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Posts posted by Jukantos

  1. Agreed, i still recognize the iconic Latron Prime firing sound instantly every time i hear it to this day. It's a shame not only the Prime has fallen pretty short, but the Wraith one as well, even while im using a pumped up Riven and Arcane Avenger they're not as good as they should be

  2. On 23.5.2017 at 8:27 PM, Echorion said:

    Disappointing, I was hoping the Sybaris prime would have been a single shot lever action rifle.

    We don't really have one of those yet, and it would have been more satisfying. 

    Silva & Aegis looks cool also; but being a weapon and shield combo and the fact it's non prime variant stats...I am skeptical it will be any good use wise.

    Well you CAN use the Vectis Prime in that way if you equip Depleted Reload.

  3. 22 minutes ago, OffaLimb said:

    All that talk of text files and XML is completely not correct.  There is no way to efficiently deal with the constant changing of data for those file formats to be used.  So we can, with almost 100% surety, that they are use a SQL type database to store the rivens.  With that in mind, here's how I think they are doing it.

    There are basically 2 tables.  One for the actual rivens themselves and one for the riven attributes.  The riven table contains the information of PK of just some number, user ID, cycled times, challenge ID, challenge status, and a bunch of numbers that link over to the attributes PKs.  The reason each riven has to have it's own entry is because of the cycled times.  Even if 2 people have the exact same riven, odds are they didn't use the same number of cycles to get there.  So it would be easiest to just have each riven have it's own entry.

    Yes it's obvious they're using some form of database which is almost certainly an SQL Database, but you're missing my point. A Riven only consists of a tiny amount of information, so small in fact you could put it all in a relatively short string and have the client pick it apart to turn it into an actual riven mod. All you need is Name, up to 4 stats (ID? How many stats are there, like 25?), 4 numbers for the respective stats and a final number to indicate the amount of rerolls and you have everything you need to build it in the game

    My point is, the entire riven information for an entire account could be compressed to such a string to be shorter than 1 MB and then if you wanted to REALLY be efficient with your bandwidth you could additionally generate a checksum across the string and save the last riven configurations on the client side and only check if the checksum still checks out (so if no changes have happened since the last login on the client and only IF there has been change you need to download the full riven information.

    So technically you dont need a dedicated database for the rivens whatsoever. You simply take the database for accounts you already have and expand it by two columns. Upon login you do a SELECT command that includes both the stuff that is already transmited to complete the login, as well as the checksum. If the client's checksum is identical, this is all the exchange that has to happen. If it is not, the client downloads the second, larger string and uses it to bring the riven collection up to date.

    For 99% of logins (when you didnt change your riven collection while logged in on another device) this would mean an additional bandwidth consumption ONLY as large as the checksum. I'm pretty certain they are already using something like this to make sure rivens havent changed when logging in, if not and they do a full checkup this could actually be MORE EFFICIENT for bandwidth on most logins. The other few scenarios (rivens changed on another device, first login on new client) you have to download the collection in full (which is currently already happening every single time) and at its worst case that's going to be more bandwidth for the file transfer (but it is not an additional select on the database, as the login server can simply hold the long string available during the login process until the full login is confirmed). If pulling it out of the database is done together with the rest of your login authentification, you have a larger database in volume, but NOT more search effort (as you are literally just adding columns to your one table of players)

    Think about it, why would you ever make a seperate table of rivens? of up to 60 datasets per player? You can easily encode everything that defines all the rivens one player owns into a single not very long string.

  4. 3 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    Two things your missing here (which if you are a programmer is surprising and I wouldn't want to rely on your programs if they deal with big data like Warframe has to):

    -First is transferring the Riven information to the client from the servers.  That is where a lot of the limitation is focused is trying to keep the bandwidth requirements when you log in reasonable so that people don't sit at a spinner for a few minutes at a time.

    -Second is retrieving the riven information from the database to begin with!  Think about it: In order to find a players Riven information they have to query their database.  They have millions of records that they have to go through to find all of a users rivens.  Even with heavily optimized queries that takes some time.  If they didn't have a limit on how many records per player that process of fetching the data from the database would take longer and longer and longer and longer as the number of Rivens in the systems increases.  So regardless of how they compress the data to send it to the clients they also have to deal with fetching the data originally from the database.

    Trust me, dealing with fetching data from a table of tens-to-hundreds of millions of rows takes a while.  Even in well normalized databases.

    Its a two part problem that DE solved by capping how many records are possible so that there is less maximum data to send to the client, and there is less data to search through on the database end.

    You're forgetting one simple possibility: Using a Checksum. Since a Database Select has to be done anyway to confirm wether or not your e-mail and passwort are correct, it shouldnt be that hard to calculate a checksum over the entire datamass of the rivens and simply compare if anything has changed, while storing the last state of the rivens of anyone who had logged in on the local machine. Only if the checksum is not equal, an access onto the database to retrieve the riven information would even become necessary. Since most players do not play from more than one computer/console, for the vast majority of logins you wouldnt even need to retrieve the full riven information, just a checksum that could a) be locally calculated on the players machine in fractions of a second and b) would only take a fractional amount of both database access time and bandwidth to compare with.

    For all that is holy i really really really do hope they do not simply have a database of rivens with player accounts being linked in a dataset of a single riven, but on the contrary, that there's a riven table for every user so you have a lot of smaller files / database tables to access (and all you need is to retrieve the player account which you have to do anyway if you get an email adress and a password thrown at you)

    Honestly, we see a 1-5 second delay upon login anyway, most of the time covered up by the login reward animation. How the transfer of a checksum in addition to the confirmation of your account getting logged in would take so long is a mystery to me. Sure you might see a ~2 second delay if you've changed your riven collection on another machine and it has to download (oh no!) a megabyte or two in the background (keyword, background, people tend to take 10+++ seconds before they jump into a mission / mods / arsenal after logging in, so the time is there)

    I think the limit was created to make sure nothing goes down in the testing phase of this system (hell imagine how desastrous it would have been if the game had gone crash-prone as a result of rivens on the launch of the war within) and has truely outlived its justification time window. I doubt DE used horrific programming for the rivens, so optimizing the structure and getting rid of this limit should in no way be a mammoth task.

    Ánd again, ask yourself, how many players ACTUALLY have a desire to own 100, 200, 300 rivens? How many people would buy those slots? Would they accept tiny background loading times that they wouldnt notice most of the time as a tradeoff? For me personally, that's a gigantic yes.

  5. 1 minute ago, bluepheonix13 said:

    AFAIK, it is not about the hardware space on DE's servers, because a few Rivens definitely don't have a big impact on that, but it is about the fact, that each time we login, we have to download our whole inventory from the servers, including all mods. This means, that with 60 Rivens, let's say they take up 10MB together, 10 seconds of your login screen are spent downloading Rivens alone one a 1MB/s connection to DE and it gets far worse if your connection is a few hundred KB/s.

    This would be a reasonable argument, but again, it's easy to store the rivens in a XML-esque format in way way way under half a megabyte. Think about it, how much information does a riven actually consist out of? A name, a maximum of 4 stats with a float (decimal number) each and an integer number for the rerolls. Thats like 200 bytes at worst

  6. 1 minute ago, DSpite said:

    I run two accounts. The second was for when DE brought back the new player thingy, then I kept using it because it was fun playing sub-optimally on purpose by not allowing any Plat advantages (like more Frame slots, etc etc).

    In order to pass Rivens over you have to actually have BOTH accounts YOU own logged in. Even that by itself might be considered "naughty", let alone trading with yourself.

    I am at the stage that because I get totally ignored in all chats when asking "anyone willing to trade an Archwing part" - as they are now Syndicate locked - I might have to use a mate as a mid-proxy to do the "passing" (as both accounts follow different Syndicates) - and I'm even worried at doing THAT.

    Be careful you don't end up with ZERO Riven slots.

    The problem is, when they refuse to solve problems caused by their own hand via a hardcap that has no right to exist, which you cant even pay your way through but that can be circumvented by multiaccounting... why wouldnt i multiaccount? i need to do SOMETHING. i am more than willing to pay for the inventory space, they simply wont let me give them money!

  7. Just now, Eureka.seveN said:

    because that small amount x 40 000 accounts plus console and xbox players


    Okay lets make a worst case calculation. Warframe's all time peak player numbers were nearly 70000. Lets go with your assumption and say we're looking at 150000 players, and then double that figure to account for the fact people arent always online.

    thats 300000 players, multiplied with conservatively speaking 250 kilobytes. It is probably really damn easy to store this information in way way under 10 kb but again, lets keep going way over the top with our numbers just to be safe.

    That gets you 75.000.000 kilobyte, or 75.000 megabyte, or 75 GB. Holy hell, my old harddrive from the early 2000s can store that, let alone a web server which come with double digit terrabyte storage capacities.

    Now lets go even crazier and say you consume half a megabyte for each of the 32 million players who have ever registered to the game in all time. You come out with 16 million megabytes, or 16000 Gigabytes, or 16 TB. A web server with 8 hard drives, easy bloody peasy. Not even 1000€ to set one of those up, and now imagine how much those 32 MILLION people would have to buy each, to unlock all of those slots.

    And just in case you wanna bring up a bandwidth argument... what do you think how many terrabytes the servers shoulder every day when people download the game? Every full installation is Gigabytes worth of data. Half a megabyte (and that was a crazy guess remember) per player per day is EASY ^^

  8. 1 minute ago, DSpite said:

    * Get a few mates to make Warframe Accounts.

    * Use them as drug Riven mules.

    * Make sure none of your mates enter a foreign country carrying Rivens (just in case).

    Nah, why would i wanna clutter up their inventories? At this point, the logical thing for me to do is simply make a Jukantos 2 account and put them there. I realize that's obviously against ToS because im technically stealing myself 15 slots, but i'll just gift slots to the account until it in turn reaches 60, so hopefully DE wont come after me for doing it. Still the whole situation is stupid.

  9. Just now, Eureka.seveN said:

    theres a server reason why it exists

    Okay, im a programmer myself, so i'd take a wild guess and claim these rivens literally can not make up more than 1 Megabyte of information. No matter how badly you encode them, you can literally write down their numbers (name as a string, stats with an ID, stat amount and number of rerolls) in a text file and youll probably have a hard time reaching 50 kilobytes with the information connected to 1 account.

    Server hardware space is relatively cheap. DEFINITELY cheaper than what we spend in platinum to unlock these slots. The only possible thing i can see as a limit is the transfer of information to the client on login, but then again, come on it's likely not even half a megabyte. How hard can it be to quadruple that, mind you ONLY for the players who will pay for it with platinum! ~95%+++ of accounts (especially the dead ones as well as newer players) wont even trigger this whatsoever.

    So honestly, what technical reason for this limit could exist? I'd love to hear an explanation for that. It makes no sense that something as tiny as the riven data should have any impact on DEs systems, unless (LOL) we actually have a library of all the players world wide's riven inventories in our game client in case we host for them (that however would be so technically ludicrous i'm surprised i even came up with it as a possible scenario)

  10. I beg you, raise the maximum amount of Riven slots, there is literally no lore or mechanical reason for this hard limit to exist. Im sitting on 9300 plat and i am forced to dissolve my Sortie Reward that took me over an hour to earn, just because you wont allow me to spend my ingame currency on something as arbitrary as inventory slots. Why does this hardcap exist? What purpose does it serve? will the servers explode if they have to memorize more than 60 combinations of numbers per account?

    Please, at least double or quadruple it. The rate at which im forced to dissolve or gift away rivens because im getting ones for good weapons i use is ridicolous. The fact that Primary, Secondary, Shotgun and soon Melee??? Rivens share this incredibly limited capacity is even more insane.

    Let me spend my platinum for this, it's the only hardcap in the game and it makes absolutely no sense to exist anymore. The initial testing phase of rivens is well over, wouldnt you agree?

    I Alt+F4ed out of the screen that wanted to force me to dissolve one of my rivens to make place for the unmarked one, im curious to see what happened to it / what happens when i log back in

  11. Hey, i just wanted to report the Zenith unfortunately isnt fully silenced by equipping the mod "Hush". I wanted to silence it to level it up with stealth chains, but unfortunately firing out the disc to enable semi-auto mode alerts every enemy in the vicinity, completely mucking up that strategy.

    Can we please get a fix to make the Disc silent / ignored by enemies if the Zenith is silenced? :)

  12. The problem is that im not a founder, and very much not a member of the design council and this idea HAS been brought up before, so my chances to get any attention are tiny, which is frustrating.

    You could design this system in a way that it mechanically has no benefit for players on a mechanical level other than as previously stated avoiding the need for people to have multiple sets of the same (sometimes rare) arcanes. Is that tiny benefit of making arcanes "sit" in players cosmetics really worth limiting our fashion frame choices this much? I had bought over 50 Syandanas by the point i got my Arcane Avenger set, i'd love to buy some of the Tennogen ones or the new ones that are released but i am completely disincentivized because of the incredibly valuable arcanes stuck to my one Syandana.

    I dont get how this does not hurt the Plat-Sales for Syandanas to a degree that would make DE want to change and untie the system. I cant be the only one who has stopped spending plat on new Syandanas simply because i "cant" use them

    But, you did at least show me ONE potential motive for keeping the status quo outside of the obvious development effort: The fact that it makes people gather multiple sets of arcanes, thus taking them off the market.

  13. I got lucky and got mine being in a 10 player clan with 4 founders who splashed the 5000 immediatly.

    That said, this whole mess leaves the bad taste of Phase 3 Tencent probing in my mouth (testing how many players will actually pay for quasi hardlocked content, that is all the Hema is)

    Here's hoping few people bought it for plat from the market, thereby showimg cosmetics are the better way to make money in the big data.

    I love DE and this game but their Tencent-esque shenanigans are only getting worse over the years. Even knowing Tencent as a passive share holder has no say in the game's development, the application of their techniques in community handling cant be denied. I hope Warframe never ever slides into Phase 3 of Tencent games. Id rather have it stay on the good side of the curve forever.

  14.  I hope this is not a goodbye forever :(

    I hope you're cooking up something special for TennoCon. Could definitely use another massive hype trailer on the levels of Tombs of the Sentient and Teshins "You shouldn't have come here" moment. And even if it means waiting until Q4 again, i'm sure you guys will deliver. The more the Warframe universe expands and is filled with life, the more i love it.


    Maybe you should actually open the license up for some books / audiobooks to take place either in the orokin past or even in our "current" time we're playing in. Dont get me wrong, i love Warframes universe to death, but we really lack in interaction with those we defend. It could help having something to fight for, other than just loot. Maybe developing relationships to various groups of civilians outside of the one tribe we got to meet very briefly in The Glast Gambit :)

  15. 12 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

    What's going on with Vor.

    What's happening with the Queens and what was that void voice.

    What is Alad 5 up to post second dream.

    Sentients as well.

    We DID have Alad V call in his favor when the stalker sent his Acolytes after him as retaliation for the second dream, and we had to protect his butt from getting kicked. I guess the Stalkers Acolytes also leave a lot of open questions.

  16. With all the open strings (accidental pun, i swear) or lore flying around in the game right now, which one is your favourite? What would you want to see followed up on the most? Do you have any conclusions and/or ideas how these things are linked and do you think my list is missing something? (Carefull, this thread is made by someone you could easily call a lore nerd xD)

    Before reading on, if you are not COMPLETELY up to date with all the quests, story strings and trailers of the game, this may contain spoilers that could harm your enjoyment of the game, so proceed with caution :)

    • The Jordas Verdict: (See last point, Octavias Anthem raised new questions about him and his exchange with Lotus claiming that he does not know how many infested ships are flying around with copies of his infested mind "Would you have counted them, if you were meeeeee*glitches* "
    • The Second Dream: Lets start chronologically with the oldest open point: Hunhow the Sentient. What happened to him and Stalker at the end of the second dream? Are they fused forever? Are they still seperate entities? (also see the last entry in this list for the newest development)
    • Sands of Inaros: Baro Ki Teer the Void Trader. He remembered his Childhood through the experiences in the Sands of Inaros Quest. But he had forgotten them. Does this mean he is an Orokin? Was he reborn and disconnected from his memories through a Continuity? Is he the former body of an orokin lord, now remembering what his life was like before he became "posessed"? Considering the state of the ruins on Mars and the fact that artifacts from "his" people are now deemed artifacts, all of it mustve happened a heck of a long time ago!
    • The War Within: What the bloody hell was that outburst at the end of the quest? Your father? Some mind out of the void overshadowing yours? Why is the worm collecting masses of Kuva? Can the Grineer Queen be revived through means of using it, as suggested in an analysis video ive seen on youtube? (i think it was done by StallorD, not sure). Will we seek out and destroy the escaped Orokin that seem to fester around until the present day, leeching off of other life in the universe? What happens in the storylines i didnt choose? What does Teshin do with the Kuva? What becomes of the Tenno who drink it?
    • The Glast Gambit: Helminth's existance and purpose seems rather clearly defined: he's basically the biological component of your ship, creating oxygen (or whatever the heck we breathe :awe: there's a lore question for ya. What are the consequences of allowing his infestation into our body? Considering we were supposedly immune to the infestation ("We are immune to this infestation, but they will still try to kill us" -> your operator on every second infested mission xD) what is going to happen to us, now that we deliberately let it leech off of us and control it via Nidus?
    • Also, what's going to happen with the child we saved? Me and my friend both chose the neutral ending and got different outcomes! Probably based on the fact he had a dark orientation to begin with, while i had a light one. In his story, she decided to go back and die for her people, in mine she decided she would go but be the last one so that they would have time to rearrange their life. Different outcomes despite making the same choice. Also, why was forcibly healing her the LIGHT option there? Has Lotus never heard of the Prime Directive? Not to enforce yourself upon other cultures? Letting her decide shouldve been the light option and forcing her to be healed shouldve been the neutral one, in my opinion.
    • Octavia's Anthem: Finally, i have to talk about the implications of the ending of the latest Quest. While it was incredibly fun, motivating and incredibly trippy, it also raises some major lore questions. What happened to Hunhow to allow him to show up inside a Cephalons mind? How did he get there, where did he go once defeated? If he could spread via some sort of uplink between Cephalons, WHY didnt Jordas do the same, instead of luring in ships and physically copying himself over after infesting them. Wouldnt it have been incredibly easy hacking other cephalons remotely and flying their ships to his infestation / replication instead?
    • And lastly, an overall state of the War between Grineer and Corpus. We know both sides are building humongous battle armadas (Razorleaf Armada vs new formorians) so what is going to happen once they go at each other again? What happened to Frohd Beck in the "hostile takeover" at the end of the archwing quest? Shouldnt we add a cinematic to the game explaining what happened during the Relay Explosion event? (i still wanna know if that event was rigged/predetermined which relays we would save and which ones we couldnt, a theory that has popped up based back then based on the fact that every relay only had ONE vay hek message in the gamefiles for its outcome)

    What's your favourite open story question in the game? Which experience did you enjoy most? Did you miss something and have i spoiled something for you? (hopefully i havent)

    And most importantly: What do you think is going to happen for the next big cinematic quest? Which of these do you want answered the most? (and when do you think it's going to happen? End-of-year again?)

    OR you're obviously invited to call me a nerd for even following the lore this closely. I just love the Universe and i wish there was more story for me to interact with. One of the reasons i think the game feels so empty to new players for a long time before they get to Natah is become we used to experience all the epic story stuff via events, which are no longer playable. Maybe they should be integrated into the old planets as a mission, so that people can experience the storyline developing as they move along the planets (through the lore we've gone through in the last couple years)

  17. "Wall Run could make a comeback"

    You have no idea how happy those words make me :D i LOVED the original wall running, in particular in the void.

    Speaking of the void, what happened to its survival? Why is a lvl 20-25 survival dropping 15 endo on rotation A? That seems wrong compared to other survivals

  18. Hey DE; i'd really love to pick up both a TennoCon Digital Ticket and the Twitch Prominence Bundle, but unfortunately the only payment method offered in both cases is via credit card (weird that twitch, owned by amazon, is not offering AT LEAST amazon payments)

    Can you PLEASE open up alternative avenues to buy these? I'd love to get both of them, but in germany owning a credit card is pretty expensive and completely unnecessary if you have a bank account and in my case a paypal account on top of it.

    I'd really love to give you my money for both of these things, but im not going to pay upwards of a hundred bucks in fees and yearly renewing fees just to sign up for a prepaid credit card. So if you could make alternative avenues available that would quite literally mean my money in your bank account. Thank you for your assistance, stay awesome

  19. What's the biggest change you'd make for new players to help them bridge the gap between Vor's Prize and Natah if you could do it with a magic lamp djinni?


    Are there any plans to break up the fashion-frame blockade currently caused by the arcane system? Dont get me wrong i love my Uru Prime Syandana but i didnt unlock 40+ Syandanas to only use 2 (that have big expensive arcanes on them). I made a thread with various potential solutions, if you have the spare time <3


  20. Those people who did the DDoS attacks on your network deserve a whooping. Thank you for your dedication to us, even if we missunderstand it and don't appropiately acknowledge it way too often (i am MORE than guilty of this myself).

    What does it take to be so arrogant that you'd rather ruin the game for everyone than voicing your issues the legitimate (and non illegal) way. Those people really dont deserve your dedication and hard work whatsoever and i hope they're found and brought to justice, DDoS attacks are still a crime afterall.

    Thank you for everything you do for us and our enjoyment. We may have our differences on a semi-regular basis, but you've never stopped delivering in four years. And that's simply not praised often enough.

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