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Everything posted by MaleniaBladeofMiquella

  1. So I've messed around with Dagath for quite a bit and I have to say, I'm disappointed. I adore her design, but I'm the type of person who says "Hmm, what frame do I want to use today"and then use the frame I decide on for almost the entire session. I prefer to use all rounder frames who can do most content rather than swap frames when going from Mid/High end to low end content. But it seems like Dagath struggles with it. Her health tank build is pretty bad on steel path because she doesn't have anything to support it (IE: DR, high armor,etc) and her shield gate build seems terrible for lower density non steel path missions like the Zariman exterm I do for orbiter decorations, as well as being susceptible to toxin procs in any mission. Of course she does still "work" but it just doesn't feel very comfortable for content I'm going to be doing every day. Maybe I'm just weird, but I would love to see a bit more consistency added to her survivability.
  2. https://www.pcgamesn.com/warframe/heirloom-skins there are also a couple more. I'll post them in a sec. https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/warframe-players-outraged-over-exceptionally-egregious-new-heirloom-collection-2267131/ https://www.sportskeeda.com/mmo/the-worst-predatory-thing-de-done-far-warframe-community-expresses-concerns-expensive-heirloom-collection
  3. there are already news articles talking about it. No idea how popular they are though since I don't follow that sort of thing.
  4. As much as I want to stand by my fellow tenno and agree that the price is pretty ridiculous I personally don't feel this will fix anything. So long as these packs are locked to one time availability in an attempt to create a feeling of prestige and exclusivity it's going to do nothing but breed toxicity in the community. Founders already get a tone of toxicity even though they literally kept the company afloat when it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Imagine how much worse it's going to be when there is NO VALID EXCUSE. That's not something I want to be a part of. I don't care how much cheaper they make it or how much value they add. I'm done with DE if this is the direction they're headed. EDIT: I should mention I've read this post 3 times. If there is something I've missed that addresses this then ignore me I'm stupid.
  5. The devs usually have a week vacation after tennocon. they almost certainly aren't in the office and probably haven't even heard about it yet. that being said it wouldn't surprise me if they do go radio silent.
  6. oooh yeah, I saw that tagline on one of their YT adds a day or 2 ago. meant to post it here but got distracted. It pretty clearly shows what their intent for the bundle was. Breed elitism and encourage the people who bought it to shove it in everyone's face. nothing to do with celebrating anything
  7. Personally, I'm not just going to stop spending money on WF. I'm going to stop playing entirely. I'm giving them 2 weeks (would be 1 but I know they have a week vacation after tennocon usually) and if they haven't announced a set in stone fix for, at the very least the timed exclusivity, I'm uninstalling. And while I'm definitely in the minority I doubt I'm the only one. They aren't just losing sales, They're losing players entirely. It's still so hard to believe that the thing that might make me leave this game after 4 years is supposed to be part of the "Tenth Anniversary Celebration". Such a kick in the teeth.
  8. Yeah, this is something I think a lot of people overlook. Most timed cosmetics ie. weapon skins, color pallets, ephemeras, etc. aren't explicitly labeled as exclusive one time events and pretty much always show up in either Barro's inventory or the Nightwave track eventually. In contrast DE have made it exceptionally clear that the heirloom skins are going to be gone forever after the availability window. It's easy to say, "Oh they'll bring it back eventually" if it's worded vaguely. But when it's this blatant people start to notice.
  9. Also please consider all of the people who will end up getting into the game after the period is over. I can't imagine having to tell your friend who you convinced to try the game that they can NEVER have the cool premium skin you have because they showed up a bit late is going to be enjoyable for most people. It's just a bad situation for everyone involved.
  10. This sums up my feelings perfectly. No matter how bad the decision may be it's never an excuse to hurl vitriol at someone. At the end of the day they're just human. But this is an absolutely atrocious misstep and we need to make it clear that we won't tolerate it. It's up to the community to keep any developer from getting ahead of themselves.
  11. Just want to add another voice to support this. Though for me the real issue is the fact that the skins will only be available once and never again much like excal prime. It's a terrible monetization that I will not tolerate. No hate meant to the team. But PLEASE fix this! I know you can do better.
  12. Would just like like to add my support to this topic. Personally I feel that the prices are a quite a bit higher than I would like but still doable for premium skins. But the exclusivity of the skins being available only once and never again is frankly unacceptable. I'm very disappointed in DE. I thought they had learned from all of the complaints about excal prime and how slow the nightwave cosmetics are to return that exclusivity always creates friction in the community. That being said no hate or I'll will meant towards the team. We all make mistakes and, they are only human. But please, FIX THIS!!!
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