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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. I'll say it for the umpth time

    1 - Remove clutter from drop table. Regular Lenses can be distributed somewhere else, you don't need 2000 endo, nor nitain or forma. Make sortie rewards cycle between stuff player really need (Greater Lens, Exilus, Reactors, Catalysts, Riven Mods, Legendary Cores).

    2 - Give us endo for every mission completed. Something like 200 Endo for Mission 1 , 400 Mission 2 and 600 Mission 3. That way even if you get bad drops, at least you got endo out of the time spent.


    Perhaps scrap the randomised reward system and go with a token / point system, like you talked about all these months ago. Each mission you complete gives you Sortie Currency... And you can then turn said sortie currency into items from a Sortie Reward Vendor.

    Example - Mission 1 Gives 1000 Sortie Point, Mission 2 2000, Mission 3 3000.

    A Player thus acquires 6000 Sortie points per day he does sorties.

    He can use said money to buy the following (hastily balanced spreadsheet ):


    2000 Endo - 4000 SP

    Small Lens - 5000 SP

    Greater Lens - 10000 SP

    Riven Mod - 12000 SP

    Forma - 8000 SP

    Orokin Reactor - 16000 SP

    Orokin Catalyst - 16000 SP

    Exilus Adaptor - 20000 SP

    Exclusive Monthly / Weelky Cosmetic Item - 25000 SP (To give people that have everything they need something new)

    Legendary Core - 1 Million SP


    No more people complaining about wasting time doing a sortie for no reason...Instead, you get people that do their sorties daily to get exactly what they need in the drop table. People aren't doing sorties anymore ? Add a new cool reward to the drop table and watch players come back. Feel like people have too many riven mods or something, increase the prices... Much easyer to balance, no RNG involved, everyone's happy.. You could even add Wraith and Vandals gun parts back into the table with a token system like this.

  2. 1 - They have internal testers. Have no idea how many they have... But they do have them. Granted, perhaps they should hire more... But mostly, they should provide them builds more in advance. I get the feeling the DE devs finish builds pretty late, which leaves litte time for internal testing, which in turns means more bugs get unnoticed due to hasty testing protocols ... At least that's the impression i'm getting from the War Within situation, plus the amount of time it usually take for big bugs to be found , discussed and fixed.

    Testers need to spend time with the builds to find the bugs, basically. Granted, there's more man hours played in a single hour of live release than in months of internal beta testing, due to the huge amount of players interracting and trying all variants of the game, so there's inherent limitations to what an internal team can find in the time they get.

    2 - For better of worse, the PC release is their "beta testing"... Which means it's our job, in a sense, to report the bugs we found. The devs usually try to fix showstoppers and very big bugs pretty fast, so It's rarely totally broken on launch day, but I'll admit it's always stressful.

  3. I ... Actually like the new bladestorm...

    This is coming from an Ash main, who clocked roughly 900 hours playing ASH when you combine the time on PC and PS4.


    I think outright haters have a narrow vision here. First of all, Ash is one of the rare frames in the game that have four useful abilities that work and compliment each other. Most of the frames have filler/useless abilities, but Ash's toolkit is really strong and varied.


    - Seeking Shuriken strips armor completely if you have 145% Power Str + Corrosive Projection, making it a great armor stripping + bleed attack that homes and costs next to no energy. Against bosses and highly scaled enemies, it's a lifesaver and your team will love you for it.

    - Smoke Screen's main issue, the fact that you had to cast it while stationary, was fixed. It has a cool AOE stun, can be shared to four teammates with Smoke Shadows and has a more than adequate duration (somewhat easy to get 20 seconds). It has considerable advantages compared to other frame's invisibilities (loki colors the screen yellow and mutes the sound while Ivara does the same, but also forces you to walk extremely slow and roll everywhere).

    - Teleport is a one hit kill move on pretty much every enemy. For extremely high level enemies, you can equip Fatal Teleport and / or Covert Lethality. It's a great mobility spell, coupled with a great move to kill that pesky bombad or other high damage dealing foe.

    - That leaves Bladestorm, which in it's past iteration was somewhat broken. You basically jumped in a room, targeted a single enemy and watched 18 nearby enemies die trough walls and all over the place. I'll discuss the rework in the next section.


    Rework Discussion


    Yes, it's a nerf. I'll give you that. We went from a guaranteed 3 mark on 18 enemies to a system where you must manually mark enemies...

    That said... Bladestorm Marking can now be kept on at all times. This means you're marking enemies passively by simply exploring the map and surveying your surroundings. In a sense ,you're playing your ash , going invisibile and killing things regularly, and when you feel like you have enough marked enemies... Boom, Bladestorm.

    I really like the dynamic aspect of it all, you're playing Ash , doing stuff and marking enemies, and you have the choice... Am I going to shuriken that guy, or should I one hit teleport to him, should I shoot him with a bow, should I go invisible and hit him with a melee weapon, or should I survey a whole room and kill everyone simultaneously using bladestorm.

    All in all, yes, it's a nerf, but I think Ash is more fun to play now. Then again, I was never a Bladestorm spammer.




    * Perhaps bladestorm marking could be always on by default... I find it kinda tedious to have to reactiate it after each bladestorm.

    * Shurikens should automatically 3 mark enemies hit by them. That way you could jump in a room, shoot a few shurikens around a corner and get kill streak going. Maybe add one or two more shurikens.

    * Perhaps make it so that ash automatically marks enemies that are near him... Like let's say you jump into a crowd of infested enemies... You would gain one mark per three seconds you stay inside the group. Would allow ash to basically jump into a crowded space while cloaked, wait a few seconds ,then unleash his rage without having to flail his camera around like an epileptic pumpkin.

    * A bladestorming ash should not be spotted by cameras. I noticed in the Kuva fortress Spy mission, when I targeted an enemy that was walking under a camera with my bladestorm, it triggered the alarm during the bladestorm animation. Bladestorm should not get you spotted... Especially if you can mark an enemy , who then moves into the line of sight of a camera without you noticing it. Grante,d you should probably go invisible before bladestorming to avoid said issue, but I wish it was never an issue in the first place.

    * Maybe a slight damage buff to compensate for the fact you target less enemies and have less consistent DPS... Would also make it less imperative to carry much power strenght, which would leave more room for duration.



    All and all, kudos for the rework. I was one of the most feverish antagonist when I heard a rework was coming, and I actually enjoy what you did with my fav frame.

  4. 29 minutes ago, bl4ckhunter said:

    i wonder, if we have to mark enemies one by one doesn't fatal teleport kind of put bladestorm into the dumpster? i mean, it deals more damage even if you build minimal strenght, refunds energy and is a whole lot faster, if i have to mark enemies one by one i might just kill them already instead.

    Well, teleport puts you in the frontline / in harm's way. The new iteration of bladestorm seems to be mostly focused on getting into a room , targeting what you want dead, then striking from the shadows from the confort of a safe spot. Gonna be alot of fun in spy missions and other slow paced missions, especially since you can now bladestorm from a long range and it doesn't generate alerts and corpses.

    I'm not convinced it will be worth using in fast-paced missions though... Sure, you can do a quick mark of a couple enemies surrounding an objective, for example, but to me the new power requires too much precision and planning to be useful in day to day "clear a mission as fast as possible" scenarios... Especially in a mission where your teammates are using world on fire ember , synoid simulor mirage and any other AOE room clearer.

  5. 1 minute ago, CTanGod said:

    How is he useful in all missions when it will take ages just to select the targets you want to kill? He doesn't even have CC in any form and his only role was to deal damage now he will be completely useless for groups and anything that involves defence or interception. Might as well use Loki with Invisibility build and it will be more or less the same thing as new Ash. If the DE also changed Shuriken to be an AOE cone that stuns enemies and marks them for a few seconds then yes he would still be useful but right now I'd rather use Paralasys to try and kill enemies, it will probably be faster than the new Bladestorm.

    Ash might have other abilities but it doesn't mean they are all worthwhile he's not like Excalibur where you can throw away 3 abilities and he'd still be relevant (I'm talking about Radial Blind).

    If DE doesn't want any other major changes they should at least give Bladestorm's targetting reticle an AOE around it (somewhat like Mesa's Peacemaker) for easier targetting.... this IS a fast paced action game after all...

    Sonicor really helps in Defense and Interception missions using Ash, since he does kinda lack in the crowd control department.

  6. As an Ash main with roughly 900 Hours playing Ash, here's my two cents.

    First of all, I'll be the first to admit it's not a bladestorm rework, it's a bladestorm nerf. Telling it as it is. No use sugar coating the pill.

    No matter how you look at it, Bladestorm went from a guaranteed 18 enemies targeted by three clones that kept attacking the same targets over and over till they pretty much died to a system where you have to manually aim at each enemy up to three times to fully mark them, then unleash a move that should in theory attack them only three times in a row. Devs hinted bladestorm would get a buff to compensate, but judging from what Rebecca said yesterday, it deals the same damage as pre-rework, so definitively a nerf. I also find it kinda funny that he main complain was the non-interactivity of the bladestorm cutscene, yet the rework still features a cutscene... So you still have the unskippable cutscene, but now you have to work to get it running, basically.

    That said, do I really care ?

    Personally, not really. I've been an Ash main pretty much ever since I got warframe, back when Bladestorm was a single target, slow as hell move that didn't deal finisher damage. Back then, I simply never used bladestorm, since Smoke Screen cost way less energy, gave me the melee stealth multiplier and allowed me to kill enemies faster than bladestorm did anyway. Back then, I could have used Loki, but I hated the yellow tint on stealth plus the fact loki has muzzled sound when invisible... Plus the fact that Ash was a ninja and I'm playing a space ninja game to play a ...Ninja !

    For years, I used Smoke Screen Ash as my main... Especially when DE started adding cool augments. Being able to share invisibility was awesome with Smoke Shadow, so was Seeking Shuriken... Being able to strip armor with a single shuriken makes a huge difference in endgame ,and I simply love it. Recently, the addition of Fatal Teleport allows pretty much covert-lethality damage on non-dagger, plus it makes Teleport even more reliable for guaranteed endgame kills on stuff like bombads... Basically, Ash's kit is great as of today, and varied enough to make him one great character, regardless of what happens with bladestorm.

    When the Bladestorm 2.0 rework hit, making it finisher damage and giving it three clones, I used my Bladestorm Ash for some time. I wasn't as spammy as some bladestorm Ash I meet, who go full range and basically spam bladstorm over and over again. I'll admit I had great moments with my bladestorm Ash, mostly when going for very high level void missions and using the awesome synergy bladestorm had with Arcane Trickery.

    That said, ever since I heard about the upcoming nerf,  I went back to using a more traditional Ash build, with long duration, armor stripping shurikens, shared invisibilty and precision killing of single targets... With the occasional bladestorm when I get overcrowed. In a sense, i had already moved on from the meta of spammy bladstorm ashes, and I feel it's actually more involved and interesting to play... Reminds me why I've been playing ash in the first place for so long... Not just to trivialise content by spamming a single button.

    When I look at the Ash rework with that mindset, I see great tactical potential. I see myself targeting key targets while cloaked, I see myself doing alot more fullfilling solo play using it... And I like what I'm seeing.

    At this point, the only thing I'm kinda dreading is the fact that with alot less targets per bladestorm, I won't have a way to reliably get my arcane trickery to pop up.

    So yes, it's a nerf... But I think Ash as a frame has a good enough toolkit to handle it.

  7. I'm extremely dissapointed at the Sortie reward rework... You almost had it DE, you almost had purged all the menial ,useless stuff from the sortie table... Now you have to add clutter back and screw it for everyone again.

    Nitain has no place in a sortie drop table. There's four Nitain alerts a day already, anyone than needs them can just do a single mission every couple of hours and get what he needs for whatever construction they needs to undertake. Most vets already have a stockpile of 20+ nitain for future frames, so it's not needed. If you feel like newer players need more Nitain, just make more Nitain alerts per day, no use cluttering the sortie drop table with them,

    Forma also doesn't really have it's place in sorties. You can get forma as a somewhat common drop reward from Void Fissures, which is why most vets have quite a few formas in stock. You can also get them from invasions and get them fully built from rare containers and orokin moon music puzzles. There's also a pretty reasonably priced 3 forma bundle on the market.

    Endo probably has to go from Sorties too. I mean, you can get endo litterally everywhere in this game... Doing three consecutive high level missions for a small amount of endo sucks... At least the 2k bundle feels like an insult, the 4K one is tolerable, but it still feels like you wasted an hour doing three missions.


    Am I the only getting tired fighting every single time. We, your fanbase, care about this game. We want the game to get better , to be more rewarding... Yet it's always two steps forwards and five steps back, or so it seems.

    I'm not asking you guys to "nail" every game mechanic on your first try, but it's getting really tiresome when you make a change which everyone considers much worse pretty much every time, forcing us to nag and debate it for pages upon pages until you "fix" the issue. People were complaining that Endo needed to go from the new table... What do you do, you add more menial clutter ? Just listen to your fanbase. Sheesh. Nobody asked for NItain and Forma on Sorties. Who thought it was a good idea ?

  8. Well, it's been a year now since Second Dream... At one point, one has to aknowledge the operators exist.

    From what I remember, operators appear as ghostly figures for people that haven't completed the Second Dream, so you can still pretend it's an unlockable special move if someone ever asks "why is there a glowing ghosts with a lazer beam coming floating about"... That said, haven't had that happen in almost a year.

    As for the new operator features added in War Within, have no idea how it appears for people that haven't finished War Within... But if you knew about the operator already, and judging by the trailers where you saw the operators walking in the snow, you were kinda already expecting a playable operator... So I say it's not entirely spoilerific, and mostly people are expecting this anyway.

  9. Wanted to make exactly this topic a couple of days ago. It was one of my major complaints about starchart 3.0, and I was expecting it to be adressed , but it never was.

    Haven't use any extractors for months due to how the system is set up. We need resources on each planet to be displayed clearly like in the old system, plus we need a better way to redeploy our extractors.

    Also, bring back color coding on the star chart... I know white nodes are "pretty" from a design standpoint, but I would love to be able to tell a sortie from syndicate mission and from an invasion at a glance when looking at a planet.

    Granted, the node have different symbols on them, but the symbol is so small it might as well be unreadable.

  10. I don't quite "get" your complain. You say that you enjoy the day-to-day gameplay of warframe, yet when doing the exact same mission type, in the exact same tileset, but with some periodic lore thrown in, it becomes extremely "bad" for some reason. That's the part I don't get. Shoudn't additional context and lore improve, not detract from the experience ?

    I agree that most "story quests" are essentially regular missions with a couple of unique radio transmissions at the start and the beginning of the mission to make thems seem like unique quests, which is understandable, since building a new mission type from scratch for a single, mostly non-replayable mission would not make much sense.

    Personally, I kinda like some of the quests... Some are arguably tedious, mostly those quests that are constantly stopped from progressing until you grind stuff like pherliac pods, limbo parts, scan enemies or gather plants... In the end, it's rarely the quests that are tedious, but the wait times and the grind. Thankfully, De seem to have learned from their past quest mistake and there's much less of these lately.

    Junctions though , I agree they mostly suck... They would be fine if the game scanned what a player actually did in the past and credited you with most of this stuff from the get go, but forcing you to redo stuff you already did 500 times because a new tracking system was implemented sucks, and is indeed a terrible way to get old timers back into the game. The game should at the very least check your codex and give you a free pass on some objectives (like, why do I have to kill Vor when I have built chronus, seer, have fully scanned codex entries for vor and corrupted vor, etc)... Why do I have to kill lephantis when I have his sigil in my inventory... Basically, if a player owns said item or stuff, it should be immediately credited as a completed objective for junctions.


  11. Can we get confirmation on the state of the relic situation. I hear people saying on both PS4 and PC that the relics packs you buy now are "fixed", which is kinda hinted, but not necessarily confirmed by the " the window of 2 p.m and ~ 2:38 p.m" comment.

    Basically, I just want a clear heads up on all platforms that it's safe to buy them or not ?... Plus ideally an ETA on the refund script if possible.

  12. 8 minutes ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

    It's not only Zanuka, G3 die pretty fast and shadowstalker isn't hard it's still a complete joke when the so called "buffed stalker" can still be one-two shot

    True... Then again, I actually have to shoot them once myself XD.


  13. The new system is arguably better in most regards asides from relic consumption.

    The fact every player uses a key, and must use keys every five waves/five minutes, makes it more expensive than it was in the past.

    That said, the fact you get a choice between four rewards really helps your RNG, plus the fact you can skewer the RNG up by refining your relics and setting groups of people with radiants.

    My only issue with the system is the fact new primes come with new relics , forcing some relic farming whenever new update drops... That's the big issue, that's mildly alleviated by stockpiling your Syndicate rep and buying Relic packs once new relics enter the drop table... But still , wish we didn't have to farm new relics with each update... That adds to the tedium of it all.

    If you spend time in the trade chat, you'll notice prime prices have dropped tremendously since the implementation of the new void system... Before, I could sell full sets for like 100-120 plat, nowadays, I'm lucky if I can sell a full retired prime set like Nyx for 60 plat... So it seems like people have an easyer time getting what they want and as such, prices go down.

  14. --------------------------------------------------------------

    Game Designer - "Hey, let's make a new tileset, since it's been almost a full year without giving our players new maps to explore."

    Level Designer - "Here you go,see this cool new map with great lighting , stealth elements and brand new enemies",,,

    Game Designer - "Let's make it so that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING new drops on it !!! "

    Level Designer - "Umm, shoudn't we have new mods, new resources there, maybe new treasure rooms, new spy mission rewards, new ordis fragments, new kurias, new things so players actually play on my cool new tileset ?"

    Game Designer - "Why ?"

    Level Designer - "Well, to justify the existence of the tileset, to give purpose to it and to motivate people to spend time doing the new content".

    Game Designer - " Won't people play the tileset anyway ? They will clear the nodes, that's what people do in warframe, right ? "

    Level Designer - "Let's add kuva extractors.. And weapon pieces that drop from Kuva Guardians..."

    Game Designer - "Good Thinking...."

    Game Designer ".. Kuva extractors and new powerful enemies... on all high level grineer tilesets"...

    Level Designer - " Loads firearm as he watches everyone plays in random capture missions on easy planets other than Kuva Fortress".


    I don't get it... The moon had Sentients that dropped exclusive mods and trial rooms... Kuva fortress doesn't have anything.

  15. AFK warframe vs Zanuka Hunter...


    Just so you know, my Helios has no forma on his weapon, only uses regular mods (Pressure Point, Dual Stat Mods, nothing too special, as I tend to keep my best mods for my melee weapons and use the scraps for my sentinels.

  16. 13 hours ago, Salenstormwing said:

    Really? I did it just fine yesterday. I have my Toggle Crouch set to B, and I could Void Stealth and Void Dash just fine, because I have to hit A to Jump. Was farming some Kuva last night.

    Might need to remap the Toggle Crouch to a different key, as @TusconKaHN suggested.

    Yeah, tried it at hotfix 4 and it seems fixed now...

  17. Teshin hints that the kuva is just a symbol , that's what the player chooses to do is what's really important in defining the Tenno... Aka the morality behind the choices , more than actually consuming the liquid itself.

    As such, I really don't think the choices will matter in the overall narrative. The old queen will get revived by the younger queen if you killed her, making both outcomes identical in terms of overall narrative. The red liquid will probably not manifest any notable powers regardless of being consumed, destroyed or given away, as I doubt DE wants to develop two or more branching paths for newer quests due to these things.

    What however will remain is the moral alignementt, as there's supposed to be the nemesis system and reworked syndicate missions where you will get unique assasination missions and missions where you help people. My guess is that players will start this new content with the existing alignement from War Within, and depending of choice, will fluctuate their alignements towards what kind of tenno they want to be. If you want to be a murderer , your balance will gradually shift to the dark, whereas tennos that are more helpful will embark on positive missions and will get progressively more light.

    I doubt DE would seal players into an alignement for good ,especially when no explainations are given during the quest. With the focus, you did have to do a "blind" choice, but it could be changed afterwards by equipping another lense and unlocking another three for 50k focus... Not such a big deal. Pretty sure the ying yang system will be the same... You'll have your starting point based on War Within , then you'll fluctuate towards a polarity based on gameplay decisions and systems.

  18. Endo shoudn't even be in sorties imho... There's tons of others places where you can get endo, why put in as reward for doing three consecutive missions that give you no other reward.

    Heck, each sortie mission should give you some base endo... First one gives you 200, second 400, third 600, giving you a guarateed amout of endo daily just for running the sorties.

    Then you get a proper reward from a list that contains Reactors, Catalysts , Exilus Adaptors and Riven mods, with the occasional Legendary Core if lucky...

    I would probably remove Lenses and put there somewhere else... There's so many gamemodes and planets with less than exciting rewards, and considering you need numerous lenses to make a greater lens, and there's like 300 items you can put lenses on, we need a reliable way of getting lens.... Maybe some planets have an allignement with one focus school and drop let's say Zenurki lens as 20 minutes reward in survival / 20 waves defense or something of that nature.

    New players are constantly startved of Reactors and Catalysts, while even vets need a huge amount of catalysts to max their gear. Ideally the system would be skewered towards catalysts , since there's alot more weapons than frames...

    While DE would lose some profit from catalysts and reactor sales, they would probably make it back since many people would put more catalysts on their stuff, which in turn makes them less likely to throw them away, which also leads to weapon slot purchases.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Rounpositron said:

    If all warframes have vacuum, what should Mag's passive be?

    Something that's actually useful ?

    Joking asides though, I'm all for it... Heck, personally I think the game could even use some "universal crate destruction" to go along with "universal Vacuum"... Like let's say all containers within 6 meters get destroyed the the warframe's energies... Would be less tedious than slowly aiming at every single crate...

    Again, people use AOE weapons for that purpoose, but that restricts weapon usage somewhat. I've been running mostly with sonicor lately precisely because I can aim in the general direction and everything blows into bits,

  20. Personally, the main issue about junctions was the fact you had to redo stuff you already did in the past because they were implemented after the fact... Like, why does the game have you gather 500 rubedo when I have like 350000 in my inventory... Just to illustrate my point.

    Pretty much none of the junction requirements were stuff that I had never done... And most of them were stuff that could have been credited by completed by simply scanning my codex/stats page/achievements/mod collection/weapon and frames... If the game did that and credited you with most of these "tasks", it would be alot less tedious for returing players, instead of getting back into the game and realise they have to do a gazillion menial tasks all over the game.

    As for the sedna junction in particular... I don't really get why it was needed... There's not even a mission on sedna in War Within (Jupiter and Lua do get missions, but the rest take place elsewhere)... And I felt the requirements should have simply been "own an archwing, have jupiter and lua unlocked"... That's it...

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