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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. Nice, but how would you handle the always expanding content? Levelling up mods via XP is a nice idea, but rewards tied to starmap nodes can be a bit tough because there arent tha't much. And on the same tileset, defense maps will be always the same, all the others are randomly generated, so it's only the matter of tileset and enemy drops what maps we are playing.

    Probably several mods per node. For example, you get the common mod at X wins, the uncommon one at Y wins and the rare one at Z.

    Or perhaps do it per planet instead and require more victories of any mission.

    Or have it just for non-endless missions.

  2. If the Magic PC games have taught me anything, it's that I like it when games handle the fiddly mechanics for me--such as calculating ever-shifting Power and Toughness values and telling me when I'm able to use a card's ability.

    But if Hearthstone has taught me anything, it's that I like it better when there aren't fiddly mechanics in the first place. I prefer the stability of Mana Crystals to being Land-starved or the opposite, Secrets to having to interrupt my opponents' turns to cast my Instants, etc.

    The removal of ability mods was a good change. No longer is my mod list full of duplicates for a polarity I only have a use for when a new frame is released, and I've found myself using abilities I would previously have ignored in favour of the one or two my builds had room for.

    But what else could be streamlined?

    Imagine if mods levelled up through use--there wouldn't be a need for Fusion Cores to exist then.

    Imagine if resources and mods were just end rewards instead of mid-mission lootables--never again would specific rooms make them unlootable, or the "fifty pickups at once" limit make them despawn.

    Imagine if the presumed Starmap revamp Scott alluded to went beyond spreading Prime parts throughout it. Imagine if each node had specific rewards tied to it for the number of times you completed it--Codex scans, resources, mods and even cosmetics--to prompt players to replay every level instead of ramming their faces into the same two tilesets again and again and again.

    Imagine if variants such as primes, vandals and duals were cosmetic changes for their base items--by the time we hit Mastery Rank 30, the weapon list in our Arsenal is going to be insane how it is now.

    Anyone else got any ideas?

  3. I never listen to any of this song

    Guess I'm too young :'(


    Surely you've heard Do You Want to Build a Snowman.


    Ah well, here's another song you likely have never heard of. It's from a play called Into the Woods. If all you've seen is the movie of the same name, watch the play on YouTube--so much of what makes the story important was cut for the movie.


    Ladies and gentlemen, this is Into the Void.

    LOTUS: Once upon a time--
    TRINITY: I wish...
    LOTUS: --in a nearby galaxy--
    TRINITY: More than Vandals...
    LOTUS: --lived a fair maiden--
    TRINITY: More than Primes...
    LOTUS: --a sad young lad--
    TRINITY: More than Wraiths...
    ASH: I wish...
    LOTUS: --and a primeless frame--
    ASH: More than buffs...
    TRINITY, VOLT: I wish...
    LOTUS: --or two.
    ASH: More than weapons...
    TRINITY, VOLT, ASH: More than content...
    BANSHEE: I wish...
    TRINITY: The devs have nerfed and broken me.
    VOLT, BANSHEE: More than patches...
    ASH: I wish...
    TRINITY: I wish for buffs to my powers--
    VOLT, BANSHEE: More than updates...
    TRINITY: --but mostly #4...
    ASH: I wish the devs would give me some love.
    TRINITY: BANSHEE: More than anything...
    VOLT: I wish we had some primes.
    ASH: Please, guys--
    BANSHEE: I want a prime...
    ASH: Don't tease, guys...
    TRINITY: I wish for my old Blessing back.
    ASH: I wish you'd fix my bugs, if just one ability...
    VOLT, BANSHEE: I wish we might have a prime.
    ALL FOUR: I wish...
    NOVA: You wish for buffs to your abilities?
    LOTUS: The poor girl's ultimate had been nerfed--
    NOVA: You, Trinity, buffs? You wish to have some buffs?
    NYX: What, you, Trinity, and buffs? Buffs?!
    FROST: What, you wish to have some buffs?!
    ALL THREE: Some buffs?! Some ability buffs?!
    LOTUS: And the devs had buffed in her place--
    NOVA: Ability buffs?!
    LOTUS: --some frames with powers of their own.
    NYX: Look at your #1!
    FROST: Look at your #2!
    NOVA: We'd be carrying you--
    TRINITY: Nevertheless--
    TRINITY/NYX and FROST/NOVA: I still wish for buffs/You still wish for buffs/She still wants those buffs
    ALL FOUR: To abilities--
    NOVA, NYX, FROST: And run some Void content?!
    LOTUS: All three were good in a team, but vile and black of heart. Ash, on the other hand, had no nerfs, and his clanmate--
    EMBER: I wish...
    LOTUS: Well, she was not quite a team player--
    EMBER: I wish my friend knew how to play. I wish the dojo to be built. I wish the research to be done. I wish the clan was full of life--I wish a lot of things...
    (To Ash) You foolish newb! What are you doing wasting your Plat rushing things?
    ASH: The faster I get things built, the faster I can level them.
    EMBER: It's a waste! How many times do I have to tell you? You'll run out of resources.
    BANSHEE: Why, come in, little girl.
    MESA: I wish... It's not for me, it's for my friends inside the Void. A T1 key, please--To bring my poor beleaguered friends inside the Void... just a T1 key, please...
    LOTUS: Trinity's clan leader had a surprise for her.
    NOVA: I have unbuilt the dojo for you. If you have rebuilt it again in two hours' time, you can play with us.
    MESA: And perhaps a T2 one?... or four?...
    TRINITY: People in Regional, people in Trading, Recruiting, Alliance, in Council and Clan...
    MESA: ...and a few of those 3s, please...
    TRINITY: Come, fair people, over from Trading, and Alliance, over regions, out of Trading and Clan...
    ASH: No, please, guys...
    TRINITY: Ahhh...
    [A crowd enters the dojo]
    TRINITY: Come, fair people, please join my clan. Rush the builds, but swiftly, build all you can, and then we've got...
    EMBER: Listen well, Ash. You've got to stop rushing builds.
    ASH: But, Ember, no--I want this stuff now--
    EMBER: Tough. Tough! You'll get it in three days. You'll run out of money, and we'll be no further forward than if you hadn't.
    ASH: But this dojo is my favourite place in this game!
    EMBER: Look around you! The dojo's empty of plenty, the room builds are all stilled, there's nothing researching and we're just resource searching--
    ASH: But--
    EMBER: Ash, we've no time to sit and grind, while other clans leave us behind--and no one wastes their Plat on rushing weapons! Sometimes I fear you're touched.
    MESA: Into the Void, it's time to go, I hate to leave, I have to, though. Into the Void--it's time, and so I must begin the journey.
    Into the Void and loading screens, to help my friends, to help my team.
    Into the Void to fight the corrupt--
    Into the Void to fight the corrupt--
    BANSHEE: You're certain you're ready?
    MESA: I have the gear, it's formaed twice, my friends are strong and very nice.
    The mobs will just die, the parts will fetch a price. I sort of hate to ask more, but you have a Tower 4?
    VOLT: Don't stray and don't be late.
    BANSHEE: And remember to key share!
    MESA: Into the Void and to my friends, defend the pod until the end.
    Into the Void, these keys I'll spend to get myself some prime parts.
    Into the Void to bring my skills to aid my team their foes I'll kill.
    Maybe we'll have the Stalker still. Friends at my side, that would be a thrill.
    But into the Void, into the Void, into the Void to fight with my friends and home before death!
    Trinity: Fly, friends, back to your ships, back to Recruiting
    And Trading and the relays and the--
    NYX: Hurry up and fix my mods, Trinity! Are you really using that?
    FROST: Here, build my Soma up for DoTs, Trinity! I'm too busy to do that!
    TRINITY: There you go.
    NYX: About time.
    FROST: I'm still better.
    NYX: Now my secondary.
    FROST: How many waves?
    TRINITY: First they said I'm good, then I'm viable
    But #4's unreliable. So have nerfs, Trinity, fix, Trinity
    Nerf fix nerf fix--
    NYX: Melee!
    TRINITY: What's the fix for being nerfed and never ever buffs
    And you're always just told "tough?" Never mind, Trinity, kind Trinity--
    Nerf fix fix kind fix nerf--
    NYX: [she turns and slaps TRINITY] Not crit spec!
    TRINITY: Sorry.
    NYX: Idiot.
    [FROST laughs.]
    LOTUS: Because Volt had lost his Rhino Prime in a research accident--well, at least that is what he believed--he was eager to have a prime of his own, and concerned that all efforts until now had failed.
    [Knock on the door]
    VOLT: Who might that be?
    BANSHEE: We have sold our last key...
    VOLT: It's the Valkyr from next door!
    [VALKYR enters]
    BANSHEE, VOLT: We have no keys.
    VALKYR: Of course you have no keys!
    VOLT: What do you wish?
    VALKYR: It's not what I wish. It's what you wish. [she points to the research terminal.] Nothing cooking in there now, is there?
    LOTUS: The berserker went on to tell the pair that she had cursed them with a Vault key.
    VOLT: What key?
    VALKYR: In the past, when you were no more than a newbie, your clan leader brought his friends and you to this dojo. They were decent players, but not decent people. You see, one of them built this room and she was impatient. She took one look at the colour research and told your leader that what she wanted more than anything in the world was...
    VALKYR: Research, to colour the walls
    Yellows, purples, oranges and indigos
    Amaranth and bittersweet and lavender and umber
    He said "All right," but it wasn't quite
    Cause I caught him poaching guildies to farm mats one night!
    VALKYR: He was stealing friends, for his own ends,
    Grinding his cerulean,
    Stealing all my burgundy and maxing out his mustard
    (I was flustered! That took ages!)
    I should have cursed him with that key right there.
    Could have crippled his speed, or his health, or his shields.
    But I let him have the mustard, I'd lots to spare
    In return, however, I said "Fair is fair;
    You can let me have the frame that this room will bear.
    And we'll call it square."
    VOLT: I had a Banshee?
    VALKYR: No. But you had a Zephyr.
    LOTUS: But the Valkyr refused to tell him any more of his Zephyr. Not even that she still existed. She went on:
    VALKYR: I thought I had been more than reasonable, and that we might all live happily ever after. But how was I to know what your leader had also stolen from my dojo?! You see, when I had inherited that dojo, my leader had warned me that I would be punished if I were ever to lose any of the... greens.
    VOLT, BANSHEE: Greens?
    VALKYR: The SPECIAL greens.
    I let him go, I didn't know he'd stolen my greens!
    I was watching him get back in his liset--!
    And then bang! Smash!
    Connection trashed!
    And--well, that's another story, never mind--anyway, at last
    The big day came and I made my claim
    "That took all of our oxium," they shrieked and screeched,
    But I did, and I hid her where she'll never be reached
    And your leader split, and the other quit
    When for extra measure--I admit it was a pleasure--
    I said, "Sorry, I still want one more hit."
    And I used a Vault key on them. You too, son.
    That your mission runs would always be damageless ones
    [Valkyr laughs]
    VALKYR: So there's no more thefts and there's no more scenes
    All my colours done--you should see the aubergine!
    But I'm telling you the same I tell the devs on-stream
    Don't ever never ever mess around with my greens
    Or I'll eat your spleens!
    EMBER: Now listen to me, Ash. Go into Recruiting and impress people with your skills. Make them want to recruit us. Are you listening to me?
    ASH: Yes.
    EMBER: Now what are you supposed to do?
    ASH: Go into Trading.
    EMBER, ASH: Recruiting! Not Trading.
    EMBER: Ash Ash Ash, wasting your cash,
    The dojo's always empty, this is not a time for grinding
    My game will crash, there's bugs with the cache
    The mobs are getting stronger, this clan's just trash
    The missions taking longer, we die in a flash
    And you can't just sit here building only gardens
    To wish and wait from day to day, will never earn you Battle Pay
    So into the Void, the time is now, we need that gear, I don't care how
    Into the Void to find a clan, you must begin the journey
    Straight to the Void and don't delay, we have to prove more than okay
    Into the Void or stay alone--
    ASH: Into the Void to lose my home--
    EMBER: Someday you'll have a real home, Ash.
    ASH: With gardens?
    LOTUS: Meanwhile, Valkyr, for purposes of her own, explained how Volt might restore his damage:
    VALKYR: You wish to have the key removed? A test for you, your skills to prove.
    Go to the Void and bring me back:
    One: The forma bright as light!
    Two: A mod as rare as gold!
    Three: The Stalker's rarest item!
    Four: The entire Soma Prime!
    Bring me these before the chime of midnight in three days' time,
    And you'll be able to grind, I guarantee, a Prime as perfect as Prime can be.
    Go to the Void!
    NOVA: Everyone, our key share awaits.
    TRINITY: Now may I play with you?
    NOVA: With us? Darling, those weapons! Darling, those mods!
    The dojo is one thing but darling, with those,
    You'd only make us all fail
    And waste all our keys!
    OBERON: The mission countdown begins.
    NOVA: We must be gone.
    TRINITY: Good night, Oberon. I wish...
    VOLT: Look what I found in the Chem Lab.
    BANSHEE: Six green pigments.
    VOLT: I wonder if they are the--
    BANSHEE: Valkyr's greens? We'll take them with us.
    VOLT: No! You are not coming.
    BANSHEE: I know you are fearful of the Void at night.
    VOLT: The key is on my frame. Only I can do this test. The key is on MY frame.
    BANSHEE: No, no, the key is on OUR frames. We must do the test together. The key is on OUR frames.
    VOLT: No. You are not to come and that is final. Now, what am I to return with?
    BANSHEE: You don't remember? The forma bright as light, a mod as rare as gold, the Stalker's rarest item, the entire Soma Prime--
    VOLT: The forma bright as light, a mod as rare as gold, the Stalker's rarest item, the entire Soma Prime...
    LOTUS: And so Volt, reluctantly, set off to meet Valkyr's demands. As for Trinity:
    TRINITY/VOLT: I still wish to get to play/The forma bright as light
    But how am I ever to get a group?/A mod as rare as gold
    I know! I'll make my own group/The Stalker's rarest item
    TRINITY/BANSHEE: And use my own key/The entire--
    TRINITY/VOLT: And I'll play Solo if need be/The entire Soma Prime
    TRINITY, VOLT: Into the Void, it's time to go, it may be all in vain you know. Into the Void--
    But even so, I have to take the journey
    VOLT, TRINITY, BANSHEE: Into the Void and loading screens, maybe alone or in a team--
    VOLT, BANSHEE: Into the Void to remove the key--
    TRINITY: Into the Void to play the game--
    BANSHEE: Into the Void to fetch the things--
    VOLT: To pass the test--
    TRINITY: To make the group--
    VOLT, BANSHEE, TRINITY, ASH, EMBER: Into the Void without regret
    The choice is made, the task is set
    Into the Void but not forgetting why I'm (you're) on the journey
    Into the Void to get my (our) wish
    I don't care how, the time is now
    EMBER: Into the Void to get a clan--
    ASH: Into the Void to make the friends--
    BANSHEE: Into the Void to get the Primes--
    VOLT: To pass the test--
    TRINITY: To play the game--
    MESA: Into the Void to play with my friends...
    Into the Void to play with my friends...
    ALL: I have the gear, it's formaed twice, my party's strong and very nice.
    The mobs will just die, the parts will fetch a price.
    No need to be afraid there--
    VOLT, TRINITY: Did the lights just die there?
    ALL: Into the Void without delay, but careful not to lose the way
    Into the Void, who knows what may be lurking on the journey?
    Into the Void to get the thing that makes it worth the journeying
    Into the Void--
    NOVA, NYX, FROST: To share the keys--
    ASH, EMBER: To get the clan--
    VOLT, BANSHEE: To pass the test--
    ALL: To share--to get--to pass--to bring--to play--to lift--
    To run all the content!--
    Into the Void!
    Into the Void!
    Into the Void, then out of the Void, and home before death!

    [song Breakdown]

    The Lotus takes the role of the Narrator--partially because I keep seeing people on the forums wonder if she's really got our best interests at heart and if we'll have to fight her at any point, and that ties in neatly with what happens during the play.
    Trinity is Cinderella. Nova is her Stepmother, and Nyx and Frost are her stepsisters Florinda and Lucinda respectively, and Oberon is her Father. Trinity's wish for a buff is based on my own experiences playing her--namely the dramatic change to Blessing. She finds that nobody wants to group with her any more.
    Ash is Jack, and Ember is his Mother. Ash wants bug fixes for his abilities, but is otherwise content playing the game at his own pace and messing around with his clan's dojo. Ember, on the other hand, wants to be able to participate in the bleeding-edge contents and events she's missing out on while her empty clan is dragging her down.
    Volt is the Baker, and Banshee his Wife, as both are researched from the same room--as well as Zephyr. They want Primes of their own, and the discovery that there's an Extinguished Dragon Key stopping Volt from being able to do the damage required to be able to grind any future Prime for either of them is what prompts their journey.
    Mesa is Little Red Riding Hood, and Valkyr is the Witch.

  4. I can't imagine the Queens being pleased with Hek's accomplishment, actually.


    We did lose more than half of our Relays, but Hek also lost approximately four Fomorians per Relay destroyed. He may consider this a victory for the Grineer, but I have the feeling the Queens will be less than happy about the results of this operation. Maybe Hek will get fired for this, or demoted?


    As for myself, I consider the event a draw, mostly. We lost most of the Relays, Hek lost most of his Fomorians.


    They'll probably replace him with Kela, given her rework.

  5. And it also doesn't specify that the mastery tied to the items isn't inherently separate from the items. Use your commonsense man, what items in the game that have mastery associated with them have been separated with that mastery to date? None. So until such a time that DE comes out and says or does something that indicates "items and their mastery are not necessarily intertwined" then conventional wisdom would say they are.


    I asked partially because the last time I saw this topic, people ended up wondering if a theoretical Aklato Prime would be fair game or not. Some argued that it would be because it would be a different item, whereas others argued that it wouldn't because the Lato Prime was exclusive and by extension everything surrounding the Lato Prime was exclusive as well.


    It made for interesting reading if nothing else.

  6. The affinity for said items is ALSO part of the Founders packs and as such will never be available


    You got a source on that one? Cause I'm looking at a screendump of the founder webpage and it's just got the landmark, the badges, the items, etc. Mentions nothing about the Mastery.

  7. And I say it again, these complaint would have never happened if the Wraith/Vandal/Dex had been skins, and if the events mods had been introduced normaly some 6 months after the events every time.

    We're going to need this at some point to clear up the weapon list. May as well combine all variants with their base forms as well, including single and dual variants.

    DE have already proven they have the means of refunding forma for removed polarities, and presumably they could refund potatoes too.

  8. I still say we need variants turning into model change options for their base items, if only to clear the clutter from the weapon list a bit.

    That would be a compromise here, too--the items wouldn't exist in the Codex or Profile any more, but nobody who had them would lose them.

    They'd just take a different form but still look like they should.

  9. I just started the mission in a group with a couple of friends.


    The only buttons I could press to do anything were Q, T and V. Even Esc didn't work. I was able to chat without hindrance upon pressing T.


    I was able to pilot my liset on the post-mission loading screen, but had to force-close and reopen Warframe to be able to control my frame in the liset itself.

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