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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. We could potentially add a "lock on" either by aiming at something for a bit (1.5 seconds?) or using the alt fire key (although that would mean console players might have trouble with it).


    After locking on, one arm would follow that target and the other would aim forward as usual. It would take some fiddly animations to not look doofy as hek but it's doable.

  2. Normally I'd be all for this but unfortunately Warframe at its core is one of those games that bypassed that particular realism aspect long ago. To start to honor the concept of realistic vacuumed space would feel out of place at the current state of the game. (ie. the sound of Lisets flying through space during cutscenes, corpus invasion space walk area, etc).  


    Options remember? Besides that is very much true of having an "up" in space as well.

  3. Perfect World...


    Just the NAME makes me shudder.


    As long as they don't buy extra shares somehow and take over I will withhold judgement.


    If they do? I am gone like so many others. I KNOW how the story ends once they have control.



    There is no happy ending.




    Good thing they have no voting shares then, eh?

  4. No need to start a pointles arguement


    Sorry, you're right I did over react.


    I just really doubt this guys claims that he knows better than DE. I agree there are balance issues but it's an ongoing work, it's harder than he claims it is and we do see them re-balance things.


    If the OP just said "DE, you have balance issues and these are my ideas for a few of them" and then actually had some ideas I'd have no issue.


    Just claiming they totally know how to fix everything because they made an unspecified mod for an unknown game is an Argumant from Authority with nothing to back it up.

  5. I would love a Dinosaur style pet and I think T-rex/raptor/Chocobo could fit in as different breeds/body types.


    Lets call it a Tennosaurus for now.


    Kubrow currently have size, build and fur patterns to set them apart.


    Tennosaurs could have size, limb proportion and feather coverage as breeding aspects.


    That way you could get a T-rex with long legs/short arms, head feathers only and large size; a Chocobo/Terror bird with very long legs/tiny arms, full feathers and medium size; and a Raptor with balanced limbs, partial feathers and small size.

  6. So i wanna say great concept but taking out Jackal doesn't open up a new door for Tenno to acquire a new warframe it only change the boss and tile set for getting rhino. In my forum bout a new Volcano planet i meant a new planet so we can acquire a new warframe and have a new boss to fight i do like the concepts just wasnt what i was looking for thanks for the read though.


    Jackal isn't gone, there is also a new boss called Vulture that doesn't have drops that where specified, just "Quest Rewards".

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