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Posts posted by Jukantos

  1. A rather irritating and annoying bug, when researching Dojo Colors and being finished researching a color, instead of being able to start the next research project after the official 36 hours the console is stuck with the error "You can not research 2 colors at the same time" for EXACTLY 12 hours hours until the research completes, effectively extending the research time from 36 to 48 hours

    Pretty annoying when the whole clan is eager to work out the "smaller" mobs as fast as possible to get to hunting some of the bigger prey for their respective colors (Stalker, Zanuka, Vay Shrek)

  2. ACTUALLY i've experienced this as well and while your hands are empty, you are actually dealing normal damage with the empty invisible hands of doom. It's merely a graphic bug, not a gameplay one.

    More annoying is that if you get hit into bleedout while under the effect of a knockdown (lol corrupted bombard blast procs) sometimes after being revived you will be completely prevented from meleeing no matter what weapon you equip (even if you equip the melee one and even if you channel or hold block) because it will simply start the attack animation and immediatly cancel it after ~0,2 seconds instead of executing the attack. This also leaves you unable to copter with slide attacks or do mid-air stomps and upwards copter attacks to increase your aerial mobility, unless you willingly allow yourself to get downed again.

    This seems to happen especially often after revives are used in long survival missions. VERY annoying bug. Should at least be fixable by dedicatedly equipping the melee weapon once, but nope it still just cancels the attack.

  3. This isn't the only case, either. I found a River Blue pigment, which is dropped by Grineer Seekers. But it came from an Infested Charger.

    That is indeed weird, when our clan researched Nanite Blue (which is actually supposed to drop from Chargers) they dropped them just as they were supposed to do.

  4. I managed to accidentally place one through the wall in a corner connector, VERY Unhandy as it now can absolutely not be accessed.

    Quickest workaround: We NEED to be able to access the Polychrome for the room we're currently in via the escape menu UI, instead of just getting an error popup that no additional Polychrome can be placed while one is in progress.

    That's some basic functionality that should be patched into the UI ASAP.

  5. I am pretty sure this is not how it is intended to be, right now the Grineer Drahk on Ceres (or their Drahk Masters, definitely one of the two) drops Mutalist Red Pigments, which are supposed to only drop from Tar-Mutalist MOA's in Infested Missions.

    Just a little hint, i wasn't particularly mad the color was easier to research but yeah that's not working as intended.


    Though DE took some new units too far


    Its better than before for sure

    Yes and no. I agree there shouldve been some challenge upgrades to the lategame contents, but then again, as even mentioned in the last Devstream, they had these challenges in the works (Focus System, Difficulty Slider)


    I simply can not help the feeling that the reason they hit the big red button and nuked the Nullifiers into existance was solely because some guy with a suitcase (not even blaming the designers) thought too many people stopped buying affinity boosters.


    And hell, i dont blame them. I don't think i should be entitled to level any weapon from 0 to 30 in half an hour without a paid booster, that's ridicolous and people demanding it are acting super entitled.


    BUUUUUUT at the same time it shouldn't feel like they intentionally add walls for the players to run their face into (new prime parts in derelict where no ducats are gained from "off-drops", super low drop ratio on new items, an entire prime access set without anything being added to the classic T4 missions because surprise those can now be obtained via syndicates so it's all sabotage and T3) It shouldn't feel like they're extorting veteran players for access to new content more and more for each new content added. This isn't even the prime example (badumm tss), when Mesa was released EVERYONE wanted her and could pick her up via plat immediatly and HOW long did it take for Alad V coordinates to actually spawn and even get added to the invasion reward rotation? 3 days after her release before a part necessary to accessing her is even added into the bloody drop tables? (never mind the one coordinate a redtext MANUALLY added to the game on launch day which was immediatly flooded by 2000 squads)


    It's like Archistopheles said on page one, little things add up. I have to withhold my money, i have to intentionally boycott and sabotage this type of monetization which really really sucks because i WANT to support this game. But damn, i want to feel as if the devs appreciate it. Content shouldn't be gated as hard as it is right now, i mean playing the game is the actual fun and challenge, if i went and bought everything ever released straight up with euros and platinum, getting it with potato, slot and even exp boosters, i'd be done with the new content in half an hour, who am i to pay for destroying my own playing experience and goal to work towards???!


    Give me decorative skins, armor sets, colors, weapon skins, bling bling, swag, stuff that let's me show how much i love the game without taking away the challenge while at the same time not making me feel like you're just completely hardblocking me from new content unless i pay upwards of 50 bucks asking price (because strictly speaking that's the price of a newly released pack of weapons in platinum (1000) just as much as it is for prime access.


    50+ bucks a month per costumer should NOT be the monetization goal you set yourself. I'm not saying you shouldn't have offers for the so-called "Whales" to skip every bit of grinding. I'm not saying i should be able to completely skip all the leveling ever just to get to mastery ranks. But YOU have to come along with content worth looking at, buying, showing off. I'd pay 10-20 euros for prime decorative gear, i'd pay 200 plat for a metallic light-reflecting color set (been waiting on that type of chrome effect forever), but not 50 euros because it includes exp and credit boosters that you THEN try to enforce people to have by adding higher and higher credit prices for new content (void trader) while bombarding (literally) experience farming methods (Dark Sectors, Void, Corpus-Farming)


    Give people worthwhile content for their 10 bucks a month and most importantly a POSITIVE experience. People should WANT to spend the money on your game because they enjoy playing the game and you offer a plethora of content (just look at LoL, they're schooling you on skins pretty hard although i admit Warframe Animations are much harder to do and thus take longer to create).


    When it feels like you're working against the community to enforce your 140€ prime access packs, you're going down the wrong way. That's a surefire way to kill your community, ESPECIALLY if you add new units to the game which give new players a nightmare of a playing time. I helped a bunch of french new players the past two weeks who now flat out quit the game because they got stuck on mars's Nullifiers so incredibly badly (despite me hooking them up with tips on good early-game equipment like the Karak, Lex and Bo, as well as a bunch of mods (cicero sets, serration, multishot mods).


    When newbies get wrecked by your new anti-veteran units DESPITE veterans like me feeding them, you're just turning away potential future longtime costumers.


    Also, you wouldn't believe, people love getting a lot of virtual currency, they love feeling smart for saving money. Make the 75% tickets show up more often but limit them to purchases up to 20$ or 10$ and say beyond that you offer 50% off and you'll have players feeling REALLY smart for picking up that 20$ pack because it has the same price tag on it as the 10$ pack. And then direct them towards costumization (colors, armor sets) instead of baiting them into spending 200 plat on a freshly released weapon that they don't even have the mods for (how many newbs that pick up the Kohm have the shotgun mods and forma to bring that thing into ANY useable state, yet it's your number one featured primary in the market).


    TL;DR: Sure, the "extorting" way gets you a lot more money per veteran player. But it poisons the well / climate between veterans and devs, and rebukes new players, which comes with great long-time losses. I can't support the game despite loving it while you're working "against me" (gigantic air brackets applied)


    Again  i  can't link this enough, whoever's in charge NEEDS to make changes to the direction you're headed in and this could be a good starting point.

  7. The problem i see here is a change in the fundamental goal of monetization. I am more than happy and willing to spend money on cool cosmetics, colors, skins, warframe attachments and other decorative pieces to show my love for this game. I'm not quite happy with the way they've monetized crafting waiting-times and new content (effectively selling newly released equipment at an asking price of over 20 bucks per update if you want it instantly and you don't have a coupon).

    But i'm willing to forgive that. I'd rather wait 3 days per frame and buy an awesome immortal skin for it than own it 3 days earlier. Give me that content and i'll buy it.

    What i'm NOT okay with is the idea that to develop the full strength of a frame or a weapon you'll have to level it to the exp cap several times (aka Forma) and subsequently directly attacking every good exp source in the game. Comparing the current exp farmability in the game to pre-mesa (15.4) you're seeing Dark Sectors to be much harder and less reliable, all exploit farms destroyed to the best of DE's ability (not mad about that one) and the void also under attack.

    Exp already scales up bloody badly from early- to lategame content. When i only had access to mid-level mods and gear i used to farm exp on Mercury Lares because i'd get my butt handed to me on sechura and i wasn't getting THAT much less experience per time, with each unit still giving me ~60 exp while sechura offered ~90. Exp scales WAY too slowly and badly with enemy level.

    And then you go ahead and ramp up the difficulty across all the lategame content WITHOUT scaling the exp up in any way? Feels cheesy. Want me to go back to Mercury Farming and (spoilers, probably the next thing to get hotfixxed) Dark Sector Excavation on Earth? (Grineer Units with really low level, nice exp farming and finally a way to saturate my neurode needs because Eris even with the Dark Sectors simply refused to deliver).

    If you want people to continously spend money on your game, offer them cool content for it, don't just basically gate them from getting new gear for the first ~2 weeks before making their droprates anything worth being called realistic. All i'm gonna say is Hikou Prime Pouch.

    I'm sorry, with the recent developments, WHY should i trust you to offer decent prime part drop rates in Orokin Derelict Survival and Defense? When at the same time instant Prime Access is available for up to 140€? Why wouldn't you just make the drop rates ludicrously low? Plus, right after introducing the Orokin Ducats as a way of making socalled "Crap" Prime Parts usefull, you force us into Orokin Derelict where we get bog-standard defense and survival mods instead of Prime Parts while digging for Nova. That feels ODDly inconvenient (pun intended).

    You should embrace your playerbases needs and urges and cater to them by delivering awesome content at a reasonable price, there are plenty of people who will buy a 10th set of decorative armor if it's cool looking, me included. Don't look to gate them off of stuff unless they shell out the cash for it, that creates a negative experience, a negative feeling about monetizing and that is NOT what you want, trust me. That's the way to reduce your community size to the absolute hardcore fans, which then will eventually leave because there are no more casual and free2play players around to serve as content for them (in this case teammates and newbies to feed up, i mean, i'm getting a lot of enjoyment out of helping new players getting started with some auras or Vor mods, helping feels awesome.)

    Please try to turn the monetizing experience back into something players WANT to do, instead of something they feel forced into because otherwise their progress will be artificially halted.

    Extra Credits have done a video that can be applied pretty well to the current development and where it might go in the long run if you continue down this path, which i'd really rather not see. And i'm sorry, i have to say i won't monetize / spend money on warframe while you're following this type of policy because i think that is the way to make the guys in suits giving the orders who aren't as passionate about the game as the designers on the board, realize they've chosen the wrong path.

    Just something to consider: Had i had the chance to pick up the Darga Prime Armor Set for 20€ i am absolutely certain i would've done it. But i didn't feel the need or desire for the experience and credit boosters that came along with it (because i should NOT be NEEDING those if i'm willing to invest time into the game instead!) and i didn't wanna shell out 45€ for a package that i felt had most of its asking price BECAUSE of those boosts. That's just something i had to get off of my mind.

    TL;DR: Monetization has to get a positive feeling to it again, for cosmetic customization, instead of feeling like an enforced matter of progress and/or (Prime) content (Prime) access. It shouldn't feel like DE is developing AGAINST the playerbase.

  8. Hot Update: They have gone and actually done it, all over Ceres Missions little squads of Corpus are appearing and assisting Grineers, ran into it while hunting G3 in a Deception Mission and now it also happened on Draco, randomly instead of Grineer side-rooms or spawn rooms will just seemingly at random spit out a corpus squad of 5-8 moas and crewman, coming along with a Nullifier Crewman, in a mission which is officially against Grineer, without any explanation whatsoever. And yes, that Nullifier blocks Abilities for his Grineer Buddies.


    This is going TOO far, Corpus Squads assisting Grineer for no reason other than to have Nullifiers in actually every faction now, the Hek guys


    Edit: Just saw the TL; DR section. Lore wise, it's more than easy to say the corpus aren't able to mass produce this technology. Simple as that. It's likely fairly new tech & they don't currently have the means to supply every Corpus unit with one. 


    Also, even if they did, you act like the Tenno are completely helpless without their powers. The weapons we use are arguably more used than our powers (not talking about actual gameplay here). In every trailer we have guns & swords ablazin' with a faint dash of pew pew from our hands. 


    Looking at the technology the Corpus and even the Grineer (Magnetizing Doors) have at their disposal already, as well as logic overall pretty much demands you are able to build something stationary and at an increasing size WAY before you are able to create a portable version of it, let alone one that can be strapped to the back of a soldier without killing them via radiation (especially considering it projects a freakin bullet, spear, poison, shock, frost and disarm-prove bubble that absorbs hundreds of hits before collapsing and can replenish itself over time if hit not again!!!).

    How would they EVER get their hands on such a thing without being able to build a much stronger stationary version, large enough to cover their entire freakin bases with it. Energy Drain Nightmare Mode shouldve been a permanent thing anyway. Even the Grineer are able to scan for void echos to detect tenno ships or if their ships have been infiltrated (although they rely on dumb personal to press an alarm button that nobody comes to check on it it's disabled again, LOLS).

  10. Sooo, time for me to drop my 2 cents on the matter.

    I won't really adress the problems of balancing the unit itself or the consequences it has for gameplay, those 2 topics have been adressed from all angles i can imagine already.

    What impacts me here is how they fit into the Warframe Lore and why they were added in the first place, as in why DE could've felt the need to introduce such a mechanic to begin with, which i suspsect to be in the area of monetization, which could have very, VERY critical consequences.

    Let's start with the Lore. The Tenno were asleep for thousands of years. They are vastly outnumbered, have to scrap back together their own old fragmented but vastly superior technology and fight with what's around right now, trying to keep the solar system from completely falling into the hands of the warring factions of the Grineer and the Corpus, while the Infested have also made a return.

    Among all that Chaos, an iconic figure stood out. The Stalker. Having hunted Tenno for literally thousands of years, his ability to deny their technology and powers was legendary, frightening and adrenalin-inducing every time he came after me to avenge what i had done in the name of balance. He's one of the biggest badasses in the Warframe Universe and probably my favourite character out of all of Warframe, because he invokes those questions about balance and wether or not the course of the Tenno is a righteous one, or if we are just following a Blind Justice, just like him.

    And now? Suddenly, almost every faction has a way to completely deny abilities. The Ancient Healers Damage Reduction aura makes Infested almost immune, while the Corpus and now the Corrupted literally have become immune to all bullets and all Tenno Technology. How? Did they buy Stalker's Stuff?

    Which brings me nicely to the second point, why i think these mechanics were introduced. Let's be honest here, Warframe is still very much in development and heavily relies on repeatedly iterated skinnerbox systems to keep the game interesting. You have tons of weapons to go through, a lot of tile sets to explore, lategame equipment and prime stuff to hunt for, massive clan dojos to build, syndicates to allign with...

    Eventually a "Loot Cave" (Destiny Thingy) had to appear. People will always maximize their progress in games like these. It wasn't a surprise Viver was found, nor Cerberus, nor Draco. And people will still continue to try and find the best ways of leveling their gear as quickly as possible, afterall that's one of the main objectives of the game.

    But and this is where it gets critical, it's also one of the main pieces of DE's monetization. Prime Accessories are sold with 90 day double exp boosters, at an effective rate of ~15 dollars a month (while also including a credit booster, so lets say effectively they are asking 10 bucks a month for the exp)

    Therefor, DE can't really allow players to level their stuff from 0 to 30 in an hour without such a paid booster and while i can completely agree on that (as it does somewhat eliminate the feeling of progress), they have gone down the wrong path to do so. The recent development just seems like they're trying to slap the community in the face. It's like you're developing the game AGAINST your playerbase, to extend the skinnerboxes more brutal than ever and to enforce monetization.

    I mean come on, i was THRILLED when i found out Syndicates would offer T4 Void Keys without having to farm ~20 minutes of interception for every single key. And i loved being able to consistantly play T4 Survival to see my 10-rank mods go up in power. But once it became obvious just how]/b] long it would take to grind Syndicate Standing, people starting defecting to the exp exploits like Viver and Sechura Vauban in mass, maybe for the first time ever, Region chat was literally all about it.

    Maybe DE panicked. Maybe they realized they had gone too far with the Syndicates, they did soften the system up quite massively indeed, considering the outcry (while also lessening the impact of the people who had gotten to run viver before it magically turned into a hive) . And ever since, i can't help the feeling anymore that the game has starting being developed and patched AGAINST the community.

    I'm not the guy to stand up and say i want Cerberus back. Hell no, pressing a single button isn't what makes Warframe great. But from a mechanical standpoint you are risking the enjoyability and playability of 90%+ of your endgame content to fix a single exploit loophole. That is not the way to go about it. I'm not saying bring back Excaliburs Line-Of-Sight. I'd say limit the number of targets he can have, or make his ultimate not affected by power range at all (same for Saryn btw). THAT wouldve been the way to go about it. Fix the exploit at the source of the exploit, don't destroy the rest of the games balance in an attempt to make it look to the founders as if their exclusive prime toy was still intact. Do you see how enraged the community is?

    You have gone and subsequently literally attacked the best ways of farming experience in your game all over your endgame content. Dark Sectors? Enjoy getting onehitted by long range artillery slime within the first 10 waves. Corpus Planets? Have fun not using abilities and having to empty hundreds of bullets into magical bulletproof spheres (not even the tenno shields are that effective, LOL). Void? Just got its own Nullifiers, there goes my T4 Survival Core-Farming and i wasn't even using kill-button methods. You are negatively affecting everyone playing the game legitimately and it feels like you're just doing it to comfort the founders by saying "look you're not the only ones suffering a necessary nerf".

    I don't want Warframe to become a generic third person cover shooter where i have to hide behind corners to avoid being oneshotted because Loki can no longer disarm the endgame instakill enemies because they've been hiding in a magical bubble. Adress your balance problems at their root damned.

    Oh and while we're on the subject of anti-player development, this may sound entitled but i HAVE to mention Nova Prime. Look, i was willing to forgive the Hikou Prime Pouch Thingy, the "bugged" droprate that magically pretty much prevented an item you needed twice to show up more than once every 100 runs for roundabout the first week after it was added. I know you need a selling point to prime access.

    But now, placing Nova Prime's 4 items in 2 derelict missions and 2 Sabotage Missions just to ensure everyone's collected keys as well as the syndicate connections are completely worthless because no syndicates offers T4 Sabotage keys, COME ON, that's not even subtle anymore, that just feels like you're bludgeoning me over the head with "You want this fast? Pay up!"

    I understand you need to make a living off this game, i love it, i invested more than a thousand hours into it for crying out loud, and i've more than happily put aside 50 bucks that i'll invest into keeping this game going as soon as one of those precious 75% Tokens shows up (i can't help myself, i have to wait for that one, as it literally doubles the amount of plat i get over using a 50% sale like black friday and 50 bucks is the most i can come up with this year). But you are going down the wrong path. Do not concern yourself with how to prevent lategame veterans from quickly advancing in their gear without a payed booster. That is NOT what you need to build your game's balance around. If Abilities like Loki's Disarm, Nova's Molecular Prime or the kill-buttons on Saryn and Excalibur need some counteraction, introduce that to the game, but do it by adressing these abilities, not creating overly powerfull enemies that have to be dealt with in a very specific way, and completely break lategame gameplay by making enemies which do oneshot warframes immune to warframe abilities.

    "There will always be a loot cave", as the wise community member Mogamu said (his video on the topic is a little outdated but here you go:


    Do not develop your game against the community, in an attempt to reinforce skinnerboxing and the necessity of affinity boosters. The higher you build these brick walls against lategame equipment and frames, the higher the chance you will drive your players enjoyment of the lategame content and subsequently their passion and love for the title against one of the brick walls you built.

    As i said, i love this game and i'm more than willing to support it. That money is waiting for that Token, it's going nowhere else. But if you keep developing the game "against me" (or if you give me the feeling that's all your doing), i would have to withdraw it, just to not support that policy. Because again, let's be honest, the thing that impacts Free2Play Titles the most, is when the community / costumer base stops spending money on it, to protest against a development development (or whatever they may object). For your own sake, as well as the game i love, cut it out. I really don't want to see another great Free2Play game i've intested so much on go down this road.

    TL;DR: Not only do Nullifier Units conflict with the lore (why haven't the tenno been wiped out of the factions have this kind of stuff available to them) but i also suspect they were introduced for the completely wrong reasons (maintaing monetization on affinity boosters while catering to founders by not directly nerfing their precious excalibur prime). It's a bold accusation to make, but it's just too plausible.

  11. From what i've read his spawn chance is 1,5% + 0,5% per additional death mark, up to a cap of 3,5% (meaning with 4 players that have 5+ marks each his spawn chance becomes 14%)

    I'd simply like to be able to keep my Death Marks stocked up to the maximum. plus it's really unhandy not to know wether or not im currently marked by Lephantis.

    This obviously turns the question into: How is his spawn rate really handled? the wiki data is not official in any way :/

  12. I'd say it can stay alarm only but it should definitely be given to new players as part of the opening campaign. Maybe make one of those weaker versions that only goes up to 0.3 and let that show up in the opening campaign for beating vor. it won't be as good as the full version but it doesn't leave newbies stranded without an aura completely. it's a good way to get started.

  13. Greetings fellow Tenno, today i'm here with a question that has been nagging me for a pretty long time.


    Why is there no efficient way of tracking your Stalker Death Marks, like a little extra icon in the corner of a Boss Sector? So far i've stuck to managing my Death Marks via my inbox (deleting all messages of Stalkers that i have fought, so the list of bosses still sitting in my inbox basically tells me what deathmarks remain) but alas i'm only human, if i miss the name of the boss in his second taunt or accidentally remove the wrong message that is something i cannot revert. I was more than surprised and annoyed to have a Stalker for Alad V show up when i had no message for Alad V in my Inbox whatsoever and due to being tabbed out for music i missed the last stalker's origin completely, making my inbox fumbling pretty much useless from here on out.


    i'd love to see a more efficient and reliable method of tracking the Stalker Death Marks, having a single icon in my profile telling me that Stalker is after me overall is a first step but still not very helpfull (unless i'd be willing to not kill any bosses until i've met enough stalkers to eliminate every single death mark and then start from scratch).


    Since there already IS a way of managing them (writing them on paper of using the inbox) i see no reason why it has to be this inefficient.

  14. I too have noticed on numerous occasions that a host transition on the Ceres Dark Sector can cause the Cryopod to "fail" to drive along the train line, causing said phasing allowing players to walk through it and causing the infested to stay in their little chambers until manually aggroed.

    I don't think Stalker had much to do with it, the issue is with the host transition (as i said i experienced it after people had left even without stakler being involved)

    It's definitely limited to the Ceres Map/Tileset though, haven't experienced it on any of the others where the Cryopod doesn't move, so it shouldn't occur anywhere outside other than the Seimeni Sector.

  15. On the infested ship tileset (Eris?) Rescue Missions play out as saving an operative out of an airlock with an infested tumor on it. I just played this mission type as a syndicate mission (solo) and noticed a certainly unwanted interaction.

    If the Tenno Operative comes in any contact with the new Mutalist MOA's slowing goo, he will run in slowmotion for the rest of the mission, resulting in the longest and slowest crawling escort mission i've had to play in warframe yet. He still uses secondary guns at full speed and slowly crawls into cover (even though unnecessary against infested) but he will not get back to normal movement speed.

    In the end i finished the mission by basically abandoning him and sprinting to the extraction point, keeping an eye out for his healthbar (luckily i was trinity). He wouldn't have even survived the long walk in outer space to said extraction point because of his slowmotion movement.


    not getting rewards if you are dead is in the game so that people wouldnt just enter a match, afk , and get rewarded for it. 


    That would be the worst afk-detection method in the history of gaming. It should be more than doable to detect if there have been no key inputs for more than 5 minutes, instead of devalueing 80-minute fights because you sacrificed yourself for the last capsule at the end.

  17. I was more than proud to score an 80-minute run with my clanmates on my very first run ever, with a team size of only three! They got stupidly massive scores above 4000 (im guessing it's somehow related to seconds the run lasted?)

    And my score is 0. Kinda frustrating, that was the best survival run i ever did in all of my warframe carrier, beating my previous 58 minute record from Tower IV to a pulp and then it's not counted at all :(

    We got screenshots to prove it, here's hoping this gets fixxed somehow


  18. Minor Bug: The Syndicate Mod "Stinging Truth" for the singular Viper acts as if the mod added +40% Magazine Capacity, instead of correctly adding a value of 40 flat (quite a difference considering the Viper has a base magazine size of 14)

    This obviously screws with the DPS Calculations.

  19. Trying to keep it as straight forward as possible and stick to the report guidelines.

    The new Grineer Hacking Minigame (Spinning Wheel of Annoyance as i've dubbed it >;) ) has the unfortunate side effect of occassionally (i have not yet been able to figure out a pattern) of getting the camera stuck zoomed right behind my head, basically the position it was in while zoomed in on the control consoles.

    This leads to the camera spending the rest of the mission attached to my neck (my head filling 80% of the screen) or even glitching inside my warframe, making me transparent except for a few spread out small textures visible from the inside.

    Repeated hacking on another console will not trigger the camera to move back to its designated normal position afterwards either. So far this has exclusively happened to me on the Valkyr Warframe, i have not been able to replicate it on other Frames.

    The only solutions i have found were abandoning or (pretty much blindly) completing the mission, the camera is reset when loading a different mission.

    This has never occured with the Corpus Hacking Minigame and appears to be exclusive to the Mercury/Saturn (Ship Interna) Grineer Tileset, particularly often appearing during Syndicate Missions (these are just shots in the dark though since i havent had nearly enough opportunities to make out a real pattern).

    I have uploaded a Screenshot Example to my Steam Profile:


    Hopefully this helps snuffing out this bug :)

  20. I'd like to report a bug in the builder.

    Sentinels are missing the Mod "Fast Deflection" (up to 90% Shield Recharge Rate, Def Polarity and 9 cost) in the builders Menu.

    Similarly, the Mod Sanctuary needs to be updated with the latest patch, which gave it 10 levels instead of 3.

  21. Yeah that'd be really nice. I was already signed up for warframe back then but was barely level 20 on my first equipment and didn't play the event at all (thus no mods) :(

    Would be very very nice to have them for a number of loadouts. Plus i was an idiot and sold my Shotgun Fire+Status one so i gotta re-aquire that one as well >_

  22. I would like to adress a small but annoying issue with the Fusion UI, which has been around since before Update 14, but still hasn't been adressed.

    I find it very irritating, that the game forces me to uninstall my mods before being able to theoretically fuse them up, even when i'm just playing around and seeing how many credits / duplicates i would need to use to max out lets say my Vitality, i don't want to have to uninstall Vitality from 3 Frames just because i want to check IN THEORY how many credits i would have to save up.

    My suggestion? Move the Uninstallation Check to AFTER the player confirms he wants to apply the fusion (which would A) require me to be serious about the Fusion and B) to actually have the credits and not just be trying out hypothetical upgrade constellations).

    The current procedure of checking Capacity Limits BEFORE the player even starts confirming any Fusion is unnecessary and creates a lot of work when you want to check those constellations, because you have to equip every single Warframe which just demodded the Vitality (or whatever else 10-level mod you were playing around on) to reapply it.

    If this order could be switched around, a lot of needless Remodding could be circumvented.

    Thank you for reading my wall of text :)


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