok then ....


    dude all weapon have their behavior and their own way to deal with , if you like a weapon , stick with it, just stick with it , nothing is more important than fun in a game 

    How's the marelok comment relevant? 


    I want a variety of good weapons. But because the closest thing we have to an endgame is reliant on OP weapons I don't really feel like I'm using a variety. 

  11. Firstly; Nightmare mode is BS. Random mutators aren't a fantastic gameplay mechanic for warframe as their level of effect is so varied (Low grav is easy. No shields mode doesn't matter at all for valkyr whilst dooming volt/mag.)


    So with that out the way. Let me explain. 



    There are some really cool tilesets that are too easy. Be it they're too low level or that they're filled with new players that sometimes aren't the best to play with in certain gamemodes (excavation for example) Earth for example. On the otherhand there are cool tilesets that new players can't handle (ceres) 



    Granted; the player won't feel like they're progressing if there's loads of infested corpus ship tilesets from the beginning. But on the other hand you want players to experience a good amount of tilesets to keep them in the game. Vor's prize was good but it was a one-off thing. 


    So. Introduction out the way. A quick and efficient list of proposed ideas: 



    - Medium missions are invisible till the player completes vors prize/reaches rank 1 (whichever comes first) Hard missions unlock at rank 4. 

    -Easy/medium/hard missions are either available on a different "disk" around the planet or look visibly different. 

    - Easy missions have tons of information help from lotus, particularly complex ones like excavation. 

    - High level planets probably don't need easy. 

    - edit: could be a good way to distribute void keys (1 on easy, 2 on medium, 3/4 on hard) 


    - Every planet/system can have corpus/grineer ships, as well as the asteroid tileset for underground bases. 

    - Earth has many different tilesets.  Jungle. Arid. Corpus snow.  Shipyards. 

    - Most planets will have multiple factions on them. During invasions some invaded missions will remain the same tileset whilst others will change to that factions (occupation/replacement) for example Mars could have the grineer arid tileset (currently phobos) and corpus snowbase tileset (possibly reskined as sand) Corpus ships could turn into infested corpus ships. To show what faction a mission is each pannel will be coloured appropriately (Invasions change to have both colours of the waring factions shown.) 


    Rather than just Up the levels of characters- use different characters.

    Easy missions for grineer use more light soldiers. Light melee. Light infantry (rather than lancers you have butchers with guns) medium units like Lancers themselves are uncommon and tough. 

    Medium missions use medium and light infantry. (lancers are common. Light infantry still exist) 

    Hard only keeps the light infantry with powerful weaponry. Otherwise medium infantry (and elite infantry) make up the bulk of enemies. 


    Corpus and infested do something similar (they need more units) But were they I'd say that  Jackals and hyena become rather common (The bosses being new/upgraded versions and the common jackal/hyena being old/cheap models) Whilst the infested just get bigger guys or become more numerous.Assassins (stalker,g3,harvester, syndicates) don't come on easy and are more likely to come on hard

  12. "with the right build" 


    Explain to me this build and how I can't make a significantly better build for a different, almost objectively superior prime weapon. 



    With the right build and enough forma I can kick @$$ with a Mk1-braton. I'm just going to need a lot of forma. Don't give me the "if you put the time and forma needed into the weapons..." I'm sure with six forma you could make the braton prime comparable to the boltor prime, Though the Boltor prime would only need one forma to become better than the braton prime could ever be. 

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