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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. Smaller scale doesn't mean more accuracy as much as it means a smaller volume of fire on less targets at shorter distances. Lar's targets were mostly stationary, at short range, and french (Thus doomed to lose anyway).

    From the start of civilization, in greece, to the 16th century, it's always been about heavy infantry smacking eachother with various implements while auxillaries served as scouts and skirmishers. Volley fire, sustained fire, and massed fire, were all in use. "Indivual" aiming was inaccurate and based more on "keep slinging arrows" than "One shot one kill".

    You seem to be refering to "Tribal" warfare, like that of pre-shaka african tribes, rather than greek/roman/european nations.

    You average target will not be any of those (Since the french would surender, ha ha I'm funny). but a man with a shield, most of his body behind said shield.

    He is using an Arabic archery form... I am an archer... And am very familiar with that style of shooting... It is nothing like what the Frenchmen faced. Lar's archery forms are from the nlmiddle east.

    Clip based bows would be awesome at base though you would only be able to hold three arrows maxiumwith mods five. So five arrows per clip at a firerate of two arrows per second at base.

  2. I think all of the syndicate weapons should do the syndicate elements as their base damage (Hek S. Gammacor already there and S. Castanas are half way there). It would have defined them a bit more and made them a bit more interesting to me (making Telos akbolto the first gas weapon in the game). They aren't bad but after getting them all done switched to an Acrid with its syndicate mod since it makes the weapon more fun.

    I like this idea buff the damage to 65 then and we got some awesome telos akbossos

  3. They wont.

    Pretty sure that would make everything client side and that would give people the ability toooo

    Edit their credit and platinum amounts on their side and have it affect their online stuffs. 

    You could easily get rid of this threat by simply having all resource amounts, plat values, and wealth related stats saved on warframe servers, and they can have an auto ban for people who modify the value or try to modify it offline. It would just be really really nice to be able to run missions without having to be connected to the internet, you could play in the car on a road trip, or while your on an airplane, when the power goes out. It would be wonderful just to be able to play.

    When I say nothing can be changed i mean nothing. You cant get resources, you cant get weapons, you cant get syndicate, you can only use what you currently have. The only thing that could be saved would be loadouts. (Cant upgrade mods either there could be an exploit hidden in there.). Moreover I am pretty sure they could combat almost all forms of offline game play related cheating without breaking a sweat.

  4. Wiki suggests it's neither...


    • The Lanka is either a railgun or a coilgun. Two different real life weapon types that work using magnetism.


    Which makes sense.... it does electrical damage.  It's a directed energy weapon.  There is no ferrous slug.


    Regardless. Its projectile time is too horrible for it to be a sniper. 220 m/s is hard to manage in PvE and almost impossible in PvP. It would be lovely to have it at least doubled or tripled, the increase in accuracy and the viability it would have as a longer range weapon would greatly improve the sniper as a whole.

  5. Can we get an offline mode for Warframe? That would be really nice. Maybe we cant progress at all during said offline mode, and cant access the market. But it would be really nice. To be able to play and experiment with builds in an offline mode. 

  6. "Lanka the Opticor's Ugly Little Brother"



    In what enchanted world does the Lanka of all weapons look ugly.

    First off two of its color options don't do S#&$.... Second off... Its not using pbr? (the new renderinsystem) third.. Its projectile speed sucks... And does less damage then a bow... Anduts launching a higher powered mostlijely denser projectile.....

  7. I could agree with an increased projectile speed(maybe doubled) but I like the fact that its not hitscan. I've put 4 forma into it, twice what I have any other weapon, and think that the projectile aspect of it makes it a skill weapon as opposed to just another point and click.till dead

    Yes I also like it as a skill weapon. But it needs to have significantly less travel time. Given that railgun projectiles hit mach 5. And that its a sniper and that the avarege modern day bow fires arrows at 170 m/s and this is a friggin railgun we are talking about. 700+ projictile speed minimum. Idealy 1000. Unless uts made hitscan.

  8. First off I love my Lanka. But why isn't it hits an? Its a bloody railgun. Railguns are notorious for firing projectiles faster then guns. If anything the vectis should be travel time and the Lanka hitscan (from a logical stand point). even the bloody opticor is hitscan and its a hitscan no fall off penta. please buff the lanka to hitscan. Its wrong for it to use a travel time mechanic. Especially because it's supposed to be a sniper. At bare minimum if it isn't made hitscan the travel speed should be multiplied by 3 or 4. (660 or 880m/s)

  9. Why isn't the question,

    " Why is the regular boltor MR2 But the boltor prime is MR0? "

    That^^^^^ MR lock needs to be a thing. ~75% of weapons need to be MR locked. I am sick of MR 1s with Boltor Primes.
  10. That could horrendously nerf large groups of frames. Especially if done wrong. Moreover it is overcomplicating. Don't fix something that isn't broken.

  11. If they introduce a mod to allow you to quickfire arrows fully charged, then there will have to be a drawback to compensate. Perhaps reduced crit chance or something.

    I would be fine with this. But I would really appreciate the ability to fire off arrows faster, using say a 4 arrow clip (Arrows are fired at rate of 2-3 per second which is modifiable, and still have charge option) (being held in draw hand) and a reload time (grabbing those arrows) of about 1.0 second which cannot be lowered with mods. 

  12. I guess want a melee that is basically the Barton prime with stats it doesn't lean to heavily in any direction but it's overall a very solid weapon. also it would be nice to have a weapon that is as artistically simple and appealing as the galatine that isn't a twohander. It would be nice to have a hand and a half galatine.

  13. Seriously DE. So many gimmicks. Simplicity can be beautiful.

    Can we get a nice Tenno longsword weapon? 

    One handed. (Length of a hand and a half sword though).

    Nice attack speed.

    Puncture damage.
    (Like maybe 45 puncture un-modded. and 15 Slash)

    Good copter/Aerial attack.

    3m swing range. (4m Copter Range)

    Just a nice decently powerful longsword melee. It would be nice to have some more vanilla feel good-comfortzone weapons.


  14. Dat, quickscope though. Lets do this.

    Mabye give snipers an aura slot that determines what your rectal when scoped looks like, and gives said corrupted buffs to your gun.

    that way no more annoyingly ugly scopes, and you don't lose a mod slot, and get a tad extra energy/synergy/modpoints/whateveritscalled.

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