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Posts posted by White_Matter

  1. 11 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    I was about to say, it kind of reminds me of old Warframe where everything is a little too shiny and wet-looking. Metallics look great with this setting on, but everything that's supposed to be matte or rough material just reflects way too much light to look right.

    DR on:

    DR off:

    Edit: This may be kind of a bad example because the "slimy, wet" appearance fits this operator suit well. But it demonstrates well how a previously rough, dry, porous surface now looks like its the body of a slug.

    It actually does make some organic textures look better as well as some metallic surfaces.

    The pipes around the big lake behind fortuna entrace in vallis look much more photorealistic now. I've also noticed some metal highlights in old tilesets as well. 

  2. 18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I dismiss comparisons that dont add up. When you include words like debt when there really is none involved in one of the cases it is just a simple case of rethorics. You use those small words to make the thing you discuss and compare it to seem worse or more dishonest than it actually is. Politicians do this alot, there were some very famous german ones that had a knack for it from after WW1 up to 1945, there were also a few russians that made a living of it.

    If you are so well knowledgable about dishonesty and the deeds of politicians,  you should have refrained from using strawman in the first place. 

    I guess you aren't as well educated on the subject as you seem to believe.

    18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    It wasnt my comparison though. It was an example of a bad comparison. Those are two very different things. Just because someone includes something in a text it doesnt mean that what is written is their opinion. I even put weight on that your analogy was worse, that isnt the same as saying the other is good or viable. You need to learn the meaning of quotation marks.

    Your example of a bad comparison didn't work for the explanation I gave you. You need at least two similar things for a comparison, and apples and oranges aren't similar. 

    My analogy of paying 1/10th of a debt has nothing to do with going to a restaurant and not getting what you ordered.  The fundemental differences are; you get something substantial in the latter whether that is something you ordered or not. And ordering something implies that you are in a position to demand something, in which case that is completely false here as we can't demand anything from DE. What we can do is that we can expect them to give us whatehever it is that they promised us, hence the debt analogy works , and your example of a bad comparison doesn't.

    18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    No that trailer implied a cinematic quest, which then got brought back to the drawing table for something bigger. Now all of a sudden you arent sure what they actually "promised"? We also got parts of what was in that trailer, namely Erra. The release order does in the end fall on the decisions of the devs, when they see their product as being finished.

    Trailed didn't imply anything. 

    Trailer is just like any other trailer for any other quest or content(I made that distinction because beefy updates like Fortuna or War Within are more than just a quest) we've gotten so far. So unless specified otherwise, that is exactly what we'd expect.

    So any claim you make here, you have to provide the evidence. 

    18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Or do you include several different options just to cover all exits and future arguments?

    I included them so that you don't try to weasel your way out of this by throwing in a word salad and waste both of our time.


    18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Obviously Erra isnt all of it.

    This should end the debate here but whatever. 


    18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    That doesnt say that the quest they had a trailer for was all of it either.

    At least that would be something that they promised to deliver. And if we had gotten it, then you wouldn't have to play the devils advocate now would you ?


    18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Remember how long it took for Sacrifice to get released and how little entertainment we got from it? I rather wait for something that is more than just another bite sized quest, even if it means deadlines will get pushed. If they had pushed the cinematic quest for christmas and the changed plans would have had it end up somewhere mid the New War story it would have been even worse than holding it back.

    That is like your opinion man.

    There is no excuse for not delivering a promise. If they had the New WaR quest ready, then they could have released it and then release whatever they had in plans later through out the year. No one would blame them for releasing more and more content on top of New War, LOL.


  3. On 2020-03-03 at 4:08 PM, SneakyErvin said:

    And I said there are better analogies that actual can compare, yours wasnt one of those.

    You tried to dismiss the argument by fixating on the debt, which I and others have already explained was a strawman. Debt had nothing to do with my rebuttal, only the part about the portion of something not being equal to the whole.

    On 2020-03-03 at 4:08 PM, SneakyErvin said:

    No actually I didnt. You do know what "" means right? It means that it refers to something others say, it is not what you say. I said it was even worse than that example. Then you decided to use that example since you clearly didnt understand the "" part.

    You brought it up, and thats why I answered to it and explained why ordering X and getting Y isn't the case, hence your comparison was wrong.

    On 2020-03-03 at 4:08 PM, SneakyErvin said:

    But they didnt promise anything specific. The video really only refered to a cinematic quest. We've already got a cinematic "quest" with RJ, so we can actually push it both ways regarding if they delivered or not. We didnt see any specific gameplay at all in the cinematic trailer. We saw Erra and we got the chance to interact with Erra in december. Your reasoning is as much grasping for straws as mine, because there was no strict promise on what exactly we'd get. Your reasoning was also based on a 6 month old cinematic teaser trailer and you ignoring everything that has been said after that point in time. It is kind like me heading of to the cinema being furious over X movie not showing after hearing half a year earlier it would premier at that day, even though 5 months ago they went out and changed the premier day and me missing that announcement. You've missed everything since july 2019 pretty much.

    They promised an update/quest/questline called New War and whatever else was in that trailer and we got none of it. And you are saying the limited intreaction, which wasn't even a proper quest or gameplay, we got from the Erra quest can swing things in both ways ? Again, If I pay 1% of my debt, do you consider the debt settled ? Unless your answer is yes, then you are grasping at straws.

    It is pretty obvious that the New War is the continuation of the Second Dream - War Within - Sacrifice questline and it is pretty obvious that the Erra quest is not even close to being the whole of it.

    • Like 2
  4. 22 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    You brought up a loan, which is a transaction you make to them. We didnt make any transaction

    I simply used it as an analogy to point out the fallacy of equating a portion of something to the whole, which was your point to begin with. You simply got fixated on the debt itself which I believe you are using it as a strawman at this point.


    22 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I simply said it was a worse comparison than even the usual "resturant" analogies. Which you built on and actually used the word order.

    No actually you did :

    "If I go to a resturant and order... but get...".

    I just used what you gave me to prove you wrong.

    22 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I simply pointed out that we have given nothing to DE to have any claim to a return on.

    No one made such claim so your point is moot.

    22 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    It was yes, but plans changed drastically, from being a cinematic to a long standing "event". More to do, so it got postponed. If this was still just about the cinematic quest then yeah it would be viable complaints, but it isnt just about a cinematic quest now and it hasnt been for quite some time. So what you really complain about is them not being able to produce more than what was planned within the first estimated timeframe. So you demand more from them than what was initially intended. Any person with the slightest sense would understand that more content means more time and more resources.

    Again, you grasping at straws here.

    It makes absolutely no difference whether they change a promise or not. They didn't deliver it.

    If that was an acceptable excuse that negated the weight and meaning of a promise, every time I'd make a promise, just before the deadline I'd change the value of the promise by arbitrary amounts and postpone it and claim that the promise I made is intact, despite the fact that it is long overdue.

  5. I usually run complimentary stuff, to prevent them from being redundant.

    Like for instance if I'm running a bow or a sniper, I'll rather have a rapid fire or beam secondary, so each piece in my arsenal excels at areas where the rest comes short.

    I also try to run different elemental setups too. 

    I wish the holster speed was by default faster tho.

  6. Yeah honestly I never gave in to the mainstream arcane energize/grace metas, never used them. But I do like my arcane fury, rage, guardian and strike. Neither of  those are OP arcanes, and I honestly don't want to grind for them, as the op pointed out, Eidolons are a nuisance. 

    not sure what I'm going to do. I may just leave them as they are if they aren't nerfed too much. Or maybe save up some money and buy them off the market. 

  7. Or just rework the damn frame. Which should have been done ages ago. 

    Hist 1st is meaningless(granted most 1st abilities are trash), and I don't recall having the need to use his 4. His 2nd and 3rd are the only abilities worth using, and honestly they should be merged anywyas.

    Yeah, just rework Chroma. 

  8. Not sure if bringing in more players will liven it up. Especially in the long run. Like most of the games content, it burns out really fast because there is no sustainability. It is a niche game mod that comes to an end once you get a few MK3 stuff and upgrade your RJ. There is literally no incentive to play after that.

    The only way RJ will be viable is if it somehow is intergrated in to the core gameplay. Other wise given it's limited content and detachment from the main game, it will join the graveyard of good concepts executed poorly. Which is pretty sad because I initially loved RJ.

    • Like 5
  9. 21 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    If was the word if you hadnt kept up with the news.

    No it is a very poor analogy because we have ordered zero of it. We have no claims on anything, they owe us nothing.

    But there was no promise to begin with. The only thing we knew was that phase 1 and 2 of railjack would come in 2019. Phase 2 looked like it wouldnt make it, but it did. New War not coming in 2019 was known far back since they had started a rework of it, as reported by gaming sites with inside info. New War "started" with RJ as a sneak peak teaser with slight progression and a cinematic. It will be really introduced with the next operation and then carry on throughout the year it seems.

    What news ? Don't make me dig up dev streams or twitter posts claiming that we'd get New War around christmas. It is going to take time but I'll do it.

    I never mentioned anything about ordering anything. That was your analogy.  And again, you are missing the point. If they say we are going to release X around Y. And they release only a fraction of X around Z, they can't claim that they have released X. Nothing changes the fact that it remains as an undelivered promise. 

    New War coming around christmas is an official statement made by DE.  Gaming sites with "inside info" has no bearing here as DE officially announced new War wouldn't be coming in as the deadline closed in and they  realised they wouldn't be able to deliver it.



    • Like 4
  10. 23 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Word prior to september was that it wouldnt come in december since they had decided to redesign the whole thing, going from a one-off story quest to an actual longhaul integration. Cant remember if it was PCGamer or someone else that had a whole article about it.

    It only became clear they wouldn't be able to release New war around promised date when there were talks about RJ release at the end of the year. Which is probably october november. Prior to that, the word was that New war was around christmas.


    23 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    That is probably one of the worst analogies I've seen. Worse than the usual "If I go to a resturant and order... but get...". We havent given anything to DE that we expect to get a return on to begin with. There is no debt to settle.

    It is actually a pretty good analogy if you don't focus on the debt it self. This isn't about ordering X but getting Y, this is about ordering X and getting X divided by Y. And you are claiming that X divided by Y is equivalent of X. That is why the debt analogy works pretty well. 1k of 10k ain't the debt itself. So untill they release the whole thing, it remains unreleased. 

    23 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    We didnt get all of New War no, but New War is also going to be more than just the story quest. So anyone with half a working grey would realize that since it was changed, it would obviously need more work without DE having to hold our hand and tell us that. Or did you think a year worth of sentient content would be the New War story quest and they just decided to split it up?

    Changing the promise and [DE]laying it by an unknown amount of time based on arbitrary factors that no one knows about aside from the Dev team doesn't mean they didn't fail on delivering their promise. They did. Simple as that. You are just trying to play the Devils advocate, and doing a poor job at that.


  11. 1 hour ago, Corvid said:

    So... Jovian Concord. No quests admittedly, but it did have secrets to find and it progressed the overall narrative

    I'd say that is the closest thing we got of any kind of substance and it is majorly a rework with a decent game mode and an underwhelming, glitchy boss fight. So yeah, Fortuna was the last bit of meaty update we got. Everything else was either a rework or some implementation on an already existing system like Liches, NW, or "events."

    Railjack was pretty promising, but then we didn't even get the whole thing it seems.


    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    Why do you want people to be unhappy with things they are clearly happy with? Your outlook on these matters is not universal, and it honestly seems like a rather selfish one regardless.

    I'm not "coping" because that implies that I'm bothered by something.

    That's not what I'm saying at all.

    I'm just saying that we didn't get New War. And you are trying to convince me(yourself) that 1% of New War is actually New War, just so that you can say that DE didn't go back on their word.

    That is the definition of coping.


    1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    It was if you didnt keep up with the info. 

    And that is what I said. "Because they are seperate, since RJ is a complete game system while New War is tied to a storyline.". Do you people even read before answering? RJ is also not exclusive, it is intended to be the star chart one day. How little do you actually keep up with what is being said about the different systems? We got the first part of the playable experience that is isolated, but that is not the intent of the future railjack, nor is it all of railjack.

    But they never promised that it was coming for christmas. They also changed the idea of it from being a cinematic quest to a long lasting thing. I rather take a reworked New War that lasts over a period than a cinematic quest farted out for xmas to make a few people happy.

    I'm sorry I don't have a direct line to DE headquarters. My source is the forums and twitter and word around september was that we'd get New War around December.

    If I tell you that I'll pay you back the 10k I got from you at the end of the month and a few days before the end of the month I tell that I'll pay you in several payments instead of just one and give you 1K, then you probably won't consider our debt settled till I pay you back every peny.

    So did we get New War or not ?  We didn't. End of discussion. 


  12. 24 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    And that is several upon several years after they actually promised we'd have EU servers when Reborn went live. Do you see how freakin silly it is to claim DE lied when they practically said nothing while defending a company that did straight up lie to half of their monthly paying customers? I honestly couldnt care less if infact DE had straight up lied about a small piece of content. I dont pay for that content, it doesnt effect my gameplay negatively and half the population wouldnt have access to that missing content over me. Great they've finaly lived up to the promises made years ago, even though it is German based servers.

    Because they are seperate, since RJ is a complete game system while New War is tied to a storyline. That doesnt mean that Railjack wont be part of New War or that New War wont be introduced through RJ as it has been. "New War around Christmas" was also mentioned far back, like at the beginning/early 2019. At mid 2019 some gaming site already had the info that New War would be a longhaul story addition spanning over a year of releases. That info has been reposted several times here on the forums as people have stumbled across that gaming site.

    Not sure what cope you are refering to. Would help if you narrowed down which part you quoted.

    Lied to where? I dont take silence as a promise, so it is hard for it to be a lie. A lie would be something told directly to me as a concrete promise. That hasnt been the case with DE.

    Up until september/october the word was that we'd get New War around christmas. People were debating how that'd be possible since RJ wasn't on the horizon.

    Also "being a part of RJ" doesn't mean they are one and the same. Railjack is an exclusive game mode, an alternative to the starmap we have. That is like saying we got War Within quest when we got Lua since it they are tied.

    The cope is the part where you are trying to ignore the fact that DE didn't deliver on their promise of New War coming in christmas. Can't be more straightforward than that.



    4 hours ago, Corvid said:

    Forgetting the Erra quest, are we? The anomalies are the first step in the New War, showing that the Sentients are starting to return.


    Then define what something of "substance" would be, if it's not new systems, maps, modes or enemies. It's rather hard to debate when you move the goalposts.

    First step = / = New war. Stop coping.


    3 hours ago, 844448 said:

    What substance we are talking about here?


    Something of substance would be something like Fortuna(or a long cinematic quest like Sacrifice or War Within), a whole new landscape that brings new quests, enemies, game aspects etc. In other words something that is worth the long wait.

    That obviously doesn't include reworks(reskin in POE's case as it doesn't deliver any gameplay changes except a very few quality of life improvements) or trivial things like NW(which is nothing more than a reward system that plays on the same old). 


    • Like 1
  13. 11 hours ago, (XB1)Cram Duahcim said:

    Lots of good points but DE has already pointed out the New War has started. It's not a 1 and done quest. Railjack was the starting point, which technically did come out before christmas (they kept that promiss)

    The New War is likely going to be a series of events, with smaller conten drops like in Warframes past. (Just gotta look at the next 2 updates) I think this is the way to do it if it's an ongoing thing. I think its gunna build to a quest but the next series of events that they have planned look to all be apart of it. 

    I agree that Endgame is needed, but they didn't flat out lie


    10 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    You shouldnt try to defend the company that we didnt even discuss when you dont even seem to have all the facts about them. How new are you to XIV even if you think Squenix have delivered on their promises. "Classic" XIV was a mess, they promised it would be near perfect in reborn with all mistakes being corrected, they werent, I was there, it was ill optimized and the promise of a more open world still consisted of tunnels and extremely small "open" zones. That was all ok, but the worst lie they presented wasnt. It was the one that drove me away and I wonder if it has even been fixed or well implemented since then.

    Prior to the release Squenix promised the euro playerbase euro servers, what we got were US servers for EU players. Yet we had to pay the same monthly fee for worse performance compared to the US players. This was even covered up during the first month until players started to dig around in their trace routes, which showed we all played on US servers. When this was found out they appologized and said they would get around to getting EU servers located in the EU. It didnt happen during the 6 months or so I stayed, it didnt happen the year after either and I stopped giving a #*!% at that point.

    So yeah... Squenix delivering on their promises... cowdung at best. The game may be better now, I dont care, because they've presented one of the biggest lies so far.

    No, the initial RJ release was buggy, but it wasnt close to having the bugs even remotely comparable to Wolcen. I could play RJ fine every single day, missed a mission here and there over the course of a month due to bugs. Wolcen was 100% unplayable for the first week due to server issue, then they limited server access to not even cover the full potential playerbase. And during that same first week it was unplayable for most people offline aswell, due to issues with saving progress (Hello? Ever heard of Steam cloud Wolcen devs? Guess not). Then when things got "fixed" the game was still as broken due to bugs completely halting progression in several different places. Then when that was patched other things broke or they actually failed to fix the root of the problem. And dont get me started on the netcode and poor hit registration that will probably never get fixed since it has been there since beta. When you sit at 25ms there is no excuse as to why half the hits of an attack fails to land on a target.

    That is your opinion based on classic game setups.

    No really, we werent. That idea got changed quite early on. As the person above me pointed out to you. New War started with RJ and will be released throughout the year. Some gaming site covered that ages ago, too bad you and others have a hard time keeping up with the news. But I guess it isnt as interesting as getting a chance to complain as often as possible.

    Buggy release yes, the same no. Lies, in wolcen yes, in WF no. No endgame here? Nope we have endgame. No endgame in Wolcen? Nope, they have endgame, they just didnt add an extra mode as they promised. Big bet you havent actually played Wolcen or kept up with the devs over the year up to the release of it.

    No irony in it, since it isnt near the same. Again, a cat is the same as a dog. I can make zero sense too.

    Railjack =/= New War. They were always mentioned seperately and at no point DE clarified that they were referring to Railjack when they said "New War around Christmas."

    That is the most disturbing cope I've seen online.

    You got lied to, and now you are  trying to rationalize the lie by lying to yourselves. That is just sad.


    9 hours ago, 844448 said:

    Tons of bug fixes

    Profit-Taker orb fight

    Nightwave : The Wolf of Saturn Six

    Buried debts

    Exploiter orb fight

    Plains of Eidolon remaster

    Jupiter rework


    If you take a look at their update notes, you can see many have been released

    Nothing of substance like I said.


    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I agreed on that WF has buggy releases aswell as less than thought through content additions like Liches. I was just pointing out that they arent of the same scale, so the irony doesnt apply. Which people disagreed on, people that have had zero experience with Wolcen, so how can they possibly disagree to begin with? As I said, calling that irony is like calling a cat a dog because they both have fur. 

    What promises have we not had delivered? I'm still waiting for those videos or threads where they explicitly promise us anything.

    If someone went in here and said X game does this and that so much better than WF and I had no clue about that game, I wouldnt go and say "nope, I disagree!" because I wouldnt know wtf I was talking about. But as I said, it is cool to bash WF (or any other game for that matter on their official forums) so people with no actual knowledge about the game it gets compared to get a pass when they base their opinion on nothing.

    Actually the initial railjack release(as well as some other releases) was pretty comparable to wolcen release in terms of bugs and lack of polish.

    WF does not have proper end game.

    We were supposed to get New War around christmas.

    Buggy release, no end game and lies. All check.

     Irony stands, gotta take that L on this one.



  15. 42 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    But that was the system that the beta had, aside from the rather pointless "city building". Playing the same act over and over died out years ago, Grim Dawn kept it alive while other games added other types of high level activities. Going through the difficulties was more of a leveling process. Wolcen isnt offering something new at all. It has been part of arpgs since MH, PoE and D3 more or less. If they really wanted to add something new they wouldnt just make a riftmap fusion, they would have actually made the city building interactive and not just a menu mini-game to hide the outdated content used as endgame.

    WF has several plans.

    Sure they are endgame, you cant reach them or do them easily early on. So they are very much endgame. You are describing most endgame activities in games when you say niche game modes, because most dont have an actual connection to the rest of the game. Raids, dungeons etc. are very specific modes in the games they are present, so not very unlike liches and RJ. You'll need world changing PvE or faction based PvP in order to get something that isnt just an island of content in a game.

    It is fair when we compare bugs and lies. Just because you are a new dev or game you dont get a pass for lying or having a horribly buggy game. You should probably read up on my first comment regarding this, which wasnt a Wolcen bashing or WF defending thing. It was a simple comparison of why it wasnt irony what the other guy said. I mean, even the guy calling it irony admited to having zero knowledge about Wolcen or the state it is in. My point was simply that WF would need to fail massively before getting to the poor state that Wolcen currently is in. WF has never had any bugs remotely close to the level of Wolcen and the devs have never straight up lied in the fashion that the Wolcen team actually did. This isnt about how WF is perfect or anything like that, it is about Wolcen being in an abyssmal state that few games can compare with. It wouldnt matter if this was regarding PoE, D3, GD, BL, Destiny 2, ESO or any other game, my opinion would be the exact same in the context that the "irony" comment was made. The person simply doesnt have a clue how poor the Wolcen situation is. The "irony" comment is about as logical and well places as claiming a cat is a dog because they both have fur. 

    The genre doesnt have jack or S#&$ to do with anything. The genre difference doesnt make it ok to straight up lie, the bugs have no prejudice towards specific genres etc. and the devs of Wolcen would have wrecked the game no matter which genre it was part of. If this was about the actual game systems, which it isnt, it would be a different story. But we arent discussing if the combat is slow in Wolcen versus WF or if the leveling takes too long compared to leveling a frames etc. We are talking about straight up lies here and bugs so immense that it would take alot for other games to ever reach such a lowpoint.


    The irony remark was legit because the things you trashed Wolcen for all apply to WF as well.

    No end game, buggy releases, promises not being delivered, etc.


  16. 1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    What plan? They have no plan, the endgame is what it is, the same it was in beta with some added progression like unlocking stash space etc. Not even the rewards from this "new endgame system" is endgame worthy. #*!%, it has worse endgame rewards than arbitrations and that is saying alot.

    Sure it does. We've also already gotten liches and RJ. Just as eidolons were endgame for vets when they released, just as arbis were etc. They've all had new things to chase, that makes it endgame. If you want challenging content then say that you want challenging content, dont go and say you want endgame because the two arent synonymous. I want both endgame and challenging endgame, just as I want challenging gameplay as a whole. It doesnt have to be endgame because it is challenging just as it doesnt have to be challenging to be endgame.

    No it isnt unfair. Wolcen if a #*!%ing full release game after several years in early access that demands top cash to play the bugged out mess. Cheap devs is what they have, maybe they should have actually released more over the years for people to try out before burping out 2/3 of their already small campaign at 1.0. Lost Epoch's method is more sound, realing most of the game in early access to get everything working as it should, much like Crate did with GD. Wolcen wouldnt even be a good F2P option in its current state.

    The whole progress of researching and building new structures as you go through more challenging dungeons for better rewards is a pretty solid plan for a game like that. Especially considering most games of that genre require you to play the same acts over and over again with higher difficulty. At least Wolcen has something new to offer.

    Warframe has no plan. 0.

    Liches aren't end game, neither is railjack. In their current state at least and unless they are implemented in to the rest of the game, they'll remain as limited niche game modes that no one will bother to play after a certain while.

    How is it fair to compare a 5 year old Kick starter game which just released to a game that was released to the public 7 years ago? Even if we assume that the 5 years of development Wolcen had as a part of its release cycle, that still puts WF 3 years ahead. Still not fair. Never mind the fact that they are different genres.

    Would be a better idea to compare Wolcen to POE or Diablo.



  17. 18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    What irony? Wolcen is currently extreme trash with practically no endgame. They even lied straight up prior to release, claiming they had a brand new endgame mode in addition to the one we were able to test in early access. There was no new endgame mode, it is the same as the beta one, they simply added an extra progression system and some more environments. The mode from beta was decently good, but it gets boring fast.

    They also have one of the worst patching processes ever experienced in a game that is supposed to be a live service. They are so bad at what they do that they cant even produce hotfixes, you are stuck with a maximum of 1 patch per week just so they dont mess up their cloud database provided by some ISP. So if a patch fails to solve a specific issue, well you are #*!%ed and need to wait another week for it to possibly get fixed. Todays patch fixed one problem with a boss and introduced another with the same one, then a further bug slipped through that also blocks progression. 1 being the fixed boss now falling through the floor instead of being invulnerable, 2 being some guards blocking a portal so you cant advance through it.

    That whole game is currently a disaster that is so many times worse than what it was in beta. So bad to the point where there is no point playing it since you may just be wasting hours incase you run into a progression bug that "may" be fixed next week, or probably later.

    edit: Heck, I could probably say that Inquisitor: Martyr was better at release than Wolcen: Bugs of Mayhem.

    Well at least they have a plan for an end game.

    Warframe has nothing even in development for an end game purpose, or anything that is remotely exciting for veterans who have been playing since release.

    Also it is pretty unfair to compare Wolcen to WF as they are 2 different genres and Wolcen is pretty early in it's development while WF is almost an 8 year old game. 


    edit  :




    17 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

    I think that's the problem most of us face, and one I struggle with as I'm basically just grinding out MR at this point without a real purpose as there's not really a fun game mode for me to play atm.  There's no real fun mission atm, nothing like PvEvP (like players are in a race against each other fighting a faction and first one to complete it wins), and conclave is a a dead cluster.

    Railjack LOOKED like it might be that, but the sad truth behind railjack is that you're better off running as crew to get the mats to start out with an R3 railjack instead of trying to fly one from the start because the initial railjack is just so stupidly fragile... Especially since an archwing is basically a deadwing in railjack.  I mean, Quite Shy put it best:

    When you hype stuff up and fail to deliver, it's only natural to have the population drop away because they see that all DE is doing is smoke and mirrors.... because we all expected the main thing from Tennocon to be in active development and the top priority for DE... not something they threw together after about two months of real work prior to release.

    Sad but True. Railjack seemed very promising, but it burned out pretty quick as literally every mission is the same as before with no real purpose to them.

    I honestly don't know what DE have been doing for the last year and half. Aside from Forrtuna, they haven't released anything substantial. I hope they are working on something major,  that is going to release sometime soon.

    Or maybe they are working on their next game in secret. That might explain the lack of content since the end of 2018.


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