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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. Trading allows the people who have the time and energy to deal with horrible Void RNG a purpose to doing so after they get what they need for themselves.

    Trading should be expanded so they can also turn a profit farming Oxium or helmet blueprints or Brakk parts or whatever else.

  2. Actually, now I've had time to think on it, it's not like the Mastery involved needs to be given away right away.

    Instead, say you got it as a reward for clearing the whole starmap as it stands now.

    And as for restricted access to higher ranks, there will be moments in time--for weeks, even months at a time--when exclusives DO make the difference between Focus levels.

  3. The Brakk is different, it doesn't have a guaranteed drop like the detron does. I was proving that the detron is pretty easy to obtain, but the brakk on the other hand is a pain to get since you don't have that guaranteed drop and are playing the RNG game when you kill them. Since I never mentioned the brakk in my post you quoted it would be nice if you didn't try to put words in my mouth, it will make you look stupid.


    And I'd appreciate it if you didn't intentionally misrepresent my argument. There will almost certainly be players out there cursing every time they kill the Harvester and it doesn't drop the Detron Receiver--the last part they need--for the twentieth time.


    "I've got an even spread of Detron parts, but I'm not going to sit here and claim that because I didn't have a problem, that meant nobody else did."

  4. Noamuth, the problem will come with Focus since it will dictate player power and this game is getting more PvP and competitive PvE content.

    At some point, exclusives and removed items will determine whether a player can reach the max available rank of power or not.

    And for all we know, each Focus rank could give a massive power boost.

  5. ...before DE deem my efforts acceptable enough for me to actually acquire the Brakk Barrel?


    I don't know how many missions I've done trying to face them, nor how many times I've killed them now, but what I do know is that I now have eight component drops wrested from amid a sea of neurodes and mods.


    Sadly, not one of those is the Barrel; five are Blueprints and three are Receivers.


    Meanwhile, I have a balanced spread of Detron parts--two Barrels, two Blueprints and one Receiver. One more Receiver and I can be ready for a potential Dual Detron. So why am I not allowed the same courtesy with the Brakk?


    I can't trade the parts to someone with a surplus of Barrels who might not have a Blueprint or Receiver, Credits are worthless to me so selling them is a pointless activity, and clearly even sacrificing goats to RNGesus isn't going to work as I'm just going to end up accumulating things that aren't the one damn item I need to actually build the gun!


    Throw me a bone here, DE. Is that too much to ask for?

  6. Thing is, RNG only drives people away from games.


    At least with a grind-based system, you know how long each piece of content will last each player if they want all the rewards. That's why the Gradivus Brakk was easier to acquire than the current one--players knew that if they did a hundred missions, they'd get the weapon.


    With RNG, though, players will get stuck on some pieces of content and blow through others. That means the content they blitz, they never have to see again, which makes the development time and money spent on making it worthless for them. On the other side of the coin, the content they can never seem to get what they want from, they get bored of because they're never progressing, and then it only goes downhill from there.


    Even if DE just implemented a smart loot mechanic or scaling drop rates that eventually hit 100%, that'd be better.

  7. So an invasion just popped up, for what I think is the first time this weekend.

    I did my five runs, got marked again, and... I don't want to do it.

    All I need is the barrel, but it's clearly never going to drop for me.


    It wouldn't be quite as bad if they always dropped a part, or if there was a smart-loot system that made sure I always got the parts I needed after X kills, or if I could trade what I have for what I need, or if I could guarantee a spawn somehow.


    This is actively making me not want to play the game.


    Edit: Got a spawn, too. Just neurodes. What a joke.

    Edit: Ugh.



  8. Speak for yourself. Many players, including myself, found the part separation for both weapons nothing short of infuriating.


    True. The Brakk has more than enough RNG associated with it as it is.

  9. I have no idea how many runs I've done, trying to get the Brakk.

    What I do know is that it's way, way more than anyone ever had to do during Gradivus.

    And that's not a good thing; it's pissing me off, because there's about seven or eight different layers of RNG on this one, and those people got a damn welfare weapon AND start crying about it coming back.


    Of the few G3 spawns where they actually dropped a Brakk part and I didn't suffer a game-breaking bug stopping me from collecting the drops and completing the mission (Gotta love half-closed doors and Host Migration problems), I've had two Receivers and a whopping FIVE Blueprints.


    Meanwhile, I just got the parts to build a second Detron for myself, and I never farmed for the Harvester.

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