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Everything posted by (XBOX)Dierecktive

  1. Credit will go to (Nev) for his work while I will be making some changes myself, the passive is completely created by me, alongside the stats done below. Go check out my previous work https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1394811-atlas-rework/ Note: This rework is designed to heavily increase his survivability, while making him more viable for endgame content majority of his current state abilities is very useless. The augment for the 1st & 2nd ability is my idea, deciding to rename majority of his augments and abilities while slightly combining some of them together such as his "Biting Frost" "Icy Avalanche." New Passive: (Glacial Lake) When receiving health damage frost gains an absorb stack, which places a small icon on the right side of the screen. This new absorb stack effect will slightly reduce all incoming damage received by 1% overtime, it will slowly increase 1 additional percentage every 6's eventually reaching it's 10% absorb cap out. Upon reaching 10% the ground beneath frost feet is frozen this will temporarily heal frost, based on 5% of his ability strength nearby enemies are immediately frozen which reduces their defense by 5% while freezing them for 3's. Freeze - Now (Artic Infliction): Frost shoots a freezing blast from his hands dealing 350 projectile damage on a direct hit which creates a propagating icy cloud, that applies a guaranteed cold proc in a 2.5m radius every 0.5 seconds. For 3's it grows bigger up to a 5 meter radius and lingers for 7's after hitting its maximum size, direct hits have 1000% status chance which places 10 cold procs that instantly freezes nearby enemies on hit. (Freezer Burn, Augment) enemies killed while being frozen have 15 percent chance to drop ice chunks, which grants frost with the overguard effect which maxes up to 20,000 this drop chance percentage can be increased by additional 15 percent after killing 20 more enemies once every 45's. 'This ability energy consumption will remain the same as it is currently before any reworks'. Ice Wave - Now (Impaling Force): Frost stomps the ground creating a wave of crystallized razor sharp ice shards in a 20 meter radius, which deals heavy damage reducing nearby enemies defense by 5% this defense reduction scales based on the player ability strength. (Chill Out, Augment) creates an after effect when the ability shards disappear the ground is covered in water, upon nearby enemies stepping in said water their movement speed is reduced by 10% for 12's. Snow Globe - Now (Freezing Barrier): Frost freezes all moisture in the air creating a stationary defense bubble it's base health is 3,596.41 it will increase by 5 times based on the player current shield value (this includes his flat value alongside the mods) as additional health, this ability also grants the player and nearby allies with a 5 second window that blocks all incoming damage. Which is absorbed and is added to the health of the bubble enemies that are very close to the sphere, will be inflicted with 3 cold procs once every 3's it's base range is 7 meters while the health and range can both be increased by using ability strength mods. Also eximus units cannot bypass the bubble unless they are already inside it, allies can now shoot through the bubbles from all sides and temporarily gain status immunity for 8's while inside the bubble. Holding the ability activation will encase the player in a self protection bubble, this mobile bubble will grant you status immunity while active enemies that melee attack the player is frozen on contact. This version of the bubble have a base range of 2 meters it's invulnerability duration can be increased with duration mods, while active the player receives a movement speed penalty of 0.95x speed "This reduction can be reduced by using efficiency mods." (Snow Cone, Augment) frost can now create up to 3 additional bubbles at a time, his ability have 25% chance to increase frost cold proc periodically by 3 additional points "It's ability drain has been increased to 75 points". Avalanche: Frost freezes the immediate surrounding area while beginning to channel an AoE of 3 constant cold procs for 6's, which instantly freezes and shatters nearby enemies in 20 meters this increases frost crit chance, crit damage, and status damage by +75% for 10's. This ability damage scaling with ability strength, it's channeled AoE is 15 meters at base. (Hailstorm, Augment) surviving frozen enemies increases frost critical chance & critical damage plus status damage by additional 200% for 10's, which grants frost with the "Overguard" effect that absorbs all damage. Frost Stats Health: Changed from 370 to 838 Shield: Changed from 650 to 1000 Armor: Changed from 150 to 500 which caps at 1500 with armor mods, this reduces damage to health by 76.9% shields are not affected by armor. Energy: Default is now 375
  2. No problem bro I would never take full credit for someone else work, appreciated the comment it let's me know you saw it and hopefully soon they should most definitely use my idea it reuses your while improving it. Plus doesn't instantly make him the best frame just makes him endgame ready
  3. I agree the ability should auto chain but because of how DE does things they might only allow the ability itself to deal a certain amount of damage, which could heavily depend on a set amount of ability strength itself which could hinder the ability potential damage outcome. Here's my new suggestion which will be added in the edit for it's description, which goes into better detail and may increase the ability damage potential for endgame content with scalable damage output. Which will now have a damage increase meter, (in appearance similar to Gauss's redline ability, Battery effect which slowly builds up overtime.) this new meter system would slowly build up which maxes at 100% it will be called "Pulverization" killing any enemy slowly increases this meter. As the meter reaches a milestone, his 1st ability will deal increased damage based on the milestone for a set of time example below. The meter will use an numerical scaling, such reaching 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100% on the meter will increase the ability damage by 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100 additional percentage for 8 seconds. There will be an augment for said meter, which will have 1 similarity to 'Valkyr' (Eternal War) augment.
  4. I usually don't reply on other's post but this is horrible no Landslide like huh? Also nerfing his passive basically ruins what the character stands for worst idea I seen compared to others if you had kept his 1st ability which is the reason for ever using the character and his entire purpose for being created I could've said this idea would be ok if anything his 2 could've go bye bye
  5. Credit goes to (Famecans) for this rework base except there are some changes done by me. Deluxe Skin: https://imgur.com/a/VfMMs1v Note: This rework is designed to heavily increase his survivability, while making him fun to play, which also allows him to synergize with Octavia & Banshee, (Limbo: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1388145-a-limbo-mains-definitive-limbo-changes-list/#comment-13017628). Go check out my previous work https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1394808-my-updated-banshee-rework/ Dream Team: is a new team synergizing effect which would be introduced in Banshee rework update, specifically using Atlas, Banshee, Limbo, Octavia. New Passive: He is automatically immune to knockdown effects while on the ground, when his health drops below 10% he goes into a state called "Full Focus" which reduces all damage on health by 100% for 10's during this short timeframe the player will be given the chance to regenerate their health, this has a 50 seconds duration cooldown. Weapon Synergy Update: His original weapon synergy will remain. He now has Furax for his new melee synergy specifically (Furax Wraith) variant, which increases his "Landslide" ability combo window by additional 4.02 seconds that also increases (Furax Wraith) critical chance by additional 10% and critical multiplier by additional 3.1x. Rubble: Pickups is now permanently removed and will increase his armor for each landslide hit on petrified enemies while also removing the healing effect from it. Each melee hit cracks fragments of petrified enemies which increases Atlas armor by additional 25 points of Rubble armor. Landslide: Will now have new variant animations for it's strikes while maintaining its original mechanics it's damage has been increased based upon the player equipped melee weapon this effect is doubled when using Tekko or Furax Wraith, another additional effect which will now regenerate the player health by 10 points per enemies which slowly increases by additional 5% after killing an nearby enemy which maxes up to 50 health regen point per killed enemy. This ability will now also have a damage increase meter system which is called 'Pulverization,' it slowly builds up after killing enemies the damage increase is heavily reliant on a certain percentage of the meter itself, this means once the meter reaches 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100 percentage it will deal damage based on that percentage for 8's. (Path of Statues, Augment) leaves a trail of rocks that petrify nearby enemies when touched. +50% skill duration; More Duration is the best choice for this augment, range is arbitrary for Path of Statues as it is not logical to kill crowds when the objective here is to have enemies to touch on the petrifying path. (Destruction, Augment) When "Landslide" ability meter passive 'Pulverization' is active, it's duration is increased by 1 additional for each kill. Tectonic Pulse: Atlas goes in a channeled animation (Which fully reuses 'Banshee' Sound Quake ability entirely except with improvements and nuking purposes) releasing his powers into the ground causing nearby enemies to be violently staggered and knocked down upon receiving damage to health 'Atlas' will be covered in an orange colored aura emitting lava from his body which releases in the air landing on nearby enemies which explodes after being killed by this effect dealing blast damage in a radius. (Tectonic Fracture, Augment) summons four large rocky altars which has a 12 meter aura that inflicts impact status effect on nearby enemies. They'll connect creating a defensive spectral field of lava, which reduces affected nearby enemies defense by 5% if an enemy dies while in this spectral field will drop a golden colored orb. Upon being picked up by the player or nearby allies they'll regenerate all lost shields for 10's which scales up to 1000 creating the "Overguard" effect preventing damage to shield and health this caps up to 15,000. These altars are cubic in shape and taller than the warframe model, they will have the same texture as the old Rock-Wall Tectonics; Warframes can climb on top of altars' hitboxes; Altars prevent enemies/warframes/npcs from passing through; the defensive field of altars does not prevent enemies/warframes from passing through. Warframes can pass through altars by rolling or bullet jumping over it. The summoner will have to slam attack, which destroys the altar instantly, making it easier to recast and reposition. Rubble Heap: Will now passively increase "Landslide & Tectonic Pulse" damage by additional 1x every 20 kills which maxes up to 5x and increases range by 2x additional radius, this also reduces all received damage on health by 10% for 12s. This smoothes the ability's accumulation curve and improves understanding of the mechanics based on the UI's Rubbles indicator; Fragmented Hit: New universal augment mod, kills on enemies from 'Atlas' abilities while affected by any status effect will have a 100% chance to increase combo counter by 1 point. This percentage is affected by ability strength mods to reach numbers above 100% by duplicate or quadrupling the combo points; The objective of this augment mod is to quickly accumulate the melee combo counter using other skills. Rumbler & Tectonic Pulse skill status effect will trigger this augment mod. Petrify - Now (Rolling Stone): Atlas creates a sentient large spiked boulder which rolls towards nearby enemies knocking them off their feet, upon impact it explodes petrifying nearby enemies when they are shattered by 'Landslide' will increase "Atlas" armor by additional 25 points of 'Rubble Armor'. (Ore Gaze, Augment) enemies killed by rumblers while petrified will have a 50% chance to drop additional loot and be codex scanned, the loot increase is heavily affected by ability strength mods. Rumblers: Atlas summons 4 invulnerable elemental stone brawler's for 50 seconds, their damage is equal to 'Landslide's' damage. This ability can be recasted at any time which keeps them active their duration is affected by duration mods, attack speed is also affected by strength mods. Rumbler will now attack individually attack enemies, their size is standard and is not affected by ability strength. (Titanic Rumbler, Augment) summons a singular larger rocky brawler, which can use 'Atlas' "Landslide & Rolling Stone" ability once every 6 seconds. It will still attack with it standard attacks based on the range, when it's health drops below 25% it will perform a Slam Attack that inflicts nearby enemies with impact status effect for 12's which consumes 'Atlas' Rubble points to regenerate it's lost health to stay active for 8 additional seconds. (Rumbled, Augment) Will keep it's original purpose with a new effect, that increases damaged enemies from his rumbled punches vulnerability to all source of damage which is increased by 25%. This vulnerability scales with each hit by additional 10% enemies killed by these attacks grants additional 5% which maxes up to 100 percent. The target will appears semi-petrified to indicate that the enemy is in a state of vulnerability, it's percentage is affected by ability strength. This effect cannot be recasted but will remain active by accumulating Rubble on 'Atlas'. This mechanic will allow Rumbled damage to scale at any enemy level. Atlas Stats Health: Changed from 650 to 1000, this will max up to 4444 Shield: Changed from 555 to 1000, this will max up to 4444 Armor: Now caps up to 1629 with armor mods, this reduces damage to health by 84.4% shields are not affected by armor. Energy: Default is now 300
  6. It's very old around 2 year's old to be exact originally was supposed to post this update January 1st, 2025 but decided to make a return and post it here now and leave it as is. Note: This rework is designed around the armor mechanic which increases her survivability, while making her fun to play, which also gives her a new mechanic similar to Octavia except she sings. What this means is that she doesn't replace Octavia are compete with her, but will only compliments what Octavia does for a brand new warframe synergizing system through this change. Dream Team: is a new team synergizing effect which would be introduced in this new Banshee rework update, specifically using Atlas, Banshee, Limbo, Octavia. Will later release the Frost. And credit goes BoredFinno (Limbo rework: New Passive: When Banshee health falls below 0% she immediately receives 20% health back this effect has a 35's cooldown, weapons are permanently silenced while using her so that enemies doesn't hear her shooting. Sonic Boom - Now (Pain): Banshee, claps her hands together creating a musical rhythm which now creates a sound wave that blinds nearby enemies. (Resonance, Augment) will fully replace her 2nd ability by revealing nearby enemies weak point upon each cast with a 10's duration that's heavily based on the player ability duration ability drain will also remain the same. Sonar - Now (Frenzied Aura): Banshee, now releases an aura from her body that gives herself deflection allowing her to avoid incoming long based range attacks which causes nearby enemies to go into a frenzy. (Taunt, Augment) upon killing the initial frenzied target which is marked with an icon above their head, 'Banshee' and nearby allies receives a glowing orb around themselves that aggro nearby enemies dealing damage to the orb which absorbs 2% of all received damage charges itself up. This places an icon on the top right of the screen with starting at 1% each time 50 points of the player shield is damaged, the orb receives additional 1% this means all players affected by this augment will receive 3% damage reduction upon the orb reaching 100% it will immediately explode reducing health damage by 65% which convert's the received damage to energy this is heavily based on Banshee ability duration. Ability drain is 50 Silence: Ability drain has been reduced from 75 to 35 alongside now having a new effect which was taken from the original 2nd ability which is it's damage multiplier. New augment (Relaxation, Augment) enemies with health below 25% are immediately calmed down falling into a sleep state for 3's, upon being damaged while sleeping will caused them explode unleashing a relaxing sound wave which increases 'Banshee' and her nearby allies health by 25% which is based on 10% of her ability range. Sound Quake - Now (Harmony): Banshee, goes into a screaming position opening her mouth to unleashes a loud singing sound which grants her immunity to knock down while also reducing status effects damage based on 25% of her max armor this ability will additionally deal electrical and slash damage based on 10% of ability strength. (Resonating Quake, Augment) will now increase the ability damage by 20 times, which also scripts nearby enemies armor by 10% upon initial damage once every 10's the armor script percentage is increased by additional 10% which maxes up to 70% enemy armor reduction. Banshee Stats Health: Changed from 300 to 555 Shield: Changed from 300 to 555 Armor: Changed from 125 to 225 capped at 555 with armor mods, this reduces damage to health by 63.7% shields are not affected by armor. Energy: Default is now 300
  7. You must thought i cared because i wasn't paid to. Also if you don't like the post simply ignore it, that's common sense when i see a post i don't like i scroll past it. Just don't pay it any attention literally if 100% of folks followed my footsteps in doing so they wouldn't be worried about, my post if you don't agree with the limited time thing that's ok. IDC and im not paid to nothin is free in this world just remember that, you really think DE about to waste money trying to keep something related to a very popular IP available for a long time. Also my goal isn't for it to be limited time exclusive but at least it will entice them to give that a thought so i could possibly get a chance to wear a skin related to the OPM finally for atlas. Yes there are customizations that only the drifter can wear but they aren't that good and noticable literally, nobody gonna notice the syandana or the accessories for the most part if anything i want the full on outfits that the operator has for the drifter. Ending here i should be charging you real life cash for a reply from me but since this will be my only reply it'll be free also don't waste your time replying, just keep on scrolling im sure you have a life just like i do we can't waste time on this forums nothing i typed so far was disrespectful because i have no intentions to ever do so and (HAVE A GREAT DAY).
  8. I'm tired of all the very horrible cosmetics the drifter has rn they are so bad, that i rather just play the operator way better option the fact that the operator cosmetics hasn't been added to the drifter. Got me thinking it shouldn't been made and just scrapped the drifter as a separate character thing, and just aged the operator up a bit would've been a better option. Hopefully there's a new update coming very very very very soon which adds every single operator style for the drifter. It will definitely fix that problem immediately and can we also can get the metal skin textures added for all warframe skins, so i can use the different texture for my excal other skins and ash shroud deluxe skin and his sister like skin garuda hinsa skin that makes them both very skinny and cool. Thanks because rn those skin textures are very much useless, so just make it universal to all warframes and skins in game. Especially get rid of some those bad tenno gen skins i can definitely list them, and send out refunds or slightly redesign them with prime variations instead of using the default body designs and then give them the skin texture after the change for them. Can we also finally get that (Baruuk Nuru Deluxe Skin) and a OPM collaboration deluxe skin for atlas even if it has to a very rare limited time edition skin I'll buy it immediately on release, or could just partner up with ViZ Media and give us a collection of OPM inspired limited time deluxe skins even if they are only available for a week i'll definitely buy it especially for that Saitama Atlas Deluxe Skin.
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