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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. On PS4 here, has the same problem... I started leveling my Dark Splt sword as a heavy blade , then switched at LVL 12 to try it as a Dual Blade, and finished leveling it as such...

    For a while I was stuck with a Maxed Dual Split Sword, a Lvl 12  Dark Single Sword with no picture shown as portrait and a Dark Split Sword Entry that was grayed out.

    Since the new patch, I completed a mission with my Dark Split Sword with no Stance equipped and it fixed the LVL 12 entry, but  I Still have the greyed out Dark Split Sword entry in the codex.

    Also, we have duplicate Kavats still on PS4 too... Which is annoying... I know the profile is there more for bragging rights, but when you have everything leveled, it sucks to have missing stuff that you actually did finish.

  2. I think what the void needs to be updated with caches and other treasures like other similar, more recent maps... Perhaps bring back orokin keys in a form similar to Orokin Derelict Keys too... Craftable in some way to restrict access slightly, without necessarily adding a new grind wall.

    I think the Orokin Moon is the pinnacle of what I expect from such types of locations nowadays. The fact it includes a series minigame/ trials that give exclusive mods gives a good incentive to explore and spend time in these, while you keep stumbling unto epic rooms with old Orokin Vestiges. The fact it houses a new type of enemy with exclusive mods also helps. While it's probably not enough to keep players playing said tileset for months, it does give it a very distinct identity, and perhaps DE could add new trials every now and then / rotate modes in trial rooms or something.

    Likewise, Orokin Derelicts have their Orokin Vaults, Treasure Rooms and Now Kavats, giving you three pretty nice incentives/reasons to go there. Every now and then , we get a few new corrupted mods ,which brings people back into these, once again not a bad idea.

    The void nowadays has what, argon and played out Treasure Rooms who'se only payoff are random mods most players already have.. If they were to add a few exclusive mods / endo caches/ forma / catalysts / reactor caches or anything like that, it would really motivate people to go back there now that the prime part incentive has been removed.

    That said, I think eventually, some of the primes should be moved into the void as drops...

  3. Don't really know what can be done. Bosses have to be repeatable because they are fun experiences and they need to be repeated to gather warframe components, so there will always be the odd feeling of "killing the same guy over and over"...

    In terms of canon, since many of the bosses are key players in the narrative DE is trying to tell, we're left with a situation where you can assasinate a boss as part of gameplay, yet he's still a main driving force in the narrative.

    The worse offender is Alad V... Didn't he infect himself and IIRC, in terms of canon, we didn't give him the cure in the Tubemen of Regor event, so by all means , he should be dead, yet comes Second Dreams and other subsequent quests, he's actually alive and not infected with no mentions whatsoever of what occured. Besides, don't we kill him all the time in Jupiter anyway ?

    With VOR at least there's a somewhat convincing narrative. You kill him once at low level, then he's back as a corrupted energy being in the void... Kinda makes sense and fits with the lore. Vay Hek usually leaves in most missions when defeated, giving him a canon reason not to be wiped out...

    As for having boss kills matter... I suppose we could get events like the Stalker Shadows , where a boss needs to be beaten by the community then he retreats/someting is accomplished... That would probably be the best of both worlds.

  4. Honestly, the new system is pretty cool for veterans if you know how to use it and plan ahead.

    Step 1 - Max your syndicates before the update drops. You have months to do so in between primes, not that hard.

    Step 2 - Get a comfortable amount of Void Traces in preparation of update using old keys.... I'd say 1000ish would be the best to give you a headstart of refining the new relics that drop. Only had 500 this update and I did have to farm some in between key runs.

    Step 3 - When update drops, spend all your syndicate rep on key packs... If you have 3 Syndicate maxed, that's 15 Packs of 3 Keys (45 Keys) , and you usually get at least 1-2 new keys per pack, giving you a decent amount of new keys right from the start when the update drops without having to farm ....

    Step 4 - Refine keys with Rare Drops with your stockpile void traces, then look for a group with 4 people with the same radiant key. Usually you'll get the rare prime part , if not , it might take you another try, but honestly, I've gotten most of the prime parts on my first try with a decidated group, and when I don't, I usually get it on my 2ND try. Compared to spending days praying to RNGesus in Rotation C, I'd say it's an improvement.

    Step 4 - By the time you're out of the new keys, you should have enough new duplicate prime parts to exchange with other players to get the few you were missing... Or you can always buy keys at roughtly 5-10p each.

    Pretty much everyone that has used this method I know managed to get most if not all prime parts in less time that it took them using the old system...

    So while yes, the new system is probably terrible for noobs with low MR, unranked syndicates, for us vets it probably works better in the long run, since you can prepare for updates, stockpile and fix the RNG into working for you instead of against you.

  5. Seriously, you expect us canadians to be happy about paying 106 Dollars for something that was priced 80 dollars all those years.... To be okay to pay for a cosmetic pack selling for a whopping 80 dollars ?

    I'm sure we'll get the "canadian dollar is low, we gotta make money" excuse , but c'mon, there's a limit to how high you can hike a price and expect people to follow suit. A 26 dollar increase without warning on something that's essentially digital goods sucks. I can't be the only canadian pissed about this ?

    DE is a canadian company, a little gesture of good faith for your fellow comrades would be greatly appreciated.



  6. It's one of the rare things in warframe that actually requires teamwork and group play (alongsides raids and to a lesser extent, sorties).

    While I'll admit I would love to be able to run these as much as I want without the hassle of looking for a group, I think it's important to retain these types of team activites in the game. It's a coop game where coop is pretty much non mandatory in 98% of it's modes and features already...

    In the worse case scenario, you can either solo them and have a 25% or so chance of getting in said vaults... Or farm something else and buy said mods with plat from other players.

  7. I think the simplest fix would be to make it so that the timer only counts down when a player is logged in... That way, if you get a booster and you have to log off, you get to keep it when you log back in.

    That said, the fix would turn 30 day boosters into godly things... Imagine how long these would last if instead of being active for 30 days, they were active for 30 days worth of playtime... That's 720 Hours of game time...

    So I guess it's not happenng unless DE drastically lowers booster times to factor and readjusts prices to account for a new system.

  8. On 2016-08-10 at 3:16 PM, DrBorris said:

    "More"? What is the other negative press?


    And the screenshot of a Inaros build that had a rank 1 Redirection on it was... yeah, there is a lot wrong with that screenshot.


    Edit: If a reviewer is going to spend a AAA game amount of time on a F2P game they need to spend AAA money on it ($60), they can't expect the instant satisfaction of a AAA game for free. I guess the problem would be that they probably buy foolish things, but at least it would be a bit more accurate. In addition, far too many reviews of F2P games review them only from a free perspective. Not everyone plays F2P for the free part and are willing to spend (reasonable) amounts of money.

    Yeah, that LVL 14 Inaros screenshot with unranked mods, Redirection and no aura mods says it all, especially when you factor in the fact that all the screenshots provided are from earth , the starter planet of the game... The reviewer basically played the game for a couple of hours at best and is perhaps not the most well suited to judge the game for it's merits,  flaws and qualities. I'm all for seeing what new players think of the game, but it's hard to take someone that places a shield mod on a frame with no shields seriously.

    That said, I believe it's a given he did spend real life money on the game... He sure as hell didn't reach mastery rank 5,  farmed ducats, waited for Baro's biweekly visit and completed the Inaros quests to get his frame..

    My guess is he bought Inaros with plat amost immediately after getting his starter frame, leveled him to lvl 15ish, then quit and wrote a review.

    And besides, there's the /Unstuck command if a player gets stuck somewhere, although I'll admit it's not something that's advertised anywhere in game, so I don't blame players for not knowing it.


  9. Honestly, the problem with scaling is the fact armor negates 99% of damage at lvl 120+ , rendering all weapons pretty much useless without corrosive projection, plus the fact enemies at these level caps one shot most frames even with maxed redirection , vitality and steel fiber.


    The fact that even once your remove armor with CP, 98% of weapons do not deal enough damage to kill a lvl 135 enemy doesn't help either. Even Tonkor barely dents enemies without corrosive projection at those levels.

    Fixing Scaling would be rather simple... Lower the damage mitigation of armor ,allowing some damage to seep trough at higher levels and probagbly cap enemy damage at reasonable levels so bombads don't oneshot you the minute they get your sights on you.

  10. Well, what can we do, they basically killed endless missions, leaving us only with "complete as fast as you can" types of missions where you get your payoff at the end of mission reward screen and are pretty much penalised for spending more time to achieve the same result.

    It DE wants people to take their time and complete missions, they need to bring endless missions back from the grave. They probably also need to work on adding more stuff akin to syndicate marks, cephalon fragments, synthesis targets and orokin vaults and treasure rooms, to actually motivate players to explore the maps... And they probably need to add more incentives to actually kill enemies, since now they drop the same old mods over and over and pay little to no XP or cash anyway. Why bother clearing rooms in missions other than exterminate and survival when I can just rush the objective and be done with the mission in five time less.

  11. I think Waframe handles this mostly gracefully compared to most games of this type honestly. Heck, I quit Destiny and DIablo 3 because it's idea of player progression is constantly rendering everyting you own obsolete with each expansion and forcing you to grind away and relevel everything.

    At least with warframe, my five forma weapon usually stays relevant, even if a cool new toy that deals slightly more damage gets released every now and then... And due to mods, I feel like weapons and frames are defined by mods first, although an increase in base damage and for example, crit chance goes a long way sometimes.

    And frankly, I don't mind having new toys to level and max...

    What I care about is when a company takes something I love using , then renders it irrelevant because the want to coax me into getting new stuff...


  12. Honestly, I still think they should file this whole void 2.0 into the "failed experiments" category, revert the old void back, but keep the reactant/choose reward every rotation feature, as it's the only improvement this new void has brought , and it's in no way tied to the actual mission.

    ... And perhaps keep the ability to play random groups... I'll admit it would be cool to get PUG void groups, as long as you can stay longer than your team if everyone bails after five minutes or something.

  13. Personally, I would make it so that you can place an ability augment in the exilus slot... It's by far the less crucial slot in a warframe's arsenal for most builds, might as well put your augment there if anywhere.

    I feel this would also motivate more people to run two augments... One in the exilus and one in their main build perhaps, without as much impact as foregoing two damage/survivability mods.

  14. How many hours are in your profile? - Feel too lasy to boot up client, but IIRC last time I checked I had roughly 1400 hours on PS4 (MR21)  and 230 ish Hours on PC (MR9).

    Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? - Prior to the daily login reward, I would take short breaks in between big updates once there was nothing new to do... But nowadays, I log in everyday, regardless of whether I feel like playing the game or not... And I often shut down the app immediately afterwards.

    When did you start playing warframe? - When the PS4 version came out. PS4's launch titles were pretty terrible, and Warframe was there to fill in that void... Since then though, it has remained my top played game.

    How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? - 3 . Been in the same clan for a looong time though.

    Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? - Nah, never cared much about clan politics.

    If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? - My current clan feels dead and I feel like it's mostly an excuse to get dojo weapons and to have a trade posts.

    Have your views changed over the years? - Ever since I hit MR21, I feel like DE cannot produce enough new content to keep me interested for long period of times... Before that , I always had something to do, nowadays, it's really had to find relevant and meaningful stuff to do in game... I desperately need new goals to try and achieve, new carrots to motivate me to play.

    If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? - I still feel like the gameplay loop is great, i'm just tired of farming and overall, i wish we got more new mission types / new levels and similar content instead of reworks, nerfs and mastery fodder stuff.

    Were you an avid viver/draco player? - Yes, a sizeable portion of my arsenal was leveled in Draco... Not necesssarily by choice, but because the XP gain in most of the starchart is insiginficant and it takes weeks to level a weapon normally.

    What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? -  T4 endless Survival, I also love Spy missions for some reason, even though it feels samey after a while.

    What is your least favorite? - Not a big fan of defense... Usually feels like a chore since you stay in the same spot for very long.

    Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? - I mostly play public games because I'd rather do my own goals when I feel like them than trying to find compromises and deal with everyone's own progression and goals.

    What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? I usually can solo everything fine asides from interception , and I'm usually okay with enemies up to the 120 ish mark... After that , I need to use dedicated builds.

    Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? - Not really.. Still need to fully complete my codex, to scan the Kurias, to reach max rank in Conclave and get all the conclave mods (which I probably won't do) and I suppose I could track down more of the arcanes , although I have the ones I really wanted in the first place already.

    What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? - Not a huge fan of PVP, it gets tiresome really fast for me. On paper I like Lunaro , but it also gets tiresome pretty fast. Overall, the PVP aspect kinda leaves me cold, and I miss being able to carry your true builds into PVP arenas, even if it was unbalanced... At least it was fun XD.

    Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? - Yes, I watch Mogamu, AGGP, Quite Shallow, Tactical Potato, Dunking Machine, Life or Rio, DK Diamantes and a couple others, although nowadays I feel like I'm sometimes better suited at making builds that them.. XD.

    Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? - Been gaming since I was 8, completed at least 500 games, love games like Dark Souls and the like and I'm a huge addicted gamer freak, so Hardcore.

    What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) - I tend to play mostly third person games (really don't enjoy most FPS games for some reason). Hate MMORPGs and I'm not a huge RPG fan, although I do play a few if they appeal to me. I play other genres every now and then, but I'm not a huge strategy/sports/puzzle/racing gamer, or any other of these types of games.

    Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? - The streamer community is pretty cool, the playerbase is okay... Honestly, the game is pretty selfish in the sense where you often feel like four loners running as fast as possible to the extraction, so I'd say it's defintively not the most involved community based game to me.

    What keeps you playing the game? - There's something cathartic with playing a badass space ninja that masters his weapons and effortlessly travels the map while killing everything that moves... That plus the appeal of staying up to date and showing my Epeen with my mastery rank.

    What do you hope for long term in future updates? - I'm hoping DE will bring us more actual content and not just reworks... New tilesets, planets, new mission types... But mostly, they really need to reward players for doing stuff like sorties. Give us goals, otherwise we'll play for a couple of days every update to level up new gear and be done with the game.

    What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? - The endgame. Now that they killed endless void missions and since Sorties don't exactly have meaningful rewards most of the times, I feel like the so called endgame isn't really appealing in it's current form.

    Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? - I was satisfied the one time I used the tech support. I feel like Rebecca does a great job trying to forward player feedback to the team, but I have a there's a gap between what the userbase wants and what the devs want to push which sometimes annoys me to no end.

    Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? - I think it's actually growing worse over time, with more and more pressure put on the user to buy stuff with plat and with more and more ways to make things tedious to force people to spend real life money. It's also hard to consider this truly a free to play game when you have to buy character slots at 20p each, weapon slots at 12p for two and you're always running short of catalysts/reactors/exilus/formas/lenses, which are pretty much mandatory for true endgame... Finally, I feel like we're getting more and more very expensive skin bundles and whatnots. I wish the pay portion stayed cosmetics instead of slowly creepin it's way into most gameplay systems, basically.

  15. Honestly, it's not like Loki's kit is flawless. Decoy is weak and extremely situational at best , Switch Teleport is more of a troll/novelty skill , that leaves only two of his spells useful, one being a straightforward but sligthly longer than average invisibility spell and Radial Disarm.

    Considering Ivara, Ash and any Naramon / Huras user gets decent invisibility nowadays, the stealth niche is less of Loki's main appeal nowadays... That leaves his Radial Disarm as his main "raison d'ètre"... And it's a pretty situational ability that's mostly useful in high level content since , let's face it, why disarm and wait for enemies to kill each other when you can just oneshot them all over the regular starchart. In a game where most frame have DPS skills to clear the map, Loki's kit seems out of place in many situations, asides from very high level endgame.

    So no, I don't feel like Loki needs a downgrade. Heck, I think DE should probably work on making decoy and switch teleport much better... Especially now that Ash's teleport has evolved into a cool one hit finisher move.

  16. Once again, the underlying rooty of the problem isn't Bladestorm ,as always, the problem is the fact that frames nowadays get near unlimited energy and can spam their ult over and over again without a care in the world. As such, any frame that uses his top abilities constantly appears to be broken and in need of a nerf when in fact, DE would probably only need to adjust energy restoration rate and/or the spell cost of most 4th spells and the problem would fix itself on every frame in the game at once. You can't spam an ability over and over again if you don't have the energy to to so.

    For years, prior to Zenurik, I personally never used bladestorm precisely because in terms of energy cost, I felt it was a better bang for my buck to use invisibility and kill 18 enemies with a sword and 4X damage multiplier  than pay the high energy price for a bladestorm cast... But nowadays, with 4 energy restored per second and 145% power efficiency, it's tempting to just bladestorm over and over, especially since by the time the first bladestorm is done, I have restored my full energy already.

    I still don't get why DE doesn't adress the energy overload rather than nerfing skills that worked fine in the first place, but are now overpowered because everyone and their mother have maxed efficiency and zenurik on and can spam their ult nonstop for the whole duration of the map, Granted, people could still use energy pizzas and Energy Vampire to achive similar spellcasting, but it would go from being the norm to being something you actually have to work for with team synergy and resources...

    But hey, let's focus on individual abilities instead of looking at the big picture and accepting maybe Zenurik / Energy Vampire isn't supposed to be the norm in a game that's supposed to be about space ninjas that use three different weapons and four powers to accomplish things.

  17. I guess DE is perhaps drowning in player feedback to the point where they ignore most of it, at least that's the justification I tend to make to explain how player feedback is ignored ... Which indeed sucks because most of the time I see really sound and intelligent suggestions that would fix 99% of the issues with very little effort, provided someone passed on these feedback solutions to the dev team.

    Call me crasy, but I think sometimes it's best to listen to your fanbase ... And I also think that sometimes, you're better off tweaking stuff that doesn't work instead of reworking stuff that mostly worked and actually making it worse / less appealing in the process... Especially if you do multiple huge reworks in a short timespan without really asking for player feedback or showcasing a real desire to go back on some of your allegedly bad decisions.

    I mean, in the last few months we had a perfectly functional star chart scrapped in favor of a pretty mess that's hard to navigate and understand, we had a void system that made up most of the endgame destroyed and turned into an uninspired void fissure minigame that's no longer endless, many has had their favorite frames turned into lesser versions of their past selves...

    And when your fanbase clearly states ,for example, than the new void is bland and booring, that they miss endless missions, than the new starchard is much harder to navigate and less intuitive, that sorties are useless and they need some form of token system, that their favorite frames are fine and do not need to be nerfed while the ones sitting in their arsenal need reworks, perhaps the playerbase are on to something. They are your playerbase, you know, those that play thousand of hours each year and pay real money to support the company.

    I guess my main gripe with most reworks is that it always feels like "two steps forward, five steps back". Take specters of the rails, even after 15 or so hotfixes over numerous weeks, the map is still extremely unreadable ,while the new void is still as unnapealing... Which makes me sad and gives me the feeling we're stuck with it regardless of whether we like it or not.. Which is the opposite of what would happen if constructive feedback was passed on and applied to fix said issues for good.

  18. Why can't we keep nice things ? I swear DE spends more time redesigning things that mostly worked out fine in the first place than releasing meaningful new content. There's pretty much nothing to do in game for veterans, yet it's crucial to make the star chart and the market more pretty , to turn the much appreciated void into booring fissure gameplay, to change the archwing camera, to rebalance popular frames usually making them less appealing in the process..

    Meanwhile, we still don't have sortie tokens, any reasons to do sorties once you have the few guns and nezha, 98% of the starchart is still useless with no great rewards and terrible XP gain... Focus is still mostly broken except for two or three must have passives, there's litterally so many huge things that are borderline broken, yet the top priority is to rework one of the most popular frame to make him less useful and "OP", when pretty much all used frames have OP broken builds anyway.

    There's 30+ frames in this game. Of all these frames, ASH has become the most popular one globally. People love using him, he's very useful in numerous situations and many people , myself included, might quit Warframe if he gets destroyed. He's the truest "ninja frame" in the game after all.

    In the meanwhile, there's tons of frames that nobody plays anymore. Hydroid, Oberon, Zephyr, Limbo, the list goes on... Why not fix those instead of screwing the frames that actually work and that people enjoy using ?

    But i hear it's about balance... Please, balance in a game with Tonkor, Sonicor, Synoid Simulor and Mirage, a game where Nova can prime the whole map and make them blow up, when excal can blind the whole map and turret them with exalted blade, where frost can freeze and debuff armor from everyone, where ember bascially has an active bladestorm that doesn't even have to be aimed and can kill the whole map with zero effort... Yet Ash gets the bad press because he's popular.

  19. I'm sick of people saying you can't kill enemies marked by bladestorm... You can kill highlighted enemies ... Heck, here's a video showcasing this, hopefully this will stop this nonsensical accusation.

    The only enemies you can't kill are enemies that are in the process of being killed by ash's finishers because obiviously , interrupting the ash kill animation would create problems... So at worse, you only have a couple of targets on the map that are locked at a time out of the 18 targets which are selected by bladestorm...Definitively not a big deal.

    Then there's people that say "ash steals too many kills"... Well, he has a 18 enemy cap, and his bladestorm takes quite some time to kill some enemies. In the meanwhile, he can't move, can't attack, does nothing. I feel like the tradeoff is more than balanced, especially considering we still have tons of frames like Nova, Ember, Excalibur , Simulor Mirage that just wipe the whole map constantly without being stuck in an unskippable animation...

    Bladestorm isn't even that well suited for most mission situations anyways... Most missions are meant to be speed run, while bladestorm makes you static. Heck, even in stuff like interception, you can't actually grab points while bladestorming, so no , it's far from the OP skill some make it out to be. Honestly, Ember's world on fire is much worse, you can just cast that spell and keep it on at the start of the mission, litterally killing everyone on the map before your teammates even have time to see them while and walk from start to finish without recasting it...

    Besides, Bladestorm is Ash"s survival skill... It's what's allow him to take a breather, clear a group of tough foes while his shield and health get restored, it's his survival skill in harder missions.




  20. On 2016-07-27 at 5:15 PM, (PS4)eximago said:

    Nope. Hopefully they'll work something out so we can get it eventually. I'm hoping that whatever Bethesda worked out in order to allow mods in console versions of Fallout 4 and the forthcoming Skyrim remaster will set a precedent that might expedite the process. Of course, they're not perfect parallels, but I'm crossing my fingers anyway.

    If you mean stealing modder's content without asking and putting them on consoles without verifying it it works properly or causes issues "a precedent" to follow... I guess. I'd rather have DE take their time and respect their community in that regards, plus giving credit and compensentations to them.

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