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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. The moment you're playing for the drops rather than the enjoyment of the game, you've already lost. Doing something you don't want to do for a reward isn't playing, it's work.


    There are many systems that incentivize playing the same thing over and over again. RNG, token systems, etc. They all are there to get you to spend more time doing the same thing, to squeeze more game time out of the same content.


    If you're playing ONLY for drops, you should stop playing and do something more valuable with your time.


    I'm not playing only for drops. I enjoy playing the game.

    Doesn't mean I can't call out bad game design when I see it.

    The Void especially seems designed to make players want to play other games instead.

  2. The thing is, RNG is terrible game design even when it works in your favour. Grind is much better.


    Because if you get whatever it is you're after too quickly, you move onto something else and all the development time, resources, money and effort spent creating whatever content was in that particular level or area goes bye-bye.


    Grind, however, is sort of a contract between developer and player. The developer gets to dictate how long a player has to stay in a particular part of their game if they want what comes out of it, in order to make the development process for that area worth it. Meanwhile, the player knows they don't have to stay any longer than X length of time before they get what it is they're there for.


    RNG systems with upper limit mechanics are sort of like that, but there's always the risk the player can move on right away if the numbers roll in their favour.


    Prime trading, as much as I like it for breathing new life into the game economy, was only a workaround for horrible Void RNG and droprates--for an RNG system with no upper limit mechanic.


    What this game needs is grind--the ability for a player to go into a particular piece of content and know that at worst, even if all the RNG systems go against them, there will inevitably be a moment in time when they will have everything that particular level has to offer. We can't do that in Warframe.

  3. It starts out innocently enough. "Oh dear, better luck next time!" It makes you want to try again. Then before you know it you've stopped wanting to play the game because there's no point wasting your time trying to get what you want if the game is just going to keep giving you the middle finger in return.


    So the developers implement an "upper limit" mechanic, that restricts how many times you have to run a particular piece of content before you get what you're after. You know that even if the game's coding dictates to you that your luck is of inferior quality, that your perseverance inevitably will be rewarded.


    Warframe doesn't have that mechanic.


    So Void runs become pointless, because what drops is always the same item you stopped needing months ago. Layer after layer of RNG cause you to doubt the Brakk's existence, as the Grustrag Three vomit Neurode after Neurode into your lap with disdain.


    You get bored of having your luck dictated to you. You find yourself not wanting to play the game--not wanting to log on, even--because there's no point because you'll never get what you're after.


    You start playing other games. You start giving other companies your money.


    You don't go back. Why would you? You know full well what will happen if you do. Sure there may be new stuff to do, but you'll end up stuck in the same spot down the line--stuck running one or two specific bits of content to get something that actively refuses to drop for you.


    Eventually you change your mind and try going back, inspired by advice to just play the game normally. Apparently you'll get whatever it is you're after organically. You're told to "just stop caring about it."


    So you do. And you never see that thing you wanted ever again, because you stop actively maximising your chances, because RNG is horrible game design when it doesn't come with safeguard mechanics.


    And because you never see that thing again, never see the content it comes from, the development time, effort, money and resources spent making it become wasted on you.

  4. If it can't be removed from the Founders, then it could be added to everyone, so everyone gets the benefit of having levelled all removed and exclusive items to 30. The only "downside" to this that I can see is that players will start with enough Mastery to hit rank 3 or something.


    Honestly, after thinking about it, I don't care if someone gets a stat boost from X item I'll never get--it's not like I don't have access to powerful Primes of my own.


    It's when they have access to power levels I can't reach, that's when things get irritating.

  5. You assume that the founder's gear issue is still an issue. It's not. DE is standing firm on the no-release decision. Move on.


    Does nobody actually read my posts before replying? Here, I'll quote the most important bit for you.




    My plan won't give anyone access to anything they didn't have access to anyway, other than the three re-added items I just mentioned, none of which are game-breaking.


    Those three items? Ether Daggers, Machete, Snipetron. I wouldn't be getting the Founders' gear; this plan merely renders the Mastery difference for unavailable items null and void, which takes away all possible gameplay problems present and future caused by having weapons not everyone can get.


    In other words, you'd have the Lato Prime skin if you were a Founder of the appropriate rank, the Gorgon Wraith skin if you'd done Tethra's Doom well enough, etc. The Machete and Snipetron would have to be made available again because their alternate forms were also removed, and the Ether Daggers don't have one anyway.

  6. I also like to propose that ALL the Primes be released simply as skins, with no power bonus associated with them. Let them behave as alternate model-swaps for the guns, keep them rare, make them a status item, not a gameplay item.


    I'd like to see this happen for all Primes, Vandals, Wraiths and even the Ak/Dual versions of weapons.

    It'd clean up the weapon list a bit, if nothing else.


    If this happens, then there's only three items that would need to be made available once again for absolute parity of maximum Mastery between all players--the Ether Daggers, Snipetron and Machete (The latter two because their alternate forms are also unavailable). That would completely fix all the gameplay issues relating to removed items.

  7. Your counter-argument can be boiled down to "You've done more work than me but that doesn't mean you should get the same stuff."


    You mentioned the Braton Vandal, which was available for no effort whatsoever during a part of the open beta, then tried to argue it would be unfair to re-release it even if players had to put in more effort to obtain it than the people who bought it from the market for 1c.


    I don't think I can debate against your argument, but that's not a good thing--it just means I consider your opinion ridiculous.

  8. how would you think they would feel if people from the now were able to get the same weapon but all they had to do is farm a weak boss for it?


    Don't care. I've pretty much given up trying to be reasonable and reach compromises to balance gameplay without removing anyone's precious exclusives, considering all I get in return are screams of "NO NO NO BADDIE BAD BAD."

    It's like there was a damn pact made when I joined this forum, where a bunch of posters made it their sworn duty to scream "NO!" at every suggestion I ever make.

  9. This illustrates the other side of this.  Do you people want to turn DE into liars?


    Allow me a moment of pedantry, just because I'm curious. Does anything specifically, categorically state which items (Minimum two, obviously) fall under the domain of "exclusive items that will never be available again"?


    We all know it refers to everything in the package. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here.

  10. I a member of team greedy milk have to watch other player get the same gun with less work


    Oh hell no.

    You played a hundred invasions for a guaranteed weapon.

    I throw myself at the mercy of RNGesus every time I try for the Brakk, battling layer after layer of RNG only to fail time and time again. I've done more runs than you, and I've never seen a single barrel.


    Your Brakk is the welfare weapon here.

  11. They can give you an Excal-Prime-named-something-else with the-pimpest-skin-that-ever-did-pimp and they can let the Founders keep their Excalibur Prime which they paid for. 


    Oh for the love of--


    Whichever way, then. I said it the way I did in order to counter what I thought were inevitable claims of "Why doesn't the Founder version have the pimptastic skin?!"


    And in related news, this forum has hit a new low. I make a topic talking about balancing Mastery by making Primes, etc, the equivalent of alternate helmets for their base weapons--a plan that would require re-adding a grand total of THREE items to the game on account of their alternate versions ALSO being removed (Snipetron, Machete, Ether Daggers)--and I get accused of "wanting exclusives I need to shut up about."

  12. It fixes the Founder gear issue, as then people are just arguing over skins.

    Unless of course DE make the Founder Primes better--as I heard that was their plan for all Primes

    In that case, the Founder gear can have new skins, the existing Excal/Lato/Skana Primes can be released into the Void, and they can both have the same stats.

    That should please everyone--Founders keep their exclusives and get revamped skins, Excal fans don't lose out, and nobody has a stat advantage that other players can't get too.

    stop being butthurt that you cant get exclusives

    Someone clearly didn't read the last paragraph of my original post.

    Not like mastery rank adds anything, so i dont understand whats the problem here.

    Fixes potential problems with Focus before it goes live.
  13. This has been explained multiple times in this thread.

    People have been indicating that DE wants Primes to be significantly better than there non-Prime counterparts. Excalibur Prime presents a challenge.


    Rename Excal Prime something else and give him the pimpest skin that ever did pimp.

    Release Excal Prime with the original skin into the Void. Give both the Prime and the Pimp versions the same stats.

    Founders keep their exclusive item/skin/whatever, Excal fans get to stay competitive in the Prime war, and other than Mastery, nobody has a stat advantage.

  14. I know I've mentioned this before in other topics, but it's about time I fleshed it out properly and gave it its own topic.


    Problem 1: Between the various versions of each weapon available, there's simply too much stuff cluttering up the whole list--stuff that could be condensed to save space.

    Problem 2: Exclusive items that grant Mastery result in a disparity between the maximum available for different players, which will result in a power imbalance that could last a matter of weeks each time Founders hit a new level of power after the Focus system is released, depending on how much the rate of new releases slows down.

    Solution: Combine items that make sense. For example, Ankyros and Ankyros Prime would just become one item--Ankyros--with the Prime item becoming an alternate skin. The Affinity for both weapons would be combined up to the cap of level 30, which would cut the maximum Mastery available from those two weapons to just 3000.

    This would fix the GAMEPLAY issues caused by having removed and exclusive weapons, while neither giving nor taking away anyone's Founder gear.

    Counter: But what about all the time I've spent levelling and polarising my Prime items!

    Solution: Here, have a forma for each time you polarised something that my plan ends up removing.

    This is what the list of frames, weapons, etc, would look like if the change goes live:




    Ankyros (Ankyros Prime)





    Boar (Boar Prime)

    Bolto (Akbolto)

    Boltor (Boltor Prime)


    Braton (Braton Prime, Braton Vandal, MK1-Braton)

    Bronco (Bronco Prime, Akbronco, Akbronco Prime)

    Burst Laser

    Burston (Burston Prime)



    Ceramic Dagger


    Cestra (Dual Cestras)


    Dakra Prime

    Dark Dagger

    Dark Sword



    Deth Machine Rifle






    Dual Cleavers

    Dual Ichor

    Dual Zoren

    Ember (Ember Prime)


    Ether Daggers

    Ether Reaper

    Ether Sword (Dual Ether)

    Excalibur (Excalibur Prime)

    Fang (Fang Prime)

    Flux Rifle


    Frost (Frost Prime)


    Furis (Afuris)


    Glaive (Glaive Prime)

    Gorgon (Gorgon Wraith)





    Heat Dagger

    Heat Sword (Dual Heat Swords)





    Jat Kittag

    Jaw Sword

    Kama (Dual Kamas)







    Laser Rifle

    Lato (Lato Prime, Lato Vandal, Aklato)

    Latron (Latron Prime)


    Lex (Aklex)


    Machete (Machete Wraith)

    Mag (Mag Prime)


    Magnus (Akmagnus)










    Orthos (Orthos Prime)

    Pangolin Sword

    Paris (Paris Prime)



    Plasma Sword

    Prova (Prova Vandal)

    Reaper Prime

    Rhino (Rhino Prime)






    Sicarus (Sicarus Prime)

    Skana (Skana Prime, Dual Skana)

    Snipetron (Snipetron Vandal)





    Strun (Strun Wraith)









    Twin Gremlins

    Twin Vipers (Wraith Twin Vipers)



    Vasto (Akvasto)








    If my numbers are correct, that cuts the list of available Mastery-giving items down from 172 to 131. That's a hefty chunk. There's likely more things that can be combined in the above list that I've missed, which would cut the list down further.

    Only three removed items need to be added back into the game for this to work properly--the Snipetron, the Machete and the Ether Daggers.

    If anyone has any objections to this, I honestly think you're clutching at straws. My plan won't give anyone access to anything they didn't have access to anyway, other than the three re-added items I just mentioned, none of which are game-breaking.

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