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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Urm... I don't think I said "This needs to see them in a casual outfit is not impossible needs and something cosmetic not. The problem is they or not want or not have rescources to do this and they say to every suggestation a fast no. Always they say because of lore and not fit to their ideas in my reads is *- they just not want to work on it. This is lies because of free to play payment metholds they can earn more money than monthly subcriptions so they could be enough materials to hire new workers to make more complex and help at design and coding. So your needs is real don't worry about it."

    I think you may of accidentally typed that in my quote box.

    now, to responding to it.

    well... when I thought of a casual outfit I thought something similar to the prisoner outfit, just a little more things. It's a future culture, maybe they just like full body suits *Shrugs*

    Also they make warframes and their extensive cosmetics, isn't not impossible to make a basic down-time suit and give us cosmetic options over them.


    Yes badly not see the line in the side lane that's why i typed wrongly. I mean with customization more than skins. If they want those skins then they should make pack for 50-100 plat and contain 5-8 different skin like tiger, zebra, hides, different combinations. 


    For me the best would be in costumization if i can change the height/weight, can change the main parts and of course have different parts for each frame. Then they can be more unique.

    The casual outfit is mainly the prisoners outfit and combinations but they afraid to show how we tennos look. 


    Ps. Sorry if i made some grammar mistakes i am just tired.

  2. I never said we had to see the humans or whatever, I just wanted a casual outfit. Also with this idea of improving the "Tenno" things have changed. They also said never isn't necessarily never, as long as the fans want it enough. I do watch the livestreams. Like the last one where they said that never isn't necessarily never.

    Also I worded my question a tad poorly, I'll fix it: I meant to ask what they are revamping immediately. As in, what's next on the docket if you get my meaning.

    Also, no. They didn't answer most of my questions, unless you'd like to prove my wrong and answer all of them

    Most of them are questions of "when" which they never specified, and levels of customization which they never spoke of. I have no idea how much I can customize my own ship and whatnot.And I can't remember what specific things they said about the factions and what they'd do with them.

    Again, I can be wrong, and if you want to fill me in go ahead but just telling me they've all been answered doesn't help me.


    This needs to see them in a casual outfit is not impossible needs and something cosmetic not. The problem is they or not want or not have rescources to do this and they say to every suggestation a fast no. Always they say because of lore and not fit to their ideas in my reads is *- they just not want to work on it. This is lies because of free to play payment metholds they can earn more money than monthly subcriptions so they could be enough materials to hire new workers to make more complex and help at design and coding. So your needs is real don't worry about it.

  3. Questions!: 


    1) I get lonely when I am alone in my huge empty dojo. What do you think about implementing a few NPC's in there, for fun, and to lessen the lonely feel I get when I am wall running on those massive walls all by myself, with no one to watch or cheer for me? 


    2) So, were getting Davy Jones, right? Where is Jack Sparrow in all this?


    3) If we win the MMOBOMB F2P poll, will you guys give us free hugs? *insert cute cat face*


    The npc characters in dojo's suggested and some of my friend also did but they not responded they will add or not but i can agree with you sometimes boring to play because the dojo is out. At least scaled number of npc-s like 10-100 depend on dojo size and dojo rank.

  4. They said they will never do a gender swap option.


    Well not really interest me because they said at moment and this depend on what peoples want and if this find more popularity among us then they should do. Money talk dogs bark.

  5. pressure how? All we do is vote on stuff. We don't do anything at all...


    That's bad mate. I thought the design council maded to vote and make polls what community desired and what you veterans and council members want to see more.


    Then you guys need to ask your money back because the founder packs wasn't easy stuffs so maybe the balance of power of decision could be more than an agree which color button want you push. This is absurd.

  6. We need a better council which can add more pressure to the devs or workshops for the creative peoples make contents and they can sortire which fit more which not. Donate money for gender swap for an example. Dedicated servers etc...

  7. Release the Hype Krakken! Ok on a serious note, I hope the water warframe is not a support warframe. When will Warframes have true  "customization" besides mods and color palettes. Something like jutsus, parkour stances and character development.


    Hope mate in the next few updates they will add this better customization option at least change parts and costume-s. But i think while they get enough money from cosmetic they won't change anything. Also we need a gender swap option to double our frame park and every player can play as either gender what they want. Less stress more options and better popularity.

  8. In game clan forum and management is on the way with gui changes in this or next update.


    PS: I don't know guys what did you expect from a team which famously can't deal with the time? They should need to learn communicate more often to their community and postponing updates. They are simply humans like us and this mean they can make mistakes "yes very often they do" and now they forgot to say something they need more time because they miscalculate the time needs to finish this patch. Hope they will finish it when possible and we will given a better update than the past fews. 


    Hope the best.

  9. Just delete the market stuffs and add those stuff after revised and balanced with freshy stats and infos. Like the helmets in market which are still confusing with the old stat changers and the new only style helmets. I am not sure but the immortal skins are just waste of money because not looks cool and still very low the variations. For this money we should change more on our frames.

  10. This depend on they have base models which can be used to make variants a bit faster. But I think if they release every month 1-2 new frame then this wasn't so hard to do and not few model will eat the money on design. 


    This option would be good and i willing to contribute a small amount to implement this to the game.


    I can agree with that the priority not this but this subject waiting for so long and somebody need to care more to this. The more character customization is always welcomed.

  11. Melee weapons really need but almost in all category have many which need refresh their stats. I bet fang or skana but i hope they will do with the special weapons also like jaw sword or pangolin.


    As mods maybe they will check the resistance mods and the ammo mods cuz they're a pretty worthless a bit.

  12. Not really but if you not play for a long time or you are near an achievement then the chance is increase to get discount. They throw often now that because they need freshy money and if you buy then it's okay for them. I prefer the experience drops or the catalyst/reactor. (0,023%). The xp is more common.

  13. Huh...not sure if being serious or trolling.....so you don't care if a game is in beta but then complain about said un fished game having beta/in-production aspects....I'm confused. Did you not take your medicine today?

    I do not need medicine to see this game is unfinished and they aren't work on this will be. They just add useless grind keeper contents. If you think i am trolling then report is your level. I am not care the arguing but it seems you aren't partner for it. 


    Have a nice day.

  14. I don't care the beta status i care more that this game still a below avarege product and no have gameplay and lore. The most of contents what they make is just money collectors because give small extras and try to keep interesting the playerbase which is slowly reduce. They need to create a cheap but useful concents to keep the peoples interest for a long time and everyone hate the pvp because the most of player base feel gamebreaker here but even more fun than shot a poor AI. I don't care if the pvp in tournamets implement and all just practice because the standard lore say we are just in time awakened ninjas for fight...


    They now work on 2-3 front like pc and ps4 and they just add bore grinding concents what is really ruin this game. This game have more potential than remain a mindless shooter.


    I understand that fact the money is needed but then they should work well and add real concents to the game which really needs for long months ago. The beta title not mean we not need to work enough on the game and we cannot critise because we make "crap". They deserve the money if they change their business model and begin to make really interesting contents.


    Have a lot of posts and threads everywhere what they should add to do this.



  15. First at all sorry for not read some writes before me but i read few before i form an opinion now.


    Every people can tell their opinion but just few have chance to form the game but the key is always at the Devs. I am fairly new player here but i see this game is just grinding and possible the later contents would be only just grind making contents. This game have some nice potential like dojo, claning system and in the lore. Something implemented but some just not affect the gameplay really on the way what the majority want. Those peoples whom like the mindless shooters then they found one of them. This game won't be change really because that the devs said they designed this game to the grind and the loot and any others just an addition here which would be the basic of any game. The unique word maybe means here totally boring and mindless because the devs like this.


    Need something inspiration to play this game and the major problem with this is the atmosphere which shown to you this game is great and have a lot of potential in but when you play through 3-5 hour then you realise this is the same map design, same enemies, goals just when i reach a weapon and smash the mobs with it. This game is all just grind and when could be turn a bit interesting then they ruin it with some bug and irracionality.


    The major problems with this game is that no have communication from devs and they just agree with posts what they like it. Other problem the grinding over time and no lore or end game mechanics which can make some additional hour for fun. The Ai is almost same as other games really few games have normal or acceptable Ai. The game modes are almost same and no variations and no have any interactions with it and with our enemies and fellow tennos.


    The RNG never will be change because they aren't idiots and they want to keep the players in game because of money which come from the shop is not few but far enough to do with it anything. If they increase the rates or use multiple rates to show "yes we listen to you guys now go hunt" that just mean they change sometimes to be seen they really listen you and you will be a little more happy to reach that stuff you want actual.

    The beta title is sometimes just lies because with this they can say they are working on something and we need to be patient or we don't get any cake. This tools needs to them to keep the interest and they business live because without it they can just say "yes we are an avarege team who cannot code better and do better animations and untalented in lore writing". They take it easy because they know the majority of players mainly the new players try to adopt to this game and they hope everything will be better. Same as with veterans or not veteran but played a lot players because they reach almost everything in this game and they feel first how boredom this game. Then the rainbow fall apart and everyone realise who want realise this game is far from the finish and nothing really implemented what they want or asked. Of course peoples sometimes can ask wrong things and need distinquish which is good idea which isn't but the devs seems just close all door from players and they do how they wanted. 


    The freedom of community is free but the devs won't listen single peoples. Maybe if we ever want something characterization lore end game etc etc then we should need make polls in other sites and send to them the list or like the kickstarter and we need to organize some collection then they maybe will implement those things. "I don't want give ides to them". 


    They cannot handle their community because the community is diversed and have some nice  ideas and helpful peoples who want to improve this game. Still this game is a half dead and mainly the concepts and fan ideas and the wiki keep alive this game. Hard to say this game without it can remain alive because the devs see mainly the quantities "more people - more money" and not the qualities. These events and almost everything in the past 1 year just money collecting from DE and they do only the minimal works what they can or want to keep us in chains. To hope this game in the future could be turn into a normally game but still this is the reality and we can just believe they won't spread out our precisious time and money to ferraris and villa's. 


    They can also hire more member to the stuff to fresh a bit and maybe it can improve the talentum also. 


    This post wasn't a rant or arguing and i am not crying about how the game looks now i just told some generally opinion which can be possible and my opinion aswell. Not need to agree with it or disagree only if you wish to continue a long thread you can post too.

    Hope the best and wish the better. Good night fellow tennos.

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