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Posts posted by (PSN)Hooligonzo

  1. The people that complain about the difficulty of the game forget that they have it well within their unusually-well-equipped power to pull some of their choice Mods off their gear or "get good" at a Warframe they don't favor.  Seriously, as long and hardcore as some of these people play, of course the game seems easy when their favored gear is all Catalyst-equipped 5-Star face-wrecking gear sporting maxed Mods.



    Strip your Serration and Split Chamber off your Rifle if the game is too easy for you. 



    Last night was the first night I ever beat the Stalker by myself and I got lucky.  He appeared and I happened to twitch into perfect aim with his head and maintained it while I ran for cover.  I'm good, but not that good, not reliably.


    But of course the Stalker seems easy to the guy that already has Hate, Dread, and Despair.



    Difficulty is relative, and if the game's getting too easy, you've been playing that long and you're that well equipped.  It happens.  You can find ways to make the game more challenging for you, though, without making other folks' battles uphill into a steeper incline.

  2. Serration is additive percentage, not multiplicative, is what I am getting at.  I am feeling like I am crazy and forgot maths here, but maybe not.


    Serration works like:  x + (x * y)


    Serration does not work like: x * y


    ...where "x" is a variable number indicating the damage of the weapon, and "y" is a variable indicating the percentage buff afforded by Serration.



    The difference being, of course...


    Serration working like: x + (x * y) 

    ...where x = (i + p + s), the sum of Impact, Puncture, Slash damage, such that a weapon of 4 Impact, 16 Puncture, and 20 Slash would make x = 40, such that: 40 + (40 * 100%) = 80

    or: 40 + (40 * 150%) = 100



    Yeah?  Or am I nuts?

  3. Today seems to be going better ... but that also seems really relative.


    I've only had two Close-the-Application-and-Try-Again functional freezes today, both involving backing out of the Arsenal to the main screen.  The selection cursor/background bar was nowhere to be seen and the only thing I could do was spin my guy around, like I was still in the Arsenal. 

  4. This also doesn't touch clearly-functioning-as-intended-but-terrible-design-changes things, like how if I use the Ogris, its once-red Charge targeting reticle has turned a pale, translucent white color that is pretty much impossible to see in snowy environments.


    That'd be a good thing for a customizable option, even - crosshair options and colors.  But I digress, no?

  5. So far, I have:


    - attempted to log in and apparently had no account; closed application, reloaded, voila - I have an account!

    - been stranded on the main screen without a menu

    - been stranded on the system map without actually being able to exit when I hit the Circle button

    - claimed a Warframe from the foundry, colored the A, B, and C cosmetic slots, had the game freeze, logged back in and changes made were not saved

    - gone directly into Alerts instead of to the map, where I can form groups

    - bypassed Mission Results screen entirely to a Could Not Join message

    - successfully finished missions to have the Mission Failed screen accompany

    - successfully finished missions to have the Mission Failed screen flicker on-screen for about a third of a second before the screen went dark and I began hearing what sounded like another game instance going on; people fighting, Phorid talking trash, and Lotus talking garbage

    - getting tired of waiting for people to show up to a mission and hitting X to "Play Now" and then being unable to back out of a mission to the system map when "Now" apparently means "at some unforeseeable time at the game's discretion but definitely not 'Now' in the dictionary definition sense of the word"

    - being unable to fuse stacked Mod cards into another Mod to power it up, like, at all - not the full stack, not part of the stack, just not happening

    -  backing out of the Arsenal to the main menu screen; disappearing/not loaded menu item selection cursor/background bar and subsequent inability to select anything, leaving nothing to be done but spin the current Warframe around, as if still in the Arsenal 



    ... and a few other things that happened before I started really noticing the quantity of bugs I was encountering.



    I don't want to be a Critical Christopher here, but I'm no longer wondering why this build took so long to get certified by Sony.  Now I'm wondering how this build squeezed by.  The game has bumbled into some unplayable state for me seven times since the update went live.  



    EDIT:  I am adding new issues to the end of the list as I notice them.

  6. The only thing that ticks me off about Catalysts and such is invasions disappearing out from under me when I've nearly made the Battle Pay requirements.


    Doing those missions over and freakin' over again is really boring.


    I'd like it if there was another mechanic that monitors the overall Campaign on a planet and each mission contributes to a centralized, multi-tiered pile of junk for Battle Pay.  I'm not saying get rid of the existing mechanic, just supplement it with an additional comprehensive battle pay system, so the dudes that miss finishing the Do-This-Mission-Five-Times prize can still maybe work on the Complete-X-Missions-for-Y-for-Z-Pay campaign pay.

  7. I am really surprised that there isn't a Mod for Sentinels that makes them more attentive to Corpus Security measures.



    You know, basically being camera and turret aware, and then shooting the cameras and turrets.


    The only thing more ridiculous than watching 4 Tenno waiting for the elevator is all of them sliding through laser-filled door after laser-filled door during a mission in Corpus holdings.

  8. I like that the Dual Ichor has a charge that you can hold for precise release.  It was a huge selling point in investing a Forma into making it, not knowing if I was even going to like it beforehand.


    I think more weapons should handle like the Dual Ichor.  Not all of them, but ... definitely the really slow-swinging weapons would benefit from it, like the Scindo and Fragor.

  9. Farming is stupid.  Engaging the RNG in a grudgematch for parts for a gun in a game, waste of time.


    This is far from an optimal strategy in dealing with it.


    I guess the hilarious sense of exclusivity has been preserved in some small part?  :D


    The sense of an astounding rigor you performed in attaining the original Brakk is now reproduced in all of its sweat and glory for the late-comer peons that now desire your toy?  :D



  10. ...that Sprinting during a Survival game does not affect the Life Support meter's rate of depletion?



    There's nothing in that NEWS section right now - at least on the PS4 - but it would be really nice if people stopped believing this hilarious rumor.


    There are a lot of people that believe this rumor because it's basically plausible - if you sprint, you breathe harder, you use more air.  It makes sense. 


    It's just not true.


    The problem is that it stands up to basic critical thinking ... it just doesn't go further than that to too many people.  Like, should anybody in a group be allowed to use an Ember frame, since fire uses up a lot of oxygen?  Why doesn't breaking a window and venting into space deplete the meter faster?  Why can't people tell that the Life Support meter depletes at a constant rate?  Well, I guess that last one can be answered - any musician can tell you that not everyone is wired to perceive timing.



    Anyway, I have digressed.  Please consider a NEWS item on this.  I run into this silly topic every freakin' night without fail.  Multiple times, even.  I've seen dudes kicked out of groups because the host just suspected he was "a Sprinter" and couldn't be trusted.


    It's really ridiculous and you have the power to stop it all at once.

  11. Oh, that's crap.  It always struck me as odd that everything we produce in the Foundry, we produce at a loss.


    I can buy a blueprint for 30,000, drop another 15,000 and a pile of components when I actually make it, then sell it for 2,500-7,500.  That's a little insane.


    Or just finding a blueprint, you know?  Sell the found blueprint, could be 3,500 in your pocket.  But producing the blueprint will cost about 15,000 and that pile of components, all to sell the product at a loss of upwards of three times the original sale value.


    Very weird.

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