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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. All these showtunes, but... something's missing.

    Time to fix that.

    When a Tenno Isn't Playing for Enjoyment

    Originally: When a Felon's Not Engaged in His Employment

    When a tenno isn't playing for enjoyment

    He's grinding for the parts to make a prime

    His gaming starts to feel like employment

    And he feels like it's all a waste of time

    Our Void keys we're with difficulty using

    When there's reputation grinding to be done

    But then we only get cores for the fusing

    And useful prime parts of course we get none

    When there's reputation grinding to be done, to be done

    Useful prime parts of course we will then get none

    When the G3 farmer sees she's wasted hours

    When they spawn and only drop neurodes again

    She shoots her half-built Brakk an angry glower

    And questions why she even plays this game

    When the content is exhausted save the hardest

    And the only loot that's left Rotation C

    Well I then find myself in need of a good rest

    Cause I'm sick and tired of weighted RNG

    When there's reputation grinding to be done, to be done

    Useful prime parts of course we will then get none

    When against your will you start to drown in forma

    As opposed to things you actually do need

    You feel the will to keep going drain from ya

    And you feel like you never will succeed

    Though we maximise our key rewards by sharing

    And grind all night until we see the sun

    The mission end screen makes us feel like swearing

    Useful prime parts of course we will then get none

    When there's reputation grinding to be done, to be done

    Useful prime parts of course we will then get none

  2. More showtunes?

    More showtunes.


    Give me ideas for songs you'd like me to parody!

    Bonus points if the name lends itself to a Warframe-related pun (One of the reasons why I didn't do Let It Go like everyone else ever)


    Tenno in the Void


    Originally: Giants in the Sky


    The original is sung by Jack. Mine would be sung by whoever we'll end up having to save in Void Rescue missions.



    There are tenno in the Void!

    There are big tall terrible tenno

    in the Void!


    When you're in the Void

    And you look around

    At Orokin tech

    On the walls and ground

    Little more than a theft

    Is enough to keep you

    In the black for years


    When you're in the Void

    And your friends are dead

    Cause a laser trap

    Caught them in the head

    And you shouldn't be there

    And you feel the dread


    You're caught, and caged

    Too scared to feel enraged

    Ensnared by foes you never knew

    And don't care to

    When suddenly there's


    A big tall terrible tenno in the Void

    A big tall terrible lady tenno

    Looking annoyed

    And she heals you up

    And gives you a gun

    And she helps you get

    Toward extraction

    And you know things now

    That you never knew before

    Not till the Void


    Only just when you think

    That the threat is gone

    And she'll get you home

    Back where you belong

    Well the lights go out

    And you hear a long

    And creepy whispering


    And she stops in place

    And she looks around

    And she crouches down

    Making not a sound...


    And it's then that you think

    Death won't be slow

    Cause you know the name

    Of your unseen foe


    It's time to go

    Your saviour starts to glow

    And she starts to shoot

    Cause she sees him there

    And the muzzle flare

    Becomes a glare


    His health, depleted he falls and hits the floor

    He's gone, though he still lives and so he'll be back for more

    And he'll haunt you forever in your dreams

    Cause he knows your face and has time to scheme

    But you're still alive

    Only richer than before

    After the Void


    There are tenno in the Void!

    There are big tall terrible awesome scary wonderful

    tenno in the Void!


  3. I see what you mean about Hive missions, but I know full well that given multiple options for the same reward players will pick the easiest.

    The balance there would be in determining how many, say, Exterminates are worth a Hive for reward progression.

    And Syndicates are another thing. They need presence in the game world outside of alerts and relays. I'd like to see a complete story revamp for the game, with the Syndicates emerging over time--such as the Steel Meridian rising up to protect, say, the colony on Phobos the Grineer tried to hide.

  4. Sky's the limit. No sense getting rid of the Void, may as well make it part of the Starmap and give it its share of the completion rewards.

    If you know there's rewards for you in every tileset, you're far less likely to be bored silly by a single one.

  5. Would we even NEED Void runs? Simply tack on each new Prime part to a different Starmap node as a higher-number-of-completions reward and watch the groups form with the automatic matchmaking.

    Imagine that.

  6. I'm talking something like dozens of runs per specific mod, Rex.

    And honestly, if the acquisition of everything was guaranteed directly through gameplay, this game might not even need trading at all.

    Then DE could make each mod a unique reward and be safe in the knowledge that players who put the time in were guaranteed to get their Serration or Intensify.

    (Not to mention no ability to fuse, sell, transmute or trade mods, which would mean nobody could ever lose their Hornet Strike or Blind Rage)

    Obviously the better rewards would take progressively more completions of each mission or missions, perhaps even with Platinum-only purchases available if players were willing to put in a truly ludicrous number of runs.

    I suspect having mods level up through gameplay directly would also give us a means of turning wasted Affinity at 30 into something useful.

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