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Everything posted by (PSN)SleepyPotato94

  1. I've been running Ivara more often and noticed that enemies still follow me around when I'm undetected/invisible. Because I don't play alone I usually host our sessions to avoid disconnection from my teammates. (I play on ps4 and they are on ps5) This issue doesn't happen to them when we play together or when they play alone, so it appears to only affect people hosting on ps4. It's not a huge game-breaking problem, but it sure does break my immersion when a CROWD of enemies follows me around on every mission I run a stealth frame. I love admiring different enemies and their idle animations, seeing what they get up to when they don't know I'm there. It's really charming and this bug completely takes that aspect away.
  2. Thank you so much for the kind words, it means alot 🥰
  3. Titania's Lament - 12/5/2023 I get the itch to draw this every time I crack relics... Volt, my friend, I love you, but your speed boost turns me into a bug on a windshield! ε= ε= ε= ε= ᕕ(ᐛ) ᕗ
  4. I really enjoy those peircing eyes, that mixed with how you drew the facial scaring appears so effortless and lovely.
  5. I've been drawing some fanart in the last few months so I thought I'd post them all here... I'll do my best to update this thread with any more pieces I end up making <3 Living Tomb - 11/25/2023 OUR Ephemera - 11/16/2023 Restful Meditation - 8/17/2023 Thank you very much for checking out my art <3
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