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Posts posted by Jukantos

  1. Hey DE; i'd really love to pick up both a TennoCon Digital Ticket and the Twitch Prominence Bundle, but unfortunately the only payment method offered in both cases is via credit card (weird that twitch, owned by amazon, is not offering AT LEAST amazon payments)

    Can you PLEASE open up alternative avenues to buy these? I'd love to get both of them, but in germany owning a credit card is pretty expensive and completely unnecessary if you have a bank account and in my case a paypal account on top of it.

    I'd really love to give you my money for both of these things, but im not going to pay upwards of a hundred bucks in fees and yearly renewing fees just to sign up for a prepaid credit card. So if you could make alternative avenues available that would quite literally mean my money in your bank account. Thank you for your assistance, stay awesome

  2. What's the biggest change you'd make for new players to help them bridge the gap between Vor's Prize and Natah if you could do it with a magic lamp djinni?


    Are there any plans to break up the fashion-frame blockade currently caused by the arcane system? Dont get me wrong i love my Uru Prime Syandana but i didnt unlock 40+ Syandanas to only use 2 (that have big expensive arcanes on them). I made a thread with various potential solutions, if you have the spare time <3


  3. Those people who did the DDoS attacks on your network deserve a whooping. Thank you for your dedication to us, even if we missunderstand it and don't appropiately acknowledge it way too often (i am MORE than guilty of this myself).

    What does it take to be so arrogant that you'd rather ruin the game for everyone than voicing your issues the legitimate (and non illegal) way. Those people really dont deserve your dedication and hard work whatsoever and i hope they're found and brought to justice, DDoS attacks are still a crime afterall.

    Thank you for everything you do for us and our enjoyment. We may have our differences on a semi-regular basis, but you've never stopped delivering in four years. And that's simply not praised often enough.

  4. Just like the Dex Nouchali, Baro's beautifull new syandana has once again brought this topic to my attention in the most painfull way. I want to use all of these Q_Q

    If nothing should change, can we at least get a way to bind our arcanes to multiple cosmetics of the same type? Like, let me put my Avengers on multiple Syandanas (and make them untradeable unless i unequip them from all)

  5. Hey, just wanted to get a report of this in, the Wukong Noble Stance is acting weird on other frames as their necks get suuuuper stretched in bizarre angles when equipping it. It looks very weird, and would definitely break the neck of any of those frames xD Ivara and Ember seem particularly clear cases, Excalibur is also a good one



  6. Can you PLEASE add other payment methods than Credit Card? I have the same problem for the TennoCon Ticket and the Twitch Prominence Bundle now, I WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY AND I CANT, as having a Credit Card isn't really a common thing in germany. The fees to have a prepaid one are ridicolously high and the contracts are binding for upwards of 24 months at my bank. I'd love to give you the ~30 bucks for the combined TennoCon and Twitch Package but im not willing to dump over 250 bucks at my bank just to enable myself to give you my money.


    Please add alternative payment methods! :( I'd run to the gas station and buy you a bloody Paysafecard if you're not going to enable steam payments

  7. 15 hours ago, Sir_Cr4zyy said:

    thanks guys..and i hope excalibur umbra comming soon 

    It's not happening ;P it was the "Prime" for chinese founders and while i dont know why DE wont confirm we're not getting it, at this point im pretty convinced they're under a contract that prevents us from getting it (the chinese were bindingly promised 3 exclusive Frames afterall, i'd alledge Excal Umbra is one of them at this point).

    Think about it, if they can't even give us a straight no, what are odds of us getting the Frame? (And please do not take this as an attack on DE, i'm freaking happy about any cinematic Quests i get as a result of additional funding!!)

  8. Also, we wouldnt have to discard the old arcane helmets if we were to do this, their bonus could simply be transformed into an arcane that can be exclusively equipped on that specific frame.

    That way, you have ZERO changes on the performance level (1 extra arcane slot for those who use the effect off an old helmet, 2 for everyone else) and you remove the cosmetic binding.

    Admittedly, Arcane Bonuses aren't that big of a deal with a few exceptions (Arcane Avenger huehuehue) but it would be SUCH a meaningfull quality of life improvement to have them seperated from the true endgame fashionframe. There's actually financial harm in keeping this system for DE too. If i am disincentivized from buying new cool cosmetics because i won't feel comfortable using them anyway (as they dont have Arcanes on them), it will naturally make it less likely to spend my euros or platinum on cosmetics, and im 99% sure im not the only player who is as lazy as me in not transferring their Arcanes over and over and over.

    Can we simply get them as Upgrade / Regalia Slots? Please? As a QoL Upgrade?

  9. 17 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    And?  I see nothing wrong with people prioritizing things.

    Besides, syndicate standing is easily obtained via specific missions and medallions.  Imo, anyone that conserved about it already knows the alternative options available.

    However it would lead to us once again being tied down in a specific cosmetics part and that's what i'd love to get away from on the whole level. Let people do unobstructed customizing the way it was ment to be. For the glory of Fashionframe (and because of all the plat i spent on cosmetics :D)

  10. 2 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    I just want the arcane enhancements to be put into sigil form, one for the back and one for the front.  

    We are limited to 2, and we can already make them tiny and functionally invisible, or huge and glowing.  Fashionframe win.

    hmm that would limit us to 1 arcane if we want to earn Syndicate Favor though and it would force uniformity again, only on another cosmetic this time.

    i'd rather have 2 extra slots under the regalia for it xD completely indipendent

  11. 45 minutes ago, Phatose said:

    You're not the first to suggest this.

    You do need to make some addendum though, since it does cause powercreep without explicitly dealing with old arcane helmets.  If the effects convert to slot using, then you need to specify that they can only be used on the frame the helmet was originally for.  If they don't, then they need to take up a slot when equipped.

    Very valid point, but yeah, there's nothing stopping them from turning the old arcane helmets into a "special" arcane that still has the old name of the helmet on it, the name of the frame in brackets, and that only appears to be equipped in your arcane list if you're customizing the appropriate frame

  12. Hello fellow Tenno, hello (hopefully) anyone on the DE team reading this.

    First off, let me thank you for the Dex Nouchali. It is a beautifull Syandana, and on top of it a free Syandana with a good looking decent sized metallic ornament that isn't a Prime Accessory (albeit i admittedly own two of those too)

    But unfortunately it also revives one of my biggest Quality of Life problems with Fashionframe, the issue of Arcanes. I would LOVE to use the Dex Nouchali, heck, i have Warframes that would DEFINITELY look better with it in my opinion than with my Uru Prime (Nekros) or Citadella Prime (Vauban) Syandanas. Unfortunately though, i've split ~3500 platinum worth of arcanes (10x Avenger and 10x Barrier) between them, so i pretty much feel obligated to use them on... well EVERYTHING, to receive the bonuses ive paid so much for.

    It's even worse with the helmets. I've put some arcane sets on the helmets of very specialized frames (Trickery on Ash, Guardian on Valkyr, Strike on Nova) but it's a massive inconvenience time and time over and over again. The amount of syndicate points ive burned and still havent been able to try out all the combinations i'd want to play with, let alone own them all simultaneously, is quite a shame.

    As of right now, roughly 95% of my Syandana Collection goes almost completely unused and i only use a single helmet for certain Warframes, when i'd love to mix it up quite a bit more, simply because there are Arcanes bound to them.

    So, here's the classic proposal: Can we get 2 Arcane Equipment slots completely untethered from our cosmetics? pretty please?

    It's a completely non-powercreeping Quality of Life Change but it would change so much for certain players like me who feel excluded from the true endgame Fashion Frame to a quite significant degree because we want to stay on the optimum our collection can do for us (especially if we've invested as much as i have)

    We could add two arcane slots in the top left and right corner of our warframe upgrade loadouts, clearly distinguish them from mod slots by giving them the half-circle look the arcanes themselves have, and keep them invisible until at least one of the Sekharas associated with completing a Trial (thus earning an Arcane) has been acquired.

    It would be a UI change and a quality of life change, no extra power creep, heck you could even charge 20 plat to unlock the slots on a Frame if you wanted to be extra mean to us, i'd pay that to no longer be excluded from awesome cosmetics like the Dex Nouchali :)

    Thank you for your work, and my sincerest apologies for my transgressions in the past. I'd just love to see some of these quality of life changes come into the game.


    2 hours ago, ACGIFT said:

    This... I'm sorry, but it kinda DESERVES a calling-out. Even that thread never specified ODD, but ODS. And given that instead now we get NO rewards past 5 minutes in ODS? This basically makes Octavia a platinum-only frame for the time being... I think that the anger a lot of players are feeling is VERY justified here.

    Im proper surprised at that. I got the neuroptics on my very first ODS Run on patch

    Did they break it afterwards?

  14. Rip stress free sentients. Oh well, after killing 550 of them i just bought a Vengeful Revenant for a super cheap 40 plat xD

    And i won 5 bucks because i won a bet their drops would be removed within 1 week 😂

    At leasr it's still a great mission to farm focus in and it helped me perfect my lategame Mesa Build

  15. 14 hours ago, Xekrin said:

    You bought a tonkor riven for 1500 plat and then rolled 70k kuva into it?  This made me giggle.  Sorry, I know its not the focus of the thread, but wow, just ... why.

    As for the bulk of your thread, nullifiers and bows, well there is the weakpoint thing to look forward to, and I just use either a secondary or just right in on nullie bubbles.  I didn't see much else in the thread other than this but gunplay should be more about worrying if it can take out a single enemy.

    The main thing is that lategame nullis pop almost all frames in a single hit and literally the only functioning defensive measure against it in the game is Naramon. I've genuinely lost my enjoyment for the melee combat in the game because of naramon + maiming strike. I've even made myself a keyboard macro for Ctrl + E every 0.5 seconds, because i eventually got cramps from farming in the Kuva Fortress. It's not fun gameplay. I don't feel powerfull like i used to, it's more a feeling of powerlessness where i have to stick to extreme meta tactics or face oneshot death potentially from out of sight or across a gigantic open field.

    Thaf feeling of being powerfull is what i miss most.

    14 hours ago, MrDar1o said:

    Sometimes I think people don't see difference between nerfing and removing from game. These weapons still gona be great, but not too OP, that's all.

    Well considering firing it at a nullifier (bouncing back!) now basically guarantees you kill yourself every time you fire it, they might as well have removed it. Anyone who uses it will die so many times that their team will either have to revive them a dozen times or at some point just ignore them and let them use up all their revives xD Even with the last minute hotfix to make sure it only arms after 6 meters, that doesnt help you if you fire at a nullifier more than 3 meters away, because the grenade is simply going to bounce right back at you and oneshot you. We are now in a position where we need another fix to make Adhesive Explosives work on nullifier bubbles, otherwise the tonkor is quite literally unusable

  16. Hello fellow Tenno :)

    A little note to get started on, i would like for this to not turn into a "but my tonkor Q_Q" salt thread, im sure there are plenty of those around already. I myself am losing ~1500 plat, 70+k invested kuva and 7 (8-1) forma's invested, but i've written them off at this point and so should you.

    Edit: I also added a TL;DR Section at the end for your convenience. Feel free to skip ahead :)

    Now, lets talk about the weapons in the game i actually like playing with :) And first of all let me say that unfortunately my most liked weapon type in the game is pretty dead currently. It's not snipers, but it's close, i absolutely loved the Bows of Warframe. Loved? What happened?

    Well, the bows used to be a weapon with a heavy drawback (literally) because they'd fire very slowly but cause huge damage and potentially take out multiple enemies in a line. Heck, if i throw on a semi-perfect riven i can even still get at least the damage up to lvl ~70 enemies.

    Unfortunately, after that not only do almost all enemies take two fully charged arrows to be taken down, but i also constantly face the inevitable doom known as nullifers. I know they've been a point of contention for ages now, but if we're losing our bandaids to deal with them, specifically the tonkor, (the ONLY reason i ever played with it was the odd chance of a nullifier stepping onto the grenades and me not having to deal with them), it's worth bringing them back up as a topic.

    I get it, they are needed to make sure we cant just sit in a fixed spot with banshee, saryn, equinox, or whatever and happily farm away for infinite points (albeit we CAN do that, but it limits us to playing vs grineer). But at this point, i'm going to throw in a question ive asked allmost two years ago: Are they worth the damage they deal to the enjoyment of gunplay in the game?

    I for one despise not being able to use my favourite weapons in most missions because some hideous bubble is going to come around a corner and force me to work it down for 15 seconds wielded by an enemy with the highest single-hit damage in the game. I've had my 299% power strength Rhino popped like a soap bubble by them through iron skin and it just flat out isn't fun to play against them. I don't have the stats, but i'd love to know how Corpus are killed vs how many Grineer and Infested. I can't be the only one who's annoyed at having their weapons blocked off for what feels like ages by an incredibly threatening enemy which also turns any frame that relies on abilities to be tanky into a squishy little instaflattened pancake upon contact.

    IMO we need an enemy similar to the Sap Comba that applies ability immunity to nearby allies for the sake of blocking cheese, WITHOUT ruining gunplay simultaneously. And if we need to have big golden bubbles, how about we add an enemy that absorbs damage for other nearby enemies instead of flatout blocking all protectiles. Projectile blocking wasn't a fun mechanic when it was added to league of legends (Yasuo) and it's not a fun mechanic in Warframe. I'd LOVE to see gunplay become more rewarding again.

    And let's be honest, right now most players going into high level missions use naramon mode, which for some reason is the ONLY defensive mechanic in the game that doesnt get disabled in a nullifier bubble, and just slice them up instantly. That's not exactly entertaining gameplay long term is it? I've tried it, it's functional, but especially in combination with maiming strike it forces and even more slide attack focused gameplay than the old bloody coptering days when flying around the map with a Bo Prime was our best mechanic for mobility

    TL;DR: I'd love to see Gunplay, specifically bows, to become a viable playstyle in the game again. I understand the need for anti-cheese bandaids like nullifiers but i feel they've had a much bigger impact on forcing people into melee gameplay (Naramon) than actually fixing anything regarding AoE ability cheese grinding (Because Grineer Mass Farmiung / Berehynia is VERY much still a thing)

  17. How about you simply still see the Warframe doing whatever the operator is doing? Sure, it'd be a little weird to have a rhino flying around shooting 3 laser beams out of its chest, but it would have a certain iron man flair to it.

    I'd say let the Warframes do the stuff and if in doubt maybe just flashbang the newbies like Alad V does, make them invulnerable during said white flash and have lotus give them some voiceclip about "a Transference Energy Overload" - something along the lines of "Your Warframe isn't able to withstand the powers emitted by your teammates, redirecting all incoming power to your shields, don't worry, you're safe"

  18. Currently, new players can fully see and hear people bursting out when using Focus, or they can see them run around as operators. Since this obviously massively spoilers story quests that are 25+ hours deep into the game, i'd say we need some form of spoiler protection (a graphical replacement for what's happening?)


    Sure it doesnt protect against malicious chat spoilers, but still. I've gotten a streamer into this game to the point where he's now on Jupiter and approaching the big quests, BUT he's already seen people burst out into focus live on stream twice. He looked surprised and didnt say anything, but im 99% sure it's going to impact his enjoyment of the second dream.

    So, i'd like a visual overlay to make sure new players dont/cant see spoilerish stuff in their missions while pubbing, just a suggestion :)

  19. Funny enough i actually wrote a piece for Warframe on Piano over a year ago. I just never submitted it because my Piano is horribly out of tune abd my recording equipment sucks. Maybe i can recreate it in the game now :) i hope we get to compose long tracks for dojos / show though, not just short  combat rythms

  20. Hello fellow Tenno,

    i am in a slight state of confusion. I thought that once my new clan's Treasury was built, i would be able to dump a load of credits and resources into it, so that whenever a research project finishes, or someone wants to start building something, they can do so, without having to wake me up or wait for me to fund the stuff on the next day by hand.

    Why is it not possible to donate resources to the clan vault? How come my old clan had resources in there to begin with if it is impossible to deposit them?

    I have no need for the 3 million alloy plates, 6 million nanospores etc, but if i could dump 100-250k of every resource into our clan depot just so that the architects can go Sim City on our Dojo, that would make me a happy camper :)


    Can we please get a resource donating mechanic added to the Treasury, not just on-demand for started researches and builds?

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