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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Depend on weapons. If you using dual secondary weapons then those need at least a doubled ammo capacity because they are eating faster the metal.


    As primary maybe only the grakata is but have others which would be nice if their ammo maximum improve a bit. 

  2. The  10 mod system was good on frames. If they wanted to solve the power creep then they could just turn that two slot into - utility only or they make a new mod group which contain the resistance-speedbost-other utility mods. 


    My idea the mod system is completely broken and they need to revive the skill tree and change their concept of making enemies because they aren't smart at all to stop us only they become hard bullet sponges. 


    Other hand who say powercreep - there is many many way to change the superpowerful mods and turn into moderate level mods like the useless ones or just make those useless mods viable and useful for players at least to decide I want them or not. Now nobody hands up and say yes I want that antitoxin.


    First we need a change in the armor and add elemental resistances then buff those mods which needed.

  3. My opinion is aklato because the simple lato after nerfing got a balance and now that's useful on mid levels but the aklato after nerf still that poor weapon. Actualy the cronus is much better than ever because of high damage it have. 


    Daggers yes some dagger like fang was awesome weapon with it's speed in damage 1.0 after dmg 2.0 just simply useless.

  4. Sad to see so many veteran retire. I can agree with your point the game by the time turn into again and again mindless grinding. The sad fact this game is a mindless grinding from the begining and this game just give you opportunity to grind how much you want. Don't wait for end game because this game created for continous contents which try to keep you in game.


    The lack of pvp the boring pve and poor Ai make this game boring if you play so far. The saddest thing is not the fact this game is just grinding that is the saddest this game could be more just never fix the old contents-performance and not try enough to improve the pvp and social part of game. This game will be ever beta in title but in reality this game was finished from the first time just they are improving and adding more and more content.


    Hope they will listen to the veterans and players whom want more than grinding.

  5. This game have potential to become much better but then they need to change their opinion and design conception. Some design in this game poorly added like weapons, frames, mods. Weapons with rank and the mastery rank still no have so much advantage only trading, reach weapons and some excavator. Some prime weapon or harder weapon no need a high mastery rank and some unbalanced "craaaaap" needs a high level. Some mods need stats and also the frame armor-resilient way need a visit. The engine is what have now but I think that for this game would be better a stronger engine which capable to handle more particles, less ragdoll and don't fall or stuck in the map. 


    The Ai can also be improve but that a lot of time and still they need make work groups what they want. Now they need to do this on 3 side + 1 project which need for the shareholders because of their money.


    I suggest the best fan artist and indie coders add to a team under work their control. Speed up the project and then they can add more polished contents like they do sometimes.

  6. I can imagine a rebalancing but there is a lot of mods are garbage and some just simply op and needed to any build. My opinion is if you want more teamwork in game then they need redesign the whole mechanics in game and make smarter AI but the smarter AI means so many time to work. Also the modding system kill the variety because only the question in this system you put your rainbow mods or not. If you want harder gameplay then you put on the garbage mods and that's all.


    Other major problem in this game the lack of communication and the repetitiveness. Many newbie leave the game before can reach anything and veterans always need new contents to feed them or they just leave also.


    The game and the engine is not balanced and really poorly optimized and they still use the open beta for make shiny contents over performance. I am a great fan of new frames and I like their works and also the fan concepts but maybe now the time here to solve some old bug and mechanical issues.


    Other and not less small problem that the devs doesn't know how to balance their game. It's okay that part we are testers but they haven't so strong ideas what they really want to do and some updates just give shiny contents with some changes and redose old ones.


    For example they added corrupted mods which makes you powerful and they reduced the normal mods which was in the older system good "still good the old one" but they also added just garbage "resistance" mods and they just did so many wrong design choices which makes peoples so fury. 


    I don't want judge also their xbox and ps4 project but that just slow down them to improve the game. They said so many times they aren't capable to do things now after the share solds they got a far enough money to hire workmates and they could spend more time to their game.


    They have also now a secret project which comes from the deal maybe the new shareholders want something new with their well known pay to pay system and now the devs need to work it on too. 


    A warframe 2 never will come because this game never will be other than open beta because of contents after contents "in says this will be a never ending story". Typical mmo strategy so the game can be saved by the critics and this will be finished when they feel they want to finish. This game is a good money source so this won't be ended. 

  7. My starter frame was loki and i handed well. Depend on curiosity how his abilities work and i often tested what he can do. The decoy very useful ability on him the invisibility also a nice with the extra damage so with a good gear that is very deadly but as begin also good for hide and seek. The switch teleport is useful ability also but after peoples called him troll because of use that ability titled troll and useless but a good loki player can fast switch own position or save mates from trouble. "This is depend on again other peoples maneuvre and mentality". Finaly the disarm is still good cc skill. 


    That consideration he haven't damaging skill and that's why out from the start is just bad. I saw many peoples who sucked so much as starter with mag and excal. The first step to teach the new players how they can use their frames and let them try to be creative. 


    More tutorial and communication.

  8. Hubs-relays, dojo improvements, swimming, new frame and prime, lot of new weapons, infesteds, maybe they fix some old bugs and so on.


    Personaly I would like to see some animation improvements and new poses. That would be good also if they already try to balance the useless mods and or improve their level and give usefulness or decrease the rainbow mods and try to other way balance the powers.

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