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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. Lets its striking range (width) be decided by your melee weapons striking distance on a slide attack. Let its damage be decided by your melee weapons normal damage + elemental combos * 1.5.

    Just a moderate buff.

    With a base range of 4m. Uneffected by power mods. (So daggers aren't nerfed)

  2. I agree completely with the above. Its about time we got a good s

    Grakata. I love my status crit beast I just wish he didn't fall of so hard in later missions it would be wonderful to have a syndicate one. Especially from steel meridian. Gotta love that armor boost. Just make sure we can actually change its colors. Only reason I don't use Baylor is the lake of color customization. Also unreliable crit.

  3. It's not balance is point cost. Think of it this way; you have shred where you can hit 10 enemies in a line for the price of 1. Or you can overkill 1 enemy really hard. In swarm modes this more than pays for itself. But if it were a straight chance, this would make it more of a decision I think.

    I think so too. Nobody said it would be huge though. Think better than crit chance.

    I get the feeling you dont have shred or metal auger... and that you love your boltor prime.

  4. No dude. I am sorry punch through is great. It is a very very good mod. and it is extremely balanced. Sure it lets you clear a room of enemies but thats the point. It lets you hit multiple enemies. Its also hard to get. 

  5. That's exactly the thing though. A primary weapon that does nothing but stun (and stuns in this game mean nothing if you have to switch weapon to finish) just wouldn't work imo.

    My god. did you read the OP? Its very clear a direct hit will deal damage, an indirect or AOE hit will stun. So you can freeze the enemies around you while you are fighting. I.E you shoot a grineer gunner from above and miss and it hits the ground, the AOE then stuns the gunner and surroudning enemies in the AOE radius for long enough to get a few more shots off. hopefully now that they arent moving kill them.

    The main thing though is you can charge the bow with your warframes energy and the arrows are made of energy with an electrical base, making the bow more effecient and formidable as a whole, while adding stun utility for higher accuracy.

  6. Better yet make another mod specifically for it. Sounds cool but having a bow do it by default idk how I feel about it.

    It would mostly be a CC effect

    it would do little to no damage, and wouldnt scale with split chamber. The AOE would simply stun enemies and let you pick em off. 

  7. So long as we don't go too far out of the line with this. A bow that fires bolts of energy sounds nice. Not sure if it should pierce or AoE or both though.

    ^^^ This yeah. I am not sure it should have punch through either. I think if it has that AOE every shot it doesnt need the punch through and we can just build that in ourselves with shred. However it is a main quality of bows as a whole. Mabye it could only punch through if doubly charged?

  8. Has this guy not seen the iron skin augment??? That thing basically turns his tank into a nuclear bomb with radial knockdown... enabling you to recast... while your enemies are on there butts. Its great the way it is. Its really great. OP infact. I can tank tons of damage, and then proceed to blow up when i need to reset. Can mesa's shatter shield explode with knockdown? I think not. 

  9. The bow shoots projectiles made out of energy...

    So do the arrows deal physical damage like impact, puncture, and slash or is this going to deal electric damage?

    OR is this going to act like channeling?


    Works with channeling.

    The idea is that its base damage is electricity, and like all bows you can charge your shot, and if you hold the charge shot down for longer then the base required time you give your bow energy from your warframe's energy pool. So you can basically doubly charge your bow.

    My thoughts for the mechanics would be you have to wait the normal charge time, + half the normal charge time to doubly charge the bow. And when you do the second charge the visual display would essentially be that wheel going around again but its your warframes energy color. And then when the arrow hits it deals 2x the base damage on top of the 2x you get for a charged shot normally. 

    Stat ideas:

    The base damage would be 75 electrical damage, and then with 1 charge 150, with two 300. Essentially giving it more damage then any other bow. It would also be crit damage based with a crit chance equal to the dread.

    And becuase its energy based, you dont need to pull out another arrow, almost instant reload. The question is will you wdouble charge? Do you have enough time?

  10. Idea / Proposition:

    We need an energy bow. It fires arrows made of energy. When they hit a surface they conduct the energy into the surrounding ground. 

    The AOE needs to only stun. Not deal damage, and if it does deal minor damage.

    Edit / More info:

    Works with channeling.

    The idea is that its base damage is electricity, and like all bows you can charge your shot, and if you hold the charge shot down for longer then the base charge time you give your bow energy from your warframe's energy pool. So you can basically doubly charge your bow.

    My thoughts for the mechanics would be you have to wait the normal charge time, + half the normal charge time to doubly charge the bow. And when you do the second charge the visual display would essentially be that wheel going around again but its your warframes energy color. And then when the arrow hits it deals 2x the base damage on top of the 2x you get for a charged shot normally.

    AOE clarification:

    The bow would not deal a S#&$ton of AOE. It would deal around 25 electrical AOE damage at base (Radius of 2-7m), that cannot crit, and does not scale with crit. with a 100% electircal proc chance for stun.

    Also if you punch through a target and it hits the ground then it doesnt deal the AOE.

    Stat ideas:

    The base damage would be 75 electrical damage, and then with 1 charge 150, with two 300. Essentially giving it more damage then any other bow. It would also be crit damage based with a crit chance equal to the dread.

    And becuase its energy based, you dont need to pull out another arrow, almost instant reload. The question is will you wdouble charge? Do you have enough time?


    Edit Two:


    So there is controversy on the punch through. Personally I dont see it as a problem as long as when it punches through the AOE is turned off.

    However if it has no innate punch through, and leaving it to AOE every single shot with mabye 1/4th its base damage (Depending on charge or double charge) that could be awesome and perfectly fine, especially if when you put punch through on it it functions like every other bow. (I,E shred)

  11. What we need is a giant, high mastery war-bow that builds out of the Cernos - It needs to have enough impact damage to knock a planet out of orbit.




    While I do like both, Dread has the advantage of not being a gold-trimmed eyesore.

    ^^^ That, we do need a massive beast impact bow, that knopcks everything over. Like it has innate punch through and knockdown. That'd be sick.

  12. ^^^ agreed. The flood gate should be drawn at the Brakk and Detron. Mara has seperate buffs along with other void trader weps. Though I would love it they dont need it and it doenst make sense. Besides what effects would they have?

    I vote, stalker grustrag and zanuka weps get special procs.

  13. As much as i love the thing, its still not as good as it deserves to be.


    -how quickly it eats through ammo with primary

    -how split chamber+hc(negatively affects it, the blades shoot in a V, completely missing the target)

    -how short the range of secondary fire is and how quickly it drains ammo


    Here's my build of it, i really really had fun with it, but i just can't take it anywhere where i need that "oompf" damage.


    See this is what i am talking about, this build here is great, and yet it still needs a buff. If only just a buffed firerate, crit, and making it heavy cal viable. Hell might not even need the crit with heavy cal.

  14. It needs zoom before I will find the primary fire usable.


    Has DE not seen the complaint threads after the release of every one of the Quanta family? They added a keybind specifically for secondary fire modes, but any weapon that uses that keybind has zoom disabled for no reason.

    But the primary fire still needs at bare minimum some crit chance, and a firerate buff, this gun is too crappy to even fucntion on places like pluto. it simply doesnt shoot fast enough. i would rather use my sobek then this thing. 

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