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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. Saryn has high heals, why would something other than a human female wear high heels



    Sarcasm I hope?


    men in real life



    fictional male cyber ninja



    and the kicker, a male warframe



    I have no examples of a non-human wearing heels, but at least that takes care of the female aspect.

  2. I honestly think it's story carried the lackluster level design and simplified combat. While it didn't blow my mind at any point like the first one did, I felt it carried the themes and feel of the series. I had tons of fun playing it (twice) and have no regrets. 


    I hate Jensen, the techno-babble was weak, I saw every plot twist coming a mile off and the ending blew. I will give the game props for making me care that the pilot died, but that's about all I remember. Oh, and the melee takedown system was borked. And I spent that whole Jensen-stands-around-while-evil-lady-is-blatantly-evil cutscene shouting "kill her, kill her now you moron! Are you $&*&*#(%&?" And then she sicked the guards on me and I let Jensen die a bunch of times as punishment. I know a lot of people like it but I'm not sure why. Just one of those things I guess.

  3. High frequency blades aren't a trademark of Metal Gear or anything. They also turn up in Star Wars, Warhammer and a thousand other things.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the blades already present in Warframe are vibro-weapons. Or laser ground monomolecular diamondoid edged. Or both.

  4. If they couldn't even properly investigate the technology, how could they duplicate Orokin tech? 

    I picture them digging up peices of manufacturing equipment and although they can turn it on, they don't know the hows and whys of Orokin tech. They can build things just fine, but they have ritualized practices for using the equipment.


    Basically they are a Cargo Cult with access to a nanotech factory and use vocal passwords/commands as spells.

  5. I wonder how Tenno procreate.


    Naked Nick already taught us that Tenno have no discernable genetalia.

    Real life answer:Placeholder model

    In game theoretical answer: Cloning with genetic recombination to avoid degredation. The Grineer want that tech so bad they can taste it.

  6. The Grineer are all clones and the Corpus are all digitized. However there are indications that there are far more than the four main factions hanging around the solar system that we just haven't seen yet. Like minded people being similar within an organization isn't at Planet of Hats level.

  7. +1 gell


    It doesn't even make sense from a lore perspective. It's somewher between 500 to 100,000 years in the future. Even if the technology somehow stagnated to the level that their weaponry was functionally identical to modern ones, why would the precise models stay the same?

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