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  1. The chat ui, star chart, in game progress ui, past game progress ui, and Arsenal ui will randomly freeze on your screen and the only way to fix it is to restart your game this is happening to xbox, ps, pc, switch and ios players iv had multiple people in question chat asking how to fix this and the only answer is to restart your game it brakes the game and makes it really anoying to play when you constantly half to reset your game
  2. Yep it apparently isn't just xbox though its pc, ps, switch and ios i heard from multiple people having the same ui problem form multiple consoles it freezes the chat on screen and the only way to fix it is to restart your warframe and after that if you go into chat or some other UIs like last game menu to check your last game progress it dose the same thing
  3. The ui keeps freezing and not letting me or other people move or get out of the ui you try to go to any chat FROZEN try to look at mission progress FROZEN try to go into your Arsenal FROZEN it breaks the game and makes you half to rest your whole game just to get yourself un frozen but as soon as you try doing any other ui related stuff FROZRN and um not the only one there are hundreds of others having the same problem
  4. Hopefully the change is you took the feed back last year to heart and made a pack with just the cosmetics and skins without any of the crap like regal aya and platinum that makes the pack more expensive than a new game
  5. Just remove LOS on Dante alredy its still buggy and broken as crap things can still block his abilities with LOS No one wants LOS on Dante he was purfect without it and you ruined him by adding it to him finally listen to your comunity and remove LOS on Dante
  6. That only works so many times and then people start geting the idea and call them out on there empty apologys and that would cause even more backlash
  7. Nope I dont but I do think they dont want any more bad pr than they alredy have because iv alredy seen people refund there tenocon tickets and stop playing all together imagine if they caused more backlash with what you sead it would hurt there wallets even more
  8. Most likely not i dont think they want more backlash than they alredy have on there hands
  9. Just remove LOS on Dante and reduce the range of his ability to 26 or 25 that will make him feel somewhat like he did at his launch making everyone more way more happy
  10. Hes an obstacle because LOS is a buggy crap pile that has so many flaws and no amount of fixis will help that once they update it on Thursday its probably going to have the same flaws and cause way more frame drops for them adding more traces to it They should just take it off of Dante and reduce his range to 27 or 25 making him better
  11. I Didn't say he needed it for his nuke build and yes he falls of after 500
  12. He use to be able to clear multiple rooms as saryn dos with good range mods but now he can barly clear a small to medium room and that gos down if the frame, a small object and yes A SHADOW is in the way
  13. Truly no no hes not he was almost sayren level before the nerf and they took that fun away
  14. Nope he starts falling off bad after 500 and the level cap is 9999 even with 420% strength i can barely get him to 1000 without having major problems my weapons even have rivers and arcanes im fully built and still have trouble
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