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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. You say that riven mods are supposed to make less used weapons more competitive and usable... But what I see is a category of mod that's mostly suited to push already top tier gear even higher... In effect making the difference between top tier and trash tier even more apparent... And pushing "mastery fodder" even further down the gutter...

    Because let's face it, once you have your shiny + 150% Crit Chance + 150% Crit Multiplier +100% Damage Riven mod for one top tier weapon (Tonkor, Simulor, Tigris, Soma), you just made 98% of the other primaries dramatically inferior choices. How can a weapon for which you don't own a riven mod for even compete with these monsters now ? Why would you use said weapons ? How is it going to feel going from a six forma tonkor with an OP Riven mod to leveling a no forma, no catalyst newly released primary for which you don't own the riven mod ?

    Sure, when you get your first Riven mod, and it's for a weapon you haven't used for months, maybe you'll use said weapon shortly to try the probably badly rolled mod.. But are you really going to spend tons of Kuva to reroll a Riven for a mastery fodder gun ? Are you going to keep using said gun once you finally get that Tonkor op mod or whatever ? Probably not ! Likewise, since you don't choose which gun you get a riven mod for , this means , in a sense, RNG (or plat if you buy them) dictates which weapon you'll be allowed to use... Removing player choice in a sense.

    Before Riven mods, mastery fodder weapons had a small chance of being used by veterans, if they enjoyed the mechanics behind them. A vet would spend a couple of hours putting formas on said weapon, and would use it on non-endgame , meta requiring scenarios...

    But the thing with riven mods is... They require heavy farming against RNG (getting them for sorties, then getting a decent riven weapon choice , then getting decent mods trough numerous rerolls). It's a lot of time and effort to actually get a good roll on a Riven Mod, too much effort for trash tier weapons... This means there's Riven for "good" weapons and riven for "bad" weapons. While someone can luck out and get an awesome roll for a bad weapon ,making it useful... The most common scenario is people ignoring trash Riven mods and trying to get Riven for their best weapons... The fact there's 15 Riven slots also promotes this kind of mindeset. Why spend Kuva on maxing mods for bad guns, especialyl when you'll discard said mods eventually to make room for Riven for primaries you actually use.

    In the end, I feel like a real solution would have been to take a look at each existing weapon individually, and offer a non-random Riven mod that "fixed" most of their glaring issues. Let's say a weapon had a long reload and low crit chance, you fix it with a Riven mod... That would have made sense and would have allowed even low MR trash tier weapons to be competitive... Then again, if you make this balancing effort already, might as well rebalance all weapons in the game so that mastery fodder tier doesn't exist...

    I guess my main issue about this is that you guys have been blabbering about for months about damage 3.0, rebalancing stuff, removing mandatory mods and stuff like multistrike, yet now you released the most imbalanced mods in the history of the game with no regards to any sort of balance whatsoever... This widens the gap between weapons, widens the gap between new player and veterans, makes a handful of weapons in one's arsenal much better than the rest and imho only adds more grind to an already grind intensive game. I feel that the joy of making you favorite weapon even more OP pales compared to having the other 99% of your arsenal feel worse by comparaison because you don't own perfectly rolled riven for theose guns, and I feel even less compelled to build mastery fodder to their full potential now that it requires numerous layer of RNG and countless more effort than in the past.

    I gues the TLRD version is this - In a game with hundreds of weapons you're supposed to use, why go from an universal mod setup allowing you to use any mod on any weapon to a restrictive system where you can only make a handful of weapons good and outclasse the rest of your arsenal.

  2. 4 hours ago, hazerddex said:


    survival with no killing


    solo defense without leting the objective take 1 point of damage


    please not i said ludicrous not impossible basicly i just want a index of all the riven mod missions

    First one is kinda easy with ivara. Second one would be kinda easy with Limbo + Frost + Vauban + Nyx or any combo that can protect and crowd control.

  3. ... Which is precisely why De should have restricted Riven mods to average weapons, or at least avoid pushing things like Tigris, Tonkor and Simulor even further... Plus put guidelines and limitations on individual stats (like never more than 60% increased damage / 60% increased crit chance / 60% increased crit damage or something)... Or at least ensure that pluses would always be offset by a signifcant penality... Like two crit mods always go with a negation of status, a huge elemental damage increase goes with a diminution of base damage, you get what i'm saying.


  4. It feels like a very early iteration, honestly.

    Seems pretty easy to fix though.

    1 - Give operators faster movement speed, the ability to roll, more HP, more energy and make it so when they die, the warframe does not lose all energy.

    2 - Make the stun move open trash enemies to finisher like radial blind and have slightly bigger range / perhaps a slight delay between casts to offset it being spammable over and over.

    3 - Make the beam move have more range, deal more damage and perhaps do armor stripping for a short while. That way players will switch to their operator briefly when facing tough enemies to soften em up.

    4 - Give us a visual hud indicating the amount of energy the operator has, and ensure he can do a couple casts and combo moves better.

    5 - Fix controller issues , specifically the fact that press to crouch doesn't work for void walk.

    6 - Eventually, redo the focus trees where half is the current focus trees, while the other half is no-cooldown increase skills that strengten both the regular beam and the charged beam avialable ever X minutes, plus some survivability nodes for the operator.

    7 - Maybe give them a melee weapon for close range combat / melee finishers / blocking bullets... Long range being the void beam.

  5. Great topic, hopefully this will help both refined the controller support on PC and Console Versions.

    I also spent a great deal of time trying to get a proper control setup that just works, that's ergonomically sound and that's not too nonsensical. Here's what it looks like in the spoiler tab below ... Keep in mind there's at least three keybinds I don't particularly like, but that i'm stuck with due to restrictions with control bindings that hopefully you guys at DE will fix in the near future. I'll detail the pros and cons of everything, but I suggest trying it in game to see the ergonomics and how it works.



    First of all, let's start with Warframe Abilities. Let me start by admitting that both default setups are terrible for warframe abilties. The Power Menu adds needless button presses and makes using spells tedious, while binding abilities on the touchpad work okay at best, but doesn't work well for precision targeting AND absolutely doesn't work when to comes to press/hold abilities like Ivara's Quiver or Vauban's Mines. It's also not compatible for most PC controllers.As such ,binding to the D-Pad is perhaps the most important thing you to help fix the default controls. With this setup, it's pretty easy to move one of your unused fingers on each fo the D pad buttons for precision targeting. I'll talk about Power E later, because things get complicated when it comes to this power and where to bind it.

    Shooting Controls - It's only logical to use the triggers for aiming and shooting. These keys have pressure sensitivity, and they are the most commonly used and natural keys for any shooter. For secondary fire, I decided to put it on the square faceplate button because it's relatively easy to hit when you need to use it and if you hit it by mistake when using a weapon with no secondary fire, nothing will happen... Like opening a menu right in the middle of the action or some other undesireable thing.

    Melee - Let me start by saying I find it pretty terrible to have melee bound to faceplate buttons. In a game where you constantly switch from gun to melee, the melee button should be near the shooting buttons. This setup is great for a couple of reasons. First of all, quick melee is easy to hit when doing shooting... And when you switch to full melee, the melee key stays the same, meaning it's not confusing to the user. Channeling replaces firing the gun... Which makes sense, while aiming is replaced by blocking, which also makes sense. You can swap channelling and blocking if you find it more natural, but to me it's more logical to have both attack moves on the same side, and both defensive things on the left side (slide and block).

    Slide and Run - Run is put as a toggle on the left stick. Since the left stick is a movement stick, it makes sense and is not confusing. The slide gets a trigger because it's a key button you're constantly pressing to roll, slide, and so on... It is put on press to crouch so you can use it both for rolling, for bullet jumping and acrobatics and for sneaking while crouched.

    Rest of the controls + the annoyances with the current setup - Triangle is used for weapon swap because it's relatively out of the way while still being easy to hit when you need. O is used for context sensitive actions/manual reload... Easy to hit and it works fine... The only annoying tthing is for some reason Sonicor reloads everytime you open a locker, which is quite annoying hopefully this bug will be fixed one day. The consumables button is stuck on the right stick, which pretty much sucks imho. I would want to put it on the touch pad, but THE GAME DOESN'T allow you to keybind the consumable menu to the TOUCHPAD... THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED PLEASE... VERY ANNOYING.

    Rest of the Touchpad - I try to put most "unneccessary features on the touchpad" for a couple of reasons. 1 - Because it's kinda imprecise. 2 - Because when I use this control setup on PC, I don't have the touchpad, so I'd rather have stuff like "Open the Map / Mark Stuff / Open Scoreboard / Open Synthesis Scanner" on there, because when playing PC, I just use the keyboard to hit these features.

    Btw , here's the setup for PC... As you can see, I reclaim the Share button as the "Quick Item Menu" button, and move the Power E to Right Joystick... Rest is identical and would work fine asides from one big issue - Press to Crouch doesn't work with the new operator moves as of today... Which sucks and makes it impossible to pull off void dash and stealth moves while using my controller setup. PLZ FIX THIS DE....



    POWER E - This is where it gets annoying. Ideally, I would place my Power E on the Right Joystick on Consoles and PC, because it fits there... But as i said earlyer, since I can't keybind the Consumable menu on the Touchpad due to ANNOYING RESTRICTIONS, I have to find a workaround for when War Within comes to Console. I might try to put POWER E on the "Touch Pad press" button, hopefully this is capable of pressure sensitivity and It will not cause any issues.

    So there you go... Hopefully this will help you guys perfect , maybe add a new control preset and fix a few of the control issues with the current iterations.


  6. Can't remember running out of revives ever since Solo Endless Void was a thing.

    I mean, you get a generous 4 revives by default, 6 if you have two arcanes... Then there's the fact other players can revive you a gazillion times for free if you stick near to each other enough. There isn't really any excuses to run out of lives in any star chart mission.

    Sucks to lose an alert due to this "feature", I can understand, but now that you know, just abort the mission when you run out of lives, then run the mission again, this time equipping survivability mods. Redirection+Vitality+Life Strike+Medi Ray+Guardian+Health and Shield Pizzas should fix any survivability issues you might have.

    That said, the game should probably include an algorithm that takes note of the amount of kills and damage dealt by each player before their last death and that awards the reward if said death occured late enough in the match. I mean, if you have 75% of the kills and died a minute before the end, you should probably get rewarded, but if you had 3% kills and died 1 minute into a ten minute match, you don't deserve a reward.

  7. I would rather we got better sorting for them... Either color code them in the UI or add a syndicate logo in the corner on them so we know which ones belong to which syndicate.

    Another nice fix would be to make it so that each time you "upgrade" to a higher tier sigil, all previous tiers sigil get a % increase to match the new standing bonus... That way, by the end of your syndicate progression, you would be allowed to choose any syndicate sigil you wanted for cosmetic reasons without suffering the standing penality, while it would also make it less confusing searching the list for that one steel meridian sigil that gives max standing gain.

    Honestly, if these two fixes were implemented, I would actually bother grabbing every sigil from my syndicates , instead of actively avoiding buying them as much as possible not to clutter my sigil collection with low standing gain ones that get confusing.

  8. From what I remember from PC releases, we're getting the following.

    The melee syndicate weapons.

    The atayan sculptures and atayan stars that go with it.

    A weekly maroo quest for an atayan sculpture.

    A couple new weapons (cautacyst, etc)

    The vacuum within (universal carrier mod).

    A couple new syndicate mods.

    Fix for the Zenisthar.

    Probably more stuff.

  9. As a huge bow fanboy, I would love a new tenno bow, especially one that doesn't suffer as much as current bows against extremely high level enemies...  Would rather use a bow than be pushed into the Shotgun / Tonkor Simulor meta because these are the only weapons that deal enough damage to take out high level foes.

  10. I'm really happy endless is coming back, and I feel getting more void traces is a step in the right direction.

    I do think the system would be even better if there was a % increased in void drop quality with every successful round. Like for example, every five minutes, you get a bonus 0.2% / 1% chance of rarer void drops when using a relic (Percent varies depending of void tier, with 1% being the T4 percentage and .2 being the T1 percentage) .... Think of it as a % increase that's added on top of the existing probabilities of getting rarer prime parts ... It doesn't replace the void traces, it goes on top of it , basically.

    This would allow two interesting types of scenarios.. Someone that doesn't want to farm traces could try to go as long as possible, in hopes of turning a series of regular relics into pseudo-radiants after enough % increased occur... Would be the ideal situation for regular ducat and part farming, since with enough time, even a "bad" relic could yield good drops for a team that can stay alive for long.

    The other scenario would be people really wanting to maximise their probabilties of getting a specific rare item from radiants and other upgraded relics ... In that case, said party could decide beforehand to stay for 80 minutes in T4 survival before popping their Radiant Relic, which would in turn give them a 16% increased quality on their relics, in effect make it much more likely to drop the rare part they were looking for. All in all, it would motivate people to find groups that can handle long bouts of endless missions, would promote strategic usage of the right relic at the right tier, at the right moment, and would improve the void system tremendously.


    That said, I think regardless of whether my suggestion is implement, the system desperatly needs a way for people to individually decide if they want to extract or not in survival. It kinda sucks in endless scenarios like survival, when you and your friend want to stay and try to go for 80 minutes and some people force extraction for the whole team, in effect screwing your run.

    Ideally, you should be able to refuse extraction. Just like you can stay in defense even if three of your teammates want to leave. Make this happen before the new void reworks and I'll be really happy. Auto matchmaking demands this imho, since random individuals have different goals !

  11. They defintively need better sorting options and the abilites to hide/unhide them.

    I mean, I don't mind having them in the skins page for example, as they deserve better than be relegated to a tennogen section, but the cosmetics pages should not be a melting pot of chaotic skins with different paying methods listed in alphabetical order.

    Ideally, there should be an option to have both types of skins listed in two categories... Like you open your helmet page and you see all regular helmets in alphabetical order, followed by all tennogen helmets in alphabetical order.

    You should at the very least have the option to hide user created helmets...

    Also, as a guy that has owns every arcane helmets, I would love it if the "hide owned" option would hide helmets you own in arcane variants... Instead of listing every single arcane helmet you own as "unowned" because apparently, arcane versions are different... Makes it really tedious to check if there's new helmets that were released, since you have to go over every item you already own and ask yourself "do I have it in arcane variant"...

  12. My two cents.

    I never really had any problems with the old Archwing. I didn't love archwing, but I didn't hate it either... Found it enjoyable to play from time to time, felt responsive and easy to manoeuver, never had any issues with the game mode as a whole. Wasn't broken in any way imho.

    With the "new" improved archwing, I absolutely loathe it now... I actually quit alerts when I realise they are archwing, that's how bad it is imho.

    Here's the issues -

    1 - The camera is way too close - Seriously, did anyone even playtest the gamemode, especially when using melee... Camera is so close behind the character that you pretty much only see your frame when doing melee... And since the character does this huge swing move where he basically teleports forward to an enemy everytime you do a melee attack, you're left seeing an extreme closeup of a guy flailing about and teleporting all over the screen... It's borderline unplayable, you lose all spatial awareness when using melee. Gunplay is tolerable, but even then, sometimes you get the camera so close that simply moving about the map has the player take 60% of the screen... It's space, long distances and all that... Why is the camera so close ?

    2 - The six degrees of freedom works only in exterior tilesets - Whenever you're in missions that take place inside bases, where you have to navigate corridors and other interior structures, the six degrees of freedom only makes things extremely confusing and hard to navigate. Before, I was able to speedrun these "trench" run missions with ease, avoiding all the pipes and other hazards thrown all over the place... Now, I constantly get stuck in the scenery, flip upside down and get lost in interior tilesets. Six degree of freedom should be only avialable in interception or other missions that take place in an exterior location, and especially not in missions where you  have to rush an objective in some trenches.

    3 - Motion Sickness - This is partially linked to both previous issues. When you combine a camera that's way too close to the avatar and the ability to go 360 degrees, you get a high potential for motion sickness. Motion sickness makes this mode litterally unplayable for a siginficant portion of your userbase, which is a very serious issue that should have been fixed immediately after archwing 2.0 was released and not left ignored for months.

    4 - No actual benefits to the new system - Here's the thing... The new archwing 2.0 breaks more than it fixes. Who wants to constantly have to stop their archwing so they have the time to slowly rotate back to neutral position... Nobody wants to navigate corridors backwards because you're half sideways, nobody wants a vomit inducing camera. What little immersion is gained in open mission types like interception is lost when you factor in the motion sickness, the disorienting nature of it and everyhing else.


  13. I'll be honest, the event defintively needs some work.. Some of the mechanics are badly designed and clash with the overall goal of a team based game like Warframe.


    1 - Individual goals that reward point stealing and selfishness -

    If you're a good Index player, you're actually being a liability to the rest of your team, as you'll make the game end before they have the chance to bank their points. It sucks for less skilled players to see that one guy score like 45 points in a single drop and end the game immediately, screwing it for all other players.

    Consider attributing the points to the person that deals the kill (to avoid players ninja looting unearned points), and perhaps make the mode timer-based instead of ending it whenever a player reaches 60 points. Heck, perhaps make it so that there's a max score for each player that they can reach, then afterwards, they stop gathering points and they stay on the ground for other players to grab or something... Or maybe make it a team objective instead of an individual objective, although that would probably remove some of the mode's flavor and make it feel like Rathuum.

    2 - Imbalanced enemies - Maybe it's dependant on damage type, but there's a huge difference between the tankyness of human enemies versus things like the bursas and other mechanised units. Basically, humanoid enemies I oneshot for easy points whereas some of the mechanised units can take numerous shots and represent a much higher risk. in Rathuum, I feel like most of the executionners are balanced, with  few standing out as being more deadly, but this mode need more balanced troops. as right now, it's actually more strategic to run away from mechanised units and hunt weaker enemies for easyer kills... Plus it makes matches uneven, some are a cakewalk due to humaniods being the majority and others are really hard because they only feature mechs.

    3 - Challenge is off in most modes - Index 1 is way too easy, it enemies can be oneshot by most weapons and it provides low credit, low reward, low challenge. It probably needs a buff. Index 2 is also probably way too easy, although you start to feel the imbalance between humanoid and machines, rewards are better.

    The endless Index isn't actually endless, which kinda sucks imho... I feel enemies scale too high too fast, plus the point objectives are too high ... I mean, 100 points , really ? Also , it kinda sucks that you get auto-matched into already started missions, meaning you start with already scaled up enemies and an already half expired timer, making it even harder to get your objectives done... Overall, I think this mode doesn't really work... Make it shared points at least... And perhaps try to make it truly endless.


    Another suggestion - Bring back true endless rathuum. That one life survival mode was awesome, it really pushed your builds. People complain that there's no endgame left, give us back endless rathuum and many people will be satisfied.

  14. I don't like how this rework sounds for many reasons.

    1 - Controller Support aka... Why It won't work...

    First of all, as a console player, holding abilities just doesn't work properly... Heck, just switching arrows and firing them on Ivara is a pain in the neck, I can't even believe we're supposed to actually move about while holding our controllers in a wierd clamped up eagle-claw manner trying to mark multiple enemies, let alone mark them multiple times for the full damage potential. I can see it working on a keyboard and mouse setup, just not on a controller setup. Maybe if you rebind your whole controller preset just so the ability gets it's own trigger it could work, but not on the Dpad, and certainly not on the touchpad either.

    2 - Drastic Drop in overall dps and redundancy due to Fatal Teleport requiring the same amount of work for a guaranteed kill.

    Even if you bump the damage on each bladestorm hit, you're still going from an ability that consistently hit 18 targets and mostly killed them in one cast to an annoying "must aim and mark each enemy individuall multiple times" setup. This will drastically lower the overall usefulness of Ash in tense situations, especially since ash already has Fatal Teleport, an ability you must aim and that one hit kills everything. Is there any logical reason why I should take the time to mark five enemies multiple times, then hopefully deal enough damage to kill them all when I could simply cast fatal teleport five times in a row and instantly one shot them. If i have to take the time to manually aim at things with bladestorm, might as well use fatal teleport and get a guaranteed kill on any level of enemy. As a matter of fact, why even bother aiming a skill at all when I could aim with a bow or other high damage weapon and one shot the guy anyway.

    3 - Old bladestorm as a means of surviving versus being squishy and dead.

    Most Ash builds relied on bladestorm as a means to mitigate damage recieved . In endgame content, bladestorm was what mostly kept Ash alive... It allowed him, even when surrounded, to go into an invincible state where his shield would recharge and enemies around him would be unable to kill him for the duration of the cast... This allowed Ash to go full on offensive, knowing that when things got rough, he could pop his ultimate and clear a mob surrounding him while being able to recharge his shield (and gather health and air pods using carrier in the process). With the new system, Ash will spend more time aiming at foes than actuall killing them, and aiming requires precision and will get you killed in a game where movement is what keeps frames alive and where bombads and other units can oneshot you. This also totally changes the playstyle of Ash, from being a fast paced frame to being a "slow, aiming frame"...

    4 - Rip Arcane Trickery.

    Part of what made Ash such a cool frame for endgame players was the awesome synergy it had with Arcane Trickery. It allowed fans to create builds that didn't have much duration, focusing on Range and Power Strenght, yet would get a full 20 seconds of invisibility reliably due to Bladestorm dealing finisher damage on 18 targets, almost guaranteeing Trickery would pop out. With the rework, it'll be hard to target more than five targets at a time, drastically lowering the chances of proccing Trickery. Besides, since the new ability requires precision aiming, you'll be pretty much required to have extended duration anyway, because you can't exactly stand around the map doing nothing while you get shot by enemies as you're attempting to mark multiple enemies multiple times... Honestly, this doesn't make much sense on Ash... Would make sense on Ivara due to her long invisibiity , but ash has a short invis that's all about quick burst hits.

    5 - Meanwhile, Ember still has an active bladestorm that doesn't have to be aimed... Aka double standards.

    Seriously, you're nerfing an abilty that forced the player to be stationary and that was limited to 18 targets when tons of frames, including ember, still have totally overpowerd ults that litterally wipe the whole map with no effort. Think of Ember's world on fire, Mesa's peacemaker, Excalibur's Exalted Blade, Mirage's Hall of Mirrors Simulor Combo, Nova's "Let's molecular prime the whole map and chain detonate them"... Yet it's Ash that gets destroyed, the only frame that actually had drawbacks to using his ult (being immobile + being limited to 18 enemies). You're not forcing anyone to be more "active", you're just pushing your existing Ash fanbase to Ember... Only now they won't even have to aim their abiliities at all and will just walk from start to finish watching enemies die around them from the fire... GG, problem solved !

    6 - Why even use Bladestorm anymore ?

    It's a good question, really. Why should I bother using Ash's ult when I can go invisibile , using a sword and getting the 4X damage multipler coupled with the blood rush body count combo counter to rank up insane active dps without tedious aiming and energy usage . Why bother aiming and marking targets when I could one shot them with fatal teleport and a dagger while being refunded most of the ability cost... Why not just go invisible and shoot them with a bow, I'm already forced to aim , might as well pick two birds in one stone and do the killing as I aim.

    To me it seems like Bladestorm 2.0 is irrelevant and useless, as Ash will be able to get his kills easyer using other methods nowadays. There's nothing ultimate about having to slowly aim at multiple enemies to get kills when all other classes get spammy AOE attacks that wipe out rooms of foes in one cast.

    That's about it, my two cents on the matter, hopefully you guys see why this so called "nerf" doesn't really improve much, only making Ash less of a frame than he was before.


  15. Don't think it'll happen. It would give a pay to win vibe.

    Also, if it adds a flat increase to stats, it would be pretty much irrelevant, since it would only raise the armor values of every frame in the game, which would probably result in rebalancing every enemy to take into account the increase in armor... So why add stat bonuses when you're going to render them useless by rebalancing everything afterwards ?

    As for allowing arcanes to be slotted in all armor slots.. No... Too many strong arcanes already, imagine being able to wear seven at a time... Totally imbalanced... Besides, it's already tedious/expensive enough to get them... And it's not like the raids are really "fun" nowadays.

    I guess DE could create a new set of slottable armor upgrades you could equip on your armor slots (Minus head and syndana) and that could be gotten from the Sorties or something...Giving a small bonus on stats or something... That could work, I guess... Especially if it's small bonuses like +15 Health , +5 Armor, +10 Energy.

  16. High MR players are faster at traveling the map, hence they get to the objectives faster and get most of the kills along the way.

    If they were to increase the affinity share range for high MR players ,this would mean High MR players would get the benefits of kills made by players far behind while new players would not get any benefits for trailing behind.

    Don't think it would work out, honestly. Plus, it would gave false indications... A MR 22 would see on his hud that he's in affinity range of his teammates when in fact, he's not and he's actually depriving them of the XP. Basically, it would be great for high MR players, but bad for any low MR player.


  17. Personnally, I have nothing against Bladestorm... It's a static ability that only targets 18 enemies at a time and that leaves enemies killable by other players , for the most part. While yes, some people will spam it nonstop with maxed range, It's still limited in both range and number of targets hit at once, plus it removes the player for the fight entirely for quite some time, which is a big tradoff, as god know how many enemies Ash could have otherwise killed in the same timespan. Many other frames have AOE that kill enemies and they don't get nerfed for it,  I really don't get the constant ASH hate... I guess because he's the most popular frame and too many people are using his max range build.

    World of Fire is indeed broken in most situations nowadays since SOTR basically removed high level endgame content. Now she can pretty much decimate the whole starchart and everything in it. It's basically like Bladestorm, but always on and allowing you to keep fighting and killing stuff while everything else just dies around you. It honestly sucks to play with an ember since she's just runnning around the map and litterally everything dies with no effort whatsoever... Even worse if said ember has an AOE weapon to supplement the carnage caused by WOF. In any missions where you have to run to the objective as fast as possible , Ember is broken and OP. Other players are basically running as fast as possible ,trying to outrun ember just so they can actually get kills before they get auto wiped by her ult.

    Sound Wave also pretty much sucks in defense and interception... I've seen many situations in interceptions where other players litterally no longer see anyone spawning around the map since enemies can't even leave their spawn room before being stuck into place and killed. Granted, it's limited to a few mission types, but I feel It does break everyone else's fun when playing said mission types.

    Finally, Simuloid Mirage is also broken as hell... Spamming constant vauban vortexes all over the map without even bothering to aim, wiping whole rooms with litterally zero effort.

    Sonicor gets a special mention here... Just point it in a room and watch every container and enemy die in a couple of hits, allowing you to speedrun without bothering to aim.Even Tonkor requires more skill.

    Personally, I think all of these must be fixed, asides from bladestorm, which would probably be fine with a slightly higher ability cost and slightly less max range.

  18. My quick two cents.

    I don't like the fact nullifiers now dispel frost's snow globe... It dramatically lessens Frost's ability to hold points on the map and makes excavation needlessly more tedious than it used to be... I really hope DE will go back and revert that decision, it seriously sucks.

    As for the enemy itself, I don't mind with most frames. I usually handle them by getting inside the bubble and shooting / meleeing the guy anyway, so I don't have to deal with shooting the actual bubble, just killing the guy inside it. I do care mostly when playing Ivara, since It feels like a huge setback to lose your invisibility and artemis bow at once, forcing you to get somewhere safe and reactivate them. It's especially annoying since prowl requires you to be walking and not running, and I always found it annoying to toggle on precisely because you can never quite figure out if you're "Walking" or not...

    Personally, though, I still don't get why people complain daily about them when so many enemy are worse. Energy Drainer Eximus come out of nowhere and drain all your energy trough walls, combas disable your abilities while making your HUD unreadable out of nowhere and bursas do all sorts of terrible AOE / energy draining things. All and all, I feel pretty much all of the corpus enemies are tedious to fight and have huge, ugly bloom intensive auras that franklly make it hard to even understand what's going on.

  19. Spoiler

    It's definitively not a spoiler... Although it's interesting to see than in DE's Warframe's canon, the operator is apparently named "Mara" and probably is a female (Mara Jade and all that).


  20. I've been a strong fan of this idea for a while now... Would make the exilus slot tremendously more useful while allowing more build variety without gimping your builds... Especially now that many frames have two or more really usefull augments... Plus it requires no work from DE's part whatsoever.... Just increase the pool of mods that can fit into an exilus slot and you're good to go.



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