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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. This whole out deeps Boltor P with headshots is just stupid. Aside from being in some enemies face, when would a Heavy Cal build Soma even pull that off? Not to mention damage sag because of 75% crit chance. In a game full of RNG and people begrudgingly accept that RNG is rarely on our side, not sure how a 25% chance to for crap damage is ok.


    I say buff crit chance just so that damage sag is gone. Boltor P not only has consistent damage but it also has damage spikes too. Soma hasn't been a top contender for primary, let alone just weapon, for a long time now, just because it's infamous for being the best gun at some point doesn't mean that buffing for a primed version would make it OP.

    ^^THISSSSS^^ Is all I am trying to say. Stop letting the Soma Prime have damage sags its annoying. And yes heavy cal nukes the idea ofgetting head-shots.



    No, I had/have zero idea what it is you're trying to say.

    That little thing called closed beta. Or mabye that little thing we all call the frist two months it came out, and was really slow and painful.


    no but really, chill. Any weapon can be good with the right mods. If you want a shiny Soma, cool. Get a shiny Soma. If it's underwhelming, oh no! It's still a nice shiny gun. If you want something better... then.. well, use something better.

    Its about getting justice for the gun! The gun deserves better, if I want to mow people down, I break out my braton prime, or my Amprex, or my boltor, hell my soma, but the soma prime. Just feels wrong right now, it doesnt crit enough. seeing 300 damage come out of your soma 25% of the time, its annoying, and very dissappointing. 

  3. This &!$$es me off. Saying you've been playing since Beta does not give you special significance or weigh your opinions more heavily. I've been playing since closed Beta too and I think the Soma P is perfect where it is.

    Dude I am not saying it gives me more weight in my points, just more weight in what has and has not been anticipated. And what has been anticipated is the soma prime. As a great fun, "feel like a god" weapon. And sadly the crit chance currently, isnt up there, i see sh$% numbers all the time.

  4. Weapons need an upper ceiling you know. As far as gameplay goes across the solar system and the void, our gear and abilities are already overpowered.


    Soma Prime is a very good weapon, and already eclipses many before it. The newest prime weapon should not be the overall best in every way, because that's just blatant powercreep which eventually trivializes to game to be completely meaningless.


    In short, Soma Prime is a good gun. Just enjoy it for what it is.

    It doesnt need to be the best. I am not asking for that. If I was i would say give it a 50% damage increase. I said give it a higher crit chance. That doesnt buff Damage. Did any of you read my post? The point is to make one of the most loved guns in the game's prime feel the way it should. Its not a monster. My proposition doesnt make it overwhelming at all. Just makes it always crit. And sometimes red crit.

  5. IF its gets HEADSHOTS. Oh great... so if the boltor headshots it still out DPS's it. Wonderful that is not the POINT. And it wouldnt change it much, other then make it feel the way it should. As someone who has been playing this game since Beta, it would be great if our primed legendary weapon felt legendary. All that needs is a buffed crit chance. It wouldnt change DPS that much. Other then increasing the number of times you crit by 25% and then boost 12% of those crits damage. It is completely fair. And Not that much of a buff.

    Make the soma prime the first red crit projectile weapon. AS IT SHOULD BE. (Besides by just buffing crit chance it wouldnt out DPS the boltor, unless it was headshots.)

  6. New Proposition:

    Drop the Soma Prime's damage from 12.0 to 10.5 5% stronger then the soma.

    Boost its crit to 45% to make up for 15% damage decrease, this would allow for it to continously crit, with the occasional spike of a red crit. HEAR ME OUT.

    Essentially what this build would do, is make it so that the Soma Prime was on par with the boltor, UNLESS it got a red crit and then it would jump ahead temporarily. The idea is to make the soma prime a gun that you can rely on. I cannot 100% rely on a 75% crit chance. it means 25% of the time my damage is going to be sagging.

    I would love to see the Soma Prime have no damage sag only solution is to make it crit 100% of the time. Hell if red crits arent what you want it to get into, then fine.

    give it 11.0 damage and a 40% crit chance. Then it maxes out at exactly 100% crit chance.

    Original Post:

    This is the SOMA PRIME, the gun that is supposed to feel like a god. Now I understand that being OP is unneccesary, but seriously the thing would be amazing if it was given i dont know at least the paris primes crit chance? then we would randomly get red crits and always be critting.

    Not too much to ask.

    Give it a 45% crit chance.

    Then it would feel like a prime. And mabye 15% status. All I really care about it the crit though, buff it to 45%. Then Its perfect. and you can leave it alone.

    ^^ that is a bad idea ^^ would give it better DPS then the paris prime. Oh well. How dare i aask.

  7. Kurrently we have a problem with the Kohm its Krashing the game whenever you fire it. Essentially when you get it at full wind and it blasts the sky full of pellets... it krashes the game with lag. It must be fixed. And soon.

  8. 1) it should be classified as a rifle, simply becuase of the way the damage is calculated.  A Shotguns damage is divided among the fired pellets. The Kohms is not, its pellet count simply increases while you fire.

    2) the ammo economy sucks. The thing at full wind up takes 10 ammo per shot. Essentially it has a max ammo of 94.5 and a clip of 24.5.


    (Where do I get the 10 you ask? that is how much ammo is consumed per shot at max wind up/ fire rate (from my observation))

    Total ammo: (945 / 10) = 94

    Mag size: (245 / 10) = 24

    So instead of making the damn things ammo 945, and the clip size 245 make the max ammo 96 and the clip 24. Essentially you have exactly four reloads, and one shotgun ammo pick up is not 1 ammo its 10. And make it take exactly 1 ammo per shot, instead of determined by the number of shots. What I propose fixes its ammo issues, and makes it more efficient overall.

    3) the Kohm has terrible travel time, and horrendous range. The pellets fall down to the floor after about 15m WHICH SUCKS.

    4) doesnt matter dont fixate on this but I like status it could have 20% status that would be nice too. But its not neccessary but the above IS.



    Ammo consumed per shot: 1
    Ammo Max: 96
    Clip size: 24
    Increase the speed of projectiles to around 50m a second.
    Let the bullets/pellets fly straight (With infinite range, or give them the fall off of a bow) dont let them fall like lead weights shot out of a pee shooter), the thing is a plasma gun it makes sense for it to have damage fall off, ISNT THAT ENOUGH?? (The projectiles cool as they fly through the air, becoming less effective).

    I would say turn it into a rifle, make it take rifle ammo, and use rifle based mods. However i am perfectly fine with it using shotgun mods, just make sure the damn thing actually works.

  9. Q2ahYuo.gif


    This is exactly what i always say


    They get the broken thing then act entitled to something they werent supposed to have because they spent plat




    Try to learn from this


    How about this ? DE doesn't release something unless it's ready? Especially if its that badly broken. Then when they do, remove it within a day or two, so people don't get used to it. I thought it was sticken around. Its been around for quite a bit.

    Also yes I do feel entitled to it. Very much so, however not because i spent plat. Because I had it for round a week and a half, and going and "fixing" it without any notes in the update, and without any warning is annoying. I went into a T4 with a bunch of clan mates because I had my boltos and new I could carry them with the revive, suddenly it wasn't working, wasted a key.


  10. So my telos akbolto which I spent 350p on, no longer revive me when they activate. And this is ridiculous, the only reason I got them was for that abiltiy. And now it is gone, why the heck was it taken, and why does it seem neccessary to not tell us you took it? Honestly, I loved that it was great it gave them a wonderful edge. For someone who plays as recklessly as me it was a very nice feature that allowed my play style. Now they dont revive me and I am very very ticked off, please bring it back. It was awesome and really fun to use.

  11. The word base was added because of how complaints were made that the card was too vague, and was very unclear on how it performed.

    Guess it didn't work.

    mabye use extra as extra status chance(the currently discussed mods. so a direct boost to the base without actually changing the base stat). Boosted status chance for all the event mods, and a increase to base, I.E it actually changes the base stat and stacks with event mods.

  12. So they dont stack. I put Shattering Justice on my sobek. Status went from 15% to 35% awesome. Put on an event mod with +60% status. It should logically go up to 56% status. (35% + (35 * .6)) = 56 Sadly it only when up to 44% which is an increase by 9. Which means that it is applying the increased status chance based off of the unmodified base.

    Same story for the supra too.

    Really ticks me off. I thought one thing, in fact was told one thing and got another. 

    This has to be a bug and if it isn't then say 20% extra status chance and not 20% base. 

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