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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. While bolt action rifles are currently more accurate than semi auto, advances in machining are closing the gap right now. I doubt bolt action will exist outside of hunting within 50 years, let alone the far off spacefuture .

  2. No, hahaha. I'm not trying to offend. But what I'm saying is that women have more "noticeable" body types than men.


    Ah, you worded it so oddly I thought you where saying the opposite. That said I disagree. Men have just as many different body types as women. The bodies of the men in your example are very easily differentiated. Heck the beefcakes in the post above this one have some very different bodies. Compare far right and kneeling middle.

    Maybe I can see it better because I'm an artist, I practiced long and hard (and drew a lot of naked people) to avoid giving my characters the same body.

  3. The female have definition to make them seem different from each other because females are different from each other. just my opinion, but hear me out: I think guys are harder to define in shape than women, but they aren't necessarily all the same build. It's false similarity; you could almost immediately tell the difference between two women of nearly similar mass than two guy who look almost the same. so, to have all the guy nearly at the same build(except Rhino) seems to make some sense rather than have all the females look like Ember. Again just my thoughts.


    I honestly have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean. I'm warning you, if I figure it out I may have to be offended :P

    What I think you're saying is that men have more possible body types than women which is total BS. Look at all these, and this is just athletes.



  4. I agree the reload speed its just bad. The devs should make snipetron like a true sniper.


    1 Bullet magazine with 0.3-0.4 reload time. So shooting 6 bullets ( Like lex) should be 2.4 sec used in reload.


    Why on earth would a sniper rifle only have one bullet? Even bolt action rifles from WW2 have 5 to 10 bullet magazines.


    Edit: What I'd do is lower the price (15 to 20 K) and increase the magazine to 10. It can keep the sloooow reload. It should be a starter rifle, opening the way for more interesting and tricky to use weapons like Paris, Railguns, Lasers, Plasma cannons and Gyrojet Sniper rifles.

  5. I don't like the breeding idea for gameplay, but as for people saying "LoL no wai, robots" they pretty clearly have large biological component, just like everything else the Tenno make. Them breeding in fluff is not out of the question.

    Edit: Also several pokemon are robots/cyborgs/inorganic and breed just fine :P

  6. Bdahahahaha... YES of course... When they have the tech for intergalactic travel bows are the S#&$. Throw that crap out of the game plz.


    Actually considering how strong the Tenno appear to be a bow would be a highly effective weapon. They have the strength to drive a blade through the torso of a massive cyborg with what looks like half a foot of armor plate. The draw weight on the Paris must be rediculous, something like 45000 pounds may not be unreasonable. And that's before you factor in the electromagnetic acceleration.
  7. I can't beat him alone he's killed me 3 times, twice with E. Prime and once with Ember. The only time I've defeated him was with a group of 4 simultaneously hammering him with high level rifles. I have no idea how you think he's easy ಠ_ಠ

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