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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. I cannot predict what frame they will rework but if we go with popularity then Trinity, Banshee, Nyx, Chroma, Caliban, Oberon (some think I am suck), Loki, Valkyr (tweaks probably enough there), Equinox (buffs), Ember.

    There are frames that can do well on steel path and beyond the levels but a lot of them are falls hard. I am sure DE when balancing something they balance around level 50-100 max and on the regular gameplay. Higher levels achievable with cheese stuffs what nowadays many using, arcanes, special mods, operator mode, buffs from pets. 

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  2. For female Ash I would suggest the following ones - Ashe, Dusk, Arit, Shela. Long ago when this topic was much more active there was name suggestions aswell for frame names but some frames actually have a pair in different forms. Example is Oberon and Titania but these frames actually different in terms what they doing. Not necesarry to have the similar name for frames to make them unique and still paired with their gender variant. Ember for example could have Spark, Blaze, Flem as a male variant and still close to what Ember does. There are frames which trickier to name it but for appearance it is enough if at least 50-60% similar to what the said frame is. I think it is doable but not really think this could happen since this was a demand for 11 year at least. However DE is not known for their speed to implement things and before the Plains of Eidolon they shown a concept about the open world and few animals which happend later. (Still missing the plains Deer). 


    For me it would be nice if the tennogen could be improved or a segment can get held there for warframe creations what you normally find on Artstation, Deviant art. Tons of concepts laying on the forums aswell with no sign they ever be used. I can hope but maybe better to stay realistic. Still I would want my female Ash to happen.

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  3. Basically all bosses or major characters with nothing but few lines could get some love and improved options even do syndicate esque mission for them.

    Also the free colonies, factions and their background could be improved upon a bit more, neutral characters, Leverian, Semi bosses, even liches could get some option to play major roles in the story since they can interact with the player and with few modification they could give quests or take quests and tell backstories of their past life or even remember what you did with them like a real nemesis system.

    There are also places on the starchart which could be more than a simple node and could be an own world like the jupiter and saturn major moons. 

    Also open world factions like ostrons and solaris united is underused and since their creation they do not play too much role. Just like Ordis got some extra voice lines most chatacters in the game could do or at least give them a lot of texts. 

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  4. On 2023-09-28 at 9:54 PM, Cerikus said:

    Ok. Univac and instead of vacuum and fetch you get a mod that disables vacuum for people like you. Done.

    The simpliest solution for this would be an option on the menu like some other things like bloom, reload on context, screen shake etc. With this option those whom not want univac can take their loot slower while us whom collecting non stop can have all the goodies.

  5. Sadly I cannot make a visit there yet. Sad story because he was one year younger than me and born in the same month as I. We will miss his contributions what he made to the game. At least the devs made this little thing to him which makes them much better in my eye by a mile with that. Glad to see people make a visit.

    Also I wish you the best and to everyone. 

    • Like 2
  6. As a Pc player I do not mind to buy items from the tennogen via money because that money instantly goes to devs, valve, and the artists. If there is an option to buy it via platinum instead then they need to change the structure how they pay their artists. Simply because not everyone buying platinum and if you do you usually wait for discounts to get platinum. With the cross thing I would except the console players could get the same discounts on platinum so you guys can also hoard tons of plat into your account instead of buying items discounted. 

    If I miss something feel free to correct me I just feel with the crossplay-cross save the whole system need to be unified. Also a way would be good to connect the standalone version to get tennogen because the tennogen only available on steam. 

    • Like 3
  7. I am glad you got a Promotion and we will see how this goes with warframe and choices of design. 

    Pookie wrote a nice long letter on some kind of issues and the content islands constantly was neglected. My only wish is you will look into the old content too and make much needed fixes and balance changes and somehow sew all the islands into one consistent experience. I know and hope the game have a lot more time and changes in the directions always makes a part of community happy the others unhappy also I am aware developing a game is not as easy to do than talk about it but I hope some of the older contents get's love also some old styled game modes and maps which was there from the start gets expanded. 

    The business is always making new contents but I would like to see if some of the old contents gets refreshing also expansions so the players will experience a fluid, good looking and hopefully more meaningful content and not just rush it. The major problem with the game is the content islands and the amount of player stopping from the start because the newcomers are the ones whom brings the money and new ideas to the game. Old ones like me and many others seen the game evolving, not all content we like but not all we hate. I love the first type of contents and partly Archwing but that is in that state where you need to reconsider to improve it or replace it. The old corridor style gameloop is the core of the game which passed on to open worlds but still you can make a lot more corridor and semi openworld maps to refresh the game. 

    I think the starchart could be more interesting if one by one revisited and each planet and body of the system gets something which makes them more unique beyond the rescurces. Also I think some of the old gears and warframes could get more love and some balance pass to make every weapon a good choice if used right. 

    I know this segment is not about our wishes and needs but felt the need to say we hope these things will be revisited. Now enjoy your promotion, take a nice rest and with full of energy do what Lotus would do and save our Origin system.


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  8. 7 minutes ago, (PSN)Viveeeh said:

    Eh, it's a typical guy thing... I need to put intensive moisturizing body lotion, which contains 4 kind of oils, on my face, just to prevent my skin to go so dry it peels off. While men look radiant after washing their face with... soap. 🙄

    Probably because we guys have more skin on our face. Jokes aside something is in it, also my work is partially outdoor and indoor and sometimes we work when the weather conditions not so great. My hands dry because of the too much soap and other variation of antibacterials. Normally I do not need to do so much to keep my skin "healthy".

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  9. 2 minutes ago, (PSN)Viveeeh said:

    Oh wow, your skin is so beautiful... I need to know what kind of face moisturizer you're using! (If you say it's soap and water we'll have a serious problem.)

    I do not use other than water and some soap ocassionally. I am not a fan of chemicals so I minimalize the usage of these.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, (PSN)Viveeeh said:

    Is the goat king wearing a goatee?

    Actually nope. I am a person who does not wear nor moustache nor beard of any kind. I like my naked face and I daily 2 times shave if I feel discomfortable by that. My goat meme is my direct link with Oberon becuse he is basically a goat. I like him and I consider him my main aswell. @MagPrime saw my operator in game I am almost like him just not that black my hair anymore.


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  11. 7 minutes ago, (PSN)Viveeeh said:

    It's not a sensitive subject, I can go for weeks, not noticing it in the mirror, so I don't really care.Does it look weird though? Honest question, won't take any offence, whatever the answer is. I'm just curious because the very few people who comment on the scar say it isn't anything disturbing and they have known me for some time before they even noticed, but I suspect they just try being polite.

    I think it is absolutely right because you had no choice to avoid it. I do have some scars on some part of my body but not too intense. My honest opinion if it does not bother you then it is fine.

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  12. On 2022-03-23 at 12:24 PM, (PSN)Viveeeh said:

    Me with purple hair!!

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    In the pic it looks a bit grey-ish, but irl it's more pastel lavender, especially in sunlight.

    @MagPrime I'm looking forward to your blue hair selfie 😁

    I have 2 things to say. First is you look great, you are a beautiful lady. The second thing is I see an anomaly on your throat. That is either a sign of surgery or just the plays of of the shadows.

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