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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. - What if we try to combine the mod system with a skill tree system? The mod system is fun but kill the variety because have generic mods which no one will pass out from builds and still the build variety is low because the less mods we have and the utility vs damage problem.  Some mods are completely useless and not giving variation some have good abilities but have also bad and have some core mods which make the builds 80% and the rest is your desire. A skill tree system if completed and have dozens of variation to build your own character "more unique" ways than mod your weapon and just click and kill. 


    - Same with environment and the map low randomity ability. We also have problems with a lot of animation sets and so much thing still not used well enough to keep the interesting.


    - Back to the mods I think if you buff the old mods and try to more balance others and aura mods then still the problem is the same because in general way the mod system is built for constant improving and here is just only one question have : how hard your mod is? Other things just addition like how build a grakata or how to build up an orthos prime but it's still just improve a weapon and frame but there is no any skill. Skill is when you can avoid a dangerous situation by yourself or you can use more better moves in a battle or you are mor tact than others. This game still not more than a nice looking grind for nothing game but I don't say this game not improving or no have potential but not really use it.

    I like this game but hard to make constructive ideas if some peoples like or others not like your ideas because there is no one point which acceptable for all peoples. We can talk about advantages and disadvantages but mostly peoples react to everything by feels.

  2. I played both champions online, startrek online and a lots of other games from perfect world and some was okay some not but i know their market policy so this game will slowly turn into only pay to win and shape itself to their pricing. If this true and DE will sell their licence and they sell with it the game then the player base reduce drasticaly and maybe this going to kill this game. The chance to earn money and this game actualy popular so the Perfect world would be stupid if not try to make profit from buy this game and shape in their plans. As free to play games this or turn off the servers the two possible chance because cannot earn money. If Warframe turn into pay to play with a small fee then this game could make profit and the devs can develop the game in their way what they imagine but ofc the free to play make high population in every game because of word free. 


    So I hope they can search other ways to earn money and keep their game alive because there is no chance to be popular again if the PW acquire the title.

  3. Personaly I like to opening lockers and loot stuff, but that work in solo or private or with similar persons presense. The amount of loot is low because of RNG so sometimes better to rush than loot but that would be if I can play online without any stress and mates can wait or loot. Maybe if the amouns and rewards change in the future then it would be more worth to loot.

  4. Personally just ignore or avoid peoples whom like to arguing or want ruining my mood. Would be better idea to make in game communities where the same oriented tennos can meet and play together without this harsh and rude community which have now. Sometimes I just go solo or private because the lack of communication and the rusher-looter dilema. So many guy-lad cannot say a simple hello or hi after you do and some peoples try to leech your energy with stupidity. If you choose a clan that not automatic mean you have a group where everything is nice and everyone is kind with each other. 

  5. It seems that he only roams the forums to shun every bit of the game as much as possible. He's not even providing feedback. He literally just roams around the forums to find rant threads, so he can share his moaning with other annoyed players.


    I am not annoyed at all and ffar from moaning. I don't give feedbacks because others doing and some of constructive threads gone because of players whom saying I hate it, dont like it etc. So I stopped to do anything just playing. Don't judge if you not know the background.

  6. I can imagine this frame like a wisp. I like the idea to use pure energy and not only electricity. The two is different thing because the electricity is a part of energy but the energy mean more. Multiple ideas in same categories not problem i don't know what the uniquity if we just made 1 electricity frame and close the licence and no more same frames. I think that peoples want bad things and they all are think that's unique...

    Hail the diversity and keep it the good work mate!

  7. Szia Szilvi! 


    Hi fellow tennos! I am not a girl but I like the diversity of this player base and welcome fellow tenno ladies.


    My Favourite food is the Spinac with egg.


    My favourite frame is the Volt-Loki. Most of time I use them and really like their looks and skills. Sometimes survived harder missions just using my half ranked Loki. 


    PS : I like you girls and like your art Yui. Keep up the Good work!

  8. The final vote allways the devs because they work with the game and they can decide with their actual power what can do. They can decide that also if this game turn into single-multi or players given chance to make maps, mods, models etc. The council created for a plus layer filled with peoples who had enough money to help the game involving then this mean they should have also ability to vote or make chances and not what the devs want all the time. 


    First layer is when the community want changes and make suggestions and talk about lot of threads and then the DC decide about the picked themes which will benefit more and which less. Then the Devs make a poll which is almost all the time their "wants" but i am not member so this point is not sure and you can correct me with this. My opinion as usual buyer is everyone need a chance if interested in involving. Would be better to make a list which things old time suggests and what the future wants and then become plannable how the devs will add on.

  9. All status, resistance, utility mods need a balanced buff because then nobody will use them and they just stole a lot of space from drop table. They also need to make a different mod system or skill tree with every mod has own slot. Or they just need to give extra 2 mod slot to use utility mods also. 

  10. This line mean you can buy more platinum when you buy a pack. The yellow the discount this one just give you more plat with purchase. I prefer the discounts because then i can buy more platinum once with less money but this is almost equal you buy more with your money.


    PS: Would be good if mean you given +50 platinum with this. Free stuff is always welcome.

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