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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. And guys, the 'We're ninjas' argument doesnt work. Ninjas didnt use launchers, bows, whips, rifles or snipers for all we know. So please dont.


    Ninjas totally would have if they had access to them. They really did use bows (Yumi), whips (of the chain variety) and rifles historically. They may also have had access to Chinese mortars at times as well, covering launchers.


    That said, I'm not totally against packs, I'd just prefer they where something more substantial than a glorified Mod.

  2.  Hope this gets adressed asap because as it is right now you can only use that gun if you are hosting.


    That helps explain it. I solo 99% of the time so I don't notice things like that.

  3. The idea it very common anyway, I wrote the day consign to lotus came out, but I never had the time to draw =_=.

    Also your comment earlier is very discouraging, I don't care if we have similar idea or who did it first, the fact that I crawl out of my busy schedule to entertain people and in return you giving me comment like that is very annoying and rude.


    Sorry Yui, wasn't meant to be rude. I just wanted sempai to notice me T-T

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