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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. Rare Resource Blueprints have been added to the Market!  Use these Blueprints to craft rare resources using more commonly acquired drops.


    100p... no, just no. Not worth it. Whoever is making the prices at DE should stop dreaming.


    They're one-time buys, and the building itself takes one hour.

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again--just give each Starmap node rewards that people will want to farm for specifically.

    Do, say, X number of runs of Terminus for reward A, Y runs for reward B and Z runs for reward C. That scatters people across the entire starchart and lets them pick and choose what they want to work toward.


    Drops like mods and resources could be A rewards, to ensure a suitable baseline for player progression regardless of account age. Prime parts could be B rewards, and then C rewards could be cosmetics and the like to give players reason to keep plugging away at specific missions.

  3. Tbh...only 1 thing is important....ALL the tilesets need to be available at all times, please. 

    Because normal tilesets disappearing for hours or days is unacceptable for me...I can understand shrinking nodes..but don't turn tilesets into a rotational thing, please.

    And I am also scared that it sounds like that even bosses will phase in and out. This means that working or school/studying people will end up not getting to farm frame X because he only came on rotation last tuesday...which is when you were at work/school and now it won't return for another week. 

    Please DE....careful...very careful.


    Everything is now Vauban. Every weapon, every frame, ever resource, every mod, every prime, every scan, every Synthesis target, every tileset, every enemy.

    EVERYTHING is now Vauban.

  4. I don't like the idea of not being able to farm for something specific--be it resources, boss drops, Codex scans, Synthesis targets, Warframe parts, Prime parts or anything else--because it's not "the right day" for that thing to be available.


    Given how the game works right now, what I've seen of these proposed changes feels as if the developers decided to add another few layers of RNG to the game in order to slow down player progression, this time concerning the very missions themselves.

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