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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. From what I can gather, we gain reputation with a Syndicate by putting on their sigil and then running random missions they probably have no reason to give a damn about. Why would any of them care if I ran thirty Tower 1 Void Defense missions?


    I think the different Syndicates need to have territory in the solar system that we can run missions in for our faction of choice; otherwise it won't feel (a) like we're working FOR a Syndicate, or (b) that we're working AGAINST the others.

  2. This took longer than it should have, but I was determined to get it done after watching Prime Time 46.

    Blame Megan if you must. :P




    Oh, my, god. Megan, look at Glen's gun.

    It is so big. [scoff]

    It looks like one of those full-size shotguns.

    But, you know, who ever uses shotguns? [scoff]

    I never take them, because, my Sweeper uses those mods, 'kay?

    I mean, that Brakk, is just so big.

    I can't believe it's just so powerful, it's like, strong, I mean— gross. Look!

    It's just so... OP!


    I like shotguns and I can not lie

    You other tenno can't deny

    That when a Nyx shows up with a Boar in your face

    And a Pyrana just in case

    You get owned, wanna pull out your Dread

    'Cause you're loving them crits of red

    Thanks to your chaining Void runs

    Got six forma in all your guns

    Oh baby, I wanna grind witcha

    I'll never ditch ya

    My clanmates love that Boltor

    But this Hek I got helps me to slaughter

    Ooh, latest Prime gear

    You say you gonna kill more mobs?

    Well, 'scuse me, 'scuse me

    But I ain't that average newbie

    I put the boot in

    When I get to shootin'

    I got style, speed

    Gotta keep up to succeed

    I'm tired of rifle types

    Sayin' Soma or go home

    Take the average shotgun and mod it right

    It's gonna ruin their night

    So, tenno! (Yeah!) Tenno! (Yeah!)

    Has your shotgun got the goods? (Hell yeah!)

    Gotta shoot it! (Shoot it!) Shoot it! (Shoot it!)

    Shoot your favourite gun!

    Baby got Brakk!


    Baby got Brakk!


    I like to fight, up close

    And when it's me an' my bros

    I just can't help myself, I'm doin' mad parkour

    Check your waypoint marker

    I wanna run that Vault

    And yeah, Vicious Spread, yeah, yeah

    I ain't talkin' bout Heavy Cal

    Cause rifle mods go to my Dethcube pal

    I want it up close an' personal

    So grab your Strun or Phage

    And gird your rage

    We're gearin' up to engage

    So I'm lookin' at all our foes

    Crazy armies comin' to blows

    You can have them armies

    I'll keep killing my enemies

    A word to the guys like Darvo, now son you're my bro

    But betrayal's a no-go

    If you sell me out to your dad Frohd Bek

    Your faces I'll wreck

    This gun got some awesome tech

    From the guys sent by Vay Hek

    'Cause them G3 think I'm so weak

    Cause I fight like hide and seek

    But they're wrong, cause I'm strong

    An' I got the gun from this song

    So, Grineer! (Yeah!) Grineer! (Yeah)

    If you still think I'm just playin' here (Yeah!)

    Then come along! Prove me wrong!

    Bring the strongest of your strong

    Baby got Brakk!


    Baby got Brakk!


    So your girlfriend rolls an Ember, bringin' aerial death with Zephyr

    But Zephyr ain't built for melee, not like the badass Valkyr

    Her Hysteria will kill you

    Nothing you can do, to

    Stop all the close-range murder

    She hits like a steel girder

    Some brothers wanna play with Rhino

    And hide behind their skin of gold

    But it's just there for protection

    'Fraid I have to raise an objection

    Some players say we're bad

    But I just think they're mad!

    See our playstyles differ so you'd better not bicker

    Just 'cause our damage ain't bigger

    To the weaker names on the lista' frames:

    'Fraid you ain't my style!

    Give me a tank, without swank

    An' all the enemies I'll shank!

    I don't hate rifles, no

    Got a pimped out Soma, bro

    It's great but it's not my style

    Want a change once in a while

    So tenno, if you love your gun,

    Don't have to explain to no one

    Dial 0800-DPS

    And kick that damage out

    Baby got Brakk!

    Baby got Brakk!

  3. Braton and Lato Vandal are closed beta exclusives. They wont be coming back. Same as the Founder gear.


    Was there something saying "these items won't ever return?"


    As for myself, I want all variants--Prime, Dex, Wraith, etc--to become cosmetic skins and model changes for their base variants. Then Mastery can be almost entirely balanced between players, and when it's finally sorted out there will hopefully not be any topics about Focus leading to maximum player power differences.

  4. This doesn't sound as bad as when it was described a few months ago, what with the company everyones really considered about (PWE) not having any real influence over the game. Overall, I'm hopeful to see how this'll turn out.


    I've heard "we'll be fine, they'll leave us alone to do our thing, trust us" before. It's never ended well.

  5. [Mastery]


    Let's see some more Mastery-locked Market items.


    [Events: Disliked]


    I dislike not being able to do events at my own pace, which I imagine also contributes to other players' complaints about burning out on tilesets, enemies and mission runs.


    I believe each and every event should be added to the Starmap permanently, with their rewards also available permanently. Then players can run them at their leisure! If they want to run that particular node for their reward a hundred times in a day, let them! If they want to spread it out over a period of months, let them!


    They'll only have themselves to blame if they burn out in search of goodies, and content that goes away again is a waste of development time, money and resources.

  6. I thought this one would be easy, but as it turned out the timing was all over the place.

    Hopefully I've not done too bad a job.


    Ah well. Enjoy!




    Everybody's looking for great content

    One patch that makes them want to weep

    And when you look at your friends' faces

    You see them smile at what they seek


    Some find it in the hard-fought battles

    Some find it in the grind itself

    Who can deny the joy it brings

    When your Foundry builds that thing

    You're flying with Archwings


    Some find it with their favourite weapon

    Some in a clan so full o' friends

    You'll find it in the livestreams constant

    Redtext there with jokes about rear ends


    You'll find it in your faithful kubrow

    In Ordis freaking out at Vor

    And when Update 15 goes live

    This game is gonna thrive

    You're flying with Archwings


    So, impossible as it may seem

    Devs want to make the ZoE fans scream

    I hope it rules, that game was so cool

    And the concept was neat


    Well, for me it's mowing down countless foes

    I love this fantasy of power

    To know that I can blow off my steam

    No matter what the day or hour


    It's when I hear the devs' excitement

    And see the love for their own work

    And it's like flying with Archwings

    I play, I like and sing

    I'm flying with Archwings


    We've all got what we love the most

    Tenno 'cross land and coast


    I'm flying with Archwings

    I hope you keep playing

    I'm flying with Archwings

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