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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. So they buffed the melee... great... the primary fire still isnt worth an unmodded damaged serration. It flat out sucks. The thing shoots so slowly that i would rather pull out my miter, which has a faster attack time for the same damage. Please buff the firerate, and given the fact a miter went in, the damage should at least by 3/4ths the miters damage. Here are some new stats:

    ALSO WHY THE LACK OF CRIT CHANCE AND MULTIPLIER?? We are luanching a giant ! blade at high velocity towards an enemy, you would think like an arrow it would have a higher crit chance.


    Also what is with the blasted heavy cal making this weapon completely and totally impossible to use? Who thought of that? It's annoying. Nukes the weapons damage.


    Primary Fire:
    Damage: 140

    Puncture: 50
    Impact: 10
    Slash: 90

    Status: 20%

    Crit: 20%
    Crit Damage: 1.5x

    Firerate: 4.0

    Mag: 20
    (Ammo consumed per shot 1)

    Max Ammo: 120
    (Takes from sniper pool)


    Reload: 2.5

    NOW THAT^^^ Is a miter/hikou upgrade.

    Please you dont have to do this. Just make the panthera slightly viable. its sooo painful to use the primary fire. It barely works. And I put a forma on this sucker, and it was still a sucker of equally and even heavier caliber. 


  2. That defeats the purpose, with a maxed out vile accel the thing would shoot just as fast as the latron wraith and latron prime at base. IT would be a formidable weapon, and very useful without being too powerful. I think it would be a great balance, and it does make tons of sense as it would be an amazing sustained damage weapon, you would be able to fire continuously for 30 seconds, and 15 with maxed out vile accel, it would be ammo effecient, powerful, and good status weapon, and able to handle heavy enemies without being overpowered. I feel like what Warframe needs is a good solid HMG.

  3. HMR was supposed to be HMG I just failed on the title but what do you people think of the actual proposition? Personally I think it would be nice to have a Heavy Machine Gun in game. Thats the one thing we really dont have. (Excluding a 6 barreled chaingun.)

  4. I really want a slow firing automatic weapon that hits like a b#$%^. Like slow firing, high recoil, and great damage.


    Here are some specs:



    Firerate: 3.0 <--- THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT

    Damage: 90
        -Puncture: 70

        -Impact: 20

        -Slash: N/A


    Unmodded DPS: 285.0


    (For comparison: Braton Prime 389.0, Boltor Prime: 500.0)

    Firerate: 3.0

    Status: 20%

    Crit Chance: 2.5%

        -Multiplier: 1.5x


    Reload Time: 2.5s


    (This thing would be ridiculously ammo effecient already)

    Magazine Size: 90

    Total Ammo: 380


    Noise Level: 100.0m




    With a maxed out vile accel this HMG would shoot just as fast as the latron wraith and latron prime at base. IT would be a formidable weapon, and very useful without being too powerful. I think it would be a great balance, and it does make tons of sense as it would be an amazing sustained damage weapon, you would be able to fire continuously for 30 seconds, and 15 with maxed out vile accel, it would be ammo effecient, powerful, and good status weapon, and able to handle heavy enemies without being overpowered. I feel like what Warframe needs is a good solid HMG.

  5. Wait... radiation would solve my problem. He has alloy armor. Pity.

    HOLD UP. 

    I have removed his armor before, the soma still sucked balls. doing 100 damage a shot instead of 88. it makes NO sense.

  6. I am curious as to why the Soma Prime whose DPS is barely beneath the boltor, in one 200 round clip cant kill Void Vor, Whereas the boltor prime can... It makes no sense. I feel like there is something about bosses, or the way damage related to crits is calculated that NUKES them agasint bosses. Not sure what it isd though, i would appreciate some clarification.

  7. "Moreover it lets you get redcrits and makes the gun feel godly"


    Because we dont already have too many godly weapons in the game

    Do you not understand how anticipated the soma prime is/was?! do you just not get it?! moreover with the damage reduc i propose and the red crits only showing up 1/10th of the time it wouldnt be that different from what it currently is! It would just feel better.

    Moreover I DONT EVEN ASK for redcrits in the second part. I simply state that it would be awesome to remove the Soma Prime's damage sags.

  8. My god... you guys sure took this way farther then i thought you would. Okay. I did some thinking and I revised my edits.

    Drop the soma's damage to 10.0 total. I dont care the distrubution. Then buff the crit chance to 45%. Essentially you will come out with slightly higher DPS but not completely OP. Moreover it lets you get redcrits and makes the gun feel godly. It would also stop damage drops, and create damage spikes. The damage spikes would be the red crits. Currently the only gun in the game that gets damage sags is the soma and its prime variant. The Prime version should eliminate the damage sags. 

  9. So, you're pointing out the difference between a single shot of the two crit weapons while completely ignoring their massive firerate differences and projectile types. Why?

    Okay doke:

    1760 * 1.5 firerate = 2640 DPS ( Charged shots being fired off as fast as possible)

    ... oh S#&amp;&#036; Soma Prime (Vile Accel)  4479 DPS...

    Whoops you guys were right.

    F*** me.

    Sorry XD. Its fine DPS wise.

    Guess I really wanted to see it red crit. And not be overshadowed by the Boltor Prime. A Weapon that at non prime status was S#&amp;&#036; compared to it.

  10. I love, absolutely love, how all these "My Soma Prime isnt Overpowered enough" crybaby entitlement threads get torn to pieces by people with logic and common sense.


    It's like christmas. So much amazing blowing-out of stupid opinions and dumb kids begging for more and more and more.


    The delusions around the Soma Prime are so fantastic. "Underwhelming". Yes, a gun that tears through every single enemy in the game in a scant few bullets is underwhelming.


    God these threads make me smile. They are so marvelous at showing the sort of trash people will suggest so the game's difficulty can be even easier and more trivial.

    I am not asking for it to be overpowered. Over powered would be asking for 5 more base damage. Asking the damage line it deals to be flat? how is that overpowered. It would go from 36k DPS to 45kDPS . which is far behind the synoid gamacore, and I see no one screaming for it to be nerfed.



    So you don't want much...you just want it to perma-crit, with the capability of Red-Critting.

    Have you tried the paris prime out recently? it can red crit with Max Rank Point Strike and you know what? that's all it needs:


    ~2k damage non-fully charged anywhere 

    ~4k damage non fully charged in the head

    ~9k damage anywhere w/ a redcrit... non-fully charged


    do i even need to put up the charged values I'm capable of?

    that ~10-12% chance of redcrit decimates t4 enemies and it does so often (1 in 10 isn't that much to gamble on with 72 backup arrows). the damage red crits are capable of puts damage output out of perspective.


    You are asking for a rifle 200 round per magazine rifle to be capable of having a 10% (effectively 20% w/ Multishot) of red-critting on each individual bullet.


    No, you're not asking for much, you're just asking for a rapid fire Paris/Dread.

    I feel the need to repeat this.



    Love to point this out:

    Paris Prime charge base damage  = 200 + Base Crit multiplier (4.4x) + Crit damage + red Crit (2x) = 1760 Damage per red crit shot.

    Soma Prime base damage = 12 + Base Crit multiplier (6.6x) + Crit damage + red Crit (2x) = 158.4 Damage per red crit shot.

    Well look at those numbers^

    Look at what a massive difference there is.

  12. Crit chance increase is equal to damage increase. Wish they left primes with the original stats to avoid posts like this. New soma looks badass and the huge clip alone had me buying it.

    And the remark about playing since beta. You didn't have to say it should make your opinion have weight, the context in which you used it simply implied that being an older member your opinion should matter more. Which it shouldn't, unless you're a master your or grand master youre pretty much the same as everyone else without your access to the design council.

    Crit chance buff = DPS buff.

    Damage Buff = Physical Damage types (base damage type) increase.


  13. Also clarification on the "beta statement" that you all took way to seriously. What it means is that I have experience with the forgotten warframe weapons, and using them the moment they came out, and hearing people talk about the fabled "Soma Prime". Something that isnt fabled anymore, at all. The Soma quickly became another forgotten weapon, and will again. Simply because of easily acquired horrid weapons like the boltor prime. 

  14. plenty enough critical chance mods you can always do red crits, no need ever for a buff and ignoring its other significant upgrades is highly ignorant of its already far out does the regular soma which can still do red crits always with correct modding


    the damage has no problem unless your aiming at the floor.

    run the numbers go to warframe builder, you can never never get the soma to red crit territory.

  15. I should just link you the Warframe Builder build calculator so you can work this out yourself.


    Quickly explained, a weapon's features are generally classified as damage per hit, damage per second (burst/sustained), status probability (pellet/continuous), and ammo economy.


    Knowing this, just consider what Soma Prime's base status chance does considering its high rate of fire. Also, consider that as it stands now, its damage per second is already very balanced considering the balance of its damage, crit chance, and crit multiplier. It's one of the more formidable primary weapons in the game, and is not at all weak when considering the DPS and status it is capable of inflicting.


    Asking for more crit chance would increase the DPS and therefore make it overpowered. Red crits owuld definitely make this weapon overpowered. As it is now, even the most minor buff can make a big difference. So nothing more than a buff of like, 2 base damage or 5% crit chance would be acceptable. Maybe just an increase in ammo reserve would make a ton of difference.

    I dont need a lecture on how crit chance works. IT would yes buff the DPS. Thats the point, but not the damage. The problem with the soma as previsouly stated is that is has these massive damage sags where it doesnt crit. AT ALL. And it sucks and gets less the 36K DPS. Warframe builder is not nearly as accurate as you think, and pulling DPS numbers from it is a bad idea. Also with 100% crit chance the damage per second goes up by 25% except for random 10% chance times where you get a whopping one 12k hit and you go "OH JESUS YES" as the red crit dissappears.

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