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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. Now that we've got Cephalon Simaris and his Sanctuary, I think it's time to retire the Codex Scanner for good--and tie Codex progression into the "personal progress" part of the Ghostbusters-esque minigame we've got now.


    All we need is for the game to force-spawn the target if you're on the appropriate tileset, so as to ensure that we're not stuck searching for months on end, hoping for an ultra-rare Eximus type to spawn.

  2. Hmm. It's two types of pragmatism at war with each other.

    Release them at the same time, only have to mess with the drop tables and rest of the code once.

    Stagger the releases, spread out the content so as to keep the updates steady (See WoW's so-called "faster expansions") and the players engaged.

  3. Yes, though I think that they could do significantly more than just "use key X to get extra reward at the end of the mission". It will probably tie in a sub-objective, or at least something akin to the orokin derelict vaults.

    See, I'd prefer each and every node to have rewards associated with it. Perhaps you get a standard weapon part for X completions, a Prime part for Y times and a cosmetic if you're insane enough to do Z.

    That would get people out into the starmap.

  4. Still better than never, and even then, considering there was talk at Tennolive regarding bringing void rewards out of the void and to normal missions on the starmap, it's not hard to connect the dots, even though a lot of players seem to be struggling with it.

    Didn't Steve explain that as being key-locked as usual, with the difference just being the tileset and enemies?

  5. Removed items would be better served as starmap rewards.

    For example:

    Complete X standard node Y times for Z reward.

    Complete a planet-wide special challenge (Kill 100 Fusion Moa, etc) for a specific reward.

    Complete special Tactical/Escalation challenge nodes for specific rewards.

    Nothing needs to get shoved in a vault, and we might actually get people running nodes that aren't Themisto and Mimas.

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