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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. They should know what effect new system should have on old ones. If they don't, they aren't so good, are they? And you can't just use "It's Beta", because RNG is more of a design decisicion than a bug. A droprate may be buggy, but inclusion of RNG in the whole process is a conscious choice. Also I'm fine with paying for cosmetics, I'm fine with shortcuts such as buying some frames and weapons, but when devs make it so you are almost forced to pay, then the game is no different from EA's Dungeon Keeper Mobile and many other titles from mobile market like that.


    Another title which ruined. RIP DK series.


    Maybe they knew what will be the affectation when they drop this new system under the older. I am sure they aren't enough good but they have at least ideas what would be good but sometimes they can't do anything better because they know their abilities and how much time need to spend on any part. RNG is a tool to keep us playing and keep us paying for this game if you haven't patience to this game then you will purchase which is not bad because at least you help to the development but that is a shame when they force the players to playing a game which is nothing but grind all time. If you spend money on any title "no matter beta or not" then you except your money for a game which enjoyable and relax you after work etc. They choosed this way because the free to play titles need less marketing and players to hear free will try out any game and if they feel enjoyable then they pay for it. The problem with this game is mainly the updates are just improve the differences from fun and make this game more grindy.  If they try with monthly payment then they couldn't improve this game well because brainded zombies doesn't want pay any small subscription fee just because. If we pay just a small amount money and more people do then we can keep the servers and there is no need any market and micro transaction. Advantages and disadvantages of course have in each idea but they know if they choosed the free to play then they should use micro's and make things almost unreachable because then who will pay?


    With every updates the drop tables improve and the list of dropable things improving and the chances become more low. The main problem in my opinion is the lack of fun because the fact i just need to farm to reach a better stuff and grind again for better is for me sounds full of waste of time. I play only with this game when i feel i need to kill something and i don't care my mastery level and i am not greedy to reach everything fast as possible then the game become boring and barren.

  2. First time? Game have been in open beta for a year and development of this update took two months. 


    Always when they release a new update they also ruin the old things because they don't know the affects on old systems when they integrate new ones. This game is beta yes and this update took so much time but they can decide how hard they work how much workforce need here and maybe someday they will release this player base not so happy with this way how they do. They are just want money for easy jobs and if they reach hard places then they slow down. Sometimes i don't know the main concepts behind any update but i am sure they know how to do in their way. Not our way.


    PS: RNG is a tool to keep the players in game and throw them out from game. Simply just for the money. No purchases no improvements (more grind)

  3. They can't learn their mistakes and they won't if they have a community who majorly hails their any new updates and say "yaaaaaay that's" cool. Every first 10 pages in any new updates just have full of gifs and word we like you guys, well job, awesome and they just read these. Still i test this new system but they ruined more the fight with this speed reducing. The combos in this game won't work well in hard fights because they shot you part by part. They doesn't consider to change the healt and energy system changes and don't want these regen by time. The stances maybe good but still hard to find any and very rarely because of rng. The normal bug-lagg fests are the same as every updates because they forgot the performance word so they maybe give us massive performance update in u 14. 


    The sad is they can't actualy change their mind because they work it hard. " i can't do more only speculate and accept they work hard" and the RNG is their money base so nobody can think it really this will be change in the next updates because they aren't stupid to change a system which grant them platinum purchases. They can't handle well the events  and time because of works that they do and they can't focus only to the pc because ps4 and other duties. 


    Hopefully they will give us back the melee mobility and not throw into the trash the old system because i felt that more better than this. If they buff the weapons in the old system and add more hit animation then they almost did much to improve the melee but this system is more annoying and make peoples more secondary and primary focused. Just an opinion and hope they will see this someday.

  4. Not bad either concept i like the first a bit better but not bad the second. Wondering why not ask your concepts and others who make so much nice concept to work their design team. Now we need more peoples who make 3d models for these concepts and need a program which contain the concept datas and work as a viewer. I would like to see more this in game.

  5. Implementing grenades they need more arm move animation and different throwing styles. It's not so easy but they already have grenade mechanics but just to mobs. Use your imagination as ninjas if we use some of this futuristic stuff then the old technology the grenade isn't so op. They can implement many tpyes of it like smoke, frag, explosive, poison, electric etc etc nades.

  6. Not to worth listen the streams because in forums you can read shorter versions and the chat window is just annoying and lucky guys can given answers. Better to do some project what you want to see and publish in right time. 


    Also DE needs more community - communicator to answer fast questions and share them and improve the relation between fans and devs.


    Other just don't rant and arguing with them because they are all humans who work for us "sometimes" wrongly but with good attitude. 

  7. I get delaying patches to refine them. What I don't get is that I thought this game as in beta. Last I checked it was, so if it still is then there would almost always be something broken or bugged(Which there is). So that expectation in mind, I don't understand why there would be a delay.


    Games that have launched and are in retail do this plenty that are online and with good reason - The game is launched, not in development, so it isn't up to the players to test anything really and for most it would be a big inconvenience.



    But this is beta, isn't it?


    You are right with this is a beta but have differences a machine killing crash and a simply stupid ragdoll bug. If they release it before they can polish that crap then they give us a more broken content then the peoples will cry why they did it. Better if they release it when acceptable after we can "test" it.

  8. There is no way Rebecca is going to use all of these (probably not even one with my luck ): ), but it's worth a go to get at least something answered.


    Focus Questions:


    Q: Can we get more information on what the class trees allow us to do? I recall that one of the examples for a skill or passive on a tree was the ability to taunt enemies. This got me really exited. If the class trees really take advantage of such RPG mechanics it will offer SO much complexity for combat. You'll really be able to make some truly challenging and deep boss fights with the more advanced roll structure, and allow for more of an emphasis on cooperation. Melding these concepts with the fast paced ninja action would truly create some of the most memorable gameplay of any game I've played in a long time.


    Q: What are the mechanics behind the focus state in game? Will is simply work with something like a 2 minute cooldown or will we need to build up a bar in order to activate it? Perhaps a mixture of bought? It would add a great deal of depth to combat if it involves a mechanic behind attaining the mode.


    Badlands Questions:


    Q: What are the incentives to encourage conflicts and political intrigue amongst clans? One top of that, what will stop a few clans from simply not charging a tax at all and simply becoming garnering all support from other players for the free service? It would certainly make sense to make the rails require an upkeep cost as well.


    Q: Why not allow for some Badlands only items? Perhaps starting out with materials that are used to craft special cosmetics wound be helpful. Or even have items that certain factions in Proxy Wars may want from the player. It's definitely another way to really stir more interesting situations.


    Q: (kind of a PvP question): What would you think of mixing in player invasions with solar rail conflicts? I think it would be extremely interesting to allow for two different ways to attack or defend a solar rail while it is in conflict.. A regular PvE mission but also a PvEvP type game mode. Something akin to the invasion and PvP system in the Dark Souls series. You can have a player choose to bring a item of some kind that would make the run count for more than usual, but when you do so you can only have yourself and one ally tag along. Other players can choose to spawn in with a set of weapons with the goal of incapacitating the carrier and taking the item they used to start the mission. Something like this could even just be integrated into a regualr badlands gametype.


    Dojo Questions:


    Q: Dojo 2.0 when? The dojo's need a large about of QoL changes.

    -An edit mode

    -The ability to "store" rooms instead of having to destroy them.

    -The ability to switch the places of rooms or just drag and drop them where you want in an edit mode

    -Applying all this to decorations

    -A physical version of the vault to access and use

    -Upgradable energy reactors and halls as to not waste as much space


    When will we see this?




    Q: Aside for the "origin of the Tenno questions" there is something else players are arguing over. Are we playing one character across the board with our Warframes or are we playing multiple characters? Game mechanics seem to say wait thing, while the characters and assets say another. The only thing that makes sense while encompassing everything is that the player has a group of Tenno that grows in number as they get more. A special group that works and grows together, as to explain the mastery system with this concept. Will we have this cleared up anytime soon tm?




    Q: I know that expansion on PvP is on the backburner for a while, but will conclaves be recieving some QoL sometime soon? Also are you listening to the feedback from there to work on it later?




    Q: How much research have the devs done on hubs in other games to try and get the HUBs well equip ed? Are they large? Do they have multiple floors? What kind of shops and services are there? Will there be random groups displays and events? SCHEDULED group displays and events? Basically, how much PSO 2 have the you guys been playing for your research? ;3




    Q: Mods aren't really cutting it for what you're trying to push them to be. Build complexity and customization can only go so far with them as they are set up. Especially with so many being seemingly mandatory. Do you think that it make be a good idea to introduce another set of items? Ones that do the job of being collectable, tradable, highly varied items for really altering the behavior and direction of our weapons and frames outside of straight stat increases? The mods as they are are indeed important for mimicking the gear progression with weapons, without actually having to replace our weapons. But we are missing the items are the deep stat adjustable/attribute adding and collectible loot for the game.


    Simply i just like this. +100

  9. Dear DE, I would really like it if you bring a weapon into the game and couple of update later, have the weapon nerfed. In a way, it's like a tease or a slap in the face. Making people rush to buy a weapon and to be downgraded after some updates. Please for future reference, please think twice before implementing such conduct. Many of your fans are not happy about it. Thank you.


    This called bait and switch dude. If you buy anything you can expect something for your money but it seems in Beta this rule is not work because of game developing by the time. So this is simply just s happen.

  10. Really?  Freaking really?  You are still doing this, even with the massive rage over U13 not being properly addressed?  Alright well, fine then.  It is what it is, even though 99% of Warframe players are PO'd about it.


    In the meantime, QUESTIONS.



    Will the Badlands be based off Region, or Globally addressed?  Personally, I feel the need for smaller regions to allow for more clans to have the diversity of being able to maintain a Solar Rail.  And because I am really afraid of 2 massive Moon clans monopolizing the entire thing, or a unification of shadow clans dominating the system.  I want my one little Mountain Clan of 125 to be able to hold a stake the system...without needing to play 24/7 to defend it from the 3 984 member Moon Clans that want to take over our Solar Rail for their own annoying purposes.  Is there going to be something to mitigate this, and give us all a chance to maintain a rail or will it be this mad dash for power?  Only to be won by 800 member Moon Clans???  I ask for balance, please...




    Where will we find the Kubrows?  The badlands?  Will we purchase them in the market?  Wouldn't make sense for us to build one with Ferrite and Control modules...They're animals.  Perhaps crafting a special collar or helmet to help to keep the Tenno's control over our lil pups?  I'd like some elaboration about them.  They look like a ton of fun, can we get some details pretty please?


    What happened to DE's apology?  In U11, when the void screwed up, Sheldon sent out basically an essay of apology, and the players were given gifts to try to help with the hurt of the changes.  This time, although the screw-up was 100x bigger, we got a 5-line half-explanation post from Rebecca on a megathread.  That doesn't seem quite enough after how well you guys have behaved in the past, treating your players with a ton of respect, but this time it seems like you forgot all about that.  That's why I love DE.  That's why I've stuck with Warframe for 13 months, even when it got dull.  I have hundreds of hours put into this game, instead of pullin' out when it got boring.  It was because DE, and Warframe is something special. Don't become the faceless corporate people you are trying to avoid by being your own publishers.


    Well if you think though the first if they lose their player base because of poor communication then the solar system become much smaller and clearer. "less player less clan".


    If we see this game still boredom and not really player friendly and they just ruining it mainly with the less performance updates. They are avoiding us from the begin only they just wait to the playerbase improving. They have poor ability of communicate things in time and sometimes they say easily no to everything and seems some suggestation and fan concepts going to the trash. The design council still useless and the majority of playerbase is free to player or occasionaly buyer so we can just notice and adress they again ruining something.

  11. The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.


    I can imagine how hard you as admin to say this. But nice that you know this happend and trying to do better and better. +1

  12. The devs need a notebook to make notes about how many times they failed because of poor communication. Well if i earn a little more money i swear i will buy to them a notebook.


    They need learn better or just say wait. That's almost enough and they can solve some problems. Now they just can give circus and bread with potato events which is broken. This is a real fail but this made me smile.

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