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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. I disagree with any kind of trading for the Brakk, parts for parts or no.


    It's just too powerful of a weapon to have a 'convient' way to acquire it.


    Convenient? It just means someone else got all or some of the pieces, and you had something they wanted in exchange.

    It's no different to trading for anything else in this game.

  2. What we players and the devs and community staff themselves deserved was for one of the suits who agreed to even consider this deal with PWE to have been the one who had to come onto the forums and tell the customers what was happening.

    But no. They left Rebecca and Steve to take the inferno of player anger right in the face--people who are upset over the future of their own jobs, and then had to put on brave faces for PT and now the Devstream.

    They're utter cowards, those suits, and they're the only reason I now regret spending money on this game.

  3. Normally I wouldn't have bothered with this because the idea didn't grab me and I couldn't think of a witty song title either (The same reason I didn't end up parodying Let It Go like everyone else on the Internet), but sod it--other songs have caused me more than enough hassle with trying to get the timing right that a simple, consistent one is a relief.




    Shooting my Brakk in the enemy's faces

    Killing enough to exterminate races

    Crafting the weapons that each new patch brings

    These are a few of my favourite things


    Scanning the Stalker and hoping I don't die

    Getting what I need from stuff on the first try

    Getting ideas whenever a host sings

    These are a few of my favourite things


    Firing my Ogris and not dying as well

    Hoping all of these words I manage to spell

    Chilling with my kubrow living like kings

    These are a few of my favourite things


    When it's Boar Prime

    When I can't rhyme

    When I'm playing bad

    I simply remember my favourite things

    And then I don't feel so sad


    Racing to catch up to my fellow players

    Hoping our targets have said all their prayers

    Wincing when I crit as that damage stings

    These are a few of my favourite things


    Charging through lasers with my Iron Skin on

    Running the Void and then finding some Argon

    Jumping around like Excal's wearing springs

    These are a few of my favourite things


    Levelling all of my gear to thirty

    Killing the Grustrags when they get too shirty

    Using Dread, hearing the twang of the strings

    These are a few of my favourite things


    When it's Boar Prime

    When I can't rhyme

    When I'm playing bad

    I simply remember my favourite things

    And then I don't feel so sad

  4. I understand.


    Yeah, it's unfortunate. Legal issues always cause the most headaches, especially since the players are likely to lump all of DE in together when doling out blame and abuse, and it's always the people innocent of whatever was going on who get it in the neck first. For example, Rebecca, this is a business issue, and yet it fell to people like yourself and Steve--people I've seen get legitimately excited over Warframe's content--to try and quell the community unrest.


    It sucks that the people who dropped you guys in the fire aren't the ones who had to address the community. Thanks for everything you guys have done for us so far, and I'm sorry you're having to bear the brunt of so much hate at a time when "will I even have a job?" is inevitably going to be one of your chief concerns.

  5. Only the fact that DE(L) and PWE entered a non-binding agreement, in which DE(L) has a maximum of forty days to decide whether to seal the deal.

    And the mere fact whoever at DE even agreed to that given PWE's track record, is proof that person or those people are only focused on the money.

    Hence why I said the deal's a done thing. Either that or they went ahead without looking PWE up, which is just as scary a prospect.

  6. I'm just throwing crazy ideas out there. My goal is to find a way of reducing or removing the reliance on RNG in favour of grind.


    Grind provides the player with measured progress, and provides the developers with the assurance that players after the rewards offered by a single piece of content will both more likely stay the course (because they can always see themselves making progress) and that each of those players will experience the content for at least X duration.


    RNG harms everyone. The players who never get what they're after risk burning out and deciding "screw this, I'll play something else," and the players who get something first time around could end up only visiting whatever content it is once or twice, thus rendering all that development time, effort and resources a waste of money on that player.

  7. i like to say that OK-cells are not OK in the void , and DE needs to fix there void  tables - alot of people aren't  logging in cause they feel there no point / no way to get those shiny prime parts atm 


    What I think we need is a system that has protection in place to prevent RNG from screwing players over forever.

    I tried to design such a system earlier today that covered many things, part of which was how new players just couldn't get their hands on certain mods.


    -The Idea-


    Each node on the Starmap has specific items associated with it. Enemies no longer drop anything at all (which helps prevent the issue of things falling into unreachable places).


    Resources only come from Extractors. Each planet (and the Void and Derelict) provides one and only one resource, guaranteeing that players find what they're after, but the harvest time differs depending on what that resource is. Forma and Potatoes come from the Void and Derelict respectively, but the former takes a week to harvest and the latter a full month. Don't want Nano Spores? Don't deploy your Extractors looking for them then.


    Each time a player completes a node, they receive a Fusion Core. How good the Core is depends on the mission level.

    Every TEN times they complete a node, they get its associated mod.

    Every FIFTY times, they get its standard equipment part.

    Every HUNDRED times, its Prime-level part.

    At FIVE HUNDRED clears, they get its cosmetic item.

    At ONE THOUSAND clears, they get a one-time bonus depending on the node (a Warframe slot, a Weapon slot, a Sentinel slot or maybe a small quantity of untradeable Platinum).


    ^ All numbers are clearly final and would never ever be changed for balance purposes.


    Also, fitting the 300+ mods we have currently into the 200+ starmap nodes would either require some of the less useful mods getting the axe, or simply holding off on them until the starmap gets expanded. Alternatively, they could be placed into the reward structure above to pad out the "prime" and "cosmetic" layers.

  8. Well first we'd have to see how you even acquire these ships parts to begin with, for all we know each part could be RNG based and ya... you know how that goes.


    After reading a couple mposts and remembering what U14 was mostly for, i imagine it's not gonna take long to build a ship, because basically U14 is Tutorial 2.0


    Yeah, there's no way it'll take too long to get your Foundry back online, considering new players will need to have it ready and working to build the Seer and Cronus extremely early on.

  9. At least if they had really low droprates then if you get a Prime part at all, it's going to be what you were looking for.

    And if DE don't do anything like that because a lot of people have everything already and therefore it doesn't really affect them, then nothing will ever get changed.

    So let's see... reasons to go back to each node if you've gotten that node's Prime part... really low chances for frame/weapon slots, perhaps?

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