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  1. Not a good argument. Every other reward is scaled up, the anasa is not. Id rather get no reward than an anasa.
  2. You guys seriously need to take the anasa out of archon hunt rewards. 3400 endo for a week of waiting is lame.
  3. Please please please add autofire mode for semi auto weapons. It feels AWFUL breaking my fingers to keep firing.
  4. Thanks for hotfix, but please fix Telos Boltor being bugged. I want to see how the gun performs without being bugged and overpowered beyond belief. In case you're unaware, it applies galvanized aptitude 1x for each ammo in the magazine. At full mag, incarnon mode gains +7,200% damage per status effect.
  5. Remove Ayatan Anasa from the weekly archon hunt, please. This is a weekly rotating mission, why are we getting a pathetic 3400 endo for it? We can farm that much endo in about 4 minutes, this is supposed to be hard and rewarding, but its just a spit in the players' faces.
  6. Reverse the overguard cap, thats actually so lame. Do you know that enemies at only like level 200 one shot 15,000 overguard? theres 9999 levels. Being one shot isnt fun gameplay/ You guys also didnt fix the telos boltor incarnon bugging out telos boltor, so galvanized aptitude applies 1x for each stack of ammo (7800% damage boost per status effect), i want to see how the gun actually performs without being so bugged and overpowered.
  7. Love how they drag their feet to fix bugs that we hate but will speedrun fixing ones that benefit us.
  8. How are we THIRTEEN hotfixes in and you guys still haven't fixed circuit softlocking after host swaps? Are you serious?
  9. 10th hotfix, you do realize undercroft is still hardlocking and bugging out right? Double resource doesnt work still, host migrations break everything, performance has gone down for some unknown reason
  10. Nerfing CC abilities on squishy frames every update it seems, does not feel good. CC is how frames like Banshee survive, and instead of fixing the one enemy causing issues, you just nerf Banshee? Really?
  11. They did 'technically' fix it, the bug before was host swaps caused excavators to not spawn at all. Now, they just don't progress after meeting the goal .-.
  12. Host swaps are still breaking stuff. In an hour long circuit, a host swap not only caused the game to push us back a mission (we had just completed excavation, next up was exterminate, it pushed us back into excavation after the host swap.) After the host swap, meeting the 300/300 cryotic requirements yielded no success as the game did nothing/did not advance upon meeting the requirements for mission completion. We were forced to abort the mission and lost an hour of progress over something that you claim was already fixed.
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