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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. We need a minigun this S#&$ is so important. I mean minigun's are all "manly" and S#&$, and here we have a bunch of men singing disney to get one! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM US DE? How about this... if we get a minigun, as a thank you, i will post a video of me tap dancing to disney music?

  2. Flame-bait thread detected. Also, people are not complaining about the buff, they're complaining about the nerf. Rightfully so might I add. This buff is what Braton Prime should have been like from the get go. On top of it, it got an ammo cap nerf. So in the end, all I see is actually ONE nerf. Nothing else. So I'm very sorry but I can't say "thank you for nerfing Braton Prime". That would be illogical. I would have said "thank you" if the ammo cap hadn't been nerfed. THEN it would have been all sunshine and butterflies on the forums.

    I have vile accel and shred on my braton. I have no ammo problems. I dont know what all your guy's issues are. But then again. Keep this thread positive, if you have nothing good to say dont say it, this is so DE doesnt feel like S#&$ about there buff, and will continue to buff it if they feel neccessary though it isnt. Honestly the status chance, coupled with crazy RoF has let me take down level 65 gunners in the void with ease. So.... I love this weapon. And if you doubt me... well come to a match with me. Every since i switched to this weapon after the buff, i have been doing 65% of the damage per mission. Its super good now and i love it.

  3. Look if it did 80 Damage total, had the same stats as right now but did 1.2 attacks per second at base i would love it sooo much more. It would be wayyy better. at 1.7 (with fury) it would do the same DPS as right now. but it simply would be better, and with crit mods and berserker it would be a really really fun weapon! I really want the unique thing about my 1 GRAM WEAPON fast attack speed. Please bring it back.

  4. Okay, so I am super done seeing all the people whining about the now AMAZING braton. Everyone who appreciates the buff, and enjoys the weapon. Please up vote this and post on this thread to show DE the appreciation they deserve for finally buffing our favorite weapon! Please Lets show them how happy we are about this. I mean god I am done seeing all the negative stuff, the Braton Prime is amazing now and I love it. Lets show DE that they did the right thing.

  5. As the title says.  

    Braton Prime has been in need of a buff since damage 2.0 if not longer and to those of us who admire straight up Rifles. We get a lie told to us in the form of "Buff" when in reality it did nothing more than spit in our faces. 

    For a mere TEN Damage, 10 base status and an increased fire rate. We lost more than 100 rounds. How is that worth in anyway? 

    "But we got an increased clip size!" When we also lost more ammo in the long run? 

    "But Status!" You mean when we got a 30% status chance which is a proc every 2 shots before this supposed "buff"? 

    "But fire rate!" You mean that thing that wasn't an issue in anyway because shred existed? 

    Honestly, this is the worst case scenario. DE, Just revert it.No buff is worth losing that much ammo. 



    DUDE. There is this lovely thing called a dual stat mod. With 3 dual stat mods this gun proc's like the grakata. Meaning... I can strip enemies of armor, I can continously chop there health in half, i can proc SO MANY @(*()$ SLASH procs (its kinda funny actually) that all i need to do is get them to half health and then watch the fun. THIS GUN IS AMAZING NOW. Sure i wouldnt mind 5 more damage. BUT I DONT NEED IT. I HAVENT HAD AMMO PROBLEMS, AND I AM RUNNING VILE ACCELERATION ANNND SHRED. ITS CALLED "BURST FIRE" revolutionary I know. This gun finally got an amazing buff, and i dont want to see it go. This gun is exactly what i want it to be now. Its what i have been waiting for another status gun that isnt the grakata. (I have a 5 forma grakata the innaccuracy gets to you after a while). Please DE dont take away my new born (Braton Prime). I love him....

  6. Yeah it is ridiculous and annoying it should work on the akvipers! super annoying it doesnt! Mabye they could make a mechanic where if you craft the dual vipers with each viper having one equiped its built in? XD i dunno?! it should work though!

  7. I see your point and it's not that I completely disagree with you, it's just that I think Eclipse has a bit more to it due to how it behaves with light/dark spots. Knowing dark spots in a tile is knowledge that can aid you in making skillful plays. Maybe the DR is a bit excessive but otherwise I like its light/dark mechanic. 


    In comparison Overheat/Old Iron Skin was just something you slapped on and you were immortal forever since you can both tank and avoid bullets without worrying about losing your damage resistance. 

    Shatter sheild does not make you immortal. level 35 enemies rip straight through. And at a pace i am almost not comfortably with. And without it Mesa is like tissue paper. She needs her god damn shatter sheild, its also duration based, need to reactivate every minute. forget? welp youll be dead in seconds. And i mean it. T3 and T4 enemies destroyed me without it.

  8. Id like to add it seems to ignore LoS entirely


    Its been passing walls and boxes and pillars for me


    It doesnt pass line of sight. Only hits enemys she can see. Though sometimes only through very narrow cracks between tons of obsticles. The shot is still possibly but only for a sharpshooter on steriods which she is. AND I LOVE THIS DONT NERF IT PLEASE.


    And please for the love of god make there be a way to scale her Peacemaker via secondary. Mabye x2 crit chance and x1.5 crit damaqge and x2 overall base damage

  9. Instead of saying space magic, I say that the arrows themselves are what causes them to be on-par with a Velocitus.


    Maybe they are made of a material that is extremely durable and very sharp, allowing it to go through many things.

    What would make sense to me is they are super-heated. All heat is, is kinetic energy on a atomic level. Superheating an arrow would allow it to essentially punch straight through armor. Moreover English longbow men when shooting a 150lb yew bow could send a bodkin tipped arrow through 3 fully armored knights. So a space ninja with a bow of unknown weight, but clearly more high tech then an English longbow, and moreover a space ninja in a suit of armor that enhances their, strength could theoretically be pulling 500lb bows, and firing super heated arrows made from some element that at crazy high temperatures doesnt lose its strength, (or superheated metal being contained inside of a magnetic feild. created by a device in the shaft of the arrow and compressing the superhearted metal to a density higher then depleted uranium) thus allowing the arrows to punch through AS MANY EFFING ENEMIES AS DE WANTS. DONT NERF MAH BOWS I EFFIN LOVE THEM. AND THEY ARE BALANCED TOO.

  10. have multi-shot: get damage falloff

    no multi-shot: no damage falloff


    if my suggestion is going to be implemented as is all you have to do to keep you rifles "undestroyed" is to remove multishot.


    Dude I hate to break this to you, but bullets are bullets, and don't become weaker with distance, moreover the rate at which they slow down doesnt have a major effect until you hit several thousand feet.  Its a simple fact. The avarege bullet travels 1700 FPS (Feet per second) which means that in 2 seconds you have already exceeded the size of every room in Warframe.  Nerfing multi-shot damage at a distance will also only piss off everyone who enjoys the ability of playing end game. It does not need to be nerfed. It isn't broken. In fact you NEED split chamber without damage fall off to run some top tier missions, and you NEED the distance it allows. ( you need to be able to pick off enemies in a group so when they reach you they don't destroy you. ).

    DO NOT suggest nerfing split chamber. it is a horrible idea. we have entire builds that are built around it. Nerfing split chamber would not only piss people off, but ruin core elements of the game.

  11. EVERY TIME I RUN WARFRAME I NEED TO PROVIDE ADMIN PRIVS. IT IS SOOOO ANNOYING. I have enabled warframes permission through firewall, all warframe related exe's have admin level privileges. I am tired of putting in that stupid password.




    EDIT: I havent given DE literally $1000+ simply to have to put in my admin pass every time.

  12. This thread will be about Limbo feedback overall, but mostly about his abilities.


    As far as Limbo's theme goes, he is portrayed as being a Void Sorcerer, a being in between the Void and Reality that can utilize powers that allow him to send allies and enemies in between each respective realm. His secondary theme would be that of a sort of stage magician, explaining the top hat. The Void part fits him, however the Sorcerer part does not seem to. Having only one recastable damage ability, that can only be casted on the same enemy once does not really convince me and a few others that he is a Sorcerer. While his other abilities focus on being in the Rift.


    For the powers, there does seem to be a great deal of synergy, however at the same time there isn't much to make said synergy worthwhile. The payout to combo with Limbo is not worth the time it takes to make it happen.


    1. Banish allows Limbo to send an enemy or ally into the Rift, while dealing a miniscule amount of damage on enemies and knocking them down. Once casted on an enemy, Banish cannot be casted on them again, the same goes for allies. To start off, this ability is decent, it lets you single out who you want inside of the Rift and has a single target CC. Complaints that I've heard about this skill are that it lacks AOE, and that some Limbo users are able to make their allies useless to the majority of the enemies on the field. One solution I could see for this is being able to cast Banish on an enemy/ally once again to bring them back into the normal plane. However, this still gives Limbo a bit too much control over his allies. Other solutions are welcomed.


    2. Rift Walk sends Limbo into the Rift, and using the ability again brings him back into the normal plane. This skill is nice for reviving allies, and to me is his best skill at the moment. Being able to turn it on and off is a very nice addition, and I see no problems with this skill alone. 


    3. Rift Surge amplifies any damage dealt on Rifted enemies by 1.5x (affected by power str). This skill is basically like Rhino's Roar, except it only affects Rifted enemies. This is where the problem starts. If you wanted a damage amplifier, why not just use a Rhino, Nova, Banshee, etc? Having amplified damage only on Rifted enemies while at the same time only having the base amplification at 1.5x is what I meant earlier when I said the comboing is not worthwhile. I'm sure there are many suggestions on what to do with this skill. Mine personally was to make it so that Limbo could shoot enemies not inside the Rift while he is inside of the Rift, and to keep the damage amplification only enemies inside of the Rift. It would work in a similar way to Mirage's Eclipse, except instead of Light/Dark areas, it would be inside the Rift and outside the Rift. Tell me your suggestions.


    4. Cataclysm opens up a huge bubble space of Rift that lasts for a certain duration and shrinks over time. Enemies and allies inside of this field are inside of the Rift, and cannot be damaged from enemies on the outside or allies on the outside. It also does a miniscule amount of damage upon exit and entry to enemies, and when it ends. For some reason though, upon entry/exit, enemies are not knocked down like with Banish. This skill is only really used if you want to have the damage amplifier of Rift Surge on many enemies at once in a short amount of time. Putting Cataclysm around the pod does not protect it from outside fire, and while it does protect allies inside from outside fire, allies cannot shoot those enemies coming towards them. I'm personally confused as to why it has to shrink down in size. There are many ways to fix this ability to make it worthwhile, so again, let me know your suggestions.


    Extra Points


    While in the Rift, allies gain around 2 energy every 3 seconds.


    While in the Rift, items cannot be picked up, and datamass/power cores also cannot be held. I think that this is a bug however, since placing Cataclysm over a large area is a very effective trolling technique. At the same time though, you can Banish allies and make them useless and that's working as intended.


    The Defense Pod cannot be placed into the Rift state, I could see how this could be a bit too powerful, but right now I'm neutral on this.


    Allies inside the Rift can damage enemies not inside the Rift, and vice-versa, only with their powers. I don't know if this is a bug or if it's working as intended, but it does bring synergy with frames that have high ability damage output. Example: Putting Ember into the Rift, basically placing god mode onto her, and having her run around with her ultimate on.


    What I feel the overall problem is.

    Other than the extreme amount of trolling he can dish out to his squad, I feel that the following would fix Limbo.

    There are currently no advantages for you or allies to fight inside of the Rift state other than the very low amount of energy recovery while inside. I think that adding more aspects to the Rift plane itself would be able to fix the majority of Limbo's problems. Something along the lines of slowing, confusion, lowered enemy stats, etc. Currently, fighting enemies inside of the Rift effectively ends up being the same as if nothing happened, even with Rift Surge active it's only amplifies damage by 1.5x. With the way Limbo is now, I can't help but just see him as a less effective Frost. I want Limbo to be fixed before he ends up as a gimmick frame, the same fate that Nekros fell to. Discuss please.


    (Many points, some unsaid here, came from this thread which was moved to Players helping Players for some reason: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/329254-how-are-limbos-skills-useful/ )

    I like your points and all proposed changes. Limbo needs this. I have used him extensively and i love him but he really needs this. And the ability to toggle catacylsm and banish

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