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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. Big issue with attachments. The weapons are all so different how would you make attachments work across all of them?


    The meshes I mean. Look at how varied things are. In every game that has attachments the guns all look very similar.

  2. That's not a very dramatic change. All the suggestion is is nerfing OP weapons, lowering the level cap and making enemy waves be stronger enemies instead of higher level ones.


    It's also not very interesting but I do approve of boss style enemy leaders every 5 waves in Defense.

  3. The only problem with this is that the enemy would basically have to be like the Borg and all linked to a hive mind with no need for alarm panels so that if one spotted you automatic alarms sounding. Otherwise nothing really would stop me from just running and gunning through the mission blasting away entire rooms with my 4 and Ogris and run into the officer simply because nothing lived long enough to set off an alarm.


    It was always funny cause I had a friend who would stealth missions on his Loki with Dread, carefully watch patrol routes and snipe every last enemy dead and considering it a mission failure if the alarm went off. Then you had me, blasting away entire rooms with my Ogris, never setting off the alarm, and basically doing everything my buddy was doing only far faster.


    Yet still considered Stealth as the only thing to determine if you failed at stealth was... the alarms going off.


    That's actually part of my intent and I didn't mean there would be a solitary Officer, there could be many. The blow everything up style of stealth is valid in my opinion. You still get fewer spawns and lower drops.


    To expand slightly on the Officer.


    Officers, like Wardens are very tough to kill with regular attacks but have a crippling weakness to finishers. All Officers can teleport a group of basic troops to their location and radio for an alert to sound. It takes several seconds for their alert to go through and you can kill them before confirmation.


    Having any alerts sound will stop them from spawning for the rest of the mission, even if the alert is turned off.



    The problem: if Warframe is not a stealth game and will never be one, why not remove the stealth aspect entirely? The devs have done plenty of work on stealth, but if Warframe cannot be a stealth game (as equally as it can be an action shooter game), why have it at all? Is it simply a means to dupe a wider audience into playing the game? Why can Loki become invisible? Why do Ash and Banshee have abilities with obvious stealth applications?


    That isn't quite the same thing. While I personally would stop any advertising that implies it is a stealth game (Ninjas play free doesn't count. I can't remember the last time I saw a Ninja be stealthy for more than a moment in popular fiction.)


    However, I wouldn't remove "stealth" abilities since they still serve a purpose in shoot-em up gameplay. With Invisibility the enemy can't target you, improving survivability and increasing melee damage. Silence stuns targets and makes it so your ranged attacks don't draw aggro. Both are perfectly valid in a fast pased action game.

  4. A human using a flame-thrower isn't a fire bender...


    That's a bad example. Benders aren't immune to their own element either, they can bend it away but if a hit lands they are affected as normal(see Zuko's burn scar)


    Actually, I can't remember about any ice damage dealing enemies.


    So far I think just Arctic Eximuses and Lech Kril. They could always add more ice types too!


    If you give "elemental" frames immunity/resistance to their element (which actually would make sense), then the "non-elemental" frames need to get a little something as well. Fairness and all that jazz.


    Some already do. Zephyr has her low G and Mirage can dodge faster.

  5. The biggest two questions to ask when it comes to stealth is "why" and "for what"?


    As said upthread, the Tenno are far too powerful for stealth to really matter outside of very specific circumstances (Hostage rescue). For stealth to matter outside of those missions and personal challenge, there needs to be a threat that is too dangerous for a frontal assault of any kind.


    Oddly from what we've seen of the Balor Fomorians are a good start, with the need to stay in cover and out of sight or be insta-killed. Ground based Mecha enemies could also work like this in future updates.


    The other thing is loot. Most players are motivated by drops, and a stealth run spawns far, far fewer enemies making the drops lower. Two possible things here, if the enemy is unaware maybe it could always drop loot giving a good incentive for stealth runs. Alternatively there could be some special NPCs that only spawn in a level that has never been alerted, some kind of Officer type that would have desirable drops but will be hidden away the moment Tenno are known to be present.



    One way to entice stealth would be to add a timer for the mission once the alarm goes off. Say around, 1 minutes? 30 seconds? Don't want it to be too long since you want players to feel urgent about the alert, but not too short either where it is nearly impossible to survive without stealth. This'll give deactivating alarms a purpose, and allows players to run and gun in short bursts.


    That's a pretty artificial motivation. It also doesn't sound very fun to have to scramble to an alarm panel every dang time.

    Maybe in certain missions or as a Nightmare modifier but I don't think it would aid the experience of the main game.

  6. Press E (action button) = Grab enemy (different animations for tall enemies please), holding onto enemies drains stamina. Maybe it should disarm them too. The grapple stance uses them as a shield.

    Press E while sprinting = Diving tackle

    Press E while grappling = Throw enemy, charge up to throw further

    melee while grappling = deal finisher damage and auto-crit held enemy

    ranged while grappling = fire past held enemy

  7. Also: Have you ever noticed that in the void, a very stylistic (almost runic) set of patterns appear on the floor? They glow blue. Would it be at all possible that this is a hidden language, too? I'd like some fellow Tenno to aid in a deciphering of this potential fourth language.


    If that's the case, Tenno have that too. When you use a power it ripples across their "base" colour.

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