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  1. To the creative team of DE, you excel in making the most anticipated of works. Here’s to you and this new update! Also a few questions: is there the possibility we’ll see the Altra sentinel skin in Baro’s wares someday, will the Voca be made into collectible decorations, and are there plans to implement gryo motion controls for PS5?
  2. The syandana backpack seems misaligned when equipped on Excalibur Umbra, as it tilts at a forward angle. I imagine there may be other frames exhibiting this same problem (e.g. Rhino). Overall, it seems to defeat the intended usage of a backpack. Are there plans to resolve this in future hotfixes?
  3. Best-case scenario is this becomes a future item in Baro's stock. Otherwise, we don't know.
  4. Are there plans to implement motion control support for the PS5 version (like the Switch), or are there reasons the feature hasn't come through yet?
  5. @Letter13 If I'm right, you could also create that PC account with the same email corresponding to the primary for linking, correct?
  6. @[DE]Taylor Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a PC account is required to be linked/merged with to create a cross-save account if you only had a console account, you could create a PC account under the same email and username, and link it with your console primary to become eligible, right?
  7. Honest question: will Baro ever offer the Altra sentinel skin?
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