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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. Recently I started playing Volt Prime in PvP to level him, and I've decided to stick with him.

    This is because I've been able to annihilate people by combining a charged shot from my Paris Prime with a Shock blast.

    It obviously feels good to use, but what's it feel like to play against?


    Does it seem overpowered, or does it seem alright given the cost (25 Energy and an arrow)?


    (And yes, I am aware Volt shoots lightning and not thunder :P)

  2. No?  What happened in Diablo?


    Bad RNG and rubbish loot forcing players to use the AH to get loot from Inferno if they wanted to ever have a chance at playing Inferno.


    It's not a problem with the existence of an AH.

  3. If all you have is your free Plat, spend it on two Warframe slots and maybe a kubrow egg (total cost 40 or 50).

    The egg lets you finish the kubrow quest without relying on RNJesus to throw you a bone.

    The two slots take you up to 16 max Revives a day (4 per frame you own), and let you keep one stealth frame (Loki), one Defense frame (Frost), one Hijack frame (Trinity) and one slot free for levelling and discarding.

    The above three frames will make clearing the starmap easier, even if there's nobody around to help.

    You don't need to buy Sentinel slots, as you can sell them or their weapons individually (Keep the Sweeper and DMR weapons, and the Carrier, Helios and Shade Sentinels). Keep two slots free for crafting/levelling purposes.

    As for weapons, keep as many things unclaimed in your foundry as you can--never know when another "throwing weapon only" Tactical Alert will happen. Keep three slots free--two for crafting dual versions, and one for levelling.

  4. Actually I believe there is a binding legal agreement for DE not to re-release the Founders items. Asking some of the Founders and DE themselves, and even the Mods, and you'll get your answer.


    Whether it's legally binding or not, the matter is entirely between Digital Extremes and their customers. The Chinese company have nothing to do with that agreement, and thus wouldn't be bound by any legal, well, bindings to that effect. The most DE could do is simply not make particular assets available for the Chinese company to use, or ask them not to use them. They couldn't outright stop them.

  5. But wasn't the exclusive founder items legally bound to those who purchased it?


    We don't own anything in this game, merely temporary access which DE have the legal right to revoke at any time (such as if they suspend an account). We had this battle already with game CDs--we don't own what's on the disc, we're just being allowed to borrow access to the software.


    Besides, even if there was a legally-binding agreement that the concept of "Excalibur Prime" was restricted to specific accounts only on the non-Chinese version of Warframe (as opposed to "that particular item known as Excalibur Prime, etc), the Chinese distributor most likely wouldn't be bound by those restrictions. "We didn't agree to those terms; they don't apply to us," etc.

  6. Sounds like when I got downed by a laser in Defense on Frost Prime the other day.

    Powers didn't work, neither did melee. Dying and reviving fixed it, though it took a while for the revive animation to finish--I thought it was another bug.

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