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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. In my experience it's already present, since if I stand in place I die MUCH faster than if I move around actively, therefore enemies must miss when I move, with same amount of bullets shot.


    They definitely do. What's going on is that they are programmed to aim at where you where a split second ago, so only the outside edge of their firing cone can hit you if you move around enough.

  2. Actually the regular Mutualist Quanta seems to exist as well, both appear in my Codex.


    I think this is an accidental sneak peak of an Arcwing version, seeing as it was in the background of the PBR & Archwing preview stream.

  3. can someone remind me what they did last year for halloween? i was on a break, back then




    Halloween colours (shades of orange, red and green), Day of the Dead skins for Paris, Scindo, Glaive, Gremlins, Gorgon, Orthos, Soma and Braton, Grineer had pumpkin helmets and rollers where homing pumpkins.

  4. It was a really vocal minority that wanted it.


    I personally just don't really see the point. If I want to play PvP I fire up a game like Unreal, something balanced specifically for PvP conflict.


    Edit: Ninja'd on both counts.

  5. Snip


    Yeah, yeah there are specific anti-vehicular weapons that are man portable but think about it a little more. The vast majority of weapons in Warframe really aren't, as powerful as they may be in comparison to modern weapons. The Afuris aren't going to do anything but tickle a Gunship.


    It's also a bit different since it isn't a guy with a huge, unwieldy rifle taking out a tank. Instead it's a post human warrior god with a rediculously huge weapon trying to take out friggen starships.


    Both of the melee weapons are rocket powered and the sword is plasma edged.


    Mono-molecular edges are just very sharp, not molecule destroying. You might be confusing them with the High-Frequency blades from Metal Gear, they do function that way.

  6. 1. They have their own mod slots independent of the Frame.


    2. The wings have their own weapons. Two melee (giant sword and giant hammer) and two ranged (autocannon and rocket shotgun) at launch. They thought it was weird taking on vehicles with infantry weapons and some (Ignis for example) don't make sense in space.


    We don't know about stances yet. I don't see why not.


    3. The Warframe's void pool fuels the Archwing, it's powers are converted to the Archwing's own.

  7. Than why are we not on top of the charts(not literally). I mean we have freaking amazing Warframes and powers that blow S#&$ up But Tf2 just gives you a rocket or a sniper rifle and tells you to kill. Cmon If i saw a reptile from across the map shooting me with his tail i'd want to play. 


    Because people have different tastes? 


    If you want a Sword and Planet co-op game about posthuman warrior gods you play Warframe.


    If you want a (relatively) more balanced competitive shooter in a cartoonishly designed contemporary environment you play TF2.

  8. We could potentially add a "lock on" either by aiming at something for a bit (1.5 seconds?) or using the alt fire key (although that would mean console players might have trouble with it).


    After locking on, one arm would follow that target and the other would aim forward as usual. It would take some fiddly animations to not look doofy as hek but it's doable.

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