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Everything posted by Kugari

  1. Now that you've got the game running on the Metal graphics API, are there any plans to bring it over to macOS? Would love to be able to play on my MacBook Pro when I'm traveling.
  2. Are there any plans to port Warfare to macOS now that you've got the engine working with the Metal API? Would be nice to be able to play with a controller on my MacBook Pro when I'm out and about and away from my PS5
  3. Now that we've finally got cross-save, I'm really hoping we can get gyro aim on PS5. I first got into warfare playing it on my switch during lockdown, and the gyro aim was quite literally a make-or-break for me. Stick aiming is just too clunky for how fast Warfare plays. I've since started over on PC for the better performance, but I've shifted more towards playing games on my PS5 since I can just kick back and relax (plus I study compsci so I spend all day working on a computer lmao). I was both surprised and disappointed to see that gyro aim still hasn't been added to the PS5 version, especially given how prevalent it's become this generation. Games like Fortnite and Call of Duty have it on PS5, so it baffles me that they took the time to add Adaptive Trigger haptics for each individual weapon but not gyro aim. To be completely frank, the lack of gyro aim on PS5 is serving as a sort of obstacle for me getting back into the game. I'm sure this sounds a wee bit dramatic, but Warframe is such a fantastic game and it's sad to see it still doesn't have such a basic feature :(
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