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Posts posted by Jukantos

  1. Brilliant Hotfix, not only was i kicked out of a nightmare raid that took 3 hours to organize and run right before we win, oh no!


    Now also we have a BRILLIANT new feature called "You press play on the launcher and you INSTANTLY get a crash reporter!!"


    The game doesnt even go into fullscreen, it just straight up crashes when i press the Play Button. BEST Hotfix i've had the displeasure to experience at launch so far. I'm going to fracking bed >:(

  2. Got a funny screenshot with one of my clanmates, he finally managed to breed a massive kubrow.


    This is him ready to ride ride his vicious steed General Sargas Ruff into battle :D






    We discussed wether we should depict him with a shield or with a lance, but found the existing polearms to be weird looking while attempting to ride a Kubrow, so we went with the Silva&Aegis instead, it was a lot of fun.

  3. In addition to the broken-as-hell hosting/keyowning bug which was patched ages ago and seems to have made its return into the void (see: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/458348-void-defense-host-left-in-reward-round-caused-whole-team-mission-fail/ )


    i just spent 3 HOURS due to another hilarious bug in T4 Defense.


    My team absolutely murdered every enemy that approached us (Frost Freeze Force + Total Eclipse Mirage + Mesa + Greedy Mag), and we easily cut our way through the first 10 waves within about 6 minutes. Then there was quite a notable piece of timeout before wave 10's ending was acknowledged and as soon as wave 11 launched Vor made his appearance so we blamed it on him.


    Over the rest of the mission,the spawnrate got continously slower and slower. from wave 36 to 40 we spent NEARLY TWO HOURS, as only one single (sometimes two, especially when shield drones were involved) enemies would EVER spawn on the map at the same time, and the next enemy would only spawn (across the whole map out of sight) when we had killed that single enemy.


    They literally came at us single file, forcing us to wait minutes and minutes doing absolutely nothing but WAITING for them to show up. By the end of it, some of us had successfully went and put a pizza in the oven in wave 38 and gone and picked it up finished ~25 minutes later in wave 39!!


    Absolutely broken and then we lost our ENTIRE loot due to the STUPID keyowner mechanic making its glorious return, granting us a "mission failed" screen after we had just successfully extracted (see other thread linked at the top: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/458348-void-defense-host-left-in-reward-round-caused-whole-team-mission-fail/ )


    i am SO pissed off right now, like you wouldnt believe. THREE HOURS, for NOTHING, being robbed of 230 ducats in items and being shown a FORMA for the rotation C that we LITERALLY WAITED OVER ONE AND A HALF HOURS FOR between waves 36 and 40, only to then EVEN HAVE THAT taken from us by the return of that broken-as-F*** keyowner "feature"


    Fix the spawnrates going down and for gods sake fix the keyowning, make the key be consumed if the keyowner extracts successfully and leave everyone else doing their run in peace, especially if someone else is hosting, HOW HARD CAN IT BE to code that exactly like it is for normal starchart defenses and interceptions??

  4. Well it has returned as an actual bug. If the game does a host transition during the original loading, and a player who is not key owner ends up being host, everyone is guaranteed freakin mission failure on extraction. ON SUCCESSFULL EXTRACTION the mission fails.


    How broken is that? like what the hell? Key Owner extracting or not, if a successfull extraction is made, the key should be consumed and everyone, the host included, should be allowed to stay and play as long as they freakin please.


    i just spent nearly THREE HOURS in a 40 wave T4D mission because the spawnrate absolutely broke and the enemies came at us one at a time on the entire map for the last 3 waves (going to open seperate thread on it in a minute) only to then receive a MISSION FAILURE (ME HOSTING) on extraction because the freakin key owner was afk making a sandwich and stayed.


    IF I SUCCESSFULLY EXTRACT, how can that EVER result in a mission failure? that's absolutely ridicolous! even if you wanna throw in a game-y nonsense mechanic like failing everyone who wants to stay longer than the host / keyowner (why have people selecting individually in that case is a freakin mystery to me), if i, as the host, leave, HOW can that fail the mission?

  5. Any chance the Aura Physique sees a rework with the new Stamina System? 18% BASE Health (mostly 18 health for every teammate) is incredibly useless. How about a +Armor Aura? We need some Defensive Aura Ideas.


    Will Helios be able to properly use Simaris Scanners at any point?


    Any Plans to ever release Primed Streamline?


    FUSION CORES, the massively lowered droprates per playtime have never been adressed after Rebecca was silenced during Devstream 46




    Cosmetic purchaseable skins coming to PC anytime soon or is all of that work currently going into Renown and Prestige Packs for the console releases? I realize those guys need a way to give you money, but being excluded from content does leave a negative feeling for me


    PvP Death Matches / Team Picking / Custom Lobbies, when are they coming? still aimed at 16.5?


    Any Plans to re-release Archwing Formorian Missions? Or to give purpose to Vay Hek Prosecutor Beacons? I made a concept involving the two which got burried under Baro Ki Tears here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/443666-loose-ends-ceres-beacons-formorian-archwing-missions-concept-idea/ )


    Early Game Experience for new Users needs some more Overhauling. I helped a couple new people get into the game and they all expressed frustration with nullifiers rendering their choice of the MK1 Paris into suicide and the inability to complete missions on Venus. If i hadnt fed them Split Chamber, Serration and other "basic" mods, especially Multishot Mods, they wouldnt even be able to combat these "EARLYGAME" Planets simply due to them being flooded with enemies based around lategame concepts. Maybe a "Damaged" Split Chamber is required here to help them get their feet off the ground? And again, helping them obtain Fusion Cores to upgrade their early selection of mods has become very difficult.


    Saturn / Ceres Drop Rate of Orokin Cells has gone down NOTABLY? My team should supposedly have 370% loot ratio due to Pilfering Hydroid and Nekros, yet we are unable to obtain even 1 orokin cell per 10 5-wave dark sector defense, used to be ~4/5 runs would drop one, their droprate has gone down too much and too consistantly to be mere bad luck.

  6. the actual gameplay is massively hindered by the absurd scaling on the bursas. You either bring a team that basically CCs them to death (like phoenix interception escalation) and you sit there doing nothing but a static defense, OR you are CONSTANTLY DEAD to ONESHOT ATTACKS.


    WHEN did "difficulty and challenge" definition in Warframe shift to one-shot-kills and nullifying abilities? I mean come the **** on, now enemies will have lobbed nullifier grenades? Next thing we know the regular grunts are gonna be throwing those at us. And forget about speedrunning missions, if you're unlucky and a random instakill laser bursa shows up while you're Sonic-The-Hedgehoging down the corridor as Volt YOU'RE ON YOUR ARSE before you even realize what you were running into, LITERALLY.


    The idea of a hackable turret type of enemy is actually amazing, i could even see turret-type gameplay as a minor option, riding on the back of a hacked bursa firing off grenadeshots until it runs out of ammo and then executing it with a melee attack. We don't have that kind of turret gunplay in Warframe and it'd make for a nice possible addition, IF you want to use it.


    Instead it's another thing where you sit and defend a static objective that you freeze down as good as you can because otherwise you're blinded and flying across the room into instakill lasers or it uses a mounted 9001 dmg gun which instantly downs even a maximum health&shield modded frost in a single shot. Its like mobile defense and the systems console is trying to kill you. That's not really immersive gameplay.


    I'll rate the event a 5/10 because of the POTENTIAL presented by these types of enemies, losing points for inconsistent and infuriating waiting times and yet another possible nullifier in the future, this time a RANGED variety, with a TINY hitbox. that's terrifying!


    I already have problems taking out the freaking scorching blue-light-aoe-damage-droplets fired by the Scorching Ospreys, if you create grenades with a similar hitbox that you have to shoot to avoid being nullified it basically makes using any guns that don't fire masses of shots useless. Bows, my former favourite weapon type have become freakin useless because there are tiny targets and nullifier bubbles that eat 10+ arrows in every mission that includes corpus units (plus they're completely pointless against manics as well, is the future of warframe REALLY going to be spray&pray or Crowd Control Teamcomps everywhere??)

  7. Syndicate mod. It could have that plus a syndicate proc to actually make whichever thrown weapon it goes on viable.

    This, thank you, that'd also make the mods worthwhile, maybe even use this idea when/if we ever get syndicate melee weapons? I could totally see this on a Synoid Kestrel xD

  8. Hey everyone, this is gonna be my first "Concept", i hope i'm doing this right.


    I thought to myself, with Vay Hek moving to a regular node, there really isn't any use for his Prosecutors and their beacons on Ceres anymore. And at the same time, there's all that work which has gone into the Formorian Mission Design for the Eyes of Blight event, which is currently off the starchart completely.


    So why not tie up both those loose ends at the same time? AS WE NOW KNOW from the Law of Retribution Raid, Vay Hek has a hidden Formorian over Phobos. What if those Prosecutor Beacons gave access to his personal space hideout, his Formorian above Phobos? That way, we could get use out of the Beacons again, and not have all the work that was put into developing the Formorian Combat unused.


    If you wanna take it even further, you could even have the Omega Isotopes dropping on Phobos, considering it's currently not really being used for any resource in particular, it shares its resource pool with too many other planets.


    All it would take is some added Lotus Voiceover, the gameplay is already there. And as rewards? Well we had those Fire/Status Archwing Mods which are currently inaccessible, maybe even the Puncture and Slash Sets which people have been crying out for.


    This whole concept could be done in numerous ways, a quest with a capture on Ceres and a sabotage aboard the ship prior to giving out the blueprint for the archwing parts (triangulator beacon / formorian disruptor), as well as simple added Key-using node to Phobos. And it'd tie up those loose ends.


    I hope you enjoyed reading my wall of text/thoughts, and i'd be honored if this found its way into the halls and minds of DE :)

  9. Since Update 16.2.2, every time i tab out of the game to do something with my youtube playlist on my 2nd monitor, as soon as i tab back into the game there is CRAZY mouse acceleration, over three times the usual speed, making my mouse wizz past buttons when trying to solve corpus hacks and making precise aiming pretty much impossible until i restart the game.


    It only occurs when tabbing out, and massively destroys the game, please try and fix this, it happens pretty much every time when i tab out of the game to stop a youtube video.

  10. Orokin Cells NEED to leave the Void Rotations. Sheldon has managed to sit it out on the Devstream and im afraid DE has managed to sit it out on the forum as well.


    But if you are ever going to release new Primed Mods again, upgrading them will be completely impossible. I kept very actively playing since their effective removal and i haven't even been able to farm up as many cores in over a FULL MONTH as i was previously able to obtain within 3-5 days if i really went after them.


    If nothing else, at least put them in Rotation B on Uranus Caelus to create some Incentive to play Archwing, it's the only level 20+ Interception on the Star Chart that doesn't guarantee Cores in Rotation B. That is not exactly helping me find squads for that game type Equal Treatment for all Interceptions, aight?


    Again, and no, i'll probably NEVER stop posting that link, because of how enraged i was at that unprofessional dive&diversion tactic, take 3 minutes of your time and look at his reaction when Rebecca tells him she wants to be able to maintain corefarming at the same efficiency ratio SOMEWHERE on the starchart (and gets told off when asking repeatedly, and afterwards has to post "we don't understand why this is a bad thing" on the forums, which didn't exactly seem authentic for someone who obviously understood the issue at hand within less than 20 seconds).


    Check out Sheldons Reaction. 2 minutes of watchting, from 54:50 forth, that's all im asking from you.

  11. I wanna see 4 Valkyrs swinglining around lasers like total bosses, but at the same time the amount of re-recording that would be necessary would be ludicrous xD


    I think i'd just do it with Nova and Quantum Tunnel all the way to victory, huehuehue

  12. Still no fix for the game crashing with 100% reliability when changing from 1080p fullscreen to 720p windowed mode


    (the other way around is fine and the change is saved, but it crashes when changing every time).

  13. So i just spent about an hour on conclave once more and i must say it no longer resembles anything of the slow grindy accuracy-focused combat i enjoyed in first few hours (before people found out how to cheat in banned weapons).


    NOW with the addition of the Dex Furis and the Magazine Extension Mods into the game, my gameplay literally breaks down to this:


    If i try any other weapon or frame i end up getting absolutely sprayed to death, and its frustrating as hell especially when i land multiple hits on semi-automatic weapons like the Latron prime or the Lex Prime only to still go down because my opponent held down his left mouse button in my general direction (for up to what feels like half a minute).


    Currently the Dex Furis at 190 Shots packs enough dmg (1790) to kill an ENTIRE TEAM of opponents in a magazine, or to kill whoever you're aiming at five times, meaning even if you're just spraying, you'll kill them if ~1/5th of your bullets eventually connect.


    I'll upload a gameplay Footage Video on my Youtube channel, and i DEARLY hope that the Magazine Capacity Mods are removed from Conclave, as they massively buff Pray'n'Spray Gameplay over actual skilled gunplay.


    Oh and also, i've been a massive fanboy of the Bo Prime since its release, it's still my favourite melee weapon of all time, but the easiness with which i avoid other players just running past with a flag in hand, or to kite anyone trying to melee me is just disgusting.


    So yeah, took me almost an hour of work in GIMP to build that image, i'll throw it on as a Thumbnail for the youtube video :) Change the Dex Furis! Or remove them alltogether, they're not a fun weapon for PvP either way, considering how dumb their gunplay is they HAVE to be underpowered or overpowered, as their role as a gun is literally just spraying all over the place :)

  14. Hello my fellow Tenno, i'm Jukantos and i've been on Warframe and the Forums for quite a while now, but never found the courage or motivation to really do an introduction like this. I'm a relatively shy dude, tucked away savely in my clan with a solid 3 active members, who enjoys playing Warframe on a quite regular basis (maybe even way too much :D)


    So while i've been critiquing a lot of the changes that have come to the game lately, i hope i haven't annoyed or upset anyone, because in the grand scheme of things Warframe seems to be moving forward quite fine.


    I've also been doing streams of other games on a regular basis and i've FINALLY upgraded my hardware to a point where i can record and stream Warframe content, so i'll be flooding my (completely dead XD) Youtube Channel with Warframe Builds and maybe a few Introduction Videos to some of the games rather intricate RPG-Systems that might be otherwise alienating to newer players (Currently uploading my Nova and Volt Builds and a rather easy Raid Strategy).


    So yeah, i hope to see you ingame, i hope some of you find the time and/or interest to look at some of the stuff im putting out there, if even one player thinks he's become better at the game because of me, it'll completely be worth it.


    Not quite sure if linking myself is allowed around here (Edit: Found no rules against it, so my stream is www.twitch.tv/Jukantos (1 PM German Standard Time (GMT+1)) and my youtube channel where i'll put the guides and builds is https://www.youtube.com/user/Jukantos ,) now, enough with the shameless self-advertising and let's play! :D


    Oh and if you're a beginner and just getting started with warframe on the EU servers, you can totally message me and ill help you with a starting set of mods as soon as you've hit mastery rank 2 for trade egligibility.

  15. I have no idea what just happened, but for two runs in a row now, T1 Survival (Rotation C) has displayed Items that do not even belong in its CONFIRMED Prime Drop Rotation.


    First run it showed an Ember Prime Blueprint. One of the 4 players got said Ember Prime Blueprint, the rest was given a Burston Prime Stock, despite the display in the bottom left corner showing Ember to everyone


    Next run, everything fine at 20 minutes, then at 40 minutes it shows a Nova Prime Helmet for one of us, and Volt Prime Systems for the other 3, we're all celebrating like crazy, dash to extraction, THE NOVA GUY GETS A NOVA HELMET AND THE REST OF US GETS A F***ING BURSTON PRIME STOCK.


    WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? Not even giving the loot you're fuckin displaying anymore? Randomly DIFFERENT loot for individual partymembers? Items that aren't even part of the missions rotation and Burston Prime Stocks showing up literally fckin EVERYWHERE? I've found Burston Prime Stocks in T1 Sabotage, T1 Survival, T1 Capture, T4 Capture, T1 Def and T4 Def today. Did you mess up while editing the drop rates? I guess it's time to dig out THIS old classic then!


  16. Still no fix for Raid Emblem turning by 90 Degrees sticking itself into Tenno's Shoulders if worn combined with a Decorative Armor Set







    Also, still no fix for Kubrows 1) being shot in Loki Invisibility and 2) going absolutely ham on Simaris Capture Targets

  17. When wearing the floating Shoulder Emblem awarded for beating the raid combined with a deco armor set (Tested on Daedalus and Eos Prime Set) it actually turns by 90% and lodges itself INTO the tenno, actually clipping the model.


    Looks really painfull and is certainly not the intended effect, forcing me to give up my armor set to show off my really cool new emblem (thanks for that by the way).


    Please fix it so it doesn't do the 90 degree tilt when combined with an attachment armor set.

  18. Thank you, that was kinda necessary, we wouldn't want Credit Drain to bloat TOO much out of control.


    Now PLEASE finally address the Fusion Core Situation, maxxing primed mods is still absolutely impossible with the starchart droprates of 25% in rotation A only.


    Maybe find it in your hearts to replace the void endless mission rotation C Forma blueprints with Fusion Core Packs?

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